Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method

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Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of
Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
Andrea Delfini 1, *, Roberto Pastore 2 , Fabrizio Piergentili 1 , Fabio Santoni 2 and Mario Marchetti 2

                                           1   Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza Università di Roma, Via Eudossiana 18,
                                               00184 Rome, Italy; fabrizio.piergentili@uniroma1.it
                                           2   Department of Astronautics, Electric and Energy Engineering, Sapienza Università di Roma, Via Eudossiana
                                               18, 00184 Rome, Italy; roberto.pastore@uniroma1.it (R.P.); fabio.santoni@uniroma1.it (F.S.);
                                               mario.marchetti@uniroma1.it (M.M.)
                                           *   Correspondence: andrea.delfini@uniroma1.it

                                           Abstract: The increasing number of satellites orbiting around Earth has led to an uncontrolled increase
                                           in objects within the orbital environment. Since the beginning of the space age on 4 October 1957
                                           (launch of Sputnik I), there have been more than 4900 space launches, leading to over 18,000 satellites
                                           and ground-trackable objects currently orbiting the Earth. For each satellite launched, several other
                                           objects are also sent into orbit, including rocket upper stages, instrument covers, and so on. Having
                                           a reliable system for tracking objects and satellites and monitoring their attitude is at present a
                                           mandatory challenge in order to prevent dangerous collisions and an increase in space debris. In this
                                           paper, the evaluation of the reflection coefficient of different shaped objects has been carried out by
                                    means of the bi-static reflection method, also known as NRL arch measurement, in order to evaluate
                                           their visibility and attitude in a wide range of frequencies (12–18 GHz). The test campaign aims to
Citation: Delfini, A.; Pastore, R.;
Piergentili, F.; Santoni, F.; Marchetti,
                                           correlate the experimental measures with the hypothetical reflection properties of orbiting systems.
M. Experimental Reflection
Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of      Keywords: attitude monitoring; NRL arch; reflection coefficient; EM characterization
Space Orbiting Systems with NRL
Arch Method. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11,
8632. https://doi.org/10.3390/
app11188632                                1. Introduction
                                                 The determination of the attitude (i.e., the orientation with respect to a given frame of
Academic Editors: Jérôme Morio and
                                           reference) of satellites and orbiting objects is one of the most important tasks for present-
Theodore E. Matikas
                                           day space safety [1–3]. The ever-increasing quantity of space debris, therefore, imposes
                                           an increasingly pressing need to evaluate the trajectory and effects of these potentially
Received: 19 July 2021
                                           dangerous objects. Regarding this critical issue, it is essential to remember that in 2014 the
Accepted: 15 September 2021
                                           European Commission, conscious of the present urgency, undertook the development of
Published: 16 September 2021
                                           a European network of sensors for the surveillance and tracking of orbiting objects and
                                           initiated a specific SST (Space Surveillance and Tracking) support framework program. Italy,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
                                           Germany, the U.K., France, and Spain joined the program and constituted, with SatCent,
published maps and institutional affil-
                                           the front desk for SST services, the EUSST Consortium.
                                                 In this frame, with several thousand objects orbiting around Earth, having a tool
                                           similar to a radar system that could help to track objects and determine their attitude and
                                           re-entry trajectory is therefore of primary importance. In order to envisage the trajectory of
                                           these objects, one has to know their attitude to evaluate the effects of the atmospheric drag
                                           on the trajectory itself, also associating radar measurements with other tracking systems
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
                                           such as the optical system, for example, LED (Light Emission Diodes) [4–7], or light-curve
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
                                           acquisition systems [8–10] or magnetometer data [11]. Knowing the attitude using radar
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
                                           systems, therefore, becomes one of the fundamental tasks for the detection of space debris,
conditions of the Creative Commons
                                           as demonstrated by the recent case of the Chinese Space Station Tiangong-1 [12].
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Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8632. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11188632                                                https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8632                                                                                            2 of 12

                                  To this aim, the bi-static reflection method, also known as NRL arc measurement,
                            was used in order to determine the reflectivity of several objects that can be assimilated
                            to space debris or to an orbiting satellite, relating the reflectivity to the object’s attitude.
                            NRL arch is the industry standard for testing the reflectivity of materials. Originally
                            designed at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), the NRL arch enables fast, repeatable,
                            and non-destructive testing over a wide range of frequencies [13–15]. The experimental
                            reflection results have been related to real radar tracking conditions. The reference radar
                            for tracking orbiting satellites has a frequency of 400 MHz.
                                  In the NRL system, two antennas are used, one for transmitting and the other for
                            receiving signals, from a vector network analyzer (VNA), and microwave reflectivity can be
                            measured at different angles of incidence, simulating different attitude positions. Several
                            objects were built in aluminum, in scale with respect to a real satellite, in order to evaluate
                            the reflection in different conditions of attitude and over a wide range of frequencies,
                            between 12 and 18 GHz, relating the results to the real frequencies and dimensions of use.

                            2. Materials and Methods
                                  The objects under investigation are aluminum-covered models created in order to
                            evaluate their reflection properties in different attitude positions and over a wide range
                            of frequencies. In this case, the attitude is the orientation of the object with respect to
                            its hypothetical orbit. The test campaign, thus, aims to correlate the real experimental
                            measures with the reflection properties of hypothetical orbiting objects.
                                  This aim is carried out considering a reference radar working at 400 MHz, with a
                            wavelength of 75 cm. The experimental frequency range for measurements was set to
                            12–18 GHz with wavelengths of a maximum of 2.5 cm and a minimum of 1.7 cm.
                                  The relation between the real experimental data and the predicted reflection properties
                            is thus given by a simple proportion between the samples’ size, the experimental wave-
                            length, and the reference radar wavelength: a given experimental frequency (12 GHz as an
                            example) corresponds to a given wavelength (2.5 cm), with a precise ratio to the sample
                            size. The same ratio is considered when a 400 MHz, 75 cm wavelength is applied, finding
                            the hypothetical real object size, which is different for every frequency in the 12–18 GHz
                            span. In other words, as the frequency of the reference radar is 400 MHz, with a wavelength
                            of 75 cm, the scaling process of the samples, as a first approximation (i.e., considering only
                            geometry and shape, without considering the effects of the atmosphere such as reflection,
                            refraction, diffraction and interference that are anyway present in a ground tracking),
                            allows to correlate the reflection properties of tested objects, shown in Table 1, to real size
                            objects. In Figure 1, the experimental setup is shown.
                                  The choice of an experimental campaign based on a frequency span measure method
                            and not on a single frequency can be explained with the flexibility of such a methodology,
                            which allows a wider relation between samples and hypothetical real objects. Moreover,
                            the size of the samples was chosen considering the incident wavelength: in real track-
                            ing, at 400 MHz, the wavelength is approximately of the same order of magnitude of
                            the satellite; thus, the same relation was considered for the samples. The shape of the
                            samples was chosen considering the most common shapes of satellites. In future works,
                            a complete satellite model will be manufactured, with more complex geometries, such as
                            parabolic antennas.
                                  The NRL arch method was chosen for the experimental campaign for its capability to
                            perform free space measures: the incident signal wavelength is extremely lower than the
                            distance between antennas and the target, simulating the real signal transmission in the
                            best possible way.
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
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                                    Table 1. Pictures and characteristics of the samples under investigation, having a different geometry
                                  Table 1. Pictures and characteristics of the samples under investigation, having a different geometry in order
                                  Table   1. Pictures
                                    in order          anddifferent
                                              to evaluate  characteristics of the samples
                                                                    hypothetical            under investigation,
                                                                                   orbiting objects.  Wavelengths ofhaving a different
                                                                                                                      a maximum         geometry
                                                                                                                                   of 2.5 cm and in   order
                                  Table   1. Pictures
                                  different           and characteristics  of Wavelengths
                                                                              the samples   under   investigation,
                                                                                                              of 2.5having a different  geometry   in order
                                   Table  1. hypothetical
                                    a minimumPictures  and
                                                  of 1.7 cm
                                                           characteristics ofWavelengths
                                                                   considered  the
                                                                                for samples
                                                                                             of a maximum
                                                                                             under   investigation,
                                                                                              of a maximum
                                                                                        measurements     and scaling
                                                                                                                     cm and
                                                                                                              of 2.5having
                                                                                                                              a minimum
                                                                                                                         anda different
                                                                                                                              a minimum
                                                                                                                                           of 1.7 cm
                                                                                                                                           of 1.7 cm
                                                                                                                                                    in order
                                  for the    hypothetical and
                                          measurements      orbiting objects.
                                                                scaling       Wavelengths of a maximum of 2.5 cm and a minimum of 1.7 cm were
                                  for         hypothetical and
                                      the measurements      orbiting objects.
                                                                scaling       Wavelengths of a maximum of 2.5 cm and a minimum of 1.7 cm were
                                  for the measurements and scaling process.
                                   for the measurements     and scaling process.
                                                     Specimen                                              Dimensions Dimensions
                                                        Specimen                                                            Dimensions
                                                        Specimen                                                            Dimensions
                                                        Specimen                                                            Dimensions

                                                                                                                   Cubesat Characteristics
                                                                                                  Cubesat Characteristics      Characteristics
                                                                                                                   Cubesat Characteristics
                                                                                                               Dimensions       of
                                                                                               Dimensions of Dimensions
                                                                                                               0.1 m  per side, of 0.1
                                                                                                                                   0.1 m
                                                                                                                                       m per
                                                                                                                                          per side,
                                                                                  attributable respectively
                                                                                         attributable       to Dimensions
                                                                                                               a satellite
                                                                                                       respectively    to  of
                                                                                                                           a  3 of
                                                                                                                                m  0.1
                                                                                                                             satellite m  per
                                                                                                                                       of   at side,side a
                                                                                         attributable          Dimensions
                                                                                                       respectively    toata 18 of 0.1
                                                                                                                             satellite of 3 m per
                                                                                                                                       m  3 m
                                                                                                                                          per  side,
                                                                                                                                               per side a
                                                                                           12 GHz andrespectively
                                                                                                        to one ofto    to of
                                                                                                                      m    a satellite
                                                                                                                                GHz.   of 3 m
                                                                                                                              4.4 m at 18 GHz.  per side a
                                                                                          attributable respectively to of
                                                                                                               to one  a satellite
                                                                                                                          4.4 m atof
                                                                                                                                      m per side
                                                                                                               to one of 4.4 m at 18 GHz.
                                                                                                                to one of 4.4 m at 18 GHz.

                                                                                                                    Cylinder Characteristics
                                                                                                   Cylinder Characteristics      Characteristics
                                                                                                                     Cylinder    Characteristics
                                                                                                          Dimensions: Dimensions:
                                                                                                             Height:   0.075   m,  Diameter:
                                                                                                                                   Diameter: 0.065
                                                                                                                        0.075   m, m           0.065 mm
                                                                                             Height: 0.075 m,   Diameter:   0.065
                                                                                          attributable       Height:
                                                                                                         respectively   0.075
                                                                                                                         to a   m, Diameter:
                                                                                                                               satellite of    0.065
                                                                                                                                            2.25 m    m
                                                                                  attributable  respectively
                                                                                          attributable        Height:   0.075
                                                                                                             to a satellite
                                                                                                         respectively    toof   m,
                                                                                                                            a 2.25 Diameter:
                                                                                                                                   m in of
                                                                                                                               satellite height  m in
                                                                                                                                            2.250.065  heig
                                                                                                                                                    in m
                                                                                          at 12  GHz  andrespectively
                                                                                                          to oneand
                                                                                                                  of  to
                                                                                                                     3.3 to
                                                                                                                         m  a satellite
                                                                                                                            at of
                                                                                                                               18 3.3
                                                                                                                                  GHz.m  of
                                                                                                                                         at 2.25
                                                                                                                                            18   m in heig
                                                                                          attributable respectively to a satellite of 2.25 m in hei
                                                                                                                and to one of 3.3 m at 18 GHz.
                                                                                                                and to one of 3.3 m at 18 GHz.
                                                                                                                and to one of 3.3 m at 18 GHz.

                                                                                                               Parallelepiped Characteristics
                                                                                                               Parallelepiped      Characteristics
                                                                                                Parallelepiped Characteristics     Characteristics
                                                                                                    Height:   0.08 m,      Dimensions:
                                                                                                                       Width:    0.06  m,
                                                                                                    Height:   0.08         Dimensions:
                                                                                                                   m, Thickness:
                                                                                                                       Width:    0.06  m,mThickness:
                                                                                                                                            Thickness: 0.0
                                                                                     Height:  0.08  Height:
                                                                                         attributable  Width: 0.08
                                                                                                              0.06 m,
                                                                                                        respectively   Width:
                                                                                                                       to  a     0.06  m,
                                                                                                                             satellite  2.4 Thickness:
                                                                                                                                            m  high at 0.0
                                                                                         attributableHeight:  0.08 m,
                                                                                                        respectively    Width:
                                                                                                                       to a2.4    0.06
                                                                                                                             satellite  m,  Thickness:  0.
                                                                                   attributable respectively
                                                                                         attributable        to a satellite
                                                                                                        respectively   to  a    m high2.4
                                                                                                                             satellite  2.4
                                                                                                                                            m high at 12
                                                                                                                                         at 12
                                                                                                                                            m  high at 12
                                                                                             GHz and one of 3.5 high
                                                                                                         respectively   3.5
                                                                                                                    of at  a high  at 18
                                                                                                                        3.518high         GHz.
                                                                                                                              GHz.at 18 GHz. m high at 12
                                                                                                                    of 3.5 high at 18 GHz.
                                                                                                                    of 3.5 high at 18 GHz.

                                                                                                                 Parallelepiped Characteristics
                                                                                                                 Parallelepiped Characteristics
                                                                                                 Parallelepiped Characteristics   plusCharacteristics
                                                                                                                plus              plus size:
                                                                                                                                  plus size:
                                                                                          0.12   × 0.02  Appendices
                                                                                                         each,  the  whole Appendices
                                                                                                                       size: object       size:
                                                                                    0.12 ×0.12
                                                                                             0.02× 0.02 each,
                                                                                                   each,        the whole
                                                                                                         the whole           object corresponding
                                                                                                                           Appendices     size:
                                                                                                                     object corresponding    to
                                                                                                                                                       to sa
                                                                                          body   × 0.02
                                                                                                   2.4  meach,
                                                                                                          high  the
                                                                                                                 at  whole
                                                                                                                    12 GHz   object
                                                                                                                              and  a corresponding
                                                                                                                                      body   3.5       to sa
                                                                                  satellites     ×
                                                                                             with2.40.02 each,
                                                                                                        m high
                                                                                                    a body  2.4 mthe whole
                                                                                                                    12 GHz    object
                                                                                                                         at 12and
                                                                                                                               GHzaandbody   3.5 m hightoat
                                                                                                                                         a body
                                                                                                                                      corresponding high  atsa
                                                                                          body 2.4      m high at spanning
                                                                                                     appendices     12 GHz and  3.6a body    3.5 m  high  at
                                                                                  3.5 m high        2.4
                                                                                                at 18   m high
                                                                                                       GHz, withatappendices
                                                                                                     appendices     12 GHz and
                                                                                                                    spanning    3.6 am
                                                                                                                                     mbody      m m,
                                                                                                                                              5.3    respect
                                                                                                                                                  m high
                                                                                                                                                  m,      at
                                                                                                      and           spanning 3.6 m and 5.3 m, respect
                                                                                                          5.3 m, respectively.
                                                                                                      appendices    spanning 3.6 m and 5.3 m, respec
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
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                             Figure     NRLARCH

                                     Reflectivity           definedasasthe  thereduction
                                                                                 reduction  inin   reflected
                                                                                                reflected       power
                                                                                                              power        caused
                                                                                                                       caused    by by
                                                                                                                                    thethe  introduction
                                                                                                                                        introduction       of
                                   a material       [16–18].
                                             [16–18].      ThisThis
                                                                 power  power     reduction
                                                                           reduction             is compared
                                                                                         is compared                to a “perfect”
                                                                                                            to a “perfect”             reflection,
                                                                                                                              reflection,  which comeswhich
                             very         very
                                      close   to close     to the reflection
                                                  the reflection                   of a flat
                                                                      of a flat metal          metal
                                                                                          plate.    Theplate.
                                                                                                          antennasThecan antennas     can be positioned
                                                                                                                             be positioned     anywhere
                             on    the arc to   onallow
                                                     the arc    to allow performance
                                                             performance         measurements    measurements
                                                                                                       with angleswith        angles ofnot
                                                                                                                         of incidence      incidence
                                                                                                                                               normal not  to
                             the    sample.to the sample.
                                     The     vectornetwork
                                                                    analyzerisisusedusedto to provide
                                                                                               provide both  both stimulus
                                                                                                                   stimulus andand measurement
                                                                                                                                     measurement [19].   [19].
                                         presentcase, case,considering
                                                              consideringthat   thatthe
                                                                                           aimisisto toevaluate
                                                                                                          evaluatethe thereflection
                                         space,the  thecalibration
                                                                             performedby    bymeasuring
                                                                                                 measuringthe    theresulting
                                                                                                                                            reflectingoff  off
                                 metalplateplateoveroveraawide widefrequency
                                                                      frequencyrange  rangeand andthenthenoveroverthe
                                                                                                                                 frequencyrangerangeon   onaa
                                                                      (ECCOSORB HPY-60,  HPY-60,with             reflectivityofof−−50
                                                                                                       withaareflectivity            50 dB).
                             measure        will
                              measure will be      be    the   “zero”    or  0   dB  level   (i.e.,  the   reference     level),  considering
                                                                             0 dB level (i.e., the reference level), considering the net          the     net
                             of   errors    in   the   NRL     measurement          setup,   in   order    to  simulate
                              errors in the NRL measurement setup, in order to simulate a radio wave that is lost in        a radio   wave    that   is  lost
                             in   spacewithout
                              space         withoutencountering
                                                         encounteringany      anyreflecting
                                                                                    reflectingbody body[20].[20]. The
                                                                                                                  The material
                                                                                                                         material under test  test isis then
                              placedon    onthetheradar
                                                                                         (RAM)plate,plate,and andthe
                                               time-domaingate     gateandandanechoic
                                                                                             panelsare  areused
                                                                                                              usedto toeliminate
                              and clear the error otherwise introduced by room reflections as well as noise. Usingthis
                                     clear   the   error    otherwise      introduced      by   room     reflections     as  well as  noise.   Using      this
                              configuration,ititisispossible  possible to to
                                                                              characterize  thetheproperties
                                                                                                       propertiesof systems
                                                                                                                      of systemsin different   directions.
                                                                                                                                     in different      direc-
                              tions. measurement
                                         The measurement  system is     basedisonbased
                                                                     system          Agilent on8571E
                                                                                                  Agilent  software
                                                                                                               8571E (material
                                                                                                                        software measurement)
                                                                                                                                    (material measure-   and
                             the    Agilent     PNA-L       N5230C      vector    analyzer.     The    antennas
                              ment) and the Agilent PNA-L N5230C vector analyzer. The antennas are Q-par Angus       are  Q-par   Angus     Ltd.  and     are
                              Ltd. and  in the
                                            are 12–18
                                                  activeGHz  in therange.
                                                                     12–18The  GHzsample
                                                                                      range.rating       was set
                                                                                                The sample          at 512
                                                                                                                 rating      points,
                                                                                                                           was   set atwith   a power
                                                                                                                                        512 points,        of
                             −   15  dBm     and    a  1  kHz   bandwidth,        and   the  TE   polarization
                              a power of −15 dBm and a 1 kHz bandwidth, and the TE polarization of antennas was      of antennas     was  considered.
                                     The measurements’ reliability lies within the 2 dB range with respect to the reflection
                             properties       declared in the reliability
                                      The measurements’             ECCOSORB       liesdatasheet.
                                                                                        within theMeasurements
                                                                                                         2 dB◦ range with   of respect
                                                                                                                               the fabricated    samples
                                                                                                                                        to the reflection
                             are    then    performed.         The   antennas      are   placed     at  a  45   angle
                              properties declared in the ECCOSORB datasheet. Measurements of the fabricated samples      with   respect  to  the  sample
                             (Figure 1). Every measure has been smoothed with a polynomial (for CubeSat and cylinder)
                              are then performed. The antennas are placed at a 45° angle with respect to the sample
                             and a mobile average (for parallelepiped and parallelepiped with appendices) trend line
                              (Figure 1). Every measure has been smoothed with a polynomial (for CubeSat and cylin-
                             for a better comprehension of the VNA response.
                              der) and a mobile average (for parallelepiped and parallelepiped with appendices) trend
                             3.line  for a better
                                 Results               comprehension of the VNA response.
                                              and Discussion
                             3.1. Cubesat
                              3. Results and Discussion
                                   As reported in Table 1, the sample considered is 0.1 m per side, with a minimum
                              3.1. Cubesat of 0.025 m and a maximum of 0.017 m that refers to a satellite of 3 m per side
                                    As reported
                             at 12 GHz   and to onein Table
                                                      of 4.4 m1, at
                                                                       GHz. Theconsidered
                                                                                  positioningis 0.1  m per
                                                                                                 of the     side, and
                                                                                                        CubeSat    withthe
                                                                                                                         a measures
                             are shown, respectively, in Figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 shows only one antenna, the per
                              wavelength    of 0.025  m  and   a maximum     of 0.017  m  that  refers to a satellite of 3 m     side
                              at order
                             in  12 GHzto and  to one
                                          indicate     ofdirection
                                                     the  4.4 m at 18ofGHz.   The positioning
                                                                        the signal;              of the
                                                                                     the receiving      CubeSat
                                                                                                      antenna      andshown
                                                                                                               is not   the measures
                                                                                                                              in the
                              are shown,
                             sketch        respectively,
                                     (the whole   system incanFigures   2 and
                                                                 be visible in 3. Figure
                                                                               Figure  1).2 shows only one antenna, the sender,
                              in order to indicate the direction of the signal; the receiving antenna is not shown in the
                              sketch (the whole system can be visible in Figure 1).
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
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                                         Figure 2. Cubesat positioning in respect to wave incidence direction.
                                     FigureFigure 2. Cubesat
                                            2. Cubesat       positioning
                                                       positioning        in respect
                                                                    in respect       to wave
                                                                               to wave       incidence
                                                                                        incidence      direction.

                                                    Cubesat signal reflection:
                                                                     reflection: TE
                                                                                 TE polarization
                                                                                    polarization reflection   vs.
                                                                                                              vs. frequency.
                                     Figure 3. Cubesat signalsignal
                                         Figure                reflection: TE polarization        reflection
                                                                                            reflection            frequency.
                                                                                                        vs. frequency.
                                                 The   configuration of   of the
                                                                              the greatest
                                                                                   greatest reflection
                                                                                              reflection is is the
                                                                                                                the “flat”
                                                                                                                    “flat” one.
                                                                                                                            one. ForForthe
                                           The   configuration
                                                       canbebe seenof  the
                                                               seen that    greatest
                                                                      that the
                                                                            the CubeSat reflection
                                                                                  CubeSat 45°   ◦     is the   “flat”  one.  For   the  other  measure-
                                          ments,                                             45 configuration
                                                                                                                                between12  12and
                                     ments, it canThebe  seen that
                                                       results  leadthe    CubeSat
                                                                      to the
                                                                          the          45° configuration
                                                                               consideration      that scaled   reflects between      12 and 13.8   GHz.
                                                 The  results  lead  to        consideration     that   scaled objects
                                                                                                                 objects in
                                                                                                                          in the
                                                                                                                              the flat
                                           The  results lead range
                                                dimensions     to the aforementioned
                                                                         consideration that  arescaled
                                                                                                            with     in the  flat position   and within
                                          the                 range aforementioned           are   visible  with aa 400
                                     the dimensions      range   aforementioned        are  visible   with   a 400  MHz    radar    system.   Moreover,
                                          that means that satellites between 3 and 3.8 m can be seen when they are in theCubeSat
                                            that  means   that  satellites   between     3 and   3.8  m   can   be seen   when    they   are in the  CubeSat
                                     that means     that satellites
                                              ◦ attitude
                                            45°  attitude             between
                                                            configuration.      The3 and 3.8 mofcan      be seen when (meaning
                                                                                                                            they are in the CubeSat
                                          45               configuration.       The presence
                                                                                      presence of negative
                                                                                                      negative curves
                                                                                                                   curves (meaningmore     moreabsorption)
                                     45° attitude
                                          testifies   thatin
                                                     that  inthose       The presencethe
                                                              those configurations,
                                                                      configurations,       of signal
                                                                                           the negative
                                                                                               signal is     curves (meaning
                                                                                                         is diverted
                                                                                                            diverted    toward
                                                                                                                        toward thethemore   absorption)
                                                                                                                                       absorbing   plane
                                     testifies that
                                            thereforein those
                                                        does   configurations,
                                                              not  reach   the       the
                                          therefore does not reach the receiving antenna. signal   is
                                                                                             antenna. diverted    toward    the  absorbing     plane and
                                     therefore does not reach the receiving antenna.
                                          3.2.   Cylinder
                                     3.2. CylinderThe sample
                                                 The   sample has has the
                                                                                            parameters.   Height:    0.0750.075
                                                                                                               Height:      m, Diameter:      0.065 m,
                                                                                                                                   m, Diameter:         mini-
                                                                                                                                                     0.065 m,
                                           mum sample
                                          minimum        has the
                                                       frequency  following
                                                              0.025   m, and
                                                                     0.025     parameters.
                                                                                and maximum    Height:
                                                                                             0.017 m    0.075
                                                                                                   0.017  m canm,beDiameter:
                                                                                                              that  referred
                                                                                                                   can         to0.065  m,
                                                                                                                                         to mini-
                                                                                                                                   a satellite
                                                                                                                         be referred           of 2.25
                                                                                                                                            a satellite
                                     mumof  frequency
                                              in height 0.025  m,
                                                         at 12 GHz
                                                   m in height     and
                                                                 at 12and maximum
                                                                         GHzto one
                                                                               and of  0.017
                                                                                     to 3.3   m  that
                                                                                                  18 mcan
                                                                                                     GHz.   be referred
                                                                                                       at 18Three         to a  satellite
                                                                                                               GHz.configurations          of 2.25
                                                                                                                      Three configurations    consid-
                                     m inconsidered.
                                           height  at 12
                                           ered. The      GHz
                                                         The    andcylinder
                                                              first,  toinone ofin3.3
                                                                           a vertical m   at 18 position;
                                                                                   a vertical   GHz.   Three
                                                                                                           the configurations
                                                                                                 the second,   cylinder           werein aconsid-
                                                                                                                          in a horizontal
                                                                                                                second, cylinder             position
                                           The first, cylinder
                                                    and  rotatinginaround
                                                                     a vertical
                                                                             theposition;   the second,
                                                                                  vertical axis;          cylinder
                                                                                                 the third,  cylinderinin
                                                                                                                        a horizontal
                                                                                                                                         according to
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
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                                   and rotating around the vertical axis; the third, cylinder in precession, according to a cone
                                   and45° with respect
                                        rotating  around tothe
                                                                               In this configuration,
                                                                                   third,              the 0° angle
                                                                                          cylinder in precession,    is the onetoina which
                                                                                                                   according         cone
                                  a cone of 45◦ with respect to the vertical axis. In this configuration, the 0◦ angle is the one
                                   the satellite is aligned  with the  incident   wave.   The  positions 45°, 90°, 315°  have   been
                                   of 45° with respect to the vertical axis. In this configuration, the 0° angle is the one in which   con-
                                  in which the satellite is aligned with the incident wave. The positions 45◦ , 90◦ , 315◦ have
                                   sidered. In  Figure  4, the positioning   of the  samples   is shown,  while in  Figure  5,
                                   the satellite is aligned with the incident wave. The positions 45°, 90°, 315° have been con-the   reflec-
                                  been considered. In Figure 4, the positioning of the samples is shown, while in Figure 5,
                                   tion plotsInare
                                   sidered.         given.
                                                Figure  4, the positioning of the samples is shown, while in Figure 5, the reflec-
                                  the reflection plots are given.
                                   tion plots are given.

                                     (a)                                                                   (b)
                                     (a)                                                                  (b)
      Figure     Cylinderpositioning
        Figure 4. Cylinder positioning in respect to wave incidence direction. (a) Horizontal and vertical positions; (b) precession

                                   Figure5.5. Cylinder
                                          5.Cylinder    signal reflection:
                                              Cylinder signal
                                                        signal  reflection: TE
                                                                            TE polarization
                                                                               polarization reflectionvs.
                                                                                                        vs. frequency.
                                  Figure                       reflection: TE  polarization reflection
                                                                                            reflection vs. frequency.
                                         In  this
                                         Inthis   case,
                                             thiscase,   too, the
                                                  case, too,
                                                         too,  the greatest
                                                                   greatest reflection
                                                                                            occursin inthe
                                                                                                              vertical configuration,followed
                                        In                    the greatest  reflection occurs       in the   vertical configuration,
                                                                                                                       configuration, followed
                                   by  the
                                  by        three
                                       thethree     horizontal
                                            three horizontal      configurations.
                                                    horizontal configurations.
                                                                  configurations. The The    object
                                                                                      The object      is  clearly
                                                                                             object isis clearly    visible
                                                                                                          clearlyvisible     throughout
                                                                                                                            throughoutthe    thefre-
                                                                                                                                            the    fre-
                                   quency    range.
                                  quency             The precession
                                              range. The
                                                     The   precession configurations,
                                                           precession    configurations,on
                                                                         configurations,      onthe
                                                                                             on   theother
                                                                                                 the   otherhand,
                                                                                                       other   hand,are,
                                                                                                               hand,   are,at
                                                                                                                       are, atthese
                                                                                                                            at  thesefrequencies,
                                                                                                                               these   frequencies,
                                   completely     invisible   to the  radar, as   their  reflection    does   not  occur
                                  completely invisible to the radar, as their reflection does not occur in the directionof
                                   completely     invisible  to  the radar,  as  their  reflection   does    not  occur   in
                                                                                                                         in   the
                                                                                                                            the   direction
                                                                                                                                 direction     ofthe
                                                                                                                                              of    the
                                   receiving    antenna.
                                  receiving antenna.
                                         Regarding the
                                        Regarding      the scaled
                                                            scaled   objects,the
                                                                    objects,   theresult
                                                                              the   resultalso
                                                                                   result    alsoleads
                                                                                            also   leadsto
                                                                                                  leads    tothe
                                                                                                          to  theconsideration
                                                                                                             the   considerationthat
                                                                                                                  consideration      thatsatellites
                                                                                                                                    that   satellites
                                   with  the   dimensions
                                   withthe dimensions range
                                  with                       range   aforementioned
                                                             range aforementioned
                                                                     aforementioned are    are  visible
                                                                                          are visible    with
                                                                                               visible with     a 400
                                                                                                        with aa 400    MHz
                                                                                                                 400 MHz
                                                                                                                      MHzradarradar  system
                                                                                                                                    systemwhen when
                                   inaa vertical
                                  in    vertical or   horizontal
                                                   or horizontal    attitude,
                                                      horizontalattitude,      while
                                                                                while  the
                                                                                      the    precession
                                                                                          the  precession   configurations
                                                                                                              configurations   areare
                                                                                                                              are  completely
                                                                                                                                       completely in-in-
                                   visible  to  the radar.
                                  invisible to the radar.
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
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                                   3.3. Parallelepiped
                                          The sample has the following parameters. Sample size: 0.08 × 0.06 × 0.04 m, minimum
                                  3.3.  Parallelepiped
                                   frequency      0.025 m, and maximum 0.017 m attributable to a satellite 2.4 m high at 12 GHz
                                   and Theone sample
                                                of 3.5 at has18the  following
                                                                 GHz.     Three parameters.
                                                                                   configurations    Sample
                                                                                                          weresize:   0.08 × 0.06
                                                                                                                  considered.       × 0.04
                                                                                                                                  The   first,m, minimum
                                                                                                                                               satellite  in a
                                  frequency      0.025 m,the
                                   vertical position;         and   maximum
                                                                 second,            0.017
                                                                            satellite    in amhorizontal
                                                                                                  attributable    to a satellite
                                                                                                              position            2.4 m high
                                                                                                                          and rotating     aroundat 12 GHz
                                                                                                                                                     the  ver-
                                                  3.5 third,
                                                       at 18 GHz.
                                                                            in aconfigurations
                                                                                   precession, according were considered.
                                                                                                                    to a 45° coneThewith
                                  vertical   position;    the  second,    satellite   in a  horizontal      position  and  rotating
                                   vertical axis. In this configuration, the 0° angle is the one in which the satellite is perpen-   around     the vertical
                                  axis;  the to
                                   dicular     third,  satellite in
                                                 the incident          a precession,
                                                                   wave.    The positions  according
                                                                                                   45°, 225°,   45◦ cone
                                                                                                          to a 270°,  180°,with
                                                                                                                                   225° wereto the  vertical
                                  axis.  In  this  configuration,       the  0 ◦ angle is the one in which the satellite is perpendicular to
                                   with an anticlockwise rotation of 45° around the longitudinal satellite axis. In Figure 6, the
                                  the  incident wave.
                                   positioning                The positions
                                                    of the sample       is shown; 45◦ ,in225  ◦ , 270◦ , 180◦ , and 225◦ were considered with an
                                                                                            Figure    7, the reflectivity plots are depicted.
                                  anticlockwise      rotation          ◦
                                          In this case,     the of  45 around
                                                                 maximum            the longitudinal
                                                                                 reflection      occurs in  satellite axis. In Figurein6,horizontal
                                                                                                              the configurations           the positioning
                                  of  the  sample    is  shown;    in  Figure    7, the    reflectivity    plots  are  depicted.
                                   tion, which exposes a greater surface to the signal; the maximum reflection occurs for the
                                         In this case, thefollowed
                                   90° configuration,          maximum     byreflection
                                                                               the 45° and   occurs    in configuration.
                                                                                                  the 0°   the configurationsThe in  horizontal
                                                                                                                                  vertical         rotation,
                                  which     exposes     a  greater    surface    to  the   signal;    the  maximum       reflection   occurs    for the 90  ◦
                                   also reflects the signal well. It can be seen that the shape of the curves is absolutely                                un-
                                  configuration,                                ◦                 ◦
                                   changed, withfollowedan almost   byconstant
                                                                        the 45 and        the 0 configuration.
                                                                                    frequency        response.         The vertical configuration also
                                  reflects   the  signal    well.  It can   be  seen    that  the   shape
                                          In the configurations of the samples in precession, the only       of the  curves   is absolutely
                                                                                                                                 one that showsunchanged,
                                                                                                                                                      a non-
                                  with   an   almost    constant     frequency      response.
                                   reflective behavior in all frequencies is 1, with 225° of rotation around the precession axis,
                                         In thethe
                                   in which       configurations
                                                      signal is reflectedof theinsamples         in precession,
                                                                                     all directions                  the only
                                                                                                          except toward      theone   that shows
                                                                                                                                   receiving          a non-
                                                                                                                                                antenna.    In
                                  reflective behavior in all frequencies is 1, with 225◦ of rotation around the precession axis,
                                   the others, it can be seen how configuration 5, at 135° of rotation around the precession
                                  in which the signal is reflected in all directions except toward the receiving antenna. In the
                                   axis, is the one that manages to reflect the signal in all frequencies, with peaks between 5
                                  others, it can be seen how configuration 5, at 135◦ of rotation around the precession axis,
                                   and 6 dB, at regular intervals, at frequencies 13.8, 15.5 and 17 GHz. At 15 GHz, there is the
                                  is the one that manages to reflect the signal in all frequencies, with peaks between 5 and 6 dB,
                                   minimum, where there is no reflection. It will thus be possible to understand when the
                                  at regular intervals, at frequencies 13.8, 15.5 and 17 GHz. At 15 GHz, there is the minimum,
                                   satellite will be in this configuration by associating an optical detection system. Configu-
                                  where there is no reflection. It will thus be possible to understand when the satellite will be
                                   ration 3, at 270° of rotation around the precession axis, also has frequencies in which it is
                                  in this configuration by associating an optical detection system. Configuration 3, at 270◦ of
                                   possible to identify its position, as well as 2 and 0 (180° and 45°). Respectively, this occurs
                                  rotation around the precession axis, also has frequencies in which it is possible to identify its
                                   at frequencies between 12.4 and 14 GHz (3), between 15.5 and 16.3, and at 18 GHz (2), at
                                  position, as well as 2 and 0 (180◦ and 45◦ ). Respectively, this occurs at frequencies between
                                   12.9, and between 14.0 and 14.4 GHz (0). Configuration 4, 225° of rotation around the pre-
                                  12.4 and 14 GHz (3), between 15.5 and 16.3, and at 18 GHz (2), at 12.9, and between 14.0 and
                                   cession axis with 45° rotation around the longitudinal axis of the satellite, has suitable
                                  14.4 GHz (0). Configuration 4, 225◦ of rotation around the precession axis with 45◦ rotation
                                  around     theonly    at 12.4 GHz.
                                                  longitudinal       axis of the satellite, has suitable reflection only at 12.4 GHz.


      Figure 6. Parallelepiped positioning in respect to wave incidence direction. (a) Horizontal and vertical positions; (b) preces-
      sion positions.
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
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        Figure 6. Parallelepiped positioning in respect to wave incidence direction. (a) Horizontal and vertical positions; (b) pre-
        cession positions.

                                   Figure     Parallelepiped signal
                                                             signal reflection:
                                                                    reflection: TE
                                                                                TE polarization
                                                                                   polarization reflection
                                                                                                reflection vs.
                                                                                                           vs. frequency.

                                         The     experimentalresults
                                                                                                    objectsin  inthe
                                                                                                                   the90   ◦ , 45
                                                                                                                         90°,     ◦ , and
                                                                                                                                45°,   and 00°◦ attitude
                                                                                                                                                 attitude posi-
                                    sitions,   with   the dimensions,       range   aforementioned,        are   visible   with
                                   tions, with the dimensions, range aforementioned, are visible with a 400 MHz radar system.       a 400  MHz     radar   sys-
                                    tem.Considering the precession positions where the objects better reflect the incident
                                   waves,  Considering      the precession
                                              it can be assumed          that the  positions    where the
                                                                                     corresponding             objects
                                                                                                          scaled          better
                                                                                                                     object     of 3.5reflect
                                                                                                                                          m willthebeincident
                                   only       it can positions
                                          in some      be assumed when thatathe400corresponding
                                                                                    MHz radar signal  scaled is object
                                                                                                                tracking of 3.5
                                                                                                                              it: itmwill
                                    in some
                                   the          positions
                                        horizontal      andwhen
                                                             verticala 400    MHz radar
                                                                          positions    and forsignal  is tracking
                                                                                                  Precession          it: it will be3visible
                                                                                                                  2, Precession                    for all the5
                                                                                                                                          and Precession
                                   positions.      and verticalthe positions     and for
                                                                        differences        Precession
                                                                                        in the  reflected2,values,
                                                                                                              Precession       3 and Precession
                                                                                                                        the different       positions5can posi-
                                    tions.   Considering
                                   clearly found.             the  differences      in  the  reflected    values,    the   different      positions    can   be
                                    clearly   found. the 18 GHz frequency (3.5 m scaled object), the reflection signal related to
                                   the relative     attitudethepositions
                                                                 18 GHz can  frequency     (3.5 m scaled
                                                                                   be highlighted             object),
                                                                                                       in Figure         the reflection
                                                                                                                     8, where                 signalpositions
                                                                                                                                    both planar        related
                                    to the
                                   and       relative attitude
                                         precession      positionspositions
                                                                      are shown.  can be highlighted in Figure 8, where both planar posi-
                                                  precession    positions
                                                        visibility             are shown.
                                                                    of the object     can be noted when it is placed in horizontal positions
                                           The great
                                   and rotation,        visibility
                                                     while,   whenofinthe     object canitbe
                                                                           precession,         noted when
                                                                                             appears            it is placed
                                                                                                        clear that               in horizontal
                                                                                                                      the visibility      stronglypositions
                                    and   rotation,    while,   when      in  precession,    it appears     clear   that   the
                                   on the relative position. Moreover, the reflection trend for the horizontal position leads     visibility    strongly    de-
                                    pends    on   the  relative  position.      Moreover,     the  reflection    trend
                                   to the consideration that the larger is the width of the body exposed to the EM field, for   the    horizontal    position
                                   the      to theisconsideration
                                        higher       the reflection that and the
                                                                               thuslarger  is the width
                                                                                     the visibility.    Onof thethe  bodyhand,
                                                                                                                   other       exposed     to the
                                                                                                                                      as said,      EM field,
                                    the object
                                   the   higherin  is precession,
                                                      the reflectionthe  and   thus the
                                                                             relative     visibility.
                                                                                        position    of On
                                                                                                        the the
                                                                                                              bodyother    hand,
                                                                                                                       plays          as said,
                                                                                                                                 a more         considering
                                                                                                                                             important      role:
                                   the   object in precession,
                                                         due to the  the   relativeisposition
                                                                        rotation                 of thefor
                                                                                       responsible       bodytheplays
                                                                                                                   highesta more       important
                                                                                                                                visibility            ◦ , asthe
                                                                                                                                              at 270role:    the
                                   path             due to the
                                          of the reflected        rotation
                                                               wave            is responsible
                                                                        is directed    toward thefor the   highestantenna,
                                                                                                      receiving        visibility   andat 270°,   as the
                                                                                                                                          it is not       path
                                    of theas
                                   away     reflected
                                               in the 225   ◦ position.
                                                         wave   is directed toward the receiving antenna, and it is not scattered away
                                    as in the 225° position.
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
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                                    Figure    8. Parallelepiped
                                           8. Parallelepiped
                                              Parallelepiped    reflection trend.
                                   Figure  8.                 reflectiontrend.

                                    3.4.     Prallelepiped
                                         Prallelepiped      with
                                                          with   Appendices
                                          Three       configurations
                                           Three configurations
                                                    configurations were were
                                                                     were       considered.
                                                                              considered. TheThe
                                                                                            The     first,
                                                                                                first,     object
                                                                                                   first,  object    invertical
                                                                                                                 in ain aa vertical
                                                                                                                           vertical    position;
                                                                                                                                        position; thethe
                                                                                                                                                       sec- sec-
                                   ond,ond,   object
                                    ond, object       in a horizontal
                                           object in a horizontal       position
                                                                     positionand    and rotating
                                                                                       rotating    around
                                                                                                  around      the
                                                                                                          thethe    vertical
                                                                                                                vertical   axis;
                                                                                                                    vertical    axis;  the
                                                                                                                               axis;         third,
                                                                                                                                        third,        sample
                                                                                                                                             third,    sample
                                   in  in
                                    in a   a precession,
                                        a precession,
                                          precession,       according
                                                          according tototo  a45
                                                                        a a45°45°  cone
                                                                                ◦ cone
                                                                                cone    with
                                                                                      with     respect
                                                                                        with   respect   totothe
                                                                                                      to the        vertical
                                                                                                               the             axis.
                                                                                                                     vertical         In In
                                                                                                                                  In this
                                                                                                                                  axis.    this   configura-
                                                                                                                                              this    configu-
                                   ration,    an
                                           anan    anticlockwise
                                                  anticlockwise   rotation
                                                                   rotationwas was   considered,
                                                                                was                with
                                                                                      considered,      0°, 0°,
                                                                                                      with    045°,
                                                                                                            45°,    4590°,
                                                                                                                ◦ ,90°,  , 90135°,
                                                                                                                       ◦135°,     135270°,
                                                                                                                              ◦ ,270°,◦ ,and
                                                                                                                                           270and    315°
                                                                                                                                                 ◦ , and
                                                                                                                                                315°       po-◦
                                   positions.  TheThe
                                                  The  positioning
                                                       positioningof of
                                                                      of the
                                                                     the the   sample
                                                                               sample   and
                                                                                      and thethe
                                                                                        and        measures
                                                                                              the  measures  graphsgraphs
                                                                                                                              are  shown
                                                                                                                                    shown      in
                                                                                                                                          in Figures      9 99
                                    andand10,10,  respectively.
                                   and 10, respectively.

     Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8632                                                                                                                       10 of 13


      Figure 9. Parallelepiped with appendices positioning in respect to the wave incidence direction. (a) Horizontal and vertical
          Figure 9. Parallelepiped with appendices positioning in respect to the wave incidence direction. (a) Horizontal and vertical
      positions; (b) precession
          positions;            positions.
                     (b) precession positions.
Experimental Reflection Evaluation for Attitude Monitoring of Space Orbiting Systems with NRL Arch Method
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8632                                                                                                                         10 of 12
        Figure 9. Parallelepiped with appendices positioning in respect to the wave incidence direction. (a) Horizontal and vertical
        positions; (b) precession positions.

                                   Figure  10.Parallelepiped
                                              Parallelepiped with
                                                             with appendices
                                                                  appendices signal
                                                                             signal reflection:
                                                                                    reflection: TE

                                         The    casewith
                                                             the     highest
                                                                highest        reflection
                                                                            reflection        is the
                                                                                          is the      horizontal
                                                                                                  horizontal         position,
                                                                                                                position,   withwith     an increasing
                                                                                                                                   an increasing    trend
                                    trend between
                                   between     13 and13  23and
                                                            dB of 23 reflection
                                                                       dB of reflection      at the extreme
                                                                                    at the extreme               frequencies.
                                                                                                        frequencies.              Vertical,
                                                                                                                          Vertical,          vertical
                                                                                                                                      vertical  at 45◦ at
                                    45°  of rotation    on the  longitudinal      axis,   and   horizontal ◦  at 45°   of rotation
                                   rotation on the longitudinal axis, and horizontal at 45 of rotation on the longitudinal axis     on   the longitudi-
                                    nal axis measures
                                   measures     have a more have    a more trend
                                                                flattened     flattened     trendfrom
                                                                                      starting     starting
                                                                                                        13 dB from
                                                                                                                 at 1213GHz
                                                                                                                          dB at  12 ending
                                                                                                                               and  GHz and      ending
                                                                                                                                              at 10 dB at
                                   18 GHz. It is also important to note that several spikes on the plots are visible forvisible
                                    at 10 dB   at 18   GHz.  It  is  also important       to  note that  several    spikes   on  the  plots  are   all the
                                    for all theatpositions
                                   positions       the sameatfrequencies
                                                                  the same frequencies
                                                                                 (16.5 GHz,(16.5       GHz, 17
                                                                                                16.7 GHz,      16.7  GHz,
                                                                                                                  GHz,       17 GHz,
                                                                                                                           17.4  GHz, 17.4
                                                                                                                                        17.8 GHz,
                                    GHz).All the precession positions are visible at 18 GHz, except position Precession 3.
                                   From All15.5theGHz
                                                         to 18 GHz, positions   are visible
                                                                          satellites           at 18 GHz,0 except
                                                                                        in Precession                  position Precession
                                                                                                              and Precession        2 are always3. From
                                   ble,   GHz objects
                                                 to 18 GHz,
                                                          in thesatellites   in Precession
                                                                    Precession     1 position0are  and   Precession
                                                                                                      visible   between 2 are  always
                                                                                                                            17.3  and 18 visible, while
                                                                                                                                            GHz only.
                                    objects  in the Precession
                                         At lower     frequencies,    1 position
                                                                        from 12 to are13.8
                                                                                              GHz,between     17.3inand
                                                                                                     satellites       the 18  GHz only.
                                                                                                                           Precession     2 position are
                                   not visible, while Precession 0 and 1 present the highest values of reflection. position are
                                          At  lower    frequencies,     from    12  to 13.8   GHz,   satellites   in the   Precession    2
                                    not visible,
                                         The testwhile     Precession
                                                    campaign              0 and
                                                                   leads to        1 present the highest
                                                                              the consideration                 values
                                                                                                      that scaled         of reflection.
                                                                                                                     objects,   in horizontal, vertical,
                                   vertical at 45 of rotation on the longitudinal axis, and horizontal at 45in◦ horizontal,
                                          The   test◦ campaign      leads  to  the   consideration     that   scaled   objects,      of rotation onverti-
                                    cal, vertical   at 45° of rotation     on  the   longitudinal    axis,   and   horizontal
                                   longitudinal axis positions, with the dimensions range aforementioned, are visible with       at 45°  of rotation   ona
                                   400 MHz radar system.
                                         That means that, for instance, an object of 3.46 m at 17.8 GHz, with relative appendices,
                                   is clearly visible. For precession positions, an object of 3.5 m length is always visible, except
                                   when in the Precession 3 position and its attitude is determined by its reflection value.
                                   Objects between 3 and 3.5 m are visible when in Precession 0 and Precession 2 positions,
                                   while when in the Precession 1 position, only objects between 3.4 and 3.5 m are visible.
                                   Objects from 2.4 to 2.7 m in the Precession 2 position are not visible, while Precession 0 and
                                   1 present the highest reflection.
                                         As a concluding remark, in view of the differences in the above-mentioned reflected
                                   values, the different attitude positions can be clearly found for the objects under considera-
                                   tion when they are tracked with a 400 MHz radar signal.
                                         Regarding the 18 GHz frequency (3.5 m scaled object), the reflection signal related to
                                   the relative attitude positions is highlighted in Figure 11, where both planar and precession
                                   positions are shown.
sion 0 and 1 present the highest reflection.
                                 As a concluding remark, in view of the differences in the above-mentioned reflected
                            values, the different attitude positions can be clearly found for the objects under consid-
                            eration when they are tracked with a 400 MHz radar signal.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8632        Regarding the 18 GHz frequency (3.5 m scaled object), the reflection signal related 11
                                                                                                                     toof 12
                            the relative attitude positions is highlighted in Figure 11, where both planar and preces-
                            sion positions are shown.

                            Figure 11.
                            Figure 11. Parallelepiped
                                                           appendicesreflection trend.
                                                                       reflection trend.

                                   The great
                                   The great visibility
                                                                                   noted when
                                                                                            when it isit placed in horizontal
                                                                                                         is placed             positions
                                                                                                                   in horizontal   positions
                             and  rotation; instead,  when     in precession,   it  appears    clear    that the visibility
                            and rotation; instead, when in precession, it appears clear that the visibility depends         depends    on
                             the relative position   but, thanks   to the presence     of  the appendices,      only
                            on the relative position but, thanks to the presence of the appendices, only the 315◦ —  the  315°—Preces-
                             sion 3 position
                            Precession         is not visible.
                                         3 position              The reflection
                                                      is not visible.              trend for
                                                                        The reflection          the for
                                                                                            trend      in-plane  positions
                                                                                                           the in-plane     leads toleads
                                                                                                                         positions    the to
                             consideration   that, because    the  larger is the   width    of  the   body    exposed  to
                            the consideration that, because the larger is the width of the body exposed to the EM field,  the  EM  field,
                             the higher is the reflection and thus the visibility, the presence of the appendices enhances
                            the  higher is the reflection and thus the visibility, the presence of the appendices enhances
                             the reflection properties of the body in horizontal 0° position. In the horizontal 45° posi-
                            the reflection properties of the body in horizontal 0◦ position. In the horizontal 45◦ position,
                             tion, the reflected wave is not affected by the presence of the appendices, so that the ver-
                            the reflected wave is not affected by the presence of the appendices, so that the vertical
                             tical positions present almost the same value making it difficult to identify the relative
                            positions present almost the same value making it difficult to identify the relative position.
                                   On the other hand, considering the object in precession, the body relative position
                                   On the other hand, considering the object in precession, the body relative position
                            plays the most important role: the orientation due to the rotation is responsible for the
                             plays the most important       role: the orientation due to the rotation is responsible for the
                            highest visibility at 45◦ . Differently from the previous case, the 270◦ position, although
                             highest visibility at 45°. Differently from the previous case, the 270° position, although
                            with   the second higher reflection value, presents a slightly lower value, probably due to
                             with the second higher reflection value, presents a slightly lower value, probably due to
                            the  positions  of the
                             the positions of   the appendices
                                                                       respecttotothethe  incident
                                                                                       incident    wave.wave.

                            4. Conclusions
                                  The test campaign has brought very promising results. The behavior of the samples,
                            tested in different shapes and configurations, showed that it is possible to determine the
                            attitude in orbit of an object based on its reflection from a radar signal. In fact, the different
                            configurations tested show how a different setup produces a single response, which can
                            be associated with a different position. By associating this system with an optical system,
                            for example, LEDs or light-curve acquisition systems, or magnetometer data to determine
                            the attitude of a satellite, it will be possible to determine its exact position. Scaling the
                            model makes it possible to carry out evaluations even for large satellites and space debris,
                            which are usually identified by radar systems with much lower frequencies than those of
                            the experimental system considered.
                                  These results, therefore, have a double value: they allow us to identify small satellites
                            in a high-frequency range (12–18 GHz) as well as to have a prediction of visibility of large
                            orbiting systems at the frequencies of the actual present radar systems, based on the scale
                            considered. For example, it will be possible to determine the attitude of a satellite of a
                            certain size by considering the working frequency of the radar and its wavelength and a
                            scale model that is subjected to a measurement frequency at the same scale.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8632                                                                                                                 12 of 12

                                    Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.D., F.P.; methodology, A.D. and R.P.; software, A.D. and
                                    R.P.; validation, F.S., F.P. and M.M.; formal analysis, A.D. and R.P.; investigation, A.D., F.P. and
                                    R.P.; resources, F.P.; data curation, A.D. and R.P.; writing—original draft preparation, A.D. and R.P.;
                                    writing—review and editing, A.D., F.P., F.S., M.M. and R.P.; visualization, A.D.; supervision, F.P. and
                                    F.S.; project administration, F.P.; funding acquisition, F.P. All authors have read and agreed to the
                                    published version of the manuscript.
                                    Funding: This research was funded by the Italian Space Agency through the grant agreement n.
                                    2020-6-HH.0 (Detriti Spaziali—Supporto alle attività IADC e SST 2019–2021).
                                    Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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