Print advertising rates - Wellington

Page created by Sue Wilson
Print advertising rates - Wellington

   Print advertising rates
    Effective April 30, 2018
Compact display advertising sizes

     Stuff Newspapers use a modular
     advertising system for display (or run
     of paper) advertising. Advertising units
     are based on standard fixed sizes and
     shapes rather than variable columns
     and centimetres.

     Compact sized newspapers use an
     8x8 modular advertising grid:

                                                                                8x16 Double Page Spread*                                             8x8 Full Page                     8x4 Half Page V.   4x8 Half Page H.   6x6
                                                                                366mm x 531mm                                                        366mm x 254mm                     366mm x 126mm      182mm x 254mm      274mm x 190mm
         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

     All of Stuff’s weekday newspapers                                          3x8                               2x8 Qtr Page H.                    4x4 Qtr Page                      3x4                3x3                2x4
     are published in a compact format.                                         136mm x 254mm                     90mm x 254mm                       182mm x 126mm                     136mm x 126mm      136mm x 94mm       90mm x 126mm
     Within the Wellington region this

          he Dominion Post (Monday – Friday)
         Horowhenua Mail
          Hutt News
            Kapi-Mana News
              Kapiti Observer
                Upper Hutt Leader

     The ad sizes illustrated are available
     in the above publications.                                                 4x2                               3x2                                2x3                               2x2                1x2                FPS Front Page Solus
                                                                                182mm x 62mm                      136mm x 62mm                       90mm x 94mm                       90mm x 62mm        44mm x 62mm        50mm x 254mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             90mm x 254mm
Note: *A Double Page Spread can only run through the gutter on the centrespread – subject to availability at the time of booking. For further information talk to your Stuff Account Manager.

Broadsheet display advertising sizes

     The Weekend edition
     of The Dominion
     Post is published in
     a Broadsheet page
     size. This format uses
     a 12x12 modular
     advertising grid.

                                                12x24 Double Page Spread*                                6x24 Double Page Spread Half*                             12x12 Full Page                   12x6 Half Page V.             6x12 Half Page H.
                                                550mm x 787mm                                            274mm x 787mm                                             550mm x 382mm                     550mm x 190mm                 274mm x 382mm

          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

      The ad sizes
                                                8x8                               12x4 Third Page V.                4x12 Third Page H.                6x6 Qtr Page                      3x12 Qtr Page H.                    4x8                    4x4
      illustrated are
                                                366mm x 254mm                     550mm x 126mm                     182mm x 382mm                     274mm x 190mm                     136mm x 382mm                       182mm x 254mm          182mm x 126mm
      available in the
      Weekend edition of
      The Dominion Post.

                                                3x3                               2x3                               4x2                               3x2                               2x2                                 FPS Front Page Solus
                                                136mm x 94mm                      90mm x 94mm                       182mm x 62mm                      136mm x 62mm                      90mm x 62mm                         60mm x 360mm

Note: *A Double Page Spread and Double Page Spread Half can only run through the gutter on the centrespread – subject to availability at the time of booking. For further information talk to your Stuff Account Manager.

Display advertising rates
Rates are for single insertion and exclude GST.

Compact display: Monday to Friday
                                                                                   3x2       4x2                             4x4                         4x8                          8x16
 Publication                    Publishing Day               1x2        2x2                               3x3       3x4                    3x8                     6x6       8x8                  FPS
                                                                                  or 2x3    or 2x4                          or 2x8                      or 8x4                        DPS
 The Dominion Post               Mon – Fri                   $162       $324       $486      $648         $729   $972       $1,296       $1,944         $2,592    $2,916   $5,184    $10,368     $1,296
 Horowhenua Mail                 Wednesday                   $38        $76        $114      $152         $171   $228        $304         $456          $608      $684     $1,216    $2,432       $304
 Hutt News                       Tuesday                     $94        $188       $282      $376         $423   $564        $752        $1,128         $1,504    $1,692   $3,008    $6,016       $752
 Kapi-Mana News                  Tuesday                     $72        $144       $216      $288         $324   $432        $576         $864          $1,152    $1,296   $2,304    $4,608       $576
 Kapiti Observer                 Thursday                    $52        $104       $156      $208         $234   $312        $416         $624          $832      $936     $1,664    $3,328       $416         Terminology:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               DPS = Double page spread
 Upper Hutt Leader               Wednesday                   $72        $144       $216      $288         $324   $432        $576         $864          $1,152    $1,296   $2,304    $4,608       $576         FPS = Front page solus

Broadsheet display: Saturday
                                                                    3x2 or                                                                                       4x12 or   6x12 or
 Publication                     Publishing Day              2x2                   4x2        3x3         4x4       4x8       6x6          8x8          3x12                         12x12        6x24      12x24         FPS
                                                                     2x3                                                                                          12x4      12x6
 The Dominion Post               Saturday                    $392       $588       $784      $882       $1,568   $3,136     $3,528       $6,272         $3,528    $4,704   $7,056    $14,112    $14,112     $28,224     $3,381

    Premium                              The Dominion Post (Mon–Fri)                       The Dominion Post (Saturday)                             Frequency                                Modules used                    Number of weeks
    positions                              Page Position                       Loading      Page Position                  Loading                  discounts                                per week                 6 weeks    13 weeks   26 weeks
                                           Page 2                              +25%         Section A guaranteed page      +55%                                                              Up to 15 Modules          15%          20%        25%
                                                                                                                                                    Advertisers can benefit from
    Premium Positions are                  Page 3                              +50%         Section A                      +50%                     reduced rates through the                16 – 24 Modules           20%          25%        30%
    subject to availability at             Page 5                              +25%         Guaranteed section             +25%                     combination of increased                 25 – 40 Modules           25%          30%        35%
    the time of booking.                   First full page                     +20%         World solus                    +50%                     frequency and increased size.            41 – 64 Modules           30%          35%        40%
    Advertisers should seek                First right hand full page          +25%         Business solus                 +50%                     The more modules you buy
    confirmation that the                                                                                                                                                                 Note:
                                           Section lead solus                  +25%         Weekend feature solus          +50%                     per week, combined with
    space/position is                                                                                                                                                                      	If a schedule is cancelled before the committed
                                           Sports page solus                   +50%         Sports page solus              +50%                     the length of commitment,
    available for the                                                                                                                                                                        duration has been met Stuff Limited reserves the
                                                                                                                                                    the greater the discount
    required date(s) of
                                           Guaranteed section                  +20%                                                                                                          right to adjust pricing back to the correct level,
                                                                                                                                                    you’ll receive.
    publication. Set sizes                                                                                                                                                                   reflecting the commitment actually fulfilled.
                                         Community titles                                                                                           The table on the right                 	Frequency discounts can be applied to the premium
    may apply to these
    positions.                                                                                                                                      illustrates the discounts                position advertisements after the positional loading
                                           Page Position                                   Loading
                                                                                                                                                    based on the different                   has been applied. Premium positions are subject to
                                           Pages 2–7                                       +25%                                                     options available.                       availability at the time of booking.

                                                                                                                                                                 Cancellation fee                                     Commission
    TurboSEO                                           How does TurboSEO work?                                            *A flat handling fee of $50
                                                                                                                                                                 Depending on the time of cancellation,               Commission of 10% is payable on
                                                       Advertisements appearing within Stuff’s print products             per month is charged to
    Extend the reach of your print                                                                                        applicable advertisers.                a cancellation fee of up to 100% of the              the above rates to agencies
                                                       are also published digitally on
    advertisement to attract an                                                                                           The monthly fee is the same            advertisement cost applies to any                    accredited with the PMAA.
                                                       These advertisements are also search engine optimised
    online audience with TurboSEO.                                                                                        regardless of the number of            advertisements cancelled after the
                                                       to boost the chance of reaching potential customers                ads published each month
    $50 per month*                                                                                                                                               booking deadline has passed.
                                                       online and improve organic search rankings.                        in our print products.

Classified advertising rates
Rates exclude GST.

Classified                                                                                Bordered Display (per col/cm)              Non-Bordered Display (per col/cm)                 Liner Rate (Mono, per line)*               Note:
advertisements                                                                                    Includes colour                                 Excludes colour                               Excludes colour                   Additional classified
appearing within                                                                   General          Public                          General          Public                               General          Announce-              advertising rates apply to
Stuff newspapers                   Publication            Publishing Day                                            Employment                                       Employment                                                   some classifications.
                                                                                  Classified        Notices                        Classified        Notices                             Classified          ments
are sold either by                                        Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri        $26.87           $26.87           $26.87        $18.81            $18.81             $18.81             $5.49             $5.49
column centimetre                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Please talk to your
(for Display Classifieds)
                                   Dominion Post          Wednesday                 $28.28           $28.28           $28.28        $19.80            $19.80             $19.80             $5.49             $5.49               Stuff Account Manager or
or by the number of                                       Saturday                  $29.77           $29.77           $29.77        $20.84            $20.84             $20.84             $5.49             $5.49               contact Wellington Classifieds
lines for basic text               Horowhenua Mail        Wednesday                  $6.27            $6.58            $7.21         $4.39             $4.39             $4.39              $4.49             $2.05               for further information:
advertisements                     Hutt News              Tuesday                   $14.00           $14.00           $14.00         $9.80            $10.00             $10.00             $4.49             $2.05               Phone 04 473 9999 Email
(Liners).                          Kapi-Mana News         Tuesday                   $12.31           $12.31           $12.31         $8.62             $8.62             $8.62              $4.49             $2.05     
                                   Kapiti Observer        Thursday                  $11.82           $11.82           $11.82         $8.27             $8.27             $8.27              $4.49             $2.05
                                   Upper Hutt Leader      Wednesday                 $11.27           $11.83           $11.83         $7.89             $8.05             $8.05              $4.49             $2.05
                                                                                                                                             *Minimum of three lines. Additional colour and highlighting charges may apply.

Classified advertising packages
                                                                                                                                                                                            Additional classified
   Frequency packages                                   Multi insertion buys                                                   Community newspaper                                          packages are available
   Available across all newspapers.                     Applies to a single newspaper.                                         multi paper buys                                             on request.
   Must be published within a
   7 day period.                                         Package               Discount                                        Package            Discount

                                                                               Place an ad in a newspaper                                         Placing an ad in 2 or
     Package         Deal
                                                         13 Insertion Buy      for 13 weeks and get a                          Buy 2 or more      more community papers                     Pages sizes and column widths
                                                                               15% discount on all insertions                                     gets a 10% discount
                     3 paid days followed
     4 for 3                                                                                                                                                                                Classified page sizes
                     by a day free
                                                                               Place an ad in a newspaper                                         Placing an ad in 4 or
                                                         26 Insertion Buy      for 26 weeks and get a                          Buy 4 or more      more community papers                       Compact                               Broadsheet**
                     4 paid days followed                                      25% discount on all insertions                                     gets a 15% discount                         370mm x 8 columns                     540mm x 11 coIumns
     6 for 4
                     by two days free
                                                                               Place an ad in a newspaper
                                                         52 Insertion Buy      for 52 weeks and get a                                                                                       Classified column widths (mm)
                                                                               35% discount on all insertions                                                                                 Columns        1     2    3     4     5   6   7      8   9   10   11
                                                                                                                                                                                              Width (mm)     32   66 100 134 168 202 236 270 304 338 372

Technical specifications                             Publishing deadlines                                           Advertising terms and conditions                                        Contact us
For technical artwork and delivery                   For booking, artwork and publishing deadlines                  All advertising placed within Stuff newspapers                          For more information, please contact your
specifications refer to                              refer to                                is subject to our terms and conditions.                                 Stuff Account Manager or refer                               advertising-specs-rates-deadlines                              Advertisers are encouraged to be aware of these.                        to the relevant publication at
user-guides-resources                                Advertisements cancelled after booking                         For full information refer to                                 
                                                     deadline will incur a cancellation fee.              
                                                     Deadlines vary around public holidays.                         advertising-terms-and-conditions
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