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August 2, 2005    9:44   01330

                                                                                                     Tutorials and Reviews

      International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 15, No. 7 (2005) 2063–2090
      c World Scientific Publishing Company


                              PAOLO ARENA, MAIDE BUCOLO, STEFANO FAZZINO,
                                        LUIGI FORTUNA∗ and MATTIA FRASCA
                             Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e dei Sistemi,
                         Universitá degli Studi di Catania, viale A. Doria 6, 95123 Catania, Italy

                                   Received October 8, 2004; Revised November 12, 2004

                 The paper stresses the universal role that Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNNs) are assuming
                 today. It is shown that the dynamical behavior of 3D CNN-based models allows us to approach
                 new emerging problems, to open new research frontiers as the generation of new geometrical
                 forms and to establish some links between art, neuroscience and dynamical systems.

                 Keywords: CNN; shape; complexity; art; neuroscience.

      1. Introduction                                                shape archetypes. Moreover, in the Still Life with
                                                                     Old Shoe the idea of broken forms typical of the
      Shapes are the fundamental attribute of visible
      objects; they give us the perception of structure.             period of analytical Cubism appears. The broken
      They also represent the alphabet of art [Arnheim,              forms, like bursts, are evident in the Salvator Dalı́
      1974]. Shapes represent the object of visible beauty.          art and in particular in Tête Raphaelesque Éclatée.
      It is well known that the mathematics of shape                 The dynamical trends of Giorgio De Chirico’s artis-
      and space is geometry. Which is the relationship               tic life are well known: he founded with Carlo Carrà
      between dynamical systems and shapes? Could                    the Methaphysical Painting. Surrealists honored his
      the mathematics of nonlinear dynamics help us to               early paintings, but in the Twenties he switched to
      establish an innovative way to go in depth into the            a Renaissance-based Classicism. He completed his
      world of shape generation?                                     artistic experience in NeoMethaphisical Painting.
           The human mind process of creating shapes is                    Both the artist’s evolution trends and the pro-
      of course a dynamical process and often its complex-           cess of shapes creation are emergent phenomena.
      ity involves more steps in combining emergent con-             Viewing the art in each period, accurate analysis
      ditions. The shape generation in the human mind                allows us to identify the complexity of beauty and
      leads often to the emergence status of mental states           the perception of the harmony of created shapes,
      and the brain-mind complexity is related also to its           that are the signatures of the dynamical process of
      shape organization process.                                    the artist in his creative efforts. The evolutionary
           Some artistic experiences and painters of the             trends of figurative arts further remark the finger-
      last century are taken as examples of the previ-               prints of complexity in the shape history. Moreover,
      ous concepts. The painter Joan Miró reached the               if we try to establish when art arose, no definitive
      third dimension in his “Still Life with Old Shoe”              answer does exist. Art itself possibly arose before
      [Lynton, 1994] that represents a bifurcation point             the birth of history. The examples of primitive
      in the production of the artist whose previous                 art like the aboriginal cave paintings in Australia,
      paintings were characterized by subjects spatially             representing hunt scenes, animals and even more
      represented in two dimensions. This fact indicates             abstract figures such as the half-human, half-ani-
      in the artist’s mind a possible rearrangement of his           mals figures called “therianthropes”, witness what

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    primitive men tried to reproduce from nature. The       study. In fact, from the coupling of the single 3D-
    role of this representation is vague possibly related   CNN units impressive patterns and shapes emerge.
    to religion, magic and so on. When did rich abstract    It is shown that the evolution of the 3D-CNN
    shapes appear in visual arts? Many, many doubts         dynamics generates harmonious yet unpredictable
    are related to this topic.                              shapes. It is well known that a partial differential
         Aesthetics have recently presented more ideas      equation can be matched in a CNN-based algorithm
    in order to evaluate the beauty of art, and pro-        [Chua, 1998] and that RD-CNNs are appropri-
    vide a criteria in order to understand the role of      ate to reproduce complex phenomena in biology,
    art in history. New shapes genesis is essentially due   chemistry, neurodynamics: the generalized 3D-CNN
    to an emergent mechanism in the human mind.             scheme proposed in this work adds further results in
    One of the tasks of this paper is to prove experi-      order to highlight the power of the CNN paradigm.
    mentally that shapes are also emergent phenomena             The paper is organized as follows. The defi-
    in chaotic spatially extended systems. Moreover,        nition of the 3D-CNN architecture is discussed in
    emergent phenomena that occur in visual cortex          Sec. 2. The mathematical details of the 3D-CNN
    could also be related to the previous items. In         configurations are reported in Sec. 3 where a gallery
    fact, many researches on this subject focused on        of obtained shapes and patterns is also reported.
    this topic [Ermentrout et al., 1979; Dalhem et al.,     In Sec. 4 a discussion of the results shown in the
    2000]. The hallucination phenomena arising in ill-      previous section is included. In the conclusion, the
    ness like migraine lead to a generation of new forms    technological revolution of the CNN paradigm is
    known as phosphenes or scintillating scotoma, for-      emphasized. The appendix includes the technical
    tifications and vortices. New forms and structures       details of the Eˆ3 software tool, developed to per-
    emerge in the visual cortex without external inputs.    form the reported experiments.
    Possibly these unpredictable events influenced pos-
    itively some paints of famous artists like Giorgio De   2. 3D-CNN Model
    Chirico or Vincent Van Gogh [Podoll et al., 2001;
    Bogousslavsky, 2003].                                   Let us consider the universal definition of a CNN
         Furthermore, a very appealing approach to face     [Chua, 1998]: A CNN is any spatial arrangement of
    the visual cortex behavior has been introduced          locally coupled cells where each cell is a dynamical
    in [Zeki, 1999], where the neuroscientist discusses     system which has inputs, and outputs and a state
    the understanding of both the single visual cor-        evolving in accordance with the described dynami-
    tex areas and its global organization, by analyz-       cal laws.
    ing various artists’ paints. In this last remark, the        The following general concepts will be
    twofold link between art and neuroscience appears.      assumed:
    In the actual literature these aspects are reinforced   • the coupling laws are not generally spatially
    by recent studies on surprising emergent creative         invariant (even if often for practical realizations
    tendencies shown in patients with strong mental           these are assumed invariant);
    diseases [Giles, 2004]. Shapes are the links in this    • the concept of dominant local coupling is assu-
    important route.                                          med; therefore most of the connections are be-
         In this paper, the universality of the CNN           tween cells in a neighborhood of unitary radius,
    paradigm [Chua, 1998] is proved to be the appro-          but some nonlocal connections could also be
    priate tool to generate emergent shape patterns,          included;
    to relate shape evolution with spatially extended       • each cell is a dynamical system with assigned
    dynamical systems and therefore to open a real            state variables.
    bridge among circuits, art and neuroscience. The
    essential prerogative of the CNN paradigm is to             Let us consider an isolated cell (from the
    take advantage of the cooperative behavior of sim-      microscale CNN point of view). The following
    ple dynamical nonlinear circuits in order to obtain     variables characterize the cell:
    complex global tasks. The reported study is related     • the exogenous, controllable input vector ui,j,k (t)
    to three-dimensional, in the space, CNN (3D-CNN).         ∈ Rmu ;
    Merging cells to achieve E-merging patterns and         • the exogenous, uncontrollable input vector
    dynamics and to emulate complex system behav-             Si,j,k (t) ∈ Rms ;
    iors fully expresses the 3D-CNN role in the proposed    • the state vector xi,j,k (t) ∈ Rn ;
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      • the output vector yi,j,k (t) ∈ Rmy ;                                    ...
      • the bias vector zi,j,k (t) ∈ Rn that is generally                   ẋn = −xn + zn +                          A(n; l)yl
        assumed controllable;                                                                           C(l)∈Nr (n)
      where i, j, k represent the space coordinates.                                  +                 B(n; l)ul +                   C(n; l)xl
           Moreover, let us introduce some useful nota-                                   C(l)∈Nr (n)                   C(l)∈Nr (n)
      tions. Let us indicate with X, U, Y the whole state,
      input and output sets (referring to all the cells of                   y1 = 0.5(|x1 + 1| − |x1 − 1|
      the CNN). Let us define the neighborhood of the                            ...
      cell C(i, j, k) as                                                     yn = 0.5(|xn + 1| − |xn − 1|
      Nr (i, j, k)                                                                                                                           (1)
           = {C(α, β, γ)|max(|α − i|, |β − j|, |γ − k|) ≤ r}               For instance, a CNN made of three first-order cells
                                                                           (n = 3) may implement the dynamics of the Chua’s
      and let us indicate with                                             circuit [Arena et al., 1995] or a Colpitts-like oscilla-
                   Xi,j,k =                           xα,β,γ               tor [Arena et al., 1996]. A schematic representation
                                C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)                        of a microscale CNN is shown in Fig. 1, where each
                                                                           first-order cell is represented by a small cube and
      the state variables of cells in the neighborhood
                                                                           the possibility of connecting such a CNN with other
      Nr (i, j, k) of the cell C(i, j, k). Analogous definitions
                                                                           CNNs is sketched.
      can be given for Ui,j,k and Yi,j,k .
                                                                                This model can be further generalized as
           The general CNN model that we introduce is
      built-up by adding complexity to the simplest CNN
      and takes into account the following key points:                                ẋ1,ijk = f1;i,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk )
                                                                                          ẋ2,ijk = f2;i,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk )
      • the cells are not required to be equal to each
        other;                                                                                    ...
      • in a 3D grid the coupling laws are locally                                        ẋn,ijk = fn;i,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk )           (2)
        described along with the neighbor cells Sα,β,γ ;                                  y1,ijk = g1;i,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk )
      • each node, as described below, can be realized                                           ...
        using n generalized first-order cells constituting                                 yn,ijk = gn;i,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk )
        a small multilayer CNN architecture.
                                                                           where we make explicit the connections with other
          More in detail, referring to the considerations                  CNNs through the space coordinates i, j, k.
      above, we could give definitions of CNN structures
      at several levels, starting from the microscale level                Definition: Mesoscale CNN. By connecting sev-
      to the mesoscale and macroscale levels.                              eral microscale CNNs (2) in a 3D grid, a mesoscale

      Definition: Microscale CNN. A CNN obtained
      by connecting first-order cells may implement any
      nonlinear dynamics [Fortuna et al., 2003]. The
      microscale CNN is introduced to account for this
      concept. It can be described by the following equa-
         ẋ1 = −x1 + z1 +          A(1; l)yl
                                C(l)∈Nr (1)
              +                 B(1; l)ul +                    C(1; l)xl
                  C(l)∈Nr (1)                   C(l)∈Nr (1)

        ẋ2 = −x2 + z2 +                      A(2; l)yl
                                C(l)∈Nr (2)
              +                 B(2; l)ul +                   C(2; l)xl
                  C(l)∈Nr (2)                   C(l)∈Nr (2)                  Fig. 1.      Schematic representation of a microscale CNN.
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    CNN can be obtained. A microscale CNN is now a                       Definition: Macroscale CNN. We now add to this
    cell of a mesoscale CNN. The cell equations for a                    structure the possibility of having long-range con-
    mesoscale CNN are defined as follows:                                 nections. By including in Eq. (3) these terms, the
           ẋijk = fi,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk ) + ai,j,k (Yijk )         macroscale model of a CNN architecture assumes
                                                                         the following form:
                    + bi,j,k (Uijk ) + ci,j,k (Xijk )              (3)
           yijk = gi,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk )                            
                                                                          ẋijk = fi,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk ) + ai,j,k (Yijk )
    where ai,j,k (Yijk ), bi,j,k (Uijk ), ci,j,k (Xijk ) represent                + bi,j,k (Uijk ) + ci,j,k (Xijk )
    the coupling terms. It can be noticed that connec-                                                                             (4)
                                                                                 + alr               lr         lr
                                                                                       i,j,k (Y) + bi,j,k (U) + ci,j,k (X)
    tions among cells are only local. A schematic view                    
    of a mesoscale CNN is shown in Fig. 2.                                 yijk = gi,j,k (xijk , yijk , uijk )

                             Fig. 2.   Schematic representation of the generalized mesoscale model of 3D-CNN.

                             Fig. 3.   Schematic representation of the generalized macroscale model of 3D-CNN.
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                                                                                                             The CNN Paradigm     2067

      where ai,j,k (Yijk ), bi,j,k (Uijk ), ci,j,k (Xijk ) represent      Example: 3D-CNN with first-order cells with
      local coupling terms, while alr                    lr
                                         i,j,k (Yijk ), bi,j,k (Uijk ),
                                                                          standard nonlinearity. A macroscale 3D-CNN
       i,j,k (Xijk ) take into account long-range coupling
                                                                          with first-order cells with standard nonlinearity is
      terms.                                                              described by the following equations:
            The overall model described by Eqs. (4) is                    
      schematized in Fig. 3, which represents a schematic                 
                                                                          ẋijk = −xijk + zijk
      view of such a CNN, in which local and long-range                   
                                                                                  +                     A(i, j, k; α, β, γ)yα,β,γ
      connections are allowed. Moreover, the space depen-                 
                                                                                    C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)
      dency of each cell also includes the uncertainties in               
      the model of each cell. These uncertainties can be                  
                                                                                  +                     B(i, j, k; α, β, γ)uα,β,γ
      either parametric or structural.                                    
            This model can then be further generalized and                
                                                                                     C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)
      represented by the following state equation:                                 +                     C(i, j, k; α, β, γ)xα,β,γ
                       ẋijk = fi,j,k (X, Y, U)                           
                                                                                     C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)
                                                                   (5)    
                       yijk = gi,j,k (X, Y, U).                           
                                                                                  + Alr                        lr
                                                                                     i,j,k;α,β,γ (yα,β,γ ) + Bi,j,k;α,β,γ (uα,β,γ )
           The overall model (macroscale CNN) schema-                     
                                                                                     lr
      tized in Fig. 3 is built-up by adding complexity to                 
                                                                                  + Ci,j,k;α,β,γ (xα,β,γ )
      the simplest CNN (the microscale CNN) through                       
                                                                           y = 0.5(|x + 1| − |x − 1|)
      the mesoscale CNN in which connections are only                        ijk         ijk            ijk

      local.                                                                                                                        (6)

                                   Fig. 4.   Eladio Dieste, Church of Atlantida, Atlantida, Uruguay, 1958.
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    where A(i, j, k; α, β, γ), B(i, j, k; α, β, γ) and                     the painting. The unifying principle of the different
    C(i, j, k; α, β, γ) are the feedback template, the con-                elements is the shape that expresses the whole: the
    trol template and the state template; Alr     i,j,k;α,β,γ ,            shape is an emergent property of the whole.
    Bi,j,k;α,β,γ         lr
                 and Ci,j,k;α,β,γ  describe the map of the                      In the 3D-CNN paradigm the single contribu-
    long-range connections (they are N × N × N                             tions from the various cells lead us to the global
    matrices). Equations (6) match equations (4) if                        characteristics of the architecture as regards both
    the following assumptions on the coupling terms                        the structure and the emergent dynamical behavior.
    hold:                                                                  There is a dichotomy in this view between CNNs
                                                                           and shapes. The idea that the dynamics of a 3D-
                                                                          CNN is strongly evolving is assumed. Moreover,
     i,j,k (Yijk ) =                       Alr (i, j, k; α, β, γ)yα,β,γ
                                                                           we cannot directly perceive the internal dynamical
                         C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)
                                                                          evolution of the single cell or of a group of cells
    ai,j,k (Yijk ) =                       A(i, j, k; α, β, γ)yα,β,γ       that leads us to understand the whole emergency of
                         C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)                               the CNN behavior, that could only be synthetized
                                                                          into a shape. The internal global dynamics could
     i,j,k (Yijk )   =                     B lr (i, j, k; α, β, γ)yα,β,γ   be only perceived by coupling to the 3D-CNN the
                         C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)                               vision of the shapes. A dichotomy does exist: the
    bi,j,k (Yijk ) =                       B(i, j, k; α, β, γ)yα,β,γ       shape generation capabilities of CNNs are empha-
                         C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)                               sized, moreover, the shape as partial abstraction
                                                                          of the emergent property in a distributed nonlin-
     i,j,k (Yijk ) =                       C lr (i, j, k; α, β, γ)yα,β,γ   ear dynamical system does appear. These concepts
                         C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)                               are the leading points of the next part of this sec-
                                                                          tion where in detail both the configurations and the
    ci,j,k (Yijk ) =                       C(i, j, k; α, β, γ)yα,β,γ
                                                                           visual representations of the generalized 3D-CNN
                         C(α,β,γ)∈Nr (i,j,k)
                                                                           paradigm are included.
                                                                                The model used in the following experiments
    Remark. The conceived structure, showing emerg-                        is related to a very simplified coupling law, where
    ing pattern behaviors by using cells, indicating a                     a simple space-constant diffusion law in Eqs. (2) is
    path from simplicity to achieve complexity, is an                      assumed as follows:
    appealing research subject in several fields. Let
    us consider the well-known architect Eladio Dieste                                     ci,j,k (Xijk ) = D∇2ijk x              (7)
    [Morales, 1991]; he used the brick as the funda-
                                                                           where the discretized Laplacian in a 3D space is
    mental element to build his main structures in civil
                                                                           defined by the following relationship:
    engineering as shown, for example, in Fig. 4. The
    Chua’s cell [Chua & Yang, 1988a, 1988b; Fortuna                        ∇2ijk x = xi−1,jk + xi+1,jk + xi,j−1,k
    et al., 2003] represents the basic electronic element
                                                                                     + xi,j+1,k + xij,k−1 + xij,k+1 − 6xijk .     (8)
    to design complex circuits exactly like the Eladio
    Dieste’s brick. Moreover as the architect Frei Otto                         Moreover, all the cells are equal, i.e. fi,j,k (xijk ,
    [Otto, 1982] considered emerging forms in nature as                    uijk ) = f (xijk , uijk ).
    building paradigms to be realized in civil structures,                      With these assumptions Eqs. (2) can therefore
    in a dual manner, the search for complex patterns                      be rewritten as follows:
    and their circuit realization by means of electronic
    structures find the link in the CNN architecture.                         ẋijk = f (xijk ) + D(xi−1,j,k + xi+1,j,k + xi,j−1,k
                                                                                     + xi,j+1,k + xi,j,k−1 + xi,j,k+1 − 6xijk )

    3. Emergence of Forms in 3D-CNNs                                       which matches the well-known                paradigm     of
                                                                           reaction–diffusion equations:
    Looking at a picture and in general at an artistic
    representation, a great number of impressions are                                        ẋ = f (x) + D∇2 x.
    received, all at the same time. Let us consider a
    painting: a lot of elements appear, the impressions                        The experiments discussed below have been
    that are received combining the various elements                       performed considering different dynamical laws for
    give the perception of the specific characteristic of                   each cell of the CNN. In most of the cases, the
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                                                                                              The CNN Paradigm        2069

      behavior of each cell is chaotic. The coupling law           The definition of the function γ makes use of
      is characterized by low coupling coefficient (weak         complex curves used for the study of topological
      diffusion). In all the experiments, zero-flux bound-       forms. For instance, a (m : n) torus knot can be
      ary conditions have been chosen.                         represented by the following equations
           The experiments will be detailed in the fol-
      lowing. In all of them the evolution of the sys-         Z = γ(i, j, k)
      tem leads to the emergence of self-organized forms.           2                    m                     n
      The rich, unpredictable, beautiful dynamics of the             d −1            2k          2i          2j
                                                                 =            + î          −         + î
      global forms arising in the various experiments is             1 + d2        1 + d2      1 + d2      1 + d2
      related to the model used for the cell of the 3D sys-
      tem. The chaotic behavior of each cell, represented      with d = i2 + j 2 + k2 . Then, initial conditions for
      by the beauty of the strange attractor, is reflected      the state variables x, y, z of each nonlinear unit of
      in the beauty of the 3D forms like those shown in        the 3D-CNN are created from Eqs. (9) through the
      the gallery of reported models.                          relations:
           The evolutionary forms reported in the various
      graphs are isosurfaces that have been obtained in
      time in the 3D space defined by the spatial coordi-                    x0 (i, j, k) = Ax Re(Z) + Bx
      nates i, j, k.                                                        y0 (i, j, k) = Ay Im(Z) + By
           As concerns the cell dynamics f (xijk ), differ-                  z0 (i, j, k) = Az Re(Z) + Bz
      ent chaotic laws have been simulated. In particular,
      the Lorenz system, the Rossler system [Strogatz,
                                                               where Ax , Ay , Az , Bx , By and Bz are real con-
      2000] and the Chua’s circuit [Chua, 1998] have been
                                                               stants used to scale the initial conditions to match
      investigated. Moreover, the chaotic dynamics of sev-
                                                               the dynamic range of the nonlinear units constitut-
      eral neuron models have been taken into account in
                                                               ing the 3D-CNN.
      order to emulate the global behavior of neural net-
      works in a 3D space.
                                                               3.2. 3D waves in homogeneous and
      3.1. Initial conditions                                       unhomogeneous media
      Different initial conditions for the various experi-      First of all, let us consider a 3D-CNN, where
      ments have been chosen and will be discussed in          each cell is a second-order nonlinear system, imple-
      detail in the following. However, the idea underly-      menting a reaction–diffusion. Two examples are
      ing this choice is common to all the examples and        discussed. The first deals with an homogeneous
      will be briefly introduced in this section.               medium, the second is an example of unhomoge-
           Initial conditions x0 (i, j, k) have been created   neous medium.
      starting in some topological form. In particular,            The equations of the generic second-order cell
      they can be viewed as the composition of two func-       Cijk are the following:
      tions σ and γ, describing the topological form taken
      into account.                                            
                                                               ẋi,j,k;1 = k(−xi,j;1 + (1 + µ + ε)yi,j;1 − syi,j;2
           Let us focus on a 3D-CNN made of third-order        
                                                                           + i1 + D1 (yi−1,j,k;1 + yi+1,j,k;1
      nonlinear units (as in most cases investigated in this   
      paper) and let us indicate by i, j,√k the three coor-    
                                                                           + yi,j−1,k;1 + yi,j+1,k;1 + yi,j,k−1;1
      dinates of the 3D space and î = −1.                     
                                                                           + yi,j,k−1;1 − 6yi,j,k;2 ))
           Thus, the two functions σ and γ can be defined                                                              (9)
      as follows:                                              
                                                               ẋi,j,k;2 = k(−xi,j;2 + (1 + µ − ε)yi,j;2 + syi,j;1
                         γ : R3 ⊇ Ω → C                        
                                                                           + i2 + D2 (yi−1,j,k;2 + yi+1,j,k;2
                         σ : C → R3                            
                                                                           + yi,j−1,k;2 + yi,j+1,k;2 + yi,j,k−1;2
                                                                            + yi,j,k−1;2 − 6yi,j,k;2 )).
      and initial conditions are given by the following
                                                                   The parameters of the CNN cell have been cho-
                        x0 (i, j, k) = σ ◦ γ.                  sen according to µ = 0.7, s = 1, i1 = −0.3, i2 = 0.3,
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    D1 = 0.1, D2 = 0.1. For these values, the 3D-CNN                emergence of spiral waves. This experiment repre-
    behaves as a nonlinear medium in which autowaves                sents a fascinating emergent behavior shown by a
    propagate. The parameter k accounts for the possi-              complex system.
    ble unhomogeneity of the medium.
         In the first example, all the cells in the 40 ×             3.3. Chua’s circuit
    40 × 40 3D-CNN have the same values of k
    (k = 1). In the center of the 3D-CNN, there is a                This example deals with the Chua’s circuit [Chua,
    “pacemaker” cell whose outputs are fixed to the                  1998]. In the case of a 3D-CNN made of Chua’s cir-
    values y20,20,20;1 = 1 and y20,20,20;2 = −1. This cell          cuits, Eqs. (9) can be rewritten as follows:
    elicits the generation of autowaves in the neighbor-                     ẋijk = α(yijk − h(xijk )) + D∇2ijk x
    ing cells. Figure 5 shows the behavior of a 3D-CNN
                                                                             ẏijk = xijk − yijk + zijk               (10)
    made of cells represented by Eqs. (9). As it can be
    noticed, when two wavefronts collide they annihi-                        żijk = βyijk
    late each other.
         In the second example, the cells of the 3D-
    CNN have different values of the parameter k. The                h(x) = 0.5((s1 + s2 )x + (s0 − s1 )(|x − B1 | − |B1 |)
    value k = 0.6 characterizes “slow” cells, while the
                                                                            + (s2 − s0 )(|x − B2 | − |B2 |)) + ε
    value k = 1 characterizes “fast” cells as schemat-
    ically shown in Fig. 6(a). The whole CNN con-                   and the diffusion term only acts on the first state
    sists of 41 × 41 × 41 cells. Simulation results are             variable xijk (t). An array of 80 × 80 × 80 chaotic
    shown in Fig. 6. Figure 6(a) shows the initial con-             units has been considered, i.e. 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ 80 in
    figuration: we simulated an initial point of excita-             Eqs. (10). The parameters of each single unit have
    tion (indicated by an arrow) and a “wall” in an                 been chosen according to α = 9, β = 30, s0 = −1.7,
    unhomogeneous 3D medium. Figures 6(b)–6(d) rep-                 s1 = s2 = −1/7, ε = −1/14, B1 = −1 and B2 = 1,
    resent the evolution of the RD-CNN. The presence                in order to set the Chua’s circuit in the bistability
    of unhomogeneity in the medium clearly leads to the             region. The diffusion coefficient has been fixed to

                          Fig. 5.    Behavior of a 3D-CNN generating autowaves in a homogeneous medium.
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                                                                                                     The CNN Paradigm   2071

                                              (a)                                       (b)

                                              (c)                                       (d)

                        Fig. 6.   Behavior of a 3D-CNN generating spiral waves in an unhomogeneous medium.

      the value D = 0.1. In order to visualize the behavior           way. Figure 7 shows some frames of the evolution
      of the whole 3D-CNN, we considered an isosurface                of a 3D-CNN made of Chua’s circuits, where the
      defined by xijk = 0.1. The emergent behavior leads               formation of shapes and structures evolving in time
      to the formation evolving in time in a nonrepetitive            is evident.

                                    Fig. 7.    Forms obtained by a 3D-CNN made of Chua’s circuits.
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    2072   P. Arena et al.

        Figure 7       refers    to     the   following   initial   attractor. The diffusion coefficient has been fixed to
    conditions:                                                     the value D = 0.1. In order to visualize the behavior
                                                                    of the whole 3D-CNN, we considered a level surface
       z = γ(i, j, k)                                               defined by xijk = 0. Figure 10 shows some frames
            2                   7                               of the evolution of a 3D-CNN made of Rossler sys-
            d −1             2k        2i          2j 5
         =            + î         −        + î                    tems, where the formation of forms and structures
            1 + d2         1 + d2    1 + d2      1 + d2             evolving in time is evident.
    σ(z) = (4 Re z − 1.25, Im z, 4 Re z + 1.25).                         Initial conditions have been chosen as follows:
       Moreover, the stretching and folding dynamics                   z = γ(i, j, k)
    appears in the frames shown in Fig. 8.                                  2                                       
                                                                            d −1             2k      2i          2j
                                                                         =            + î                + î
    3.4. Lorenz system                                                      1 + d2         1 + d2 1 + d2       1 + d2
    The example reported in Fig. 9 deals with a CNN                                2i          2j 5 d2 − 1             2k
                                                                           +            + î        −           + î
    made of 60 × 60 × 60 chaotic Lorenz systems des-                           1 + d2        1 + d2     1 + d2       1 + d2
    cribed by the following equations [Strogatz, 2000]:
                                                                    σ(z) = (4 Re z − 0.25, Im z, 4 Re z + 0.25).
       ẋijk = σ(yijk − xijk ) +      D∇2ijk x
       ẏijk = rxijk − yijk + xijk zijk + D∇2ijk y          (11)    3.6. FitzHugh–Nagumo neuron model
       żijk = xijk yijk − bzijk                                    The first neuron model investigated is the
    where the parameters have been chosen according                 FitzHugh–Nagumo (FHN) model [FitzHugh, 1961;
    to σ = 10, r = 28, b = 8/3 in order to set the well-            Nagumo et al., 1960] of spiking neurons described
    known butterfly attractor. The diffusion coefficient                by the following equations:
    has been fixed to the value D = 0.5.                                                                      
                                                                                                      uijk + b
        Initial conditions have been chosen as follows:              v̇ijk = εvijk (1 − vijk ) vijk −           + D∇2ijk v
       z = γ(i, j, k)                                                                  u̇ijk = vijk − uijk
            2                   6                                                                                  (13)
            d −1             2k        2i          2j 9
         =            + î         −        + î                    and the diffusion term only acts on the first variable.
            1 + d2         1 + d2    1 + d2      1 + d2
                                                                        The parameters have been chosen according to:
    σ(z) = (4 Re z − 1.25, Im z, 4 Re z + 1.25)                     a = 0.75, b = 0.01, ε = 50. An array of 50 × 50 × 50
         Figure 9 shows the isosurface defined by                    neurons (13) coupled with a diffusion coefficient
    xijk = 2.                                                       D = 1 has been taken into account. Some frames of
         Even in this case the evolution of the system              the evolution of the isosurface defined by xijk = 0.5
    leads to ever changing regular forms.                           are shown in Fig. 11.

    3.5. Rossler system                                             3.7. Hindmarsh–Rose neuron model
    The emergence of organized forms and structures                 A 3D-CNN where the basic cell is the Hindmarsh–
    has been also observed in a 3D-CNN of Rossler units             Rose model [Rose & Hindmarsh, 1989] of burst-
    [Strogatz, 2000] as follows:                                    ing neurons is discussed here. The dynamics of this
                                                                    model is described by the following equations:
                 ẋijk = −yijk − zijk + D∇2ijk x
                                                                    ẋijk = yijk + ax2ijk − x3ijk − zijk + I + D∇2ijk x
                 ẏijk = xijk + ayijk                       (12)
                 żijk = b + xijk zijk − czijk                      ẏijk = 1 − bx2ijk − yijk                             (14)
                                                                    żijk = r(S(xijk − xc ) − zijk )
    where the diffusion term only acts on the first state
    variable xijk (t). An array of 60 × 60 × 60 chaotic             where a diffusion term acting on the first variable
    units has been considered. The parameters of each               has been included.
    single unit have been chosen according to a = 0.2,                  The parameters have been chosen according to:
    b = 0.2, c = 5, in order to set the Rossler chaotic             a = 3, b = 5, r = 0.0021, S = 4, xc = −1.6, and
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                                                                                                  The CNN Paradigm   2073

                          Fig. 8.   Stretching and folding dynamics in 3D-CNN made of Chua’s circuits.

      I = 0 and 30 × 30 × 30 neurons (14) have been               3.8. Inferior-Olive neuron model
      coupled with a diffusion coefficient D = 0.75 lead-            This neuron model was proposed in [Giaquinta
      ing to very interesting results. Some frames of the         et al., 2000] to mimic the behavior of Inferior-
      evolution of the isosurface defined by xijk = 0.5 are        Olive (IO) neurons. They are characterized by sub-
      shown in Figs. 12 and 13.                                   threshold oscillations. The dimensionless equations
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    2074   P. Arena et al.

                  Fig. 9.    Evolution of the isosurface xi,j,k = 2 generated by a 3D-CNN made of Lorenz systems.
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                                                                                                      The CNN Paradigm   2075

                                   Fig. 10.   Forms generated by a 3D-CNN made of Rossler systems.

      describing this model are the following:                                                       d2
                                                                              σ(z) = (2Re z − 0.4       , Im z + 0.4,
                 xijk (xijk − γ)(1 − xijk ) − yijk                                    sin((Re z)2 − (Im z)2 )
       ẋijk =                                     + D∇2ijk x
                                 ε                                                                       √
                                   2 − r 2 ) + D∇2 y
                                                                     with d =     i2 + j 2 + k2 and D = M 2 + N 2 + P 2 .
       ẏijk = −Ωzijk + rijk (A − zijk  ijk      ijk
                                  2 − r 2 ) + D∇2 z
       żijk = Ωrijk + zijk (A − zijk  ijk      ijk                  3.9. Izhikevich neuron model
                                                             (15)    A recent neuron model was proposed by Izhikevich
                                                                     in order to conjugate accuracy of the model
      with rijk = (yijk /M ) − x.                                    and computational resources needed to simulate
           The parameters have been chosen according to:             large arrays of neurons [Izhikevich, 2003]. The
      ε = 0.01, γ = 0.2, M = 0.5, A = 0.0006, Ω = −1.6.              model accounts both for different spiking behav-
      The CNN consists of 40 × 40 × 40 neurons (15) cou-             iors (tonic, phasic and chaotic spiking) and for
      pled with a diffusion coefficient D = 0.001. Some                 bursting behavior,dependingon the parameters cho-
      frames of the evolution of the isosurface defined by            sen. It can be described by the following equations
      xijk = −0.15 are shown in Fig. 14.                             [Izhikevich, 2003]:
                                                                                   2 + 5v                         2
           Initial conditions have been chosen as follows:            v̇ijk = 0.04vijk   ijk + 140 − uijk + I + D∇ijk v

                                                                     u̇ijk = a(bvijk − uijk )
                  z = γ(i, j, k)
                       2                   7−2 d22
                       d −1             2k       D                   with the spike-resetting
                    =            + î                                                                       v←c
                       1 + d2         1 + d2                                    if v ≥ 30 mV,        then
                                              5+3 d22                                                     u←d
                              2i           2j        D
                                                                     v and u are dimensionless variables, and a = 0.2,
                      −          2
                                    + î      2
                           1+d           1+d                         b = 2, c = −56, d = −16, and I = −99 are the
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    2076   P. Arena et al.

                                     Fig. 11.   Shapes generated by a 3D-CNN made of FHN neurons.
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                                                                                                     The CNN Paradigm      2077

                                Fig. 12.   Frames of the evolution of a 3D-CNN made of HR neurons.

      parameters (chosen to set a chaotic spiking activity              (vijk (0), uijk (0))
      [Izhikevich, 2004]). The simulation of the 3D-CNN                          
                                                                                  (−56, −112)       if rr < 5 and i > 0
      made of Izhikevich neurons shown in Fig. 15 has                            
      been carried out by considering 30 × 30 × 30 units,                     = (20, 40)             if rr < 9 and i < 0
      D = 0.01 and an isosurface defined by vijk = −65.4.                           (0, 0)            otherwise
           Initial conditions have been chosen as
      follows:                                                     with r =     i2 + j 2 + k2 .
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    2078   P. Arena et al.

                                Fig. 13.   Frames of the evolution of a 3D-CNN made of HR neurons.

    3.10. Neuron model exhibiting                                   model shows Shilnikov chaos and can be also taken
          homoclinic chaos                                          as representative of a class of neuron dynamics
                                                                    with chaotic inter-spike intervals. The following
    Another experiment was carried out by using a                   dimensionless equations describe the behavior of
    cell model based on a CO2 laser model. This                     this model:
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                                                                                                     The CNN Paradigm   2079

                                Fig. 14.   Frames of the evolution of a 3D-CNN made of IO neurons.
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    2080   P. Arena et al.

                                Fig. 15.   Shapes generated by a 3D-CNN made of Izhikevich neurons.
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                                                                                                    The CNN Paradigm   2081

       ẋ1,ijk = k0 x1,ijk (x2,ijk − 1 − k1 sin2 (x6,ijk ))          β = 0.4286, α = 32.8767, P0 = 0.016, B0 =
                                                                     0.133. For this set of parameters, homoclinic chaos
                 + D∇2ijk x1
       ẋ2,ijk = −Γ1 x2,ijk − 2k0 x1,ijk x2,ijk + γx3,ijk                 We considered an array of 30×30×30 units dif-
                 + x4,ijk + P0 + D∇2ijk x2                           fusively connected with D = 0.01. Figures 16 and 17
                                                                     show some frames of the evolution of a 3D-CNN
       ẋ3,ijk = −Γ1 x3,ijk + x5,ijk + γx2,ijk + P0           (17)
                                                                     made of units with Eq. (17) starting from initial
       ẋ4,ijk = −Γ2 x4,ijk + γx5,ijk + zx2,ijk + zP0                conditions chosen as follows:
       ẋ5,ijk = −Γ2 x5,ijk + zx3,ijk + γx4,ijk + zP0                                 
                                                                                      k1 if rr < 5 and i > 0
       ẋ6,ijk = −βx6,ijk + βB0 − β                                         xijk (0) = k2 if rr < 9 and i < 0
                                      1 + αx1,ijk                                     
                                                                                        k3 otherwise
          Parameters have been chosen according to
      [Pisarchik et al., 2001; Ciofini et al., 1999] as fol-          where r = i2 + j 2 + k2 and k1 , k2 and k3 are
      lows: R = 220, k0 = 28.5714, k1 = 4.5556,                      vectors of six constants. The isosurface shown in
      Γ1 = 10.0643, Γ2 = 1.0643, γ = 0.05, z = 10,                   Figs. 16 and 17 is defined by x1,ijk = 403 ∗ 10−3 .

                  Fig. 16.   Frames of the evolution of a 3D-CNN made of neurons [Eq. (17)] with homoclinic chaos.
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    2082   P. Arena et al.

                 Fig. 17.    Frames of the evolution of a 3D-CNN made of neurons [Eq. (17)] with homoclinic chaos.

        The movies of the experiments discussed above               Let us consider a system in which each cell is a
    can be downloaded from the webpage www.scg.                     random generator with a given probability distribu-              tion and let us consider the same coupling diffusive
                                                                    laws and grid dimension of the other experiments.
                                                                    Figure 18 shows the results obtained by simulat-
    4. General Discussion: Remarks and                              ing such a system. In this case, the level surface
       Considerations                                               is irregular and there is no clear form arising. For
    First of all, a general remark regarding the previous           regularity, self-organization is not possible.
    experiments must be made: shapes in 3D-CNNs are                      Let us consider the various shape trends shown
    the fingerprint of emergent phenomena. This occurs               in the various sequences of the previous section,
    for all the adopted 3D-CNN configurations. More-                 the following strong observation is possible: each
    over, in the considered cases, the dynamical chaotic            shape is not recurrent in time. Moreover, in many
    behavior of each cell leads to harmonic shapes in               of them, spatial symmetries in each frame are evi-
    the 3D-CNN configuration. In order to reinforce the              dent. The variety of shapes are related to cell
    previous remark, let us consider a counterexample.              dynamics: however, some of them reflect global
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                                                                                                                    The CNN Paradigm   2083

                                                                                       role of self-organization in the previous phenomena,
                                                                                       the problem of discovering recurrent patterns both
                                                                                       in the 3D-CNNs shapes and in modern art is
                                                                                       encountered. It is not the aim of this paper to
                                                                                       investigate on computer based arts or to deal with
                                                                                       the well-known evolutionary art [Bentley & Corne,
                                                                                       2001]. This is to remark on the value of the stagger-
                                                                                       ing complexity we are dealing with. Only few exam-
                                                                                       ples are reported here. Let us consider the Mirò
                                                                                       paint Still Life with Old Shoe; recurrent patterns
                                                                                       are found in the 3D-CNN generated shape when a
                                                                                       Lorenz system is adopted as cell unit. This is shown
                                                                                       in Fig. 20.
                                                                                            The form of the sculpture of Duchamp is recur-
                                                                                       rent in many patterns obtained during the 3D-CNN
                                                                                       evolution. In particular, they appear in the consid-
                                                                                       ered cases when either a grid of Rossler systems
                                                                                       or a grid of Inferior-Olive systems are taken into
                                                                                       account. In Fig. 21 the discussed example is shown.
      Fig. 18. When random generators are coupled together into                             Let us consider now the Robert Delaunay’s
      a 3D-CNN, there is no self-organization and regular shapes                       painting study. He started as an impressionist under
      are not formed.
                                                                                       the suggestion of Cezanne and taking into account
                                                                                       the Cubism, started an analytical research on the
                                                                                       form in relationship to the multiplication of light
                                                                                       planes. An example of this study is in Joie de
                                                                                       vivre where he expressed the emergence of light
               8000                                                                    and nature by using the contrast of colors whose
               7000                                                                    expressions are sequences of closed curves. Let us
                                                                                       compare this painting with the 3D-CNN-generated
                                                                                       surfaces as shown in Fig. 22. In this case the 3D-

                                                                                       CNN cell is the HR dynamical system. In Fig. 23
               4000                                                                    the Salvator Dalı̀’s Tête Raphaelesque Éclatée is
               3000                                                                    shown. It reflects the concepts of broken forms,
                                                                                       just introduced in the analytic cubism. In this
                                                                                       artistic expression the knowledge we have of the
                                                                                       subject is a complex sum of all its perceptions.
                      0   50   100    150    200   250   300   350   400   450   500   The recurrent fingerprint patterns could be discov-
                                                    t                                  ered in many 3D-CNN shapes like that derived by
      Fig. 19. Trend of the shape area generated by a 3D-CNN of
                                                                                       using Izhikevich cells or like that obtained by using
      HR neurons.                                                                      Lorenz cells as shown in Fig. 24.
                                                                                            Each observed dynamics of frames that
                                                                                       included highly organized shapes. Even if each cell
      time-related features like the stretching and folding                            is chaotic, even if each cell is characterized by
      phenomenon.                                                                      the geometrical form of the corresponding attrac-
           In order to reinforce the previous remark, the                              tor with a defined shape, the 3D-CNNs complex
      surface area for each shape family is computed                                   patterns generate both an unusual complexity and
      at each time. Chaotic time series is obtained. In                                an astonishing unpredictability. The discovery of
      Fig. 19, the time series referring to the shape trend                            recurrent patterns between 3D-CNN dynamics and
      of a 3D-CNN of HR neurons is reported.                                           artist paintings indicates the emergent character-
           Following the introduction of the emerg-                                    istics of both underlying organized complexities.
      ing shape generation phenomena, the complex                                      Through examples like those, it is emphasized
      evolution trend by using 3D-CNN dynamics and the                                 that the dynamical evolution of coupled cells can
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    2084   P. Arena et al.

    Fig. 20. A form generated by the Lorenz 3D-CNN and Still Life with Old Shoe by Mirò (black and white reproduction of the
    original paint [Mirò, 1937]).

    Fig. 21. Some shapes recur in different 3D-CNNs like these shapes generated by a 3D-CNN either of IO neurons or Chua’s
    circuits. These forms resemble the artistic shape represented in Prière de toucher, by Duchamp [1947].
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                                                                                                     The CNN Paradigm      2085

             Fig. 22.   Shapes generated by a 3D-CNN of HR neurons and Joie de vivre, oil on canvas, by Delaunay [1930].

                                                                        irregular shining flashes, like phosphenes appear in
                                                                        some of the frames. Moreover, in both Figs. 15
                                                                        and 24 circular waves appear. These forms are
                                                                        particularly unstable showing very fast changes in
                                                                        shape, size and time-scale evolution. The various
                                                                        circles run giving us an impressive image of vortices
                                                                        and turbulence.
                                                                             The dynamical combination of shapes give us a
                                                                        global view perception whose effect is much more
                                                                        than the sum of single shape contributions. We
                                                                        are dealing with a complex visual pattern gener-
                                                                        ator. The information contained in the whole is
                                                                        many times greater than the sum of the infor-
                                                                        mation contained in single parts. There exists
                                                                        a parallelism between the previously considered
                                                                        frames and those referred in the migraine aura
                                                                        or in general, in the complex hallucination phe-
                                                                        nomena. A detailed description of these phenom-
                                                                        ena is widely reported in literature [Sacks, 1993;
                                                                        Kluver, 1967]. Moreover the visual effect of hal-
      Fig. 23. Tête Raphaelesque Éclatée by Salvador Dalı́ [Delau-   lucinations is considered as a complex emergent
      nay, 1930].                                                       dynamical phenomenon [Dalhem & Müller, 2003].
                                                                        In particular, many scientists view hallucination
                                                                        as the propagation of Reaction–Diffusion waves in
      produce very beautiful and rich patterns drawn by                 neural tissue. Many models have been proposed in
      artists.                                                          this direction. Cortical organization [Dalhem et al.,
           Let us observe now the sequence of frames                    2000] in migraine aura is supposed, and mathe-
      respectively reported in Figs. 12 and 13. Reg-                    matical models introduced to explain analytically
      ular line segments are evident, unpredictable                     the phenomena are widely accepted. Ermentrout
      ordered fragmentation explodes, a certain type                    and Cowan [Ermentrout et al., 1979] modeled this
      of intermittency frequently appears. Moreover                     phenomenon by using the relationship between
August 2, 2005        9:44   01330

    2086   P. Arena et al.

           Fig. 24.    Shapes generated by a 3D-CNN of HR neurons and Joie de vivre, oil on canvas, by Delaunay [1930].

    inhibitory and excitatory neurons. However, they                computer simulation algorithms devoted to explore
    introduced a linearized model that, even if the                 the nervous system, the reported examples reinforce
    parameter relationship for deriving the instabil-               the suitability to adopt 3D-CNN circuits for emu-
    ity condition is established, did not express the               lating brain emergent phenomena.
    emergent mechanism of the hallucinations due to
    the nonlinearity effects.
         The myriad pattern formation due to the
    migraine aura is a fascinating phenomenon. The
    diversity of migraine auras in various forms under-
    lines its complexity. Moreover the phenomena
    emulated in the reported experiments are gen-
    erated by using 3D-CNNs in reaction–diffusion
    configuration using as cells integrate-and-fire neu-
    ron models. It is not the aim of this experi-
    ment to model using a grid of cortical neurons;
    moreover, the introduced 3D-CNN strategy allows
    us to emulate real self-organizing phenomena in
    the visual cortex. The CNN model for hallucina-
    tions has been also approached in [Chua, 1998].
    The experiments reported in our paper regard a
    wider set of hallucination phenomena. They have
    been obtained thanks to the 3D-CNN architec-
    ture and to the introduction of more complex cell
    dynamics with respect to those used in previous
         In view of the appealing field of computa-
    tional neuroscience and in particular, in the area of              Fig. 25.   Il rimorso di Oreste by Giorgio De Chirico.
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                                                                                            The CNN Paradigm     2087

           CNN exactly translates the meaning of com-         earthquake events. The cause could be small or
      plexity in terms of electronic circuits. The results    big, but what is remarkable is the emergent behav-
      of coupling many simple nonlinear circuits give         ior that arises after the paradigm is changed. In
      us a global circuit whose capabilities are much         our opinion, what Kuhn remarks for the scientific
      more than the predictable performances obtained         revolution occurred with the invention of CNN in
      by summing the single cell circuit contributions.       the field of information technology.
      This allows us to create artificially emergent pat-           The emergent behavior of a scientific revolution
      terns. Moreover, the same emergent behavior has         is related to the criticism of some aspects of classical
      been discovered in the visual cortex phenomena of       or previously accepted paradigms: the positive crit-
      migraine aura and in the hallucination. The rich-       icism of scientists leads to new paradigms in order
      ness of forms and their combination reflect a fur-       to overcome problems not solved by previous theo-
      ther impressive example of complexity. A further        ries. This is the starting point: ideas slowly evolve
      remark: the metaphysical art represents another         until the emergence occurs and the new paradigm
      example of complexity from an aesthetic point of        switches to the revolution! In the history of dis-
      view. Thinking Complexity is a new point of view,       tributed intelligence paradigms a fundamental limit
      a new methodology. The vision of complexity theme       of perceptron architectures has been highlighted by
      is resumed, as an example, in the famous painting       Minsky and Papert [1988] that established a percep-
      of Giorgio De Chirico Il rimorso di Oreste shown in     tron cannot tell whether two labyrinthine patterns
      Fig. 25.                                                on the cover are connected or not. The CNN locally
                                                              connected networks can solve such a problem! It has
                                                              been proved that a locally connected network like
      5. Conclusions                                          CNN has the properties to recognize local functions
      In this paper, the use of 3D-CNN generalized            [Chua, 1998]. Therefore, in order to overcome a
      paradigm to generate sequences of emerging shapes       problem a new successful paradigm has been intro-
      and forms is discussed. A wide range of organized       duced. The critical point of a technological revo-
      results from the evolution of 3D-CNN dynamical          lution has been established and now after sixteen
      system has been shown. Different cells dynamics          years, the change of the paradigm in the area of
      have been taken into account. Locally active cells      connectionism leads to a scientific revolution! The
      or cells at the edge of chaos have been chosen in       revolution has been related to the new CNN pro-
      order to assure pattern formation. Complex 3D pat-      posed approach. Moreover, the increase of inter-
      terns emerging from various experiments have been       est in the CNN paradigm worked like an attractor.
      critically discussed. Links among circuits, art and     Starting from pattern recognition, complex model
      neuroscience emerged thanks to the universality of      behaviors, vision, neuromorphic models, robotics,
      CNN formalization.                                      neuroscience problems have been faced in terms
           In his impressive book The Structure of Scien-     of CNN paradigm. The new formalization allowed
      tific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn founded his theory       the conception of new advanced equipments, and
      on the concept of paradigm [Kuhn, 1962]. With this      a revolution in the field of information technol-
      term, Kuhn indicates the “scientific conquests uni-      ogy is ongoing. The dynamical richness of CNN
      versally accepted which, for a period, give a model     based architecture allowed to reformulate classical
      for problems and solutions for people that made         problems in a new formalization. The last effort
      research in a particular field”. When the paradigm       proposed in this paper is to investigate on the
      changes, a critical breakpoint occurs in science and    universality of the 3D-CNN in order to discover
      therefore bifurcation conditions occur under which      emergent 3D shapes. Self-organization that is the
      a new theory replaces an old one. In any case, each     core of the emergent characterized CNN system
      scientific relationship is a set of ideas that lead us   allows shorter distances between technological sci-
      to a small or big settling when they are replaced       ence, art and neuroscience.
      into an old scientific paradigm.
           Kuhn observed that the scientific revolutions
      could be small or big, but both have the same           Acknowledgments
      structure, the same characteristics when they occur.    This work was supported by the Italian “Minis-
      In fact, what happens is like the same emergent         tero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca”
      phenomenon that occurs in the sand pile or in           (MIUR) under the Firb project RBNE01CW3M.
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    2088   P. Arena et al.

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                                                                                                The CNN Paradigm      2089

      complex systems made of interacting dynamic non-        visualization, definition of cell dynamics) and
      linear units as described in Sec. 2. Therefore Eˆ3      Java (communication between processors, man-
      has been designed to include three properties: the      agement of data distribution) and is based on
      dynamics of each simple unit is arbitrary, the cells    open-source components.
      of the complex system are either identical or differ-         Parallel¯ computing may be realized by using
      ent, connections are arbitrary.                         coarse grained or fine grained architectures. A
           Eˆ3 provides the user with the possibility         coarse grained architecture refers to the case in
      of implementing in a very simple way arbitrary          which the computation is distributed to a small
      dynamics for each cell of complex systems. Follow-      number of high-capability processors, while the
      ing this approach, each cell of the complex CNN         architecture is fine grained when a high number of
      consists of an arbitrary n-order system, and may        simple processors is used. In this sense a CNN is
      be defined by the user by writing its equations.         the most significant example of fine grained archi-
      This differs from standard CNN in which each cell        tecture. The architecture of Eˆ3 is based on a small
      dynamics is defined by templates, which therefore        number of high-capability processors.
      contain both cell dynamics and connections among             The strategy adopted to implement parallel
      cells.                                                  computing is the so-called domain decomposition,
           Moreover, the cells of the 3D-CNN may be dif-      in which data are distributed among the processors
      ferent from each other. The more general case is        executing the same operations on different portions
      that the equations defining each of the cells consti-    of the data. In fact, the problem of emulating a sys-
      tuting the complex systems are different from cell       tem made of many units can be simply decomposed
      to cell. This is, for example, the case in which one    into several domains made of subparts of the whole
      would model fire propagation in two different adja-       set of the cells. A processor plays the role of master
      cent substratums. Moreover, cells may be nearly         and collects all the results coming from the elabo-
      identical. In this case, cells of the complex systems   ration by the other processors. Moreover, through
      may differ only for the value assumed by their char-     the so-called message passing each processor may
      acterizing parameters. This case is different from       obtain data processed by other units of the parallel
      the previous one, in fact, in this case one does not    architecture.
      need to write new equations, but the possibility to          A very efficient way to implement message pass-
      have space-variant parameters should be included.       ing is to create a cluster of workstations in a LAN
           Finally, the connections among the units of the    network. The whole software therefore consists of
      CNN and, in general, of a complex system may be of      two main modules, called server and client (Fig. 26).
      several types. Several examples of complex systems      The server runs in each processor of the network,
      made of locally interacting units have been studied     while the client runs on the master PC, coordinating
      in literature; all-to-all coupling is also very com-    the data coming from the different processors. The
      mon in modeling complex systems. While random           complex system to be emulated has to be defined
      networks efficiently model phenomena like stock           in the client. The first operation executed by the
      markets, and small world connections account for        client is to create the structure and to assign to
      models as spread of diseases, modelling the struc-      each client a portion of the cells to be simulated.
      ture of the world wide web requires a dynamically       Then the integration routine is performed.
      changing network (scale-free network). A general             To allow the definition of the cell dynamics by
      simulator for complex systems should provide the        the user it has been chosen to implement a rou-
      possibility of implementing all these structures in     tine — called compile — able to create a .dll file
      an easy way and at the same time should allow the
      user the possibility of reconnecting arbitrary cells
      of the system.
           Another important characteristic of Eˆ3 is the
      use of parallel computing. A general structure has
      been designed for Eˆ3 . The simulator can be run
      either on a single machine or on a network of
      personal computers. This second case implements
      parallel computing. The software has been written
      in C (routines for numerical integration, output        Fig. 26.   Main modules of the software architecture of Eˆ3 .
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