Heparin and Hormonal Regulation of mRNA Synthesis and Abundance of Autocrine Growth Factors: Relevance to Clonal Growth of Tumors

MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Jan. 1991, p. 108-116                                                                   Vol. 11, No. 1
Copyright © 1991, American Society for Microbiology

          Heparin and Hormonal Regulation of mRNA Synthesis and
             Abundance of Autocrine Growth Factors: Relevance
                        to Clonal Growth of Tumors
                                 ISABEL ZVIBEL, ELAINE HALAY, AND LOLA M. REID*
                         Departments of Molecular Pharmacology and Microbiology and Immunology,
                                 Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York 10461
                                         Received 8 November 1989/Accepted 12 October 1990

             Highly sulfated, heparinlike species of heparan sulfate proteoglycans, with heparinlike glycosaminoglycan

                                                                                                                                         Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on March 28, 2021 by guest
           chains, are extracellular matrix components that are plasma membrane bound in growth-arrested liver cells.
           Heparins were found to inhibit the growth and lower the clonal growth efficiency of HepG2, a minimally
           deviant, human hepatoma cell line. Heparan sulfates, closely related glycosaminoglycans present in the
           extracellular matrix around growing liver cells, had no effect on the growth rate or clonal growth efficiency of
           HepG2 cells. Neither heparins nor heparan sulfates had any effect on the growth rate or clonal growth efficiency
           of two poorly differentiated, highly metastatic hepatoma cell lines, SK-Hep-l and PLC/PRF/5. Heparin's
           inhibition of growth of HepG2 cells correlated with changes in the mRNA synthesis and abundance of
           insulinlike growth factor II (IGF II) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF,I). HepG2 cells expressed high
           basal levels of mRNAs encoding IGF II and TGFP that were inducible, through transcriptional and
           posttranscriptional mechanisms, to higher levels by specific heparin-hormone combinations. For both IGF II
           and TGF,, the regulation was multifactorial. Transcriptionally, IGF II was regulated by the additive effects
           of insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone in combination with heparin; TGF(i was regulated primarily by the
           synergistic effects of insulin and growth hormone in combination with heparin. Posttranscriptionally, the
           mRNA abundance of the IGF II 4.5- and 3.7-kb transcripts was affected by insulin. Heparin induction of all
           IGF II transcripts was also dependent on triiodotyronine and prolactin, but it is unknown whether their
           induction by heparin was via transcriptional or posttranscriptional mechanisms. Heparin-insulin combinations
           regulated TGFPi posttranscriptionally. The poorly differentiated hepatoma cell lines PLC/PRF/5 and SK-Hep-l
           either did not express or constitutively expressed low basal levels of IGF I, IGF II, and TGFIA, whose mRNA
           synthesis and abundance showed no response to any heparin-hormone combination. We discuss the data as
           evidence that matrix chemistry is a variable determining the expression of autocrine growth factor genes and
           the biological responses to them.

   Previous studies from our laboratory (10) have indicated              passage    HepG2 cells, which are highly differentiated and
that the extracellular matrix contains a set of factors af-              nonmetastatic (29), were obtained from Barbara Knowles
fecting the clonal growth efficiency of tumor cells, a charac-           (Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.).
teristic important for the ability of tumor cells to metastasize            Culture conditions. (i) Substrates. Cells were plated di-
and colonize specific tissues. The matrix components re-                 rectly onto 100- or 150-mm tissue culture plastic dishes
sponsible for this phenomenon include species of highly                  (Falcon).
sulfated, heparinlike heparan sulfate proteoglycans or their                (ii) Media. The hepatomas were cultured in RPMI 1640
glycosaminoglycan chains, heparinlike heparan sulfates (10).             (GIBCO, Grand Island, N.Y.) supplemented with penicillin
We are now trying to elucidate the mechanism by which                    (100 ,ug/ml) and streptomycin (100 ,ug/ml). This medium was
heparins and heparinlike heparan sulfates or their proteogly-            further supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (GIBCO
can forms can differentially affect the clonal growth effi-              Hyclone) to produce serum-supplemented medium (SSM) or
ciency of metastatic versus nonmetastatic carcinomas. Our                with a defined mixture of trace elements, hormones, and
working hypothesis, tested in these studies, has been that               growth factors (see below) to produce a serum-free, hormon-
these heparins or heparinlike molecules regulate the synthe-             ally defined medium (HDM). The HDM used for the hepa-
sis of autocrine growth factors thought to be involved in                tomas was that designed for growth of hepatoma cells on
low-density growth.                                                      tissue culture plastic and described in detail elsewhere (11,
                                                                         19). It contains insulin (100 ,ug/ml; Sigma), transferrin (10
                MATERIALS AND METHODS                                    ,ug/ml; Sigma), glucagon (10 ,ug/ml; Sigma), hydrocortisone
   Human hepatoma cell lines. PLC/PRF/5, established by                  (108 M; Sigma), triiodotyronine (10-' M; Sigma), prolactin
Alexander et al. (1), expresses some liver-specific functions            (2 mU/ml; Sigma), growth hormone (GH) (10 ,uU/ml; Sigma),
(29) and was obtained from I. Millman (Fox Chase Cancer                  linoleic acid bound to bovine serum albumin (10 ,ug/ml;
Center, Philadelphia, Pa.). SK-Hep-1, a relatively anaplastic            Pentax), zinc (10-10 M), selenium (3 x 10-1o M), and copper
cell line (15), was a gift from Jorgen Fogh (Sloan Kettering             (10-' M). The trace elements were obtained from Johnson
Institute, Walker Laboratories, New York, N.Y.). Early-                  Matthey Chemicals (London, England).
                                                                            Sources for heparins and heparan sulfates. Reference stan-
                                                                         dards for bovine lung-derived heparins and for bovine lung-
      Corresponding author.                                              derived heparan sulfates were provided by Larry Rosenberg,
VOL . 1 l, 1991                                 HEPARIN AND HORMONAL REGULATION OF mRNA SYNTHESIS                           109

who obtained them from Martin Matthews and J. A. Ci-             (New England Nuclear), and the RNA-containing filters
fonelli, University of Chicago. Commercially available bo-       were prehybridized and then hybridized with the appropriate
vine lung-derived heparins were obtained from Sigma. The         probes. The cDNA clones complementary to specific
biological activity of reference standards was quite repro-      mRNAs (listed below) were radioactively labeled by primer
ducible, but that of commercially available heparins varied      extension as described by Feinberg and Vogelstein (14).
widely from batch to batch. Nevertheless, the scarcity of        [32P]dCTP (specific activity, 3,200 Ci/mmol) was included to
glycosaminoglycan reference standards forces investigators       obtain a specific activity of 8 x 108 to 12 x 108 cpm/,Lg of
to use the commercial heparins of weaker and variable            DNA. DNAs used in hybridization included those comple-
specific activity. These findings are analogous to those         mentary to mRNAs encoding insulinlike growth factor I
reported by Castellot et al. (5) in their structure-function     (IGF I) and insulinlike growth factor II (IGF II), transform-
analysis of heparin effects on inhibition of growth of smooth    ing growth factor alpha (TGFa), transforming growth factor
muscle cells. The data shown are from Sigma's bovine             beta (TGF,B), and 18S RNA.
lung-derived heparin, lot 53F-0532. The cultures were               The cDNA probe for human IGF I was plasmid phigf 1,
treated with 20 to 50 p.g of this heparin per ml, a concentra-   containing a human liver-derived cDNA with a PstI insert of
tion previously shown to regulate tissue-specific gene           662 bp of prepro-IGF I (2). The cDNA encoding human
expression in normal and neoplastic liver cells (18, 47).        prepro-IGF II was plasmid phigf 2, containing an internal

                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on March 28, 2021 by guest
   Clonal growth assays. Cells were plated in triplicate for     PstI insert of 1,090 bp (2, 3). The plasmid for mouse TGFa
each condition at 100, 103, 104, and 105 on 60-mm tissue         contained an EcoRI insert of 925 bp. These three plasmids
culture plates and in SSM. After 18 h, the plates were gently    were the kind gifts of G. I. Bell (Howard Hughes Institute,
rinsed and refed. The test media consisted of SSM with and       University of Chicago). The murine TGFPi was an EcoRI
without either bovine lung-derived heparin (50 ,ug/ml) or        cDNA insert of 1,600 bp (a kind gift of R. Derynck, Genen-
bovine lung-derived heparan sulfate (50 p.g/ml). The cultures    tech, South San Francisco, Calif.). The cDNA encoding
were incubated for 2 to 3 weeks with weekly medium               DHFR derived from hamster cells contained an insert of
changes and then stained with 1% acridine orange. The            1,900 bp and was a gift of P. Melera (University of Maryland,
number of colonies per plate was counted. Clonal growth          Baltimore).
efficiency was calculated as (number of colonies/number of          Nuclear transcript run-on assays. The method is a modifi-
cells seeded) x 100. The experiment was replicated five          cation of that described by Clayton and Darnell (7). After 96
times.                                                           h in culture, one or two 150-mm plates were scraped with a
   Growth curves. Cells were plated in triplicate for each       rubber policeman into PBS; the cells were washed twice
condition at 105 cells per 60-mm dish in SSM. After 24 h, the    with PBS and centrifuged at 800 x g for 5 min. Then 5 ml of
plates were rinsed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and      isotonic buffer (140 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris [pH 7.4], 1 mM
fed SSM with or without bovine lung-derived heparin (50          MgCl2) and 0.5% (final concentration) Nonidet P-40 were
jig/ml) or bovine lung-derived heparan sulfate (50 ,ug/ml).      added for 5 min on ice. The nuclei were pelleted by centrif-
Medium changes were done twice weekly. Triplicate plates         ugation at 1,000 x g for 5 min, and the supernatant was used
per condition were used for cell counts on days 1, 3, 7, 10,     for cytoplasmic RNA extraction. The nuclei were washed
and 14. The average cell numbers per day were plotted on         with 5 ml of 10 mM Tris (pH 8.1)-20% glycerol-140 mM
semilog paper. The doubling time was determined from the         KCI-5 mM MgCl2-1 mM MnCl2-14 mM P-mercaptoethanol,
slope of the curve during log-phase growth of the cells. The     resuspended in 1 ml of the same buffer, and frozen in liquid
growth curves were repeated three times.                         nitrogen.
   Molecular hybridization assays. Nuclear transcript run-on        On the day of the experiment, the nuclei were thawed at
assays and Northern (RNA) blots (see below) were used to         37°C, centrifuged at 1,000 x g for 5 min, and suspended in
determine the synthesis and abundance of mRNAs encoding          200 IlI of complete reaction buffer (10 mM Tris [pH 8.0], 140
various autocrine growth factors. The hepatomas were             mM KCI, 5 mM MgCl2, 14 mM dithiothreitol, 1 mM each
plated onto 100- or 150-mm culture dishes under the condi-       ATP, GTP, and CTP, 20% glycerol, 100 ,ug of creatine
tions specified, and the medium was changed 6 h after plating    phosphokinase per ml, 10mM creatine phosphate, and 1 mCi
and then again after 48 h. The cells were assayed after % h      of [32P]UTP [specific activity, 3,000 Ci/mmol; Amersham]
in culture. In each experiment, cells were pooled from two to    per ml).
three dishes per culture condition. The experiments were            The pellets were incubated in the complete reaction buffer
run at least three times. The data from all autoradiograms of    at 30°C for 15 min with gentle shaking. Then 1.5 ml of 500
either run-on assays or Northern blots were scanned with an      mM NaCl-10 mM Tris (pH 7.4-S50 mM MgCl2 was added
Quantimet densitometer (model 920; Manufacturer's Cam-           along with DNase so that the final concentration was 100
bridge Instrument). The data for each of the autocrine           U/ml. Then EDTA was added to a final concentration of 10
growth factor genes were normalized to that of a common          mM (pH 8.0), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was added to a
gene used as an internal control. Dihydrofolate reductase        final concentration of 0.5%, and proteinase K was added to
(DHFR) was the internal control for the nuclear transcript       a final concentration of 0.4 mg/ml. The samples were incu-
run-on assays; 18S RNA was the internal control for the          bated for 30 min at 37°C, after which 4.5 ml of ETS buffer (10
Northern blots. The expression of these two genes was            mM Tris [pH 7.5], 0.5% SDS, 10 mM EDTA) was added.
found not to alter under the experimental conditions used.       The RNA was purified from the nuclei by standard hot
   Northern blots. The cells were washed twice with 10 ml of     phenol-chloroform extractions, followed by ethanol precip-
cold PBS, removed from culture dishes with a rubber              itation. To eliminate unincorporated label, the samples were
policeman, and pelleted; cytoplasmic RNA was isolated by         trichloroacetic acid precipitated, followed by at least two
the isotonic buffer-Nonidet P-40 lysis method, followed by       rounds of ethanol precipitation. The same number of counts
phenol-chloroform and chloroform extractions (31). RNA           per minute from each RNA sample was added to hybridiza-
samples were resolved by electrophoresis through 1% agar-        tion bags containing nitrocellulose filters to which 5-,ug
ose, submerged-slab, denaturing formaldehyde gels in             amounts of different cDNA plasmids were bound. The filters
MOPS buffer (31). RNA was transferred to GeneScreen              had been prehybridized overnight and were then hybridized
110      ZVIBEL ET AL.                                                                                                                          MOL. CELL. BIOL.

                               TABLE 1. Influence of heparin and heparan sulfate on growth of hepatoma cellsa
                                                                                                                                        Doubling time (h)
  Cell line        Plating
                    density             Control                         colonies
                                                                 No. ofHP                              HS                    Control             HP               HS

HepG2b               102         2.8 ± 1.7                   0                             5.3 ± 2.3
                                 (7 3)                       (5 2)                         (10 ± 3)
                     103         14 5                        0                             12 ± 3
                     104         Too many    to count        64 ± 11                       Too many to count
                     105         Too many    to count        Too many to count             Too many to count                 29±2               58±6         31±4
SK-Hep-1             102         28 ± 5                      21 ± 3.8                      22 ± 5
                     10-3        Too many    to count        Too many to count             Too many to count
                     105         Too many    to count        Too many to count             Too many to count                 34±4               31±4         28±3
PLC/PRF/5            102         7.3 ± 2.7                   15 ± 3.9                      15.3 + 4
                      103        46 6.8                      53 7.2                        55 ± 7.5
                     105         Too many    to count        Too many to count             Too many to count                 28+3               26±2         24±4
  a Data are from three to five experiments for the clonal growth efficiency assays and three experiments for growth rates (doubling times). HP, Bovine

                                                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on March 28, 2021 by guest
lung-derived heparin (NIH reference standard obtained from M. Matthews and J. A. Cifonelli), used at 50 ,ug/ml. HS, Bovine lung-derived heparan sulfate
(reference standard obtained from M. Matthews and J. A. Cifonelli), used at 50 to 100 Rg/ml.
  b Data are from experiments with the original heparin-sensitive subline of HepG2. Data in parentheses (102 seeding density) are for the same subline after
responsiveness to heparins had waned.

for 48 h at 37°C in a buffer containing 5 x SSC (SSC is 0.15                       levels in PLC/PRF/5 and SK-Hep-1 cells; only faint bands
M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate), 0.1% SDS, lx                                  for IGF II were observed.
Denhardt solution, 50% formamide, 50 mM sodium phos-                                  Heparin modulation of autocrine growth factor expression
phate, and 500 ,ug of yeast tRNA per ml. The nitrocellulose                        in the human hepatoma cell lines. Heparin treatment of the
filters were washed four times at 60°C for 20 min each time                        cells altered the expression of the autocrine growth factors in
in 1 x SSC-0.1% SDS and then twice at 60°C for 45 min each                         HepG2 but not in PLC/PRF/5 and SK-Hep-1 cells. Repre-
time in 0.2x SSC-0.1% SDS. They were incubated 30 min at                           sentative findings from one of three experiments are shown
37°C with 10 gig of RNase A per ml in 2x SSC and then                              in Fig. 2. HepG2, PLC/PRF/5, and SK-Hep-1 cells were
washed for 1 h at 37°C with 2x SSC. The filters were                               cultured in SSM or in HDM in the presence or absence of
exposed to Kodak X-Omat film with two intensifying screens                         bovine lung heparin (20 jig/ml). Steady-state mRNA levels of
at -700C.                                                                          IGF II and TGF, were increased in HepG2 cells cultured
                                                                                   with heparin (Fig. 2). By contrast, heparin had no effect on
                           RESULTS                                                 any of the autocrine growth factors' mRNA synthesis or
                                                                                   abundance in either SK-Hep-1 or PLC/PRF/5 cells (Fig. 2).
   Heparin effects on clonal growth efficiency of metastatic and                   Thus, only the HepG2 cell line proved regulatable by hep-
nonmetastatic hepatoma cells. Heparins, derived from bovine                        arin.
lung (Table 1) or porcine intestine (data not shown), were                            After 1.5 years of studies on the HepG2 subline in the
found to inhibit the growth of HepG2 cells plated at cell                          laboratory (passage number unknown), the heparin regulat-
densities above 104/60-mm dish and to eliminate HepG2                              ability waned. All sublines of HepG2 tested from the Amer-
survival at all cell densities at or below 103/60-mm plate.                        ican Type Culture Collection and from a number of labora-
Heparins had no effect on the growth rate or clonal growth                         tories also proved insensitive or relatively insensitive to
efficiency of PLC/PRF/5, SK-Hep-1, or the American Type                            heparins. However, an early-passage (passage 82) HepG2
Culture Collection-derived subline of HepG2. Bovine lung-
derived heparan sulfates had no effect on growth at any
density of any of the cell lines.                                                                    U- Ln                                                  Lr)
   Autocrine growth factors produced by metastatic and non-                                          LL-                                                    I-
metastatic hepatoma cell lines. To test our hypothesis that                                  c\J L          a.
                                                                                                                       cr -                c
heparins affect production of autocrine growth factors, we                                   C-D     -,     0
                                                                                                                 cL.j IX               C:D D
screened for various autocrine growth factors in three hu-                                    0:L.    _)

                                                                                                                 I CL c                Co U
                                                                                                                                       0   W      )
                                                                                                                                                            CL c)
man hepatoma cell lines: HepG2, a minimally deviant cell
line, and two poorly differentiated hepatoma cell lines,
PLC/PRF/5 and SK-Hep-1. Northern blots of the cytoplas-
mic RNA from the cell lines cultured for 96 h in SSM were
hybridized with cDNA probes for a battery of autocrine                              28S- '-                W'1-"I

growth factors (Fig. 1). HepG2 expressed significant basal
levels of IGF II and TGF, and lower levels of IGF I. The
IGF I probe bound to a transcript of 5.3 kb in all three cell                       18S-
lines, an mRNA size identical to that reported for human
fetal liver (20). In the adult human liver, the mRNA sizes                                           GFI             IGFIE              TGFa               TGF
observed for IGF I are 7.7, 5.3, and 0.9 kb. Similarly, the                           FIG. 1. Northern blots with cytoplasmic RNA (20 ,ug per lane)
IGF II mRNA species present in HepG2 cells were the fetal                          extracted from hepatoma cells grown for 4 days in SSM. Cytoplas-
ones: 6.0-, 4.5-, 3.7-, and 2.2-kb species. However, the                           mic RNA was extracted and run in 1% agarose-formaldehyde gels,
2.2-kb transcript was not expressed consistently. In the                           blotted to GeneScreen, and hybridized with [32P]dCTP primer
human adult liver, the size of IGF II mRNA has been shown                          extension-labeled cDNA coding for the specified autocrine growth
to be 5.3 kb (2). Only TGF, was expressed at significant                           factor. Shown are representative blots from one of five experiments.
VOL . 1 l, 1991                                                      HEPARIN AND HORMONAL REGULATION OF mRNA SYNTHESIS                                                           ill

     A                   HepG2                  PLC/PRF/5           SK/Hep-1
               I                      II                           I-
                                                                   I                              A                               ^
                                                                                                           CD          0          -a                        -C              -a
     kb                                                                                               0                VI

                                                                                                                                                                    0        0
                                                                                                                                            m~ c1r) ::      I
    6.0-                                                                                            m  .I .I I I
                                                                                                  E'E'c   ,ii
    4.5 -                                                                                                                                               I   I       I
     3.7 -

                                                                                       6.0 -
                                                                                       4.5 -
                                                                                       3.7 -
Heparin:           -     +   -    +        -      +       -    +         +     +

  (209g/rnI)           SSM   HOM                SSm         HDM    SSM       HDM

                                                                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on March 28, 2021 by guest
                                                      Bss                                                                  CL
                                                                                                                                       0.       0                       0.
                                                                                                  C         N.(L
                                           ()                                                                               l_

                                  c1c.                                                                                                              I           +       +

                                                      =       =:

                                                                                          2.5 -       --        _ _-       _0 _    6

                                 HepG2 SKHepI
  FIG. 2. Northern blots of cytoplasmic RNA from human hepa-
toma cell lines cultured for 4 days in SSM or HDM in the presence                    FIG. 3. Northern blots of cytoplasmic RNA from the human
or absence of bovine lung heparin (hep) (20 ,ug/ml). Cytoplasmic                   hepatoma cell line HepG2 cultured in HDM from which different
RNA was extracted after 4 days, and 20 ,ug of cytoplasmic RNA per                  hormones were omitted. Bovine lung heparin (20 ,ug/ml) was added
lane was run in a 1% agarose-formaldehyde gel and hybridized with                  to half of the cultures incubated with each of these defined media.
primer extension-labeled cDNA probes. Shown are representative                     The Northern blots were prepared by using 5 ,ug of cytoplasmic
blots from one of three experiments. (A) IGF II probe; (B) the same                RNA per lane and hybridized with 32P-labeled cDNAs. The blots are
blot after stripping and rehybridizing with an 18S RNA probe; (C),                 representative of those from three experiments. (A) IGF II probe;
TGF,3 probe.                                                                       (B) the same blot stripped and rehybridized with an 18S RNA probe;
                                                                                   (C) TGFI probe. hep, Bovine lung heparin; ins, insulin; gluc,
                                                                                   glucagon; T3, triiodotyronine; pro, prolactin.
subline obtained from Barbara Knowles (Wistar Institute)
showed heparin sensitivity even greater than that of the
subline with which we had originally been working. Except                          each regulated by distinct hormone-heparin combinations
for the medium controls (see Fig. SC and 6), the data shown                        (Fig. 3A and 4A). The addition of heparin to complete HDM
are either from our original subline or from this early-                           resulted in an increase in the abundance of all three mRNA
passage subline.                                                                   transcripts of IGF II. The omission of insulin from HDM
   Effects of hormones and heparin on steady-state mRNA                            eliminated the heparin induction of the 6.0-kb transcript. The
levels for IGF II and TGFji in HepG2 cells. Other studies in                       lack of insulin also resulted in an increase in the basal
our laboratory (18, 37, 47) have shown that heparin can                            expression of the 4.5-kb and especially of the 3.7-kb tran-
affect mRNA synthesis and abundance of liver-specific                              scripts; the addition of heparin did not induce the mRNA
genes by acting in concert with hormones, each gene being                          abundance further. The omission of glucagon from HDM
regulated by two to three specific hormones. We investi-                           had no significant effect on either the basal or heparin-
gated whether autocrine growth factor genes are similarly                          inducible levels of the three mRNA species encoding IGF II.
affected by heparin. Replicate plates of HepG2 cells were                          Deletion of triiodotyronine, GH, or prolactin from HDM did
grown for 4 days in HDM or in HDM in which individual                              not affect the basal levels of expression but eliminated the
hormones were omitted and in the presence or absence of                            heparin-induced mRNA accumulation of all three mRNA
bovine lung-derived heparin (20 to 50 ,ug/ml). In parallel, we                     transcripts of IGF II.
tested the effects of each of the hormones added alone and                            TGF, mRNA levels (Fig. 3C and 4B) were also increased
with or without heparin in serum-free RPMI 1640. The                               by heparin supplementation of HDM. In cultures in HDM
RNAs from these cultures were hybridized with radiolabeled                         from which GH was omitted, the TGF, basal level was
probes for IGF II and TGFP. We detected three IGF II                               elevated, and heparin addition did not induce it further. In
mRNA transcripts of 6.0, 4.5, and 3.7 kb and only sometimes                        cultures in HDM from which insulin was omitted, the basal
a 2.2-kb species. The 6.0-, 4.5-, and 3.7-kb transcripts were                      level of TGF, was reduced and heparin induction was
112       ZVIBEL ET AL.                                                                                                                                      MOL. CELL. BIOL.

          A                       IGF I                                                 A                            C
                                                                                                                     (L                                   CL)

          0.4         H                      3.7kb Transcript                                                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C_        .   L

          0.3                                                                          DHFR
          0.2              [triri
                             H H                                                       IGF II
                I                                                                                                ..

      t   0.1                                                                          TGFP          S.                                                -          _        -
                I     H              H    4.5kb Transcript
      to 0.3
                                                                                                                                     )       CDL
      =   0.2
                                                                                                                         -c      4-          4            +           +
  .- 0.1                                                                                                   (/)       U)          u)          en           U)          c.

                                                                                                                                                                                Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on March 28, 2021 by guest
      a                                                                                                          c   c           c            C           c           c

  a:                                               H             ep
                                                                                                          +          +,          +           +:          4            +
                      H                      kb
          0.4             |       H~~H H~~~~~O Conttrol                                     DHFR
          0.3                                      arin                                     IG FII                                          _r           -        -

                                                                      ig/mi)                TGF,
          0.2                                                                                              _s        -           -          _w            _       _
                    I;~~~~~~~~~~                                Hepc
          0.1                                                                                        c                   RPM1i                R PM i. heF9

                    HDM -Insulin -Glucogon    -T3 -Growth -Prolactin
          B                         TGF-0          0 Control                                          ifj.F II

                                                   X Heparin                                         TGF    :.            _                        _-
                0.4                                   (SOg/ml)
                                                                                 FIG. 5. Nuclear transcription run-on assays of HepG2 cells
                U~~~~~~~~~~~                                                   cultured for 4 days. The blots are representative of those from one
              03              H                                                of three experiments. (A) Expression in cells in HDM and in
                                                                               derivative HDM from which specific hormones were deleted. Half
                                                                               of the cultures maintained in each medium were also treated with
                                                                               bovine lung heparin (50 ,ug/ml). Note the expression of DHFR used
                                                                               as an internal control. (B) Expression in cells in serum-free RPMI
                                                                               1640 supplemented with one or two hormones at a time in the
                                                                               presence or absence of bovine lung heparin (50 ,ug/ml). (C) Expres-
                                                                               sion in HepG2 cells (the American Type Culture Collection subline)
                          HDM      -Insulin     -Glucagon -Growth              cultured in serum-free RPMI 1640 (no hormones or growth factors)
                                                          Hormone              alone or supplemented with bovine lung heparin (50 ,ug/ml). These
  FIG. 4. Histograms showing the relative mRNA abundances of                   control experiments could not be repeated with the early-passage
the TGF3 and the three IGF II transcripts in HepG2 cells cultured              (passage 82) HepG2 subline obtained from Barbara Knowles since
in HDM with or without specific hormone deletions and with or                  that subline did not survive in RPMI 1640 without hormones. a-tub,
without heparin. The histograms derive from densitometry readings              a-Tubulin. Other abbreviations are as for Fig. 3.
of autoradiograms from one of three replicate experiments. The data
were normalized to 18S RNA expression under the same conditions.

                                                                               glucagon and especially with GH (Fig. 5A and B; Fig. 6A). In
eliminated. HepG2 cells cultured in the presence of insulin                    experiments in which hormones were deleted one by one
alone in a serum-free medium had high mRNA abundance                           from HDM (Fig. 5A), the omission of either insulin, gluca-
for TGF,, and addition of heparin increased TGFO and                           gon, or GH caused a decrease in the inductive effect of
mRNA abundance even more.                                                      heparin on the transcription rate of IGF II compared with
   Effects of heparin and hormones on the transcription rates                  that in cells in complete HDM (Fig. 5A).
of IGF II and TGFI mRNAs in HepG2 cells. Both TGF,3 and                          Multiple hormones also affected the transcription rate of
IGF II were regulated by the additive or synergistic effects of                TGFP. The transcription rate of TGFI mRNA (Fig. 5A and
multiple hormones in combination with heparin. By con-                         B; Fig. 6B) was induced weakly (twofold) by heparin in
trast, RPMI 1640 alone or RPMI 1640 with heparin showed                        combination with insulin plus glucagon. However, the peak
no significant effect on transcription rates of IGF II or TGFP                 transcription rates (13-fold induction) were observed in
(Fig. 5C). Heparin treatment of cells cultured in complete                     heparin-treated cells in complete HDM or in a serum-free
HDM resulted in a three- to fourfold increase in the mRNA                      medium supplemented only with insulin and GH (Fig. 6B).
synthesis rate. Heparin-insulin combinations produced a                        Deletion of insulin from the complete HDM resulted in a loss
small increase in the transcription rates of IGF II mRNA                       of heparin induction of the transcription rate. Deletion of
(Fig. 5A and B; Fig. 6A). Additive effects were observed in                    glucagon resulted in a small reduction in the transcription
cells treated with heparin and with insulin combined with                      rate.
VOL . 1 l, 1991                                            HEPARIN AND HORMONAL REGULATION OF mRNA SYNTHESIS                            113

                                       IGF 11                                proliferation of others such as smooth muscle cells and
                                                                             epithelia (5, 6, 26, 38, 39, 54). The mitogenic effect on
      Relative Transcription Rate                                            endothelia was due to fibroblast growth factor, which re-
 7 1A                                                                        mained fully active after binding with high affinity to a
                                            EI Control   _ Heparin (lung)    pentasaccharide sequence in the heparin species made by
                                                                             endothelia (52). The heparin inhibition of growth of smooth
 5                                                                           muscle cells has been found to be due to a saccharide
                                                                             sequence in certain heparins that binds to and results in
                                                                             down-regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor
 3                                                                           without effects on the insulin receptor or platelet-derived
                                                                             growth factor (5, 38, 39, 54). In recent studies, Conrad and
                                                                             associates have suggested that heparin, by itself, can also
                                                                             regulate cell growth through unique changes in its chemical
                                                                             structure that occur in a density-dependent fashion (13) and
                                                                             through its translocation to the nucleus of the cell (26).
         *Ins   +Ins     +Ins        HDM HDM-InsHDM-GlucHDM-GH                  Heparin effects on the expression of autocrine growth fac-

                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on March 28, 2021 by guest
                +Gluc    +GH
                                                                             tors in metastatic versus nonmetastatic carcinoma cell lines.
                                      TGF B                                  Since autocrine growth factors are thought to be critical for
                                                                             low-density growth of tumors (46), we tested the hypothesis
                                                                             that heparins inhibit growth of minimally deviant tumors by
                                                                             regulating the synthesis of autocrine growth factors in the
                                                                             cells. As predicted by our hypothesis, autocrine growth
                                                                             factor synthesis was regulatable by heparins in the HepG2
                                                                             cell line but not in two metastatic cell lines, SK-Hep-1 and
                                                                             PLC/PRF/5. Contradicting the hypothesis were the data
                                                                             showing that the highest basal levels of the autocrine growth
                                                                             factors were evident in the highly differentiated, nonmeta-
                                                                             static HepG2 cells, and heparins induced the autocrine
                                                                             growth factors in HepG2 cells to even higher levels. Thus,
                                                                             heparins, which we previously (10) showed caused cell
                                                                             differentiation and inhibition of growth in normal hepato-
         *lns     *lns       *lns    HDM   HDM-lnsHDM-GlucHDM-GH    RPMI     cytes and in minimally deviant tumor cells, also result in
                *Gluc        +GH                                             greatly elevated levels of specific autocrine growth factors.
  FIG. 6. Histograms showing the effects of heparin-hormone                     Heparin effects on autocrine growth factors are through
combinations on the transcription rates of mRNAs for the genes               potentiation of hormonal regulation. In past reports, there
indicated on top. The data were normalized to DHFR expression                has been a paucity of data to identify circulating hormones
under the same conditions. The run-on assays were performed three
times with similar results. Representative experiments       were   chosen
                                                                             that might regulate IGF II or TGFPi (36, 53). In adult liver,
and used for calculating the histograms. The data for RPMI 1640              IGF I but not IGF II is under transcriptional control by GH
with or without heparin were from an independent experiment using            (32). In HepG2, heparin regulation of synthesis of autocrine
the original subline of HepG2; these controls could not be repeated          growth factors was via potentiation of hormone effects.
with the early-passage (passage 82) subline since that subline did not       TGF, and each of the transcripts of IGF II required the
survive in RPMI 1640 without hormones. The calculations were                 presence of specific hormones for heparin induction of
made as follows: (optical density for each autocrine growth factor           mRNA synthesis or abundance. Moreover, the heparin
gene    optical density for pGEM)/(optical density for DHFR under            effects were neutral, stimulatory, or inhibitory on expression
the same condition       optical density for pGEM). (A) IGF II; (B)

                                                                             of TGFi or of specific transcripts of IGF II, depending on
TGF,B. Ins, Insulin; Gluc, glucagon.                                         which heparin-hormone combination was used. Heparin in
                                                                             the presence of GH and insulin was stimulatory for TGF,B
                                                                             expression and involved predominantly a transcriptional
                                    DISCUSSION                               control mechanism. By contrast, the heparin effect on IGF II
  Highly sulfated heparan sulfate proteoglycans, with hep-                   mRNA levels involved both transcriptional and posttran-
arinlike glycosaminoglycan chains, are plasma membrane-                      scriptional mechanisms. Therefore, the specificity of the
associated extracellular matrix components of growth-ar-                     influence of heparin is dictated by the specific hormones.
rested liver cells (13, 26-28). Heparins were found to inhibit                  The differential regulation of the abundance of the three
growth and to lower the clonal growth efficiency of a                        IGF II transcripts by distinct groups of hormones and
minimally deviant hepatoma cell line, HepG2. Heparan                         growth factors (Fig. 3 and 4) could offer an explanation for
sulfates, similar to the poorly sulfated glycosaminoglycan                   why the different transcripts are found in specific tissues and
chains on heparan sulfate proteoglycans produced by grow-                    in tissues of different developmental stages. The human IGF
ing liver cells (13, 41), had no effect on HepG2 growth or                   II gene is transcribed from three promoters, which are both
clonal growth efficiency. Neither heparins nor heparan sul-                  developmentally regulated (8) and tissue specific (25, 44).
fates had any effect on the growth or clonal growth efficiency               The factors affecting IGF II mRNA synthesis from these
of two highly metastatic hepatoma cell lines, PLC/PRF/5 and                  three promoters are not known. Our data are the first to
SK-Hep-1. The insensitivity of the poorly differentiated                     suggest possible regulatory signals. We found that insulin,
hepatomas to heparin regulation probably results from their                  glucagon, and GH were required for heparin induction of the
degradation by tumor cell-derived glycosidases (33).                         transcription rate of IGF II. The promoters identified for
   Heparins have been shown to promote the growth of some                    IGF II are P1, found active only in adult liver and giving rise
cell types such as endothelia (16, 52) and to inhibit the                    to a 5.3-kb mRNA; P2, which yields a 6.0-kb as well as a
114     ZVIBEL ET AL.                                                                                               MOL. CELL. BIOL.

2.2-kb transcript in fetal tissues; and P3, which yields a         hypothesize that the plasma membrane glycosaminoglycan
4.8-kb mRNA species that is also present in many fetal             chemistry may influence the signal transduction mechanisms
tissues. Our studies show that the major transcripts of IGF II     by growth factors such as IGF II and TGF,. At low growth
in HepG2 cells are 6.0, 4.5, and 3.7 kb. A 2.2-kb transcript       factor concentrations or in the presence of heparan sulfates
was observed in some experiments. Thus, insulin, GH, and           (produced when cells are in a state of growth), these factors
glucagon likely affect the P2 and P3 promoters; it is unclear      would be mitogens. At high concentrations or in the pres-
whether the P1 promoter is affected. In addition, elimination      ence of heparinlike glycosaminoglycans (produced when
of insulin resulted in a relative increase in the mRNA             cells are at high density or in the quiescent state), the factors
abundance of the 4.5-kb transcript and especially of the           would be differentiation signals. Highly metastatic tumor
3.7-kb transcript through posttranscriptional mechanisms,          cells either do not produce high enough concentrations of the
suggesting that there may be a negative response element in        growth factors or never generate the highly sulfated, hep-
the coding transcript sensitive to insulin and resulting in        arinlike heparan sulfate proteoglycans that are hypothesized
lowered mRNA stability. Although seemingly contradictory           to drive the signal transduction process towards a differen-
findings, perhaps the data implicate a feedback loop that          tiation pathway. This possibility is supported by the fact that
maintains a stable level of IGF II. Loss of insulin results in     tumor progression and the loss of differentiation in hepato-
increased stability; presence of insulin results in lowered        mas is associated with loss in the activities of an epimerase

                                                                                                                                           Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on March 28, 2021 by guest
stability but increased synthesis. Triiodotyronine and pro-        and sulfatransferases responsible for the conversion of the
lactin were also found necessary for heparin induction of all      poorly sulfated to the highly sulfated forms of heparan
three transcripts. However, we have not tested whether             sulfate proteoglycans (41). Other growth factors have been
their effects are via transcriptional or posttranscriptional       shown to have biphasic functions: epidermal growth factor
mechanisms.                                                        and insulin are both mitogens for adult hepatocytes at low
   Although heparin showed a direct effect on the TGF,             density (11) or in the presence of heparan sulfates. However,
mRNA stability, its primary effects were on TGFP mRNA              they do not affect growth but rather affect the synthesis of
synthesis, again via specific hormone-heparin combinations.        liver-specific mRNAs in hepatocytes cultured at high density
The most potent signal for TGF,B transcription was a syner-        or in the presence of heparins (19). If our hypothesis proves
gistic effect of insulin, GH, and heparin.                         true, synergies between hormones or growth factor and
   Role of IGF H in neoplasia and differentiation. Although        membrane-associated glycosaminoglycan chemistry could
the presence of both IGF I and IGF II in tumors and                be part of the mechanism of normal liver cell differentiation
embryonal tissues is well documented (4, 34, 49, 55), the          in vivo as well as a differential regulator of minimally deviant
actual data are unclear as to whether IGF II is critically         versus metastatic tumors.
involved in neoplastic transformation, in tumor progression,
or in differentiation (4, 9, 20, 30, 32, 34, 42, 45, 48). IGF II                         ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mRNA levels are very high in fetal tissues such as embry-             We thank Dinish Williams for excellent technical assistance.
onic liver (4) but are low in human adult liver (20) and           Excellent secretarial assistance was given by Rosina Passela.
undetectable in rat liver after birth (4). During rat hepato-         This research was supported primarily by grant 1897 from the
carcinogenesis, IGF II gene transcription was reactivated          Council for Tobacco Research. Funding for some supplies and for
from three different promoters, whose activities differed in       technicians who helped with the liver perfusions, with animals, and
efficiency in each of the analyzed tumors (51). In normal rat      with glassware washing was through grants from the American
tissues, however, the three promoters were coordinately            Cancer Society (BC-439) and National Institutes of Health (NIH/
regulated (50). An alternate explanation is that the IGF II        NCI P30-CA13330 and AM17702-12). Lola Reid received salary
levels in tumors result from expansion of liver progenitor         support through a career development award NIH CA00783. Isabel
cells expressing IGF II (12, 17, 37) rather than induction due     Zvibel received partial salary support through the Molin Founda-
to oncogenic transformation (12).                                  tion.
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