Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature

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Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature

Production of functional oocytes requires
maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in
golden hamsters
Hidetoshi Hasuwa 1, Yuka W. Iwasaki                          , Wan Kin Au Yeung
                                                            1,2                                   3
                                                                                                   , Kyoko Ishino1, Harumi Masuda1,
Hiroyuki Sasaki 3 and Haruhiko Siomi

Many animals have a conserved adaptive genome defence system known as the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway, which
is essential for germ cell development and function. Disruption of individual mouse Piwi genes results in male but not female
sterility, leading to the assumption that PIWI genes play little or no role in mammalian oocytes. Here, we report the generation
of PIWI-defective golden hamsters, which have defects in the production of functional oocytes. The mechanisms involved vary
among the hamster PIWI genes, whereby the lack of PIWIL1 has a major impact on gene expression, including hamster-specific
young transposon de-silencing, whereas PIWIL3 deficiency has little impact on gene expression in oocytes, although DNA
methylation was reduced to some extent in PIWIL3-deficient oocytes. Our findings serve as the foundation for developing use-
ful models to study the piRNA pathway in mammalian oocytes, including humans.

      iwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are derived from specific                 engineer the genes of interest19,20. Unlike laboratory mice and rats,
      genomic loci termed piRNA clusters and form effector                    which belong to the Muridae family of rodents lacking PIWIL3, the
      complexes with PIWI proteins, a germline-specific class of              golden hamster belongs to the Cricetidae family of rodents and has
Argonaute proteins. These complexes guide recognition and silenc-             four distinct PIWI genes. We recently found that hamster PIWIL1
ing of their targets, which are mostly transposable elements (TEs)1–3.        and PIWIL2 are expressed in both the testis and the ovary, whereas
Mammalian PIWI–piRNA pathways have mostly been studied in                     PIWIL3 and PIWIL4 are exclusively expressed in the ovary and tes-
mice, which express three PIWI proteins (PIWIL1 (also known as                tis, respectively16.
MIWI), PIWIL2 (also known as MILI) and PIWIL4 (also known as                      In this article, we generate PIWI-deficient golden hamsters and
MIWI2)) abundantly in the testis but only weakly in the ovary1–3.             address the question of whether PIWI genes are required for the pro-
These PIWI proteins bind distinct classes of piRNAs, which direct             duction of functional oocytes. Our results identify the non-redundant
chromatin modifications of target TE sequences during embryo-                 essential role of PIWI genes in hamster oogenesis. Thus, this study
genesis and guide silencing of target TEs at the posttranscriptional          implicates defects in PIWI genes in human infertility.
level later in spermatogenesis, to ensure completion of meiosis and
successful sperm production. A deficiency in Piwi genes in mice is            Results
characterized by spermatogenesis arrest and infertility in males, but         Generation of PIWI-deficient golden hamsters using the
females with deficiencies in these genes remain fertile4–10 with lim-         CRISPR–Cas9 system. In the present study, we aimed to investigate
ited impact on TE silencing11,12. These findings clearly demonstrate          the roles of PIWI genes in female reproduction by studying PIWIL1
that mouse Piwi genes are essential for male, but not female, germ            and PIWIL3 genes, both of which are highly expressed in oocytes16.
cell development.                                                             We directly injected Cas9 mRNA or Cas9 protein together with
    However, most mammalian species, including humans, possess                single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) into the pronucleus (PN) and/or cyto-
an additional PIWI gene, termed PIWIL3, to the three PIWI genes               plasm of an embryo to generate hamsters deficient in PIWIL1 or
described above13–16. PIWIL3 was found to be specifically expressed           PIWIL3. We injected the cells under a microscope with red filters
in oocytes and not in testes15–17. Thus, piRNA-mediated silencing             (600 nm) in a dark room because even brief exposure of hamster
may differ between mice and other mammals with four PIWI genes.               zygotes to light results in total developmental arrest20. Injected
However, little is known about the piRNA pathway in mammalian                 embryos with normal morphology were transferred to each oviduct
species with the four PIWI genes, particularly their potential roles          (10–15 embryos per oviduct) of pseudopregnant recipient females.
in functional oocyte production. Golden Syrian hamsters (golden               In total, 46 pups were obtained from the PIWIL1-sgRNA-injected
hamster, Mesocricetus auratus) have been used as an experimen-                embryos, of which 23 carried a mutant allele, as demonstrated by
tal rodent model for studying human diseases, particularly cancer             genomic PCR and sequencing of tail tissue (Extended Data Fig. 1).
and infectious diseases, including the recent Covid-19, because               However, nine female founder hamsters were infertile and could
they display physiological and pharmacological responses resem-               only establish three frameshift mutant hamster lines. For the pro-
bling those of humans18. In addition, genome editing using the                duction of PIWIL3-deficient hamsters, 18 pups were obtained
CRISPR–Cas9 system was recently enabled in golden hamsters to                 from the injected embryos. Genomic sequencing revealed some

 Department of Molecular Biology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 2Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Precursory Research
for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO), Saitama, Japan. 3Division of Epigenomics and Development, Medical Institute of Bioregulation,
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. ✉e-mail:

1002                                                              Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
NATuRE CEll BIOlOgy                                                                                                                 Articles
mosaicism and identified a total of 13 types of PIWIL3 mutant                      (Fig. 2e,g,h). Conversely, maternal PIWIL3-deficient embryos were
alleles (Extended Data Fig. 2). We crossed F1 heterozygous mutant                  significantly delayed in early embryogenesis, and 70% remained at
hamsters to generate F2 homozygous mutant hamsters, which                          the 2C or three-cell (3C) stage 1 day after in vitro culture (Fig. 2f).
yielded offspring with genotypes that segregated in a Mendelian dis-               Even on the second day of culture, 30% remained at the 2C or 3C
tribution. Both PIWIL1-deficient hamsters and PIWIL3-deficient                     stage, and many others were arrested at the 4C or 8C stages includ-
hamsters appeared normal without outwardly discernible morpho-                     ing five-cell (5C) embryos, which indicates that one blastomere of
logical and behavioural abnormalities.                                             the 2C was arrested and the other divided (Fig. 2f,i,j). These results
                                                                                   indicate that both PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient oocytes
Abnormal spermatogenesis in PIWIL1-deficient golden hamsters.                      can be fertilized and proceed through the first cell division, but they
PIWIL1-deficient male hamsters displayed small testes and lack of                  fail to develop, either completely or partially, at subsequent devel-
mature sperm in the cauda epididymis (Extended Data Fig. 3a–e).                    opmental stages. These results also highlight the non-redundant
Staining for DDX4 (mouse Vasa) and acrosome (with lectin peanut                    essential role of PIWI genes in hamster oogenesis.
agglutinin (PNA)) revealed a complete lack of acrosome-positive S2
spermatids in the PIWIL1-deficient testes (Fig. 1a–d). In addition,                Decrease in subclasses of piRNAs in PIWI-deficient oocytes.
the population of small RNAs of 29–31 nucleotides (nt) in length                   To gain insight into the molecular defects leading to the observed
was markedly reduced in the PIWIL1-deficient testes (Fig. 1e–g).                   abnormalities, we performed small RNA sequencing (small
They showed a strong bias for uracil at their 5′ ends, which is a                  RNA-seq) of PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient oocytes, and
conserved characteristic of piRNAs1,2 (Fig. 1h). Genome mapping                    the results revealed a decrease in specific populations of small RNAs
and annotation of testes PIWIL1–piRNAs revealed that they were                     (Fig. 3a,c). In both heterozygous control oocytes, three peaks at 19
mainly mapped to unannotated regions of the genome (Fig. 1i).                      nt, 23 nt and 29 nt were observed. We compared the small RNA
These developmental abnormalities and reduction in corresponding                   length distribution between heterozygous and homozygous oocytes
piRNAs resembled those observed in Piwil1-deficient male mice3,4.                  by normalizing the entire small RNA population using the detected
PIWIL3 was not expressed in the testes16 and PIWIL3-deficient male                 miRNA reads. This revealed a significant decrease in the popula-
hamsters displayed no overt phenotype.                                             tion of 23- and 29-nt small RNAs in PIWIL1-deficient oocytes. In
                                                                                   contrast, only the 19-nt small RNA population was decreased in
Defects in the production of functional oocytes in PIWI-deficient                  PIWIL3-deficient oocytes. This is consistent with our recent find-
hamsters. Western blots confirmed the lack of PIWIL1 and PIWIL3                    ings that PIWIL1 binds to two populations of small RNAs, 23 and
in the mutant ovaries. Immunostaining also demonstrated the loss                   29 nt (PIWIL1-bound piRNAs), while PIWIL3 binds to 19-nt small
of PIWIL1 and PIWIL3 protein in the cytoplasm of mutant grow-                      RNAs (PIWIL3-bound piRNAs) in metaphase II (MII) oocytes16. It
ing oocytes (Extended Data Fig. 4a,b). Histological examination                    has been recently shown that human PIWIL3 binds a class of ~20-nt
of ovaries from PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient adult                        small RNAs in oocytes17, which suggests that hamster PIWIL3
females revealed no gross abnormalities (Extended Data Fig. 4c).                   resembles the human orthologue.
PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient female hamsters dis-                             To further characterize the decreased population of small RNAs,
played complete sterility and reduced fertility, respectively (Fig. 2).            changes in the expression level of each small RNA were anal-
When PIWIL1-deficient females were crossed with heterozygous                       ysed in PIWIL1 and PIWIL3 mutants. Decreased expression was
males, they never became pregnant despite successful coitus, as                    observed in populations of small RNAs (Extended Data Fig. 5),
demonstrated by the presence of sperm in the vagina (Fig. 2a,c).                   which is consistent with our observation of the length distribution
PIWIL3-deficient females when mated with heterozygous males dis-                   (Fig. 3a,c). Comparisons with the previously identified PIWIL1/
played reduced fertility with both reduced pregnancy rates (43.5%                  PIWIL3-bound piRNAs16 indicated that the small RNAs, the popu-
versus 75% in homozygous (m/m) and heterozygous (w/m) females,                     lations of which were decreased, were identical to these PIWIL1/
respectively) and smaller litter sizes (4.6 versus 6.8 in homozygous               PIWIL3-bound piRNAs (Fig. 3b,d), which shows that the lack of
and heterozygous females, respectively) (Fig. 2b,d). The homozy-                   PIWI proteins depleted piRNAs that bind to them. In contrast, the
gous PIWIL3-deficient pups proceeded into adulthood without                        expression levels of a minor population of the PIWIL1/PIWIL3–
expressing any overt developmental abnormalities.                                  piRNAs were not decreased in homozygous mutants. This may be
   To examine how embryogenesis proceeds after fertilization with                  because these piRNAs can be bound by other PIWI proteins and/
oocytes deficient in PIWIL1 or PIWIL3, we isolated two-cell (2C)                   or can be stably present in a PIWI-unassociated manner. Small
embryos from PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient females                         RNAs identical to the PIWIL1-bound piRNAs/PIWIL3-bound piR-
crossed with wild-type males and cultured them in vitro. All mater-                NAs16 and those that decreased by more than fourfold in homozy-
nal PIWIL1-deficient 2C embryos remained at the 2C stage and                       gous mutants were defined as PIWIL1–piRNA or PIWIL3–piRNA.
apparently died after 1 day of in vitro culture, whereas 2C embryos                As expected, PIWIL1–piRNAs were mostly 23- and 29-nt small
isolated from heterozygous females developed into four-cell (4C)                   RNAs, while PIWIL3–piRNAs were mostly 19-nt small RNAs
to eight-cell (8C) embryos under the same culture conditions                       (Fig. 3e,f). They both possessed uracil at their 5′ end (Fig. 3g).

Fig. 1 | Characterization of male phenotypes and piRNAs in the testes of PIWIL1-deficient golden hamsters. a–d, Anti-DDX4 antibody (a–c) and PNA
(d) staining of testis sections of 15-week-old wild-type and homozygous mutant (PIWIL1m/m) hamsters. Almost no spermatids after meiosis were observed
in the PIWIL1-deficient testis. Enlarged views of the boxes in the lower panel of a show meiotic spermatocytes (arrow, b) and an early round spermatid
(c). Similar results were observed in three independent samples. Scale bars, 100 µm (a and d) or 10 µm (b and c). e, Composition of small RNA categories
according to their length distributions in testes from wild-type (PIWIL1w/w; left) and PIWIL1-deficient (right) golden hamsters. Small RNA reads from known
ncRNAs (tRNA, rRNA, sn/snoRNA and miRNA) are indicated by the described colours. The reads were normalized to the reads mapped to miRNAs and
the total number of obtained reads. f, An MA plot showing the expression level of each unique small RNA sequence. To calculate log2(fold change) and
expression levels, 1 was added to each value to calculate the levels of small RNA sequences with 0 in either of the samples. Small RNAs decreased by more
than eightfold in homozygous mutants were defined as PIWIL1–piRNA (indicated by blue lines). PIWIL1w/m, heterozygous mutant. g, The size distribution
of PIWIL1–piRNA. Obtained small RNA reads were normalized to the total number of genome-mapped small RNA reads. h, WebLogo analysis of PIWIL1–
piRNA. i, Annotation of genome-mapped PIWIL1–piRNA. Small RNA-seq was performed with three independent libraries and pooled data were used.

Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |                                                          1003
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
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Genome mapping and annotation of PIWIL1–piRNAs and                                                                               from PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient MII oocytes. This
PIWIL3–piRNAs revealed that they were mainly mapped to unan-                                                                     revealed that the lack of PIWIL1 significantly affected the oocyte
notated regions of the genome, as in the case of mouse pachytene                                                                 transcriptome (Fig. 4a). We detected 1,612 differentially expressed
piRNAs3. A total of 12.4% PIWIL1–piRNAs and 15.5% of PIWIL3–                                                                     genes (DEGs) in PIWIL1-deficient oocytes, 66.13% of which were
piRNAs were mapped to the antisense orientation of TEs, which                                                                    upregulated, which indicates possible silencing of these genes by
suggests that they can target TEs (Fig. 3h).                                                                                     the PIWI–piRNA pathway. However, only 0.02% of the PIWIL1–
                                                                                                                                 piRNAs were mapped to the antisense direction of protein-coding
Altered expression of genes and TEs in PIWIL1-deficient                                                                          genes (Fig. 3h). None of the upregulated DEGs were included in
oocytes. We also performed RNA-seq using samples isolated                                                                        PIWIL1–piRNA-mapped protein-coding genes (PIWIL1–piRNA

    a                                                    Wild type                        b                                                        d                                        Wild type

                                                                                                                Meiotic spermatocyte

                                         DDX4 DAPI                                             DDX4 DAPI                                                 PNA DAPI

                                                         PIWIL1m/m                                                                                                                         PIWIL1m/m


                                                                                               Early round spermatid

                                         DDX4 DAPI                                             DDX4 DAPI                                                 PNA                    DAPI

    e                                                                                                                                                        f
                                                      PIWIL1w/w                                                        PIWIL1m/m                                                                      PIWIL1m/m/PIWIL1w/w
                                   30                                                         30
miRNA normalized small ratio (%)

                                   25        tRNA                                             25
                                             sn/snoRNA                                                                                                                           5
                                                                                                                                                           log2(fold change)

                                   20                                                         20

                                   15                                                         15                                                                                 0


                                    5                                                          5

                                                                                                                                                                               –10                                       Small RNAs
                                    0                                                          0
                                        10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40            10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
                                                                                                                                                                                       0                5           10              15
                                                    Small RNA length (nt)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Average expression (log2)

    g                                                                                                       h              2.0

Small RNA ratio (%)

                                                                                                                                            5                          10                        15
                                                                                                                                                Small RNA position (nt)


                                    0                                                                                PIWIL1–piRNA        12.0    7.4                                             76.7
                                        10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
                                                    Small RNA length (nt)
                                                                                                                                      0%                                                   50%                               100%

                                                                                                                 Transposon antisense           Repeat antisense                       Protein-coding antisense          Unannotated
                                                                                                                 Transposon sense               Repeat sense                           Protein-coding sense

1004                                                                                                            Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
NATuRE CEll BIOlOgy                                                                                                                    Articles
reads per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (RPKM)                   Piwil4-independent manner in male germ cells27,28. These findings
of >5), which suggests that PIWIL1–piRNAs cannot directly                          prompted us to examine DNA methylation in PIWIL1-deficient
target mRNAs for their regulation. However, mouse PIWIL1 can                       and PIWIL3-deficient oocytes, although both PIWIL1 and PIWIL3
bind spermatogenic mRNAs directly, without using piRNAs as                         are predominantly cytoplasmic in oocytes16 (Extended Data Fig.
guides, to form mRNP complexes that stabilize mRNAs essential                      4b). Because it is known that de novo DNA methylation is com-
for spermatogenesis21; therefore, hamster PIWIL1 may also regulate                 plete by the germinal vesicle (GV) stage in mouse oocytes29, we
mRNAs via a piRNA-independent mechanism. In contrast, the level                    stained hamster PIWI-deficient and control GV oocytes with an
of most genes remained unchanged in PIWIL3-deficient oocytes,                      anti-5-methylcytosine (5mC) antibody. The DNA methylation level
with only 21 DEGs detected (Fig. 4a). These results indicate that a                was approximately the same in PIWIL1-deficient and control GV
number of genes are regulated by PIWIL1, but not by PIWIL3, in                     oocytes (Extended Data Figs. 8a and 9). However, PIWIL3-deficient
hamster oocytes.                                                                   oocytes had a significantly reduced DNA methylation level com-
    The impact of the loss of PIWIL1 or PIWIL3 on the expression level             pared to control oocytes, as judged by 5mC staining (Extended Data
of TEs was further analysed using RNA-seq. We recently re-sequenced                Figs. 8b and 9). This suggests that PIWIL3 is involved in DNA meth-
the golden hamster genome and detected species-specific TEs16.                     ylation during oocyte development.
Notably, ~80% of the expressed TEs (transcripts per kilobase million                  To explore the DNA methylation status in greater detail, we
(TPM) of >1) were newly detected members of the TEs. An analysis                   performed whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (Supplementary
of the TE expression levels revealed that PIWIL1 loss resulted in an               Table 1). This analysis revealed that the level of global CG meth-
increased expression of 29 families of TEs (by more than twofold)                  ylation (DNA methylation at CG sites, which are the major meth-
(Fig. 4b). In sharp contrast, the loss of PIWIL3 had little impact on              ylation target) was significantly decreased in PIWIL3-deficient GV
the expression levels of TEs (Fig. 4b). In PIWIL1-deficient oocytes,               oocytes compared to that in heterozygous control oocytes (36.4%
TE family members, including ERV2-9, ERV2-14b and ERV2-14a,                        versus 39.1%, respectively) (Fig. 6a). The level of non-CG meth-
were upregulated the most (Fig. 4c). Of the 29 upregulated TE fami-                ylation was unchanged (Fig. 6b). We identified 4,364 differentially
lies, 18 were long terminal repeat (LTR) and 11 were long interspersed             methylated regions (DMRs) using 3-kb windows, which included
nuclear element (LINE) TEs. In addition, 27 out of the 29 upregulated              3,581 less methylated DMRs and 683 more methylated DMRs (Fig.
TE families were specific to golden hamsters16, which suggests that                6c). These DMRs were slightly more enriched in intergenic regions
PIWIL1 regulates active TEs that were recently added to the golden                 and tended to contain PIWIL3–piRNA target TEs (less methyl-
hamster genome. We then compared the abundance of the PIWIL1–                      ated DMRs contained MT2C_Mm and AmnHarb1, whereas more
piRNA population corresponding to each TE family with the change                   methylated DMRs contained MER99, ORR1A3-int, MT2B1 and
in expression of that TE in PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient                  RMER1C) (Fig. 6d). However, the total CG methylation level at
oocytes (Fig. 5a,b). This revealed a correlation between PIWIL1–                   individual piRNA clusters, satellite repeats and TEs was not sig-
piRNA antisense abundance with particular TEs and the upregula-                    nificantly altered in PIWIL3-deficient GV oocytes, except for four
tion of these TEs with a lack of PIWIL1 but not a lack of PIWIL3.                  TEs, MT2C_Mm, MER136, MMTV-int and UCON58, among
Together, these results show that PIWIL1 can regulate recently identi-             which MT2C_Mm was the only PIWIL3–piRNA target (Fig.
fied active TEs via their targeting by piRNAs in oocytes.                          7a–c). While the overall CG methylation level of MT2C_Mm was
    We performed gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of the                     reduced in PIWIL3-deficient oocytes (Fig. 7c), only one out of the
DEGs identified with PIWIL1 deficiency and found enrichment                        total of 31 genomic copies of this TE was located in a less methyl-
of terms related to nucleosome assembly and transcriptional and                    ated DMR, which suggests that PIWIL3–piRNA binding to these
epigenetic regulation (Extended Data Fig. 6a,b). This suggests that                TEs may not be the major cause of the observed DNA methyla-
PIWIL1 loss may cause defects in chromatin and/or the genome                       tion changes. Our recent study16 showed that piRNA loading onto
integrity network. Consistent with this notion, PIWIL1-deficient                   PIWIL3 is visible only in ovulated oocytes, which may preclude
2C nuclei displayed a single enlarged nucleolus with altered nuclear               the probable piRNA-dependent function of PIWIL3 in intergenic
DNA enrichment, while pronuclei derived from oocytes of all geno-                  DNA methylation in GV oocytes.
types and 2C nuclei derived from PIWIL1 heterozygous and PIWIL3                       Unlike any other differentiated mammalian cells, DNA meth-
homozygous oocytes displayed multiple nucleoli (Extended Data                      ylation in oocytes occurs predominantly within gene bodies, with
Fig. 7a,b). This suggests that PIWIL1 loss may induce the nucleolar                almost no methylation occurring in intergenic regions30. Therefore,
stress response, which is often associated with cell cycle arrest and              we analysed the DNA methylation status of gene bodies and gene
cell senescence22,23.                                                              promoters in PIWIL3-deficient oocytes. We found that a number of
                                                                                   genes showed altered levels of CG methylation at their gene bodies
Altered DNA methylation in PIWIL3-deficient oocytes. In mice,                      or promoters, with a larger population having reduced methylation,
nuclear Piwil4 acts as an effector for de novo DNA methylation                     in PIWIL3-deficient GV oocytes (Fig. 7d,e). In addition, although
of target TEs in embryonic male germ cells7,24–26. Recent stud-                    there was no significant difference in oocyte transcripts between
ies have indicated that other PIWI proteins, which are predomi-                    PIWIL3 mutant and controls (Fig. 4a), genes with increased DNA
nantly cytoplasmic, may also function in DNA methylation in a                      methylation at their gene bodies tended to be expressed at higher

Fig. 2 | Female fertility phenotypes of PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient golden hamsters. a,b, The fecundity of female golden hamsters deficient
in PIWIL1 (a) or PIWIL3 (b) was analysed by natural mating; n indicates the number of female hamsters used for each genotype. The numbers on the bar
indicate pregnancy per coitus. *P = 0.0424 by two-sided Fisher’s exact test. c,d, Litter sizes from mated PIWIL1 mutant (c) and PIWIL3 mutant (d) females;
n shows the number of mated females analysed and error bars indicate ±s.e.m. (**P = 0.0069 by two-sided t-test). e,f, The early embryogenesis ratio was
analysed in vitro. 2C embryos (E1.5) from PIWIL1 heterozygous and homozygous mutant female hamsters mated with wild-type males were cultured for
1 day in vitro (e). 2C embryos (E1.5) from PIWIL3 heterozygous and homozygous mutant female hamsters mated with wild-type male were cultured for
1–2 days in vitro (f). (E2.5: ***P = 4.3 × 10–13, E3.5: ***P = 2.19 × 10–10 by χ2-test). M–B, morula and blastocyst. g–j, Representative images of E2.5 embryos
derived from PIWIL1-deficient oocytes (g,h) and E3.5 embryos derived from PIWIL3-deficient oocytes (i,j). Embryos collected from three or four females
were used, and similar results were confirmed more than three times. Note the arrested 3C and 5C embryos in the culture of PIWIL3-deficient embryos.
Scale bars, 50 µm.

Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |                                                              1005
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
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levels (Fig. 7f). These results show that PIWIL3 plays a role in DNA                                                                                                    The significant decrease in 5mC staining intensity in
methylation in oocytes and suggest that the three-dimensional                                                                                                           PIWIL3-deficient GV oocytes (Extended Data Figs. 8 and 9) may
chromatin structure could be altered in PIWIL3-deficient oocytes.                                                                                                       also be explained by possible changes in antibody accessibility

              a                                                                                      b                                                                                                 c
                                                                       Pregnancy per coitus                                                                             Pregnancy per coitus
                                                80                                                                       80        21/28                                                                            8
                      Pregnancy rate (%)

                                                                                                    Pregnancy rate (%)
                                                60                                                                       60                                                                                         6

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Litter size
                                                40                                                                       40                                                                                         4

                                                20                                                                       20                                                                                         2

                                                0                                                                         0                                                                                     0
                                                          PIWIL1 w/m         PIWIL1 m/m                                         PIWIL3 w/m                                     PIWIL3 m/m                      Male      PIWIL1 w/m         PIWIL1 w/m
                                    Female                                                                       Female
                                                            n = 12             n=8                                                n = 16                                         n = 12                       female     PIWIL1 w/m         PIWIL1 m/m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           n = 28             n=8

              d                                                                                                                               e
                                                 8                                                                                         Percentage of embryo stage

                                  Litter size

                                                 4                                                                                                                                           2C                     2C           4–8C           2C


                                                 0                                                                                                                         0
                                                          PIWIL3 w/m          PIWIL3 m/m                        PIWIL3 w/m                                               Female       PIWIL1 w/m     PIWIL1 m/m               PIWIL1 w/m    PIWIL1 m/m
                                           female         PIWIL3 w/m          PIWIL3 w/m                        PIWIL3 m/m                                                              n = 43         n = 36                   n = 43        n = 36
                                                            n = 20              n = 20                            n = 10                                                                          E1.5                                  E2.5


                                                                                                   ***                                                                       ***
           Percentage of embryo stage

                                                80                                                                       4–8C

                                                           2C           2C                 4–8C                                                          M–B
                                                                                                                         3C                                                         4–8C

                                                20                                                                                                                                    3C
                                                                                   3C                                              4–8C                                               2C
                                                        PIWIL3 w/m PIWIL3 m/m          PIWIL3 w/m PIWIL3 m/m                           PIWIL3 w/m PIWIL3 m/m
                                                          n = 41     n = 50              n = 41     n = 50                               n = 41     n = 50
                                                                E1.5                               E2.5                                                                      E3.5

              g                                  E2.5     Maternal PIWIL1 w/m          h    E2.5                Maternal PIWIL1 m/m                                      i     E3.5         Maternal PIWIL3 w/m           j   E3.5      Maternal PIWIL3 m/m



1006                                                                                                                            Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
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               a                                                                                                                                                                                                      b                                      PIWIL1m/m/PIWIL1w/m
                                                                          PIWIL1w/m                                                                                         PIWIL1m/m                                                     10
                                                 20                                                                                           20
              miRNA normalized small ratio (%)             Other

                                                                                                           miRNA normalized small ratio (%)
                                                 16        rRNA                                                                               16                                                                                           5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     log2(fold change)
                                                 12                                                                                           12                                                                                           0

                                                  8                                                                                            8

                                                  4                                                                                            4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Small RNAs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         –10                                      PIWIL1-bound
                                                  0                                                                                            0
                                                      10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40                                              10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40                                              0               5            10            15

                                                                    Small RNA length (nt)                                                                              Small RNA length (nt)                                                               Average expression (log2)

               c                                                          PIWIL3 w/m                                                                                       PIWIL3 m/m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      d                                      PIWIL3 m/m/PIWIL3 w/m
                                                 30                                                                                           30                                                                                          10

                                                                                                        miRNA normalized small ratio (%)
            miRNA normalized small ratio (%)

                                                 25                                                                                           25
                                                           sn/snoRNA                                                                                                                                                                       5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     log2(fold change)
                                                 20        miRNA                                                                              20

                                                 15                                                                                           15                                                                                           0

                                                 10                                                                                           10
                                                  5                                                                                            5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Small RNAs
                                                  0                                                                                            0                                                                                         –10                                      PIWIL3-bound
                                                      10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40                                              10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0               5            10             15
                                                                 Small RNA length (nt)                                                                                  Small RNA length (nt)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Average expression (log2)

              e                                                                                                                                        g       2.0

                Small RNA ratio (%)

                                                  6                                                                                                             0
                                                                                                                                                                                     5                       10                            15
                                                                                                                                                                                         Small RNA position (nt)

                                                      10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
                                                                       Small RNA length (nt)                                                                    0
                                                                                                                                                                                     5               10                                    15
                                                                                                                                                                                         Small RNA position (nt)
               f                                  5

                                                  4                                                                                                    h
                           Small RNA ratio (%)

                                                  3                                                                                                                  PIWIL1–piRNA        12.4    4.9                                             81.9


                                                                                                                                                                     PIWIL3–piRNA         15.5         9.4                                          71.6

                                                                                                                                                                                    0%                                                    50%                                     100%
                                                      10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
                                                                                                                                                              Transposon antisense              Repeat antisense                         Protein-coding antisense           Unannotated
                                                                    Small RNA length (nt)
                                                                                                                                                              Transposon sense                  Repeat sense                             Protein-coding sense

Fig. 3 | Characterization of small RNAs in oocytes of PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient golden hamsters. a,c, Composition of small RNA categories
according to their length distributions in hamster MII oocytes from PIWIL1 mutants (a) and PIWIL3 mutants (c). Small RNA reads from known ncRNAs
(tRNA, rRNA, sn/snoRNA and miRNA) are indicated by the described colours. The reads were normalized to the reads mapped to miRNAs and the total
number of obtained reads. b,d, MA plots showing the expression level of unique small RNA sequences in PIWIL1-deficient (b) and PIWIL3-deficient (d)
oocytes. To calculate the log2(fold change) and expression levels, 1 was added to each value to calculate the levels of small RNA sequences with 0 in either
of the samples. Small RNAs identical to the PIWIL1-bound piRNAs/PIWIL3-bound piRNAs and those that decreased by more than fourfold in homozygous
mutants were defined as PIWIL1–piRNA or PIWIL3–piRNA, respectively (indicated by the blue lines). The red dots indicate piRNA bound to previously
described PIWIs16. e,f, Size distributions of PIWIL1–piRNA (e) and PIWIL3–piRNA (f). Obtained small RNA reads were normalized to the total number of
genome-mapped small RNA reads. g, WebLogo analysis of PIWIL1–piRNA (upper) and PIWIL3–piRNA (lower). h, Annotation of genome-mapped PIWIL1–
piRNA (upper) and PIWIL3–piRNA (lower).

due to an altered chromatin structure. In addition, we found that                                                                                                              metaphase plates and longer acute-angled poles (Extended Data
meiosis occurred earlier in PIWIL3-deficient oocytes (Extended                                                                                                                 Fig. 10b). Although these phenotypes are modest (Extended Data
Data Fig. 10a), which suggests either premature entry into meiosis                                                                                                             Fig. 10c), they may suggest defects in chromosome segregation in
or accelerated post-ovulatory ageing. The morphology of the MII                                                                                                                PIWIL3-deficient oocytes and may account for the abnormal devel-
spindle was also altered in PIWIL3-deficient oocytes, with wider                                                                                                               opment of early embryos derived from PIWIL3-deficient oocytes.

Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1007
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
Articles                                                                                                                                                                                                          NATuRE CEll BIOlOgy

                                                                     PIWIL1m/m/PIWIL1w/m                                                                                                   PIWIL3 m/m/PIWIL3 w/m
                                                                                                                                                         6                                                                              DEG (21)
                                                                                                         DEG (1,612)
                                                                                                         Non-DEG                                                                                                                        Non-DEG

           log2(fold change)


                                                                                                                                log2(fold change)

                                                  0                   5                    10            15                                                                0                  5                    10                   15
                                                               Average expression (log2)                                                                                                  Average expression (log2)


                                                104                                                                                                        104

                                                                                                                                            PIWIL3 m/m

                                                102                ERV2-14a                                                                                102

                                                100                                                                                                        100
                                                                                     TEs > twofold change
                                                                                     TEs < twofold change

                                                                100                 102              104                                                                   100                     102                  104
                                                                                           w/m                                                                                                           w/m
                                                                               PIWIL1                                                                                                       PIWIL3

             c                                               ERV2-9 (LTR/ERVK)                                    ERV2-14b (LTR/ERVK)                                                          ERV2-14a (LTR/ERVK)




                                                                                                         10                                                                          10

                                                  0                                                       0                                                                           0
                                                       PIWIL1w/m              PIWIL1m/m                         PIWIL1w/m                            PIWIL1m/m                               PIWIL1w/m              PIWIL1m/m

















Fig. 4 | Silencing of a number of genes and TEs requires PIWIL1, but not PIWIL3, in golden hamster MII oocytes. a, MA plots showing the average
expression level and log2(fold change) of the transcriptome in PIWIL1-deficient mutants (left) and PIWIL3-deficient mutants (right). Identified DEGs are
indicated as red dots. b, Dot plots showing the expression levels of TEs in PIWIL1 mutants (left) and PIWIL3 mutants (right). Orange dots indicate TEs
with more than twofold changes in the expression level. c, Examples of upregulated TE families in PIWIL1-deficient oocytes in three replicate (rep1–rep3)
samples. Normalized bootstraps (n = 100) are plotted as boxplots for each of the three replicates. Each box spans from the first to the third quartile, and
the bar inside the box shows the median. Whiskers above and below the box show 1.5 times the interquartile range.

Discussion                                                                                                                       that both male and female Mov10l1-deficient hamsters are sterile
We analysed hamsters deficient in PIWIL1 or PIWIL3 and showed                                                                    and that piRNA production is markedly reduced in both the testes
that maternally expressed PIWI genes are important for the devel-                                                                and the ovaries of Mov10l1-deficient hamsters. Sterility of female
opment of preimplantation embryos. In support of this conclu-                                                                    Mov10l1-deficient hamsters was found to be due to post-meiotic
sion, Loubalova, Ogura, Svoboda and colleagues generated golden                                                                  loss of developmental competence in zygotes. These phenotypes are
hamsters deficient in Mov10l1 (ref. 31), which is known to be an                                                                 reminiscent of those observed in the PIWIL1-deficient hamsters we
essential gene for the piRNA pathway in mice32,33. They demonstrated                                                             produced. In addition, Zhang, Wu, Li and colleagues also produced

1008                                                                                                          Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
NATuRE CEll BIOlOgy                                                                                                                          Articles
a                                                                                  b
                                                PIWIL1m/m/PIWIL1w/m                                                                     PIWIL3 m/m/PIWIL3w/m
                     PIWIL1–piRNA (RPKM)          log2(fold change)                                           PIWIL3–piRNA (RPKM)         log2(fold change)

 1,600                                     0                                       6,000                                            0
                                                  L1-4b_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-4g_MAu#LINE/L1
                                                  L1-4f_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-3_MAu#LINE/L1
            Sense                                 L1-4a_MAu#LINE/L1                                  Sense                               L1-2_CGr#LINE/L1
                                                  L1-4c_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-5c_MAu#LINE/L1
            Antisense                             L1-2_CGr#LINE/L1                                   Antisense
                                                  L1-5b_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-4a_MAu#LINE/L1


                                                  L1-4d_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-4c_MAu#LINE/L1
                                                  L1-4g_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-5b_MAu#LINE/L1
                                                  L1-4e_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-4f_MAu#LINE/L1
                                                  L1-5c_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-5a_MAu#LINE/L1
                                                  L1-3_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                       L1-4d_MAu#LINE/L1
                                                  L1-4h_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-4b_MAu#LINE/L1
                                                  L1-5a_MAu#LINE/L1                                                                      L1-4h_MAu#LINE/L1
                                                  B2_Rat2#SINE/B2                                                                        7SLRNA_short_#SINE/Alu
                                                  B1b_MAu#SINE/Alu                                                                       B2_MAu#SINE/B2
                                                  B1a_MAu#SINE/Alu                                                                       B2_Rat2#SINE/B2
                                                  B1_Rn#SINE/Alu                                                                         P7SL_Cpo#SINE/7SL


                                                  B1_Mus1#SINE/Alu                                                                       B1b_MAu#SINE/Alu
                                                  B2_MAu#SINE/B2                                                                         B1_Mur4#SINE/Alu
                                                  B2_Mm2#SINE/B2                                                                         B1_Rn#SINE/Alu
                                                  7SLRNA#SINE/Alu                                                                        B1a_MAu#SINE/Alu
                                                  7SLRNA_short_#SINE/Alu                                                                 B2_Mm2#SINE/B2
                                                  P7SL_Cpo#SINE/7SL                                                                      LTR15_MAu#LTR
                                                  ERV2-9_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    IAPLTRa_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-14b_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                  LTR26_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-14a_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                  LTR18b_MAu#LTR
                                                  LTR13_MAu#LTR                                                                          LTR14_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-5a_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   MTB_Mm#LTR/ERVL-MaLR
                                                  LTR21_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                     LTR22_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-5b_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   ERV2-14b_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-7f_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   LTR12_MAu#LTR
                                                  ERV2-7c_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   ERV2-5b_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  IAP1Fa_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    LTR34_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  LTR26_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                     ERV2-16_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-11_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   ERV2-10b_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  IAPLTRc_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   ERV1-2_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  ERV2-7b_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   IAP1Ea_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  IAP1Ea_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    IAP1Eb_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  LTR12_MAu#LTR                                                                          ERV2-5a_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  IAPLTRb_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   ERV1-4a_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  MTC#LTR/ERVL-MaLR                                                                      ERV2-8b_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-7e_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   ERV2-10_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV1-3_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                    ERV2-12_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-10b_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                  ERV1-1h_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  LTR20a_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    LTR35a_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV1-4a_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   RLTR19-int#LTR/ERVK
                                                  LTR8c_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                     ERV1-1g_MAu#LTR/ERV1

                                                  IAP1Eb_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    ERV1-1b_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  MTB_Mm#LTR/ERVL-MaLR                                                                   ERV2-8a_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV1-2_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                    MTC#LTR/ERVL-MaLR
                                                  ERV2-6a_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   LTR35b_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  MTC-int#LTR/ERVL-MaLR                                                                  ERV1-1a_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  ERV2-12_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   LTR35e_MAu#LTR/ERVK

                                                  IAP1D_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                     LTR35c_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV1-1a_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   ERV1-1c_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  ERV1-1b_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   MTC-int#LTR/ERVL-MaLR
                                                  ERV1-1h_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   ERV1-1d_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  ERV1-1e_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   LTR35d_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV1-1c_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   LTR8a_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  ERV2-8c_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   ERV1-1f_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  ERV1-1d_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   ERV1-1e_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  ERV2-10a_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                  ERV2-10a_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  LTR8a_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                     LTR35f_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  LTR35e_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    ERV2-18_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-10_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   IAPLTRb_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-16_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   IAP1D_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-18_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   ERV2-8c_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV1-1g_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   LTR8b_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  ERV1-1f_MAu#LTR/ERV1                                                                   ERV2-14a_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  LTR15_MAu#LTR                                                                          ERV1-3_MAu#LTR/ERV1
                                                  LTR35f_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    LTR31_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  LTR35d_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    LTR27_MAu#LTR/ERVK
                                                  ERV2-8a_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                   RLTR51A_Mm#LTR/ERVK           DNA
                                                  LTR35c_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                                                    URR1B_MAu#DNA/hAT-Charlie
                               4                                                                                4
                                                                                       PIWIL3 m/m/PIWIL3w/m

           log2(fold change)

                                                                                         log2(fold change)

                               –4                 IAPLTRa_MAu#LTR/ERVK                                          –4


Fig. 5 | PIWIL1 and PIWIL1–piRNAs have an impact on TE silencing in MII oocytes. a,b, Differential expression levels between homozygous and
heterozygous mutant samples for PIWIL1 (a) and PIWIL3 (b) are shown as the log2(fold change) along with piRNA levels. TE families with expression levels
of >2 TPM in either homozygous or heterozygous mutants and >0 TPM in both mutants are listed. Increased expression levels are indicated in orange,
whereas decreased expression levels are indicated in blue in the heatmaps. piRNA levels are shown as a bar graph, with the indicated small RNAs mapped
to either the sense (grey) or antisense (red) directions of TEs. SINE, short interspersed nuclear element.

golden hamsters deficient in piRNA pathway genes, including                           PIWIL1 regulated the expression of genes, including TEs, while
PIWIL1 and Mov10l1, and found that all female mutants are ster-                    PIWIL3 had significantly different functions, such as DNA meth-
ile34. Together, our results show the essential role of the piRNA path-            ylation with the lack of a strong effect on the expression of TEs and
way in the production of functional oocytes in golden hamsters.                    genes in oocytes. The origins of the piRNAs that bind to each PIWI

Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |                                                                         1009
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
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a                                                  39.1          36.4                  b                                               1.8            1.8                     c
                                           100                                                                               100                                                                                100

                                                                                     Non-CG methylation (%) in 3-kb window

                                                                                                                                                                             CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 m/m
       CG methylation (%) in 3-kb window

                                            80                                                                                80                                                                                 80

                                            60                                                                                60                                                                                 60

                                            40                                                                                40

                                            20                                                                                20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0                                n = 415,096
                                             0                                                                                 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0      20      40      60      80         100
                                                 PIWIL3 w/m   PIWIL3 m/m                                                            PIWIL3 w/m     PIWIL3 m/m                                                               CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3   w/m

d                                                Whole-genome 3-kb window                                                                    Less methylated DMR                                                                    More methylated DMR
                                                       (n = 415,096)                                                                              (n = 3,581)                                                                             (n = 783)

           Unannotated                                              Gene body                                                 Unannotated
                                                                                                                                                                Gene body                                              intergenic                    Gene body
            intergenic                                               41.4%                                                     intergenic
                                                                                                                                                                 35.3%                                                   region                       40.1%
              region                                                                                                             region
              44.9%                                                                                                              50.2%

                                                                                                                           0.6%                                                                                 Promoter
    Promoter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Satellite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0.7%                                            repeat
      1.3%                                                               Satellite                                      piRNA target TE                          Satellite                                                                                          0%
                                                                          repeat                                            5.0%                                  repeat
piRNA target TE                                                            0.3%                                                                                    0.1%                                                                            Non-piRNA target TE
    3.4%                                                                                                                                                                                                                   piRNA target TE
                                                   Non-piRNA target TE                                                                 Non-piRNA target TE                                                                                                8.4%
                                                          8.7%                                                                                8.7%                                                                             5.5%

Fig. 6 | Loss of PIWIL3 leads to changes in DNA methylation in GV oocytes of golden hamsters. a,b, Violin plots showing the distributions of CG
methylation (a) and non-CG methylation (b) levels of 3-kb windows (n = 415,096) determined by whole-genome bisulfite sequencing. Bisulfite sequencing
was performed three times, each from independent biological replicates. The data shown represent pooled data from the three replicates. Crossbars
indicate the median value. The global CG methylation levels are indicated above each graph. c, A scatterplot comparing the CG methylation levels of 3-kb
windows in PIWIL3m/m and PIWIL3w/m GV oocytes. DMRs were defined as windows with a CG methylation difference of >20% and a P value of
Production of functional oocytes requires maternally expressed PIWI genes and piRNAs in golden hamsters - Nature
NATuRE CEll BIOlOgy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Articles
 a                                                                                      b                                                                                            c
                                   100                                                                                    100                                                                                                         100        Transposon
                                              piRNA cluster                                                                          Satellite repeat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PIWIL3–piRNA target transposon

                                                                                                                                                                                                  CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 m/m
                                                                                       CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 m/m
CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 m/m

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (RPKM > 100)
                                    80                                                                                     80                                                                                                          80

                                    60                                                                                     60                                                                                                          60

                                    40                                                                                     40                                                                                                          40

                                    20                                                                                     20                                                                                                          20                                UCON58
                                                                       n = 135                                              0                                        n = 11                                                                                            MER136   n = 1,170
                                     0                                                                                                                                                                                                  0
                                         0       20      40     60      80       100                                            0       20       40         60     80      100                                                               0       20           40      60            80   100
                                              CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 w/m                                                        CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 w/m                                                                            CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 w/m

  d                                                                                        e                                                                                            f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Less methylated              More methylated
                                   100                                                                                    100
                                             Gene body                                                                              Promoter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              No significant change
CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 m/m

                                                                                       CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 m/m


                                                                                                                                                                                   Expression in PIWIL3 w/m MII oocytes
                                    80                                                                                     80                                                                                                        1,500           NS       *
                                                                                                                           60                                                                                                                                                  NS       *
                                    40                                                                                     40

                                    20                                                                                     20                                                                                                         500

                                                                       n = 22,260                                                                                  n =10,629
                                     0                                                                                      0

                                         0       20      40     60      80       100                                            0       20       40         60      80     100                                                          0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gene bodies              Promoters
                                              CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 w/m                                                       CG methylation (%) in PIWIL3 w/m

Fig. 7 | CG methylation levels of PIWIL3–piRNA clusters and targets. a–c, Scatterplots describing the CG DNA methylation levels of individual piRNA
clusters (a), satellite repeats (b) and TE families (c) in GV oocytes. PIWIL3–piRNA target TEs (TEs with more than 100 RPKM PIWIL3–piRNAs mapped)
are plotted in red while the other transposons are plotted in grey. Names of differentially methylated TE families are indicated within the plots. d,e,
Scatterplots describing the CG methylation levels in individual gene bodies (d) and gene promoters (e) in GV oocytes. Differentially methylated genes
were defined as genes with >20% CG methylation differences between PIWIL3m/m and PIWIL3w/m, and P values between all heterozygous and homozygous
replicates were  0.05); *P < 4.5 × 10–308.
Exact P values below the threshold (4.5 × 10–308) are not shown due to software limitation.

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1012                                                                     Nature Cell Biology | VOL 23 | September 2021 | 1002–1012 |
NATuRE CEll BIOlOgy                                                                                                                               Articles
Methods                                                                                 examined the following morning. The pregnancy rate was calculated according to
Animals. Golden hamsters were purchased from Japan SLC and maintained under             the number of successful deliveries per observation of sperm in the vagina.
14-h light/10-h dark cycles. All animal experiments were approved by the Animal
Care and Use Committee of Keio University and were conducted in compliance              Small RNA-seq. Total RNA was extracted from MII oocytes of PIWIL1 and
with the committee’s guidelines of Keio University.                                     PIWIL3 homozygous and heterozygous mutants and from testes of 7-week-old
                                                                                        PIWIL1 homozygous mutants and wild types for small RNA-seq. The construction
Collection of GV oocytes, MII oocytes, PN zygotes and 2C embryos. Mature                of small RNA libraries was performed using a NEXTFLEX Small RNA-seq kit
females were induced to superovulate via an intraperitoneal injection of 40 IU          v.3 (PerkinElmer) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The smallRNA
PMSG (ASKA Animal Health) between 12:00 and 14:00 on the day of conspicuous,            libraries were sequenced using the MiSeq (Illumina) platform, with three replicates
post-oestrus vaginal discharge (day 1 of the oestrous cycle) for collecting GV          from different samples sequenced for each mutant.
and MII oocytes. GV oocytes were collected from the ovary at 102 h after PMSG
injection. MII oocytes were collected from the oviduct at 115 h after PMSG              Small RNA-seq data analysis. Small RNA-seq analysis was performed as
injection. PN zygotes were collected from the oviduct after mating with males at the    previously described43 with slight modifications. Briefly, the adapter sequence
pro-oestrus stage. The 2C embryos were collected from the oviduct at 1 day after        and 4-nt random sequences at the 3′ and 5′ ends were removed using cutadapt
mating with males. Oocytes and embryos were collected from ovaries or oviducts          (v.1.14)44. A quality filter of 30 was adopted by filtering sequences below this
with warmed and equilibrated HECM-10 medium41 and covered with paraffin oil             threshold. Reads in the range of 10–40 nt after adapter removal were used for
(Nakarai). All embryos were then washed two-to-four times and cultured at 37.5 °C       further analysis. Reads were mapped to the hamster reference genome (hamster.
under 5% CO2. Culture dishes were pre-equilibrated for at least 5 h before use. The     sequel.draft-20200302.arrow.fasta)16 using Bowtie (v.1.1.1)45, permitting
experiments were performed in a dark room with a >600-nm light.                         0 mismatches, and genome-mapped reads were used for further analysis.
                                                                                        Genome-mapped reads were compared between replicate samples (n = 3 per
Preparation of sgRNA and Cas9. The CRISPR–Cas9 target sites of PIWIL1                   sample) and combined because of their high reproducibility (r2 = 0.71~0.95). Reads
were designed using CRISPRdirect42 ( and produced using         were further mapped to known transfer RNA (tRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA),
PCR-amplified templates and MEGA script T7 (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The              small nuclear/small nucleolar RNA (sn/snoRNA) and microRNA (miRNA)
PIWIL3 sgRNAs were designed using CRISPRdirect42 ( and          sequences. The tRNA sequences were obtained from RepeatMasker, while rRNA,
synthesized using Alt-R CRISPR–Cas9 sgRNA (IDT) and annealed with Alt-R                 sn/snoRNA and miRNA sequences were obtained from Ensemble BioMart46. The
CRISPR–Cas9 tracrRNA (IDT). Cas9 was injected either as mRNA or protein.                read count mapped to miRNAs was used to normalize small RNA reads obtained
Cas9 mRNA was transcribed from the T7 promoter tagged Cas9 gene amplified               from heterozygous and homozygous mutants. Read counts mapped to each unique
from pX330 using a mMESSAGE mMACHINE T7 Transcription kit and a Poly(A)                 small RNA sequence were compared between heterozygous and homozygous
Tailing kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Cas9 protein was purchased from IDT. All        samples, and small RNAs identical to the PIWIL1-bound piRNAs/PIWIL3-bound
primers are listed in Supplementary Table 2.                                            piRNAs16 and those that decreased by more than fourfold in homozygous mutants
                                                                                        were defined as PIWIL1–piRNAs or PIWIL3–piRNAs, respectively. The reads
Generation of PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient golden hamsters. The                mapped to known noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) were removed from the PIWIL1–
technique for PN microinjection in golden hamsters is the same as that for mice,        piRNAs and PIWIL3–piRNAs. Nucleotide composition was analysed using
but with embryo manipulation conditions specifically developed for hamsters.            WebLogo (v.3.7.5)47, and annotation of the PIWIL1–piRNAs and PIWIL3–piRNAs
In brief, fully equilibrated HECM-10 medium (37.5 °C, 5% CO2) covered with              were assigned using a previously described script48. The priority of the assignment
mineral oil was used as the injection medium. Embryos from one female were              was in the order of transposons, repeats and protein-coding genes. The reads were
transferred to a 10 µl HECM-10 drop on a microinjection dish and 600 nM                 assigned to the highest priority annotation; therefore, every read was assigned to
CRISPR RNA and 200 nM Cas9 mRNA (PIWIL1) or chemically synthesized 1 µM                 a single annotation. PIWIL1–piRNAs and PIWIL3–piRNAs were further mapped
sgRNA and 1 µM Cas9 protein complex (PIWIL3) solution was injected into the             to the consensus sequence of transposon families obtained from the RepeatMasker
PN and/or cytoplasm of an embryo. Microinjections were performed on a heated            database and our previous research16. The mapping to transposon consensus
microinjection stage (37 °C) with red filters (cut-off < 600 nm), and all embryo        sequences was performed using Bowtie (v.1.1.1)45, with up to two mismatches
handling procedures were performed in a dark room. After injection, embryos             permitted. Mapped reads were counted and normalized to the total number of
were transferred to the oviducts of pseudopregnant females within 30 min.               mapped reads and the length of each transposon sequence. For small RNA-seq
Recipients were allowed to naturally deliver and raise their pups.                      samples from testes, analysis was performed as described for MII oocyte samples
                                                                                        except for the definition of PIWIL1–piRNAs. Read counts mapped to each unique
Establishment of PIWIL1-deficient and PIWIL3-deficient lines. Founder                   small RNA sequence were compared between wild-type and homozygous mutant
pups were mated with wild-type males or females to produce the F1 generation.           samples, and small RNAs that decreased by more than eightfold in homozygous
Genomic DNA was extracted from small pieces of tail tissue from F1 pups.                mutants were defined as PIWIL1–piRNAs in the testis.
Approximately 1-kb genomic fragments containing the target site were amplified
by PCR using specific primers, and direct sequencing was performed. All primers         RNA-seq of MII oocytes. Total RNA was purified from 50 MII oocytes
are listed in Supplementary Table 2. The PIWIL1-deficient mutant line (15Adel4)         of 2–4-month-old golden hamsters using a NucleoSpin RNA Plus XS kit
and the PIWIL3-deficient mutant line (26Adel192) used in the present study were         (Macherey-Nagel) for RNA-seq. RNA-seq libraries were constructed using total
mated at least five times with wild types to avoid off-target effects. PIWI-deficient   RNA from MII oocytes and a SMART-Seq Stranded kit (TaKaRa Bio). Sequencing
golden hamster lines were maintained by mating with a wild type purchased from a        was performed using the NovaSeq 6000 (Illumina) platforms.
breeder once every 6 months because golden hamsters are a closed colony.
                                                                                        RNA-seq data analysis. Prepared libraries were sequenced in paired ends, and
Immunofluorescence. Ovaries from wild-type and mutant female golden hamsters            triplicate samples were obtained per experiment. Low-quality sequences (quality
were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for preparing paraffin-embedded sections.           value lower than 30) and 3-nt random sequences were removed using cutadapt
Paraffin-embedded tissue blocks were cut into 3-µm slices, heated with antigen          (v.1.14)44 software. Mapping to the golden hamster genome (hamster.sequel.
retrieval buffer (100× Tris-EDTA buffer, pH 9.0; Abcam) in a microwave for              draft-20200302.arrow.fasta)16 was performed using HISAT (2.2.0)49 with default
2 min after boiling and treated with anti-PIWIL1 monoclonal antibody (1A5)13            parameters. featureCount (v.2.01)50 was used to count reads mapped to genes.
or anti-PIWIL3 monoclonal antibody (3E12)16. An Alexa-488-conjugated goat               featureCounts output was further processed using TCC-GUI (v.2019.02.08)51
anti-mouse IgG (Thermo Fisher) was used as the secondary antibody. For                  with default parameters. TCC-GUI uses the TMM normalization method,
staining the acrosome, 3-µm paraffin-embedded testis sections were treated              and edgeR was used to filter DEGs. Extracted DEGs were converted to mouse
with PNA–FITC (Sigma-Aldrich). To visualize genomic DNA, the sections were              homologue genes using Ensemble BioMart46, and DAVID52 was used to perform
counterstained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; Dojindo). Fluorescence          GO enrichment analysis. Salmon (v.1.3.0)53 and Sleuth (v.0.30.0)54 were used
was observed using an IX71 fluorescence microscope (Olympus).                           for quantification of the expression levels of TEs. Wasabi (v.1.0.1) was used to
                                                                                        analyse the Salmon output in Sleuth. To map the TE reads, consensus sequences
Western blotting. Lysates of the MII oocytes were prepared by direct lysis with 2×      of TEs were obtained from RepeatMasker and our previous analysis16, and the TE
SDS protein sample buffer. Total protein from 20 MII oocytes was separated on           sequences were merged with the other gene sequences. The mean value for three
SDS–polyacrylamide gels and transferred to polyvinylidenedifluoride membranes.          replicates was used to determine the overall expression levels of TEs.
PIWIL1, PIWIL3 and TUBB were visualized using an ECL detection system (GE
Healthcare) after incubation with anti-PIWIL1 monoclonal antibody (1A5),                MII spindle staining. MII oocytes were freed from the zona pellucida by
anti-PIWIL3 monoclonal antibody (3E12) or anti-TUBB monoclonal antibody                 treatment with acidic Tyrode’s solution. Zona-free GV oocytes were fixed in 4%
(DSHB, E7), respectively. Horseradish-peroxidase-linked sheep anti-mouse IgG            paraformaldehyde for 10 min and permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X‐100 in 0.01%
(MP Biomedicals) was used as the secondary antibody.                                    PVA/PBS for 2 min at room temperature. For immunofluorescence staining, we
                                                                                        used Alexa-488-conjugated tubulin-α monoclonal antibody (MBL). Cells were
Fertility analysis. Mutant female golden hamsters at the proestrus stage (2–4           incubated at 4 °C overnight with a primary antibody and then washed three times.
months old) were caged overnight with males at a 1:1 ratio, and vaginal sperm was       To visualize genomic DNA, the cells were counterstained with DAPI (Dojindo).

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