Orientation cues and mechanisms used during avian navigation: A review

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Published online: June 2, 2021
                                                                                                     ISSN : 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online)

Review Article

Orientation cues and mechanisms used during avian navigation: A

Tushar Tyagi                                                                                                                 Article Info
Department of Zoology, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut - 250004 (Uttar Pradesh), India                                   https://doi.org/10.31018/
Sanjay Kumar Bhardwaj*                                                                                                       jans.v13i2.2684
Department of Zoology, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut - 250004 (Uttar Pradesh), India                                   Received: April 18, 2021
                                                                                                                             Revised: May 26, 2021
*Corresponding author. E mail: drskumar7@yahoo.com                                                                           Accepted: May 29, 2021

How to Cite
Tyagi, T. and Bhardwaj, S. K. (2021). Orientation cues and mechanisms used during avian navigation: A review. Journal of
Applied and Natural Science, 13(2), 627 - 640. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13i2.2684

The navigational systems of different animal species are by a wide margin less notable as compared to birds. Humans have
been interested in how migratory birds discover their way more than thousands of miles for quite a long time. This review sum-
marizes the cues and compass mechanisms applied in orientation and navigation by non-migrants, diurnal and nocturnal mi-
grants. The magnetic compass, landmarks, olfactory, and memory of spatial cues en route were utilized in homing and migra-
tion. The equivalent is valid for the sun compass despite the fact that its job during migration might be undeniably less signifi-
cant than commonly presumed. Stellar compass and celestial rotation, as a result of their nighttime accessibility, appear to influ-
ence the direction of nighttime migrants during the course of migration. The celestial cues go through notable changes because
of the latitude shift during bird migration. Sunset cues alter their location with seasons and latitudes. The recognizable stars lose
height and lastly vanish underneath the horizon, whereas new stars show up. These new ones must be calibrated. As celestial
rotation not imparting a reference, it is not unexpected that the magnetic compass turns into the main cue that controls the di-
rectional importance of stars and sunset cues. Field studies have revealed that, in certain species, a considerable extent of
individuals get back to similar breeding, overwintering, and stopover areas in progressive years. This review proposes that mi-
gratory birds have advanced uncommon cognitive capacities that empower them to achieve these accomplishments.

Keywords: Birds, Compass mechanisms, Cues, Navigation, Orientation

INTRODUCTION                                                                       Within 'no-grid' regions isolines run practically parallel,
                                                                                   an effective magnetic bi-coordinate navigational strate-
To finish their long journeys, migratory birds have creat-                         gy wouldn’t be achievable (Boström et al., 2012). The
ed expound capacities to recognize several sensory                                 ‘orientation’ implies that only the headings for migration
cues, in order to incorporate such signals inside the                              are being established. To achieve ‘true navigation’,
nervous system, with a view to apply them as a compo-                              birds first require to decide their current map location
nent of exceptionally proficient navigation techniques                             after which the compass route towards the destination.
(Alerstam et al., 2011; Gagliardo et al., 2013; Holland,                           True navigators could compensate for the displace-
2014; Mouritsen et al., 2016). Subsequently, their navi-                           ment throughout their trip (Grifn, 1952; Chernetsov et
gational ability should be inborn or learned prior to their                        al., 2008; Holland, 2014). Experienced birds going on
first take-off (Schmaljohann et al., 2012; Mouritsen,                              migration for subsequent seasons post their first year
2015). After having finished one complete journey, nu-                             of migration encountered cue transitions which created
merous adult birds can explore with extreme accuracy                               a map to compensate for the displacement towards
of centimetres across a long distance of 5,000 km or                               obscure areas. That way, they can carry out true navi-
more (Salewski et al., 2000). Studies have demonstrat-                             gation (Kishkinev et al., 2013; Holland, 2014; Mour-
ed the potential for geomagnetic bi-coordinate map                                 itsen, 2015; Chernetsov et al., 2017). Inexperienced
navigation across various regions of the world by inves-                           songbirds that migrate at night have innate instincts to
tigating the difference in angles between isolines of                              their migratory heading and distance (Berthold, 1999),
earth's magnetic field strength and magnetic inclination.                          yet the genes supporting this have not been recognized

This work is licensed under Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). © : Author (s). Publishing rights @ ANSF.
Tyagi, T. and Bhardwaj, S. K. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(2), 627 - 640 (2021)

(Ramos et al., 2017).                                             away from enormous environmental hindrances, such
Many skilled migratory birds have evolved substantial             as high mountain ranges, broadened ocean intersec-
scale maps, likely multi-coordinate and multi-sensory,            tions, or deserts. Based on these barriers, the inborn
that could be assumed to compensate for the displace-             intelligence creating the migratory course should be
ment in an unusual location (Gagliardo et al., 2013;              significantly more unpredictable. Landmarks could at a
Holland, 2014; Mouritsen, 2015; Chernetsov et al.,                basic level be distinguished by any sense, and birds
2017). It is typically presumed that to compensate dis-           can utilize magnetic, visual, olfactory, audible land-
placements in an unfamiliar region, birds accumulate              marks as well as spatial memory.
statistics in their yearly distribution range, analyse an-
ticipated spatial gradient of natural environment cues            COMPASS SYSTEMS
inside it, and conclude from the ones to unknown mag-
nitudes—the gradient hypothesis (Mouritsen, 2003a;                The role of Earth's magnetic field in directing bird mi-
Holland, 2014; Guilford and de Perera, 2017). Howev-              gration had been proposed in the nineteenth century
er, the character of the cues and proof for real pre-             (Middendorf, 1855). Over the past 55 years, animal
sumption stay subtle. Earth's magnetic cues (angle of             navigation has grown exponentially. Birds are a highly
inclination, declination angle, and overall magnetic              favoured group for orientation studies, and their direc-
field intensity) offer anticipatable spatial gradients            tional preferences are well-known than a diverse group
throughout huge sections of the globe and will serve              of vertebrates and invertebrates. In this review, we
for navigation. The navigational systems of different             would present the summary of our current understand-
animal species are by a wide margin less notable as               ing about birds’ navigation mechanisms, that focuses
compared to birds. The magnetic compass and the                   on the cues which help them to arrive at their intended
solar compass seem to be the most common among                    destination. Infrequent experiments were conducted in
diverse animal groups, vertebrates, and invertebrates.            the first half of the 20th century, well-organized studies
During bird migration, the celestial cues go through              of bird navigation started post 1950, with two findings
notable changes because of the latitude shift. Sunset             that provided further opportunities for directional stud-
cues alter their location with seasons and latitudes.             ies, particularly (1) The migrants often target their
The recognizable stars lose height and lastly vanish              heading towards migratory goal when tested in captive
underneath the horizon, whereas new stars show up in              conditions (Kramer, 1949) and (2) The pigeons shifted
the south. These new ones must be calibrated. As                  from their homes, when released, often disappeared
celestial rotation not imparting a reference, it isn't un-        to point home (Matthews, 1951). Currently, there are a
expected that the magnetic compass turns into the                 number of natural environment cues being suggest-
main cue, that controls the directional importance of             ed, yet because it is omnipresent, the geomagnetic
stars and sunset cues. The geomagnetic field is an                field remains among the most talked about (Holland,
omnipresent solid factor that is accessible independ-             2014; Kishkinev, 2015; Mouritsen, 2018). Total mag-
ent of climate conditions. Sun and star compasses                 netic field strength, the inclination angle (angle be-
share numerous significant highlights. The two of them            tween field lines and surface of the Earth), and mag-
require clear skies for application. The knowledge es-            netic declination (angle between directions to mag-
sential for both compass functioning is seen through              netic and geographic North) can assist birds to es-
the eyes. Sensitiveness towards polarized light is                tablish a position (Mouritsen, 2013; Chernetsov et
surely known in invertebrates (Horváth, 2014), yet very           al., 2017). The ability to perceive headings, a refer-
limited is thought concerning how vertebrates, inclu-             enced direction, inclusive of magnetic North (mN)
sive of birds, perceive polarized light (Muheim, 2011;            and/or geographical North (gN), should be resolved
Horváth, 2014). There is no clear anatomical structure            so that a bird would perform orientation in the fa-
in the bird retina-specific for polarized light gathering,        voured direction. Magnetic declination is a top notch
and no reasonable hypothesis exists on how birds,                 longitudinal (east-west position) cue in certain re-
and most different vertebrates, can sense polarised               gions of the globe, and skilled Eurasian reed war-
light (Roberts et al., 2011). The courses acquired on             blers, Acrocephalus scirpaceus appear to apply an-
the basis of the innate guidelines through the migrato-           gle of declination as a component of map guidance
ry headings were by no means straight and basic. As               in order to decide longitude (Chernetsov et al.,
earlier proposed following ringing recoveries and ob-             2017). Moreover, both stellar and sun compass must
servational evidences (Zink and Bairlein, 1995), and              be learnt (Emlen, 1970, 1975a; Wiltschko and Wilt-
as of late depicted by the routes of migratory birds              schko, 1981a), they are not inborn, in contrast to the
outfitted with gadgets such as transmitters, GPS re-              magnetic compass. In any case, a really necessary
corders (Egevang et al., 2010), or geologgers (Bridge             feature isn't common between the two compasses:
et al., 2013), numerous birds pick courses that stay              the sun compass is time-dependent with a synchro-

Tyagi, T. and Bhardwaj, S. K. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(2), 627 - 640 (2021)

nous interior clock, while the star-based compass is              European robins, Erithacus rubecula, and different
essentially time-autonomous.                                      passerines experimented under 373 nm UV
                                                                  (Ultraviolet), 424 nm blue, 502 nm turquoise, and 565
Magnetic compass                                                  nm green light has shown directional preference to-
A compass is a simple instrument, usually just a dial             wards their migratory destinations, however, were
with a magnetic needle that relies on the magnetic field          confused under 590 nm yellow and 635 nm and 645
polarity to point towards the magnetic north. The mag-            nm red light (Wiltschko et al., 1993; Wiltschko and
netic compass in migratory birds does not distinguish             Wiltschko, 1995b, 1999; Rappl et al., 2000; Muheim
between magnetic north and south (difference focusing             et al., 2002; Wiltschko et al., 2011, 2014). A similar
upon the polarity) but between poleward, wherein the              wavelength reliance is demonstrated in homing pi-
magnetic field lines are sloping, and equatorward,                geons (Wiltschko and Wiltschko, 1998) and domestic
wherein they are facing upwards. Their magnetic incli-            chickens (Wiltschko et al., 2007). When pigeons were
nation compass responds to the direction of the field             displaced in absolute darkness, they were unable to
lines and ignores the polarity of the geomagnetic field           navigate and left randomly (Wiltschko and Wiltschko,
(Wiltschko and Wiltschko, 2015). Magnetic compass                 1981b). Migrating birds, as well, fail to do orientation
orientation was first described in European robins, Er-           in their expected migratory direction in darkness
ithacus rubecula in caged experiments (Merkel and                 (Wiltschko et al., 2010). According to various studies,
Wiltschko, 1965; Wiltschko, 1968). Close to the mag-              animals might see the magnetic field details of the
netic equator, the strength of the geomagnetic field is           light-based radical-pair process that occurs within the
decreased by one-half (less than 25,000 nT) in com-               cryptochromes inside the bird retina (Ritz etal., 2000;
parison with polar places (greater than 68,000 nT)                Wiltschko et al., 2010; Hore and Mouritsen, 2016).
and over there, magnetic field lines are aligned along            Cryptochromes are well-known to perform a vital part
the parallel plane (Skiles, 1985). Another significant            in producing and keeping up circadian rhythms in
characteristic of a bird’s magnetic compass is that its           flora and fauna (Chaves et al., 2011). Cryptochrome
only function in a specific operational range, e.g., the          4 is an especially alluring magnetosensory applicant
magnetic field should not be too weak or too strong               since it ties flavin well (Qin et al., 2016; Günther et
compared with the surrounding field. An increase or               al., 2018). Besides, cryptochrome 4 is situated in
decrease in the magnetic field strength over and                  double cones, which are two cones connected to one
above 25-30% has led to confused orientation                      another that looks at a similar area in space and thus
(Wiltschko, 1978; Wiltschko et al., 2007). Birds during           receive identical light input (Hore and Mouritsen,
experiments have demonstrated to acclimatize with                 2016; Günther et al., 2018). The brain region recog-
decreased magnetic field strength, recommending                   nized as Cluster N is needed for directional orienta-
that the magnetic compass was adjusted accordingly                tion among nocturnal migrating songbirds (Mouritsen
(Wiltschko, 1978; Wiltschko and Wiltschko, 1995a).                et al., 2005; Zapka et al., 2009). After lesioning the
Two magnetic field detecting theories are upheld by               Cluster N, the European robins could utilize solar
solid information: light-reliant radical pair-based mag-          compass and stellar compass, yet their magnetic
netoreception (Ritz et al., 2000; Maeda et al., 2008;             compass becomes non-operational (Zapka et al.,
Ritz et al., 2009; Zapka et al., 2009) and trigeminal             2009). Conversely, when the ophthalmic branch of
nerve intervened, presumably iron-mineral-based,                  the trigeminal nerve is incised bi-laterally, birds were
magnetoreception (Falkenberg et al., 2010; Heyers et              not able to correct for displacements, i.e., their map
al., 2010). The third theory was suggested that includ-           guidance becomes upset (Kishkinev et al., 2013). How-
ed the inner ear lagena (Zhao et al., 2009; Wu and                ever, their magnetic compass stays unaffected (Zapka
Dickman, 2011). In 1882, Viguier predicted that “the              et al., 2009; Kishkinev et al., 2013).
geomagnetic field determines, within the endolymph                About 139 years ago, it was first proposed that homing
of the canals, induced currents, whose intensities                animals use magnetic guidance for the perception of bi
vary dependently of both the canals’ positions in rela-           -coordinate map (Viguier, 1882). True navigation (map-
tion to inclination and declination, and the intensity of         based) has been described as the competency to iden-
the magnetic field” (Viguier, 1882). Recent studies on            tify a location with respect to a familiar target, depend-
experimental basis and by actual computation                      ing solely upon knowledge obtained from a remote re-
showed that pigeons perceive magnetic fields inside               lease site (Grifn, 1952; Able, 2001). A few test endeav-
the semicircular canals of inner ear by means of elec-            ours to upset homing accomplishment by fastening
tromagnetic induction (Nimpf et al., 2019). The volt-             magnets on the animals were unsuccessful, and for
age-gated calcium channel (CaV1.3) in the pigeon’s                example seabirds with glued magnets on the head
inner ear had been appeared to intervene electrore-               demonstrated navigation that was just like the control
ception in sharks and skates (Bellono et al., 2018).              birds, proposing that magnetic compass orientation

Tyagi, T. and Bhardwaj, S. K. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(2), 627 - 640 (2021)

was not fundamental for their accomplished homing                 among zebra finches resemble to that seen in night
(Mouritsen, 2003b; Bonadonna et al., 2005). In numer-             migratory birds and are consistent with the crypto-
ous regions around the globe, geomagnetic field                   chromes as a fundamental magnetoreceptor, recom-
strength and inclination angle usually varies with the            mending that light-based magnetoreception is a typical
north-south axis, while the angle of declination vary             characteristic in all birds, including non-migrant species
particularly alongside the east-west axis (National Cen-          (Pinzon-Rodriguez and Muheim, 2017).
ters for Environmental Information, 2020). However,
this is in no way defines a precise global grid and in            Sun compass
certain regions, like western Asia and north-eastern              The sun compass is learnt and appears to depend upon
Europe, this basic relation separates, with the end goal          the azimuthal position of the sun (Wiltschko et al.,
that birds would need to get familiar with an additional          1976). The sun gets across the sky throughout the day,
difficult spatial connection among the cues enabling              in the northern side of the equator from the east by
precise navigation (Boström et al., 2012). Recent stud-           means of south toward the west and in the southern
ies have demonstrated that adult Eurasian reed war-               half of the globe from the east by means of north to-
bler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus may have relied on two              ward the west. Following the sun to get directional ori-
basic parameters (magnetic inclination and magnetic               entation implies that this movement should be consid-
field intensity) that coordinated with the catch location         ered and compensated. The sun compass orientation
better than the altered magnetic declination and de-              using mirrors was first described in European starling,
cided their positions utilizing the initial two, disregard-       Sturnus vulgaris in round cages (Kramer, 1950). Relat-
ing the final remaining parameter. On the other hand,             ed to the sun is the skylight polarization pattern. At
it is conceivable that the birds couldn't recognize the           about 90° with the sun’s position, a most extreme band
adjustment in magnetic declination (Kishkinev et al.,             of nearly 70% polarization that blurs to the two sides,
2021). The absence of reaction to change in declina-              which change location with respect to the sun move-
tion, is predictable with other ongoing outcomes ac-              ment. During sunrise/sunset, the high polarization band
quired by adult garden warbler, Sylvia borin a signifi-           starts right up from the horizon through the zenith and
cant long distance migratory bird just like the reed              then down again. When utilizing the sun based com-
warbler and experienced or juvenile European robins,              pass, pigeons think about just the sun’s azimuth and
Erithacus rubecula, additionally didn't respond to the            disregard its height above the horizon (Keeton, 1979).
declination manipulation (Chernetsov et al., 2020).               The sun compass is a learned aid to homing pigeons,
The investigation on three bird species (Chernetsov               when Europeans brought them to the southern hemi-
et al., 2017, 2020) proposes the participation of mag-            sphere whereby the sun comes full circle through the
netic declination-based map guidance among birds                  north rather than through the south similar to their
isn't yet completely recognized. We tested red-headed             unique home domain: with no issues, they could build
buntings, Emberiza bruniceps a long-distance night                up a regular solar compass acclimated to their recent
migrant in orientation funnels in the evening during              home (Wiltschko et al., 2000). The sun compass orien-
spring migration. Simulated overcast test results in a            tation mechanism is acquired through a magnetic com-
northerly mean direction. Buntings were tested in the             pass based on cognition. Post set up, nonetheless, the
magnetic field whose horizontal component was de-                 solar compass turns into a free component. Grown-up
flected 120° anticlockwise under simulated overcast               pigeons could orient using their solar compass only
sky and responded by shifting their orientation ac-               since the magnetic compass was disturbed using mag-
cordingly. The results depict that this Palaearctic-              nets (Wiltschko et al., 1981). Among passerines such
Indian night migrant possesses a magnetic compass,                as Starlings (Hoffmann, 1954), several types of night
and magnetic cues act as primary directional messen-              migrants (Able and Dillon, 1977), and black-capped
gers (Tyagi and Bhardwaj, 2021). It ought to likewise             Chickadees, Parus atricapillus (Duff et al., 1998), proof
be reported that day migrating birds have been shown              for solar compass orientation has been detected
to possess a magnetic compass (Munro and Wilt-                    through conditioning tests. The ontogeny of the solar
schko, 1993a; Åkesson et al., 2006) and among non-                compass was not demonstrated in birds except pi-
migratory species such as zebra finches and domes-                geons, yet they are intended to occur in the same man-
tic chickens (Voss et al., 2007; Wiltschko et al.,                ner. Birds appeared to improve orientation when they
2007). For non-migrants, the complication is to pro-              were able to access the setting sun and associated
mote orientation behavior. Other non-migratory spe-               factors (Moore, 1978; Katz, 1985). Changing bird's vi-
cies, such as zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata or               sion of the sunset using mirrors has directed an equiva-
chickens are trained to select particular directional             lent change (Moore, 1982), and the study of clock-shift
headings in conditioning tests (Freire et al., 2005;              tests demonstrates that the sunset response is part of
Voss et al., 2007). The ability to sense magnetic field           the solar compass (Able and Cherry, 1986; Helbig,

Tyagi, T. and Bhardwaj, S. K. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(2), 627 - 640 (2021)

1991).                                                             However, under depolarizers, similar birds were con-
Inexperienced birds should notice and memorize the                 fused (Helbig, 1991). Migratory birds' behavioral experi-
trajectory of the sun and should merge the azimuthal               ments constantly reported the involvement of skylight
position of the sun with their circadian clock (Wiltschko          polarization pattern in orientation (Moore and Phillips,
et al., 1976). In daytime migratory birds, Zugunruhe               1988; Helbig and Wiltschko, 1989). Earlier studies
likewise exists yet is hard to isolate from the diurnal            show that visual guidance at sunset seems critical for
activity, which without a doubt added to the shortage of           direction preferences in nocturnal songbirds (Moore,
investigations of directional preferences in daytime mi-           1987; Helbig, 1990). The polarized light pattern allowed
grants tested in funnel cage experiments (Munro and                to adjust directional preferences due to the unavailabil-
Wiltschko, 1993a, 1993b). The genuine function of the              ity of magnetic and sun-based cues (Munro and Wilt-
sun in diurnal migrants, in any case, remained to a                schko, 1995). Light from the natural sky is likewise con-
great extent obscure. However, it has been widely be-              sistently up to a certain extent polarized, except for
lieved that the solar compass is a significant directional         absolutely cloudy or foggy weather (Cronin et al., 2006;
messenger of diurnal birds (Bellrose, 1972; Emlen,                 Horváth et al., 2014).
1975b). Later investigations with day migrants, like
meadow pipits, Anthus pratensis and European star-                 Star compass
lings, Sturnus vulgaris tested at the time of fall migra-          Since the earth orbits the sun, the sidereal day, for ex-
tion did not uphold this opinion. These birds did not              ample, the time when a particular star appears in a sim-
illustrate a common deviation in response to the chang-            ilar location as earlier, is around four minutes short
es in their internal clock, which was seen in the experi-          when compared with the sun-based day. As a result,
ment with the clock-shifted homing pigeons (Schmidt-               the starry sky gradually moves throughout the seasons;
Koenig, 1972; Wiltschko, 1983). Although these diurnal             the late spring sky is not quite the same as the winter
migrants did not exhibit directional preferences when              sky. Birds that use stars to guide themselves must
experimented with clock-shifted conditions under the               adapt to these changes. The star-based orientation
sun, they prefer to orient under the cloudy sky (Helbig            was subsequently recognized as a star compass
et al., 1987). It is only during the spring that the Euro-         (Sauer, 1957). The stellar compass of night-migrants
pean starlings reply to a change within their internal             involves a learning process (Emlen, 1975a). Night mi-
clock with the anticipated variation (Wiltschko, 1981).            grants have no innate information on what the star pat-
These discoveries left the function of the solar compass           terns ought to resemble. Alternatively, in the Northern
quite uncertain while recommending that another com-               Hemisphere, birds inherited the characteristic to search
pass system may be included. Clock-shift experiments               for the rotating light dots throughout the open sky and
with yellow-faced honey eaters, Lichenostomus chrys-               to decipher the focal point of rotation as geographic
ops too criticize a predominant function of the solar              North (gN). More than seven starry nights appear to be
compass in their directional preferences (Munro and                required with the goal for birds to build up their stellar
Wiltschko, 1993b). It has been proposed that the sun               compass (Emlen, 1975a; Wiltschko et al., 1987; Micha-
compass isn't utilized for migratory directional prefer-           lik et al., 2014). Ontogenesis of the star-based com-
ences by daytime migratory birds (Wiltschko and Wilt-              pass in indigo buntings, Passerina cyanea is surprising-
schko, 2015), in light of the fact that day-migrating birds        ly complicated and utilization required remarkably so-
in several tests didn't appear to depend upon the solar            phisticated psychological skills, far more refined than
compass for orientation (Munro and Wiltschko, 1993b;               the utilization of the magnetic compass, which typically
Åkesson et al., 2006).                                             surprises people most (Chernetsov, 2015). Indigo
Scattering of unpolarized light penetrating the earth's            Buntings, Passerina cyanea turn around their direction-
atmosphere from the sun results in partially polarized             al preferences in response to switching of the planetari-
skylight (Brines and Gould, 1982). While there may not             um sky (Emlen, 1967a,b). When the circannual cycle of
be a clean proof that polarized light cues perform any             certain indigo buntings was advanced and some others
part in the time-compensated solar compass directional             delayed so the two gatherings could have experiment-
orientation in birds, cue-calibration and cue-conflict             ed together under a similar planetarium sky, the birds in
studies with night migrants suggest that the polarized             vernal migratory condition oriented toward the north,
light pattern at sunset play a crucial part in making a            those in fall condition oriented toward the south (Emlen,
decision towards departure direction (Moore, 1978;                 1969a). These perceptions unmistakably demonstrated
Able, 1982; Moore, 1986). In a magnetic field that did             that the starry sky does not direct the orientation of
not give orientation information, polarized light patterns         birds. Changing the internal clock of birds didn’t influ-
from sunset can be used as a directional guide: in the             ence the directional preferences of birds tested under
evening, night-flying birds having accessibility to the            the open stellar sky (Matthews, 1963) or beneath the
open sky are moving toward their migratory goals.                  planetarium (Emlen, 1967b). This did not involve a pro-

Tyagi, T. and Bhardwaj, S. K. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(2), 627 - 640 (2021)

cess identical to solar-based compass and opposed the              examination furthermore.
birds utilizing singular stars for direction. Rather it pro-
posed that birds choose headings on the basis of con-              Landmarks, olfactory, retention of spatial cues en
sistent directional connection among the stars. Analo-             route
gous to the solar compass, the stellar compass in-                 The function of landmarks as a navigational cue at rec-
volves a learning process.                                         ognizable locations has regularly been talked about. At
Inexperienced Indigo Buntings can be guided with the               the point when the pigeons were denied of landmarks
help of stars based on the condition that they were                sighting by frosted (semi-opaque) lenses, this didn't
looking at the open sky prior to the fall migration                influence their preliminary orientation and homing trip
(Emlen, 1969b). The celestial rotation has been                    till they arrived at the space near their loft (Benvenuti
found as an important aspect. Emlen (1970) hand                    and Fiaschi, 1983), with a few pigeons even attaining
raised two gatherings of birds beneath the planetari-              the home (Schlichte, 1973). In a broadened investiga-
um sky; the test gathering was raised beneath a sky                tion of more releases with pigeons that were accus-
turning around Betelgeuse in Orion constellation; the              tomed along with unaccustomed to the sites released
control gathering was raised beneath an ordinary                   on a rotational basis, distinction in deviation sizes were
sky, turning around Polaris in Ursa Mi-                            not noticed (Wiltschko et al., 2005). Landmarks perform
nor constellation. Experimented under the stationary               a significant part essentially in the course of the final
planetarium sky during the fall migration, the control             two stages of the navigation (the homing and goal-
groups oriented toward their southerly destinations                targeting stage). However prominent lines like coast-
farther from the Polaris, while the other gathering                lines, furthermore mountain ranges could likewise play
oriented farther from the Betelgeuse. This certainly               a significant role as physical barriers in the long-
showed the significant part of the celestial rotation              distance stage (Dennis et al., 2007; Kullberg et al.,
and the focal point of rotation in establishing the stel-          2007; Gagliardo, 2013; Gagliardo et al., 2013).
lar compass. Similar investigations with other night               Odours assume a vital part in homing pigeons (Jorge et
migrants delivered similar outcomes (Katz and Mi-                  al., 2010; Gagliardo, 2013). Odour based map guid-
chelsons, 1978), highlighting the contribution of the              ance likely gradient maps that serve knowledge solely
stars as directional messengers. Open sky tests up-                about the course of displacement. A bird with a lack of
held this wherein the birds during the nocturnal mi-               experience can't be familiar with the smell of its goal
gration oriented without utilizing the magnetic details            situated far away. Subsequently, odour-based cues
using only stars (Wiltschko and Wiltschko,1975a;                   would probably be going to be significant at the time of
Bingman, 1987). Sometimes the birds were indicated                 homing and goal-targeting stages, yet could likewise
to get confused when they needed to depend on the                  assume a part during the long distance stage in skilled
stars for orientation (Moore, 1978; Pakhomov and                   birds (Gagliardo, 2013; Gagliardo et al., 2013). In 1971,
Chernetsov, 2014). However, this does not really                   Papi and co-workers revealed that pigeons who lack in
imply that they don’t possess stellar compass; addi-               their ability to sense the smell showed more unfortu-
tionally, it could be a reaction to a specific test cir-           nate starting direction, were slower in homing and a
cumstance. Since most of the birds are diurnal, the                significant number of them were unsuccessful to return.
star compass could only be used by birds that are                  The authors concluded that smells act as a navigational
nocturnal to perform orientation towards a specific                element: carried by the breeze, it would arrive at the
migratory goal during prolonged night flights. The                 pigeon from various headings that would later be relat-
changes in the sky could be observed as the birds                  ed to the individual scent (Papi et al., 1971). Anosmia
move southward during fall migration and the celes-                produced due to the treatment with zinc sulphate in
tial pole with polar star descends and gets closer to              experienced birds has a comparable disturbing impact
the horizon, more difficult to see. New stars are                  because the birds no longer correct for displacement
emerging from the southern sky. These must be in-                  and reverted in their migratory direction (Holland et al.,
corporated into the bird’s cognitive ability towards               2009). Studies published showed that pigeons oriented
the portrayal of stars. Thus, the magnetic compass                 in their preferred directions when they smelled unnatu-
seems to give a significant reference framework                    ral scents rather than the environmental ones. They
(Wiltschko and Wiltschko, 1975b). All things consid-               proposed that smells didn't convey navigational data,
ered, when figuring out how to utilize a star com-                 however rather had an activation impact on the naviga-
pass, young birds recognize the focal point of celes-              tion systems (Jorge et al., 2009). A subsequent report
tial rotation by the snap-shot approach, for example,              (Jorge et al., 2010) backed this explanation. Neverthe-
by contrasting the present stellar pattern with a remem-           less, a new monitoring investigation in Italy appeared to
bered snap-shot in relation to a stationary landmark               talk about the importance of environmental smell as a
from the past event (Alert et al., 2015). The neurobio-            navigation cue (Gagliardo et al., 2011). Studies per-
logical system of memorizing the star compass merits               formed on Cory’s shearwater, Calonectris borealis that
Tyagi, T. and Bhardwaj, S. K. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(2), 627 - 640 (2021)

breeds in the Azores have shown an important role of              strates (Wiltschko and Wiltschko, 1975a; Bingman,
olfaction over the spread-out ocean. Investigation was            1987; Bingman and Wiltschko, 1988; Able and Able,
carried out in the Mediterranean Sea, where the acces-            1996; Wiltschko et al., 1998). Routes of clock-shifted
sibility of landmarks could offer a substitute for naviga-        pigeons uncovered a lot of individual variability in
tion towards homing. Magnet glued shearwaters and                 where and when they revised their course and returned
control birds headed towards home even if the coastal             to their loft. They do not appear to surrender the sun
region was invisible and quickly went home. Anosmic               compass entirely, nonetheless, only minimizing the
shearwaters perform orientation in a very different di-           dependency: until they reach their home, their more
rection from their home in the open sea. After moving             extended courses will generally be diverted to the nor-
closer to the coast, their flight route altered from the          mal side (Gagliardo et al., 2009; Schiffner et al., 2014).
complicated to the home orientation, so that a large              At the completion of the subjective day, clock-shift pi-
portion of them, at last, arrived at home. In addition to         geons generally make a stoppage and subsequently
confirming that magnetic cues seem to be insignificant            resumed their orientation towards their home; pigeons
in seabirds navigation, these findings support the in-            with little magnets on the head halted and departed
volvement of olfactory cues during bird navigation and            towards confused routes (Gagliardo et al., 2009). The
suggest that anosmic shearwaters can home at last by              geomagnetic compass seems to assume control when
following coastal landmarks (Pollonara et al., 2015).             pigeons understand that their solar compass is out of
Field studies have revealed that, in certain species, a           order. Studies have shown that solar and stellar com-
considerable extent of individuals get back to similar            pass are secondarily acquired from the magnetic com-
breeding, overwintering, and stopover areas in progres-           pass and skylight polarization patterns (Phillips and
sive years. The finding proposes that migratory birds             Moore, 1992; Muheim et al., 2007). This fundamental
have advanced uncommon cognitive capacities that                  calibration reference would furnish birds with an out-
empower them to achieve these accomplishments. Re-                right, geographic directional framework, which is auton-
sults demonstrate that retention of a specific feeding            omous of latitude and season. The European diurnal
place among adult garden warbler, Sylvia borin, a long-           migrant, Tree Pipits, Anthus trivialis, experimented un-
distance migratory bird lasted for a period of twelve             der open skies during sunset and pursued a rotated
months, while a firmly related non-migrant Sardinian              magnetic North, apparently neglecting the sunset
warbler, Sylvia melanocephala momus could recall                  (Åkesson et al., 2006). Birds that were over and again
such place for just two weeks. In this manner, it ap-             experimented in a similar cue-conflict situation. None-
pears to be that the migratory way of life has impacted           theless, at last, all the cases pursued the magnetic
the learning and remembering limits of migratory birds            field; here, dominance was shown by the magnetic
(Mettke-Hofmann and Gwinner, 2003). Hippocampus is                cues. However, there are dissimilarities among the dif-
the area of the brain considered to be engaged in the             ferent birds’ such as three species of Sylvia-warblers,
handling of spatial information. The comparative size of          Dunnock, Prunella modularis reacted quickly to the
the hippocampal volume of migratory adult garden war-             shifted magnetic North (Wiltschko and Wiltschko,
blers is bigger than that of inexperienced juveniles of           1975b; Bingman and Wiltschko, 1988), while European
identical species. No similar comparison in hippocam-             Robins reacted uniquely with a delayed behaviour, fol-
pal volume between older and younger birds was es-                lowing the rotated magnetic North during the third or
tablished in the firmly related non-migratory Sardinian           fourth test (Wiltschko and Wiltschko, 1975a; Bingman,
warbler. These discoveries are persistent with the                1987). The Australian silver eyes, Zosterops lateralis
speculation that migratory birds procure spatial data             performing migration at nightfall and sunrise, reacted to
about the course and stopover locations upholding the             an anticlockwise rotated magnetic North without delay,
view that adjustments in the hippocampus might be                 yet in clockwise rotation the response was delayed
related to migratory experience (Healy et al., 1996)              (Wiltschko et al., 1998).
and, most generally, with research signifying a compa-            At certain places, particularly close to the polar region,
rably larger hippocampal volume in birds that clearly             bird migrants encounter a dispute in choosing the
depends upon retention of spatial information (Healy et           headings provided by the solar and star compass con-
al., 1994; Reboreda et al., 1996; Volman et al., 1997).           trasted with the magnetic compass, as magnetic decli-
                                                                  nation displays significant differences in adjacent areas
INTERACTIONS AND HIERARCHY BETWEEN                                (Skiles, 1985). Birds are intended to re-calibrate their
CELESTIAL AND MAGNETIC CUES                                       compasses to adapt to these troubles, both during on-
                                                                  togeny and adult life (Able and Able, 1993, 1995; Mu-
During spring migration, the magnetic field is consist-           heim et al., 2003). It is usually accepted that prior to the
ently predominant, as the conduct of birds captured on            beginning of the first migration, celestial rotation helps
their overwintering quarters experimentally demon-                in the calibration of the magnetic compass (Wiltschko,

Tyagi, T. and Bhardwaj, S. K. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 13(2), 627 - 640 (2021)

2017). The criterion of cue calibration in the course of         2016). Well-trained zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata
migration seems inconsistent: a few research recom-              showed directional preferences when the polarized light
mended that the magnetic compass helps in calibrating            axis is lined up parallel to the magnetic field. At the
the celestial cues (Sandberg et al., 1991; Wiltschko et          point when the polarized light axis was lined up perpen-
al., 1998; Wiltschko et al., 1999a, 1999b; Sandberg et           dicularly to the magnetic field, the birds got confused.
al., 2000; Wiltschko et al., 2001a, 2001b), while others         These discoveries are the primary proof for an immedi-
confirmed an opposite pattern (Cochran et al., 2004;             ate collaboration between polarized light and the light-
Muheim et al., 2006a, 2006b, 2009). Two species were             based magnetic compass in birds. They uncover an
tested in order to determine the consequences on the             essentially new quality of the radical pair-based magne-
magnetic cues, and here, the outcomes differ: Savan-             toreceptor with a key impact on how birds see the
nah sparrows, Passerculus sandwichensis seemed to                Earth's magnetic field (Muheim et al., 2016).
have re-calibrated their magnetic compass (Able and
Able, 1995), though, in Silvereyes, the magnetic com-            Conclusion
pass seemed unaltered (Wiltschko et al., 1999a). Euro-
pean Robins and Garden Warbler re-calibrated the ce-             The Earth’s magnetic field, celestial (sun, skylight po-
lestial cues, for this situation the stars: in a vertical        larization pattern, and stars), landmarks, olfactory, and
magnetic field not giving directional guidance, they             retention of spatial cues en route provide birds with
show directional preferences on the basis of star com-           compass knowledge during migration. The Earth's
pass alone towards the path wherein the shifted mag-             magnetic field is omnipresent, which can encourage
netic field had guided them (Wiltschko and Wiltschko,            birds to navigate. Still, bird magnetoreception is insuffi-
1975a, 1975b). Silvereyes (Wiltschko et al., 1998) and           ciently recognized at various levels from the quantum
Dunnocks (Bingman and Wiltschko, 1988) re-calibrated             biophysics of sensory systems, signalling pathways
the cues from the setting sun. In Silvereyes, the re-            and neurophysiology in handling instructions within the
calibration was just powerful at dusk, the hour of the           brain. Behaviour tests are essential and can not avoid
day during which birds encountered the cue conflict;             the likelihood. Disorientation emerges from impacts on
their reaction to the particular cue at dawn was not af-         bird motivation instead of fundamental magnetorecep-
fected (Wiltschko et al., 2001a). Sandberg et al. (2000)         tion occasions. The visual-brain routes are well-known
consolidated caged results with release tests: in the            in numerous birds, yet where celestial cues pertaining
caged experiments just two bird species persuaded the            to orientation and navigation are explicitly processed
shifted magnetic North. In release tests all four bird           within the brain regions of vertebrates was considerably
species reacted to this shift and the changed magnetic           less evident. This review asserts that any significant
field guidance became ceased. At this point accessible,          distance navigational undertaking will not be possible
they clearly had re-calibrated the celestial cues. Some          based on a single cue or mechanism, allowing birds to
night migrating birds, for example, Swainson's thrush-           navigate with absolute precision over thousands of
es, Catharus ustulatus, and grey-cheeked thrushes, C.            miles.
minimus choose the course of migration based upon
the data obtained from sunset cues. However, keep up             ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the headings with the help of magnetic compass guid-
ance (Cochran et al., 2004). The two types of North              This study immensely appreciates the funding from the
American sparrows namely the white-throated spar-                Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, under the
rows, Zonotrichia albicollis, and the savannah spar-             grant number BT/PR4984/MED/30/752/2012.
rows, Passerculus sandwichensis have been shown to
re-calibrate their magnetic compass based on the sky-            Conflict of interest
light polarization pattern from the lower part of the sky        The authors declare that they have no conflict of
close to the horizon (Muheim et al., 2006b, 2009), while         interest.
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