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The changing water cycle: the need for an integrated assessment of the resilience to changes in water supply in High-Mountain Asia - White Rose ...

The changing water cycle:
the need for an integrated
assessment of the resilience to
changes in water supply in
High-Mountain Asia
Duncan Quincey,1* Megan Klaar,1 Daniel Haines,2 Jon Lovett,1 Bishnu Pariyar,1
Gehendra Gurung,3 Lee Brown,1 Cameron Watson,1 Matthew England1 and
Barbara Evans4

                  Water sourced from Asian mountains is vital to the survival of an estimated 1.4
                  billion people, but current and anticipated changes in snow, ice cover, and pre-
                  cipitation patterns may threaten these supplies and, in turn, the food security of
                  tens of millions of people. Despite the severity of this developing environmental
                  hazard, the relative importance of each component of the water cycle still needs
                  more detailed study so that those communities who will experience the greatest
                  extremes in supply can be identified. Specifically, data showing how the contri-
                  bution of meltwater varies with increasing distance downstream are lacking for
                  many mountain catchments, although the use of stable isotope tracers provides
                  some hope in this regard. Imprinted on regional-scale hydroclimatological con-
                  trols of water availability are local-scale cultural beliefs and practices that have
                  evolved over centuries, which determine who is able to access water supplies, for
                  how long, and for what purpose. Building the resilience of human populations
                  and the environment to future changes in water supply therefore depends on
                  effective interdisciplinary team working to develop an understanding of the com-
                  plex interactions between physical, socioeconomic, cultural, and historical fac-
                  tors, and that can only be properly realized if local communities are considered
                  as an integral part of the research team. Developing simple and practical
                  methods for water management, storage, and societal adaptation that are appro-
                  priate to the socioeconomic and political conditions of mountain-dwelling com-
                  munities will only be sustainable if they are built on this integrated
                  knowledge base. © 2017 The Authors. WIREs Water published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
                                                               How to cite this article:
                                          WIREs Water 2018, 5:e1258. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1258

*Correspondence to:
 School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
 Department of History, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
 Practical Action South Asia Office, Kathmandu, Nepal
 School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article.

Volume 5, January/February 2018                                                                                                                    1 of 10
© 2017 The Authors. WIREs Water published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The changing water cycle: the need for an integrated assessment of the resilience to changes in water supply in High-Mountain Asia - White Rose ...

INTRODUCTION                                                                             Forecasts of future runoff therefore tend to carry
                                                                                         large uncertainty,6 and identifying the communities
T    he glaciers and snowfields of high-mountain Asia
     (and specifically the Himalaya for the purposes
of this piece) provide a crucial source for the many
                                                                                         most likely to experience severe changes in water
                                                                                         supply is thus difficult.
                                                                                                Building resilience to changes in water supply
rivers that flow across the Asian subcontinent, but                                       means providing communities and systems with the
they are diminishing rapidly in the face of sustained                                    ability to anticipate and withstand short-lived
climate change.1 Downstream, more than 1.4 billion                                       extremes (i.e., flood and drought) as well as being
people living in the foothills and lowlands are depen-                                   able to adapt to long-term shifts in flow patterns.
dent on stream and river flows for food, energy, sani-                                    Adaptation is a key part of this process,7,8 although
tation, industry, and tourism. Studies of future                                         it is widely recognized that adaptation can undermine
discharge with climate change have been largely uni-                                     resilience as well as enhance it.9 Given the emphasis
form in predicting reduced flows2,3 although recent                                       on people, successfully building resilience must then
work has suggested that in the short-term preparing                                      depend not only on environmental knowledge, but
for floods may be the most pressing policy priority                                       also on understanding local-scale politics and social
for some catchments.4 In mountain areas, demand                                          arrangements.10,11 Socioeconomic factors such as
tends to exceed supply during dry months (Figure 1),                                     gender, caste, age, health, access to decision makers
and this shortfall will likely increase with time,5                                      and education, and the ability to earn largely deter-
potentially leading to large-scale crop failure and                                      mine the susceptibility of individuals and communi-
drought. Conversely, during the rainy season,                                            ties to harm.12 These parameters are built upon a
extreme precipitation events threaten communities                                        foundation of political and social hierarchy devel-
and infrastructure and such events are likely to be                                      oped over hundreds to thousands of years. The peo-
exacerbated under future scenarios. However, empir-                                      ple of high-mountain Asia have a long history of
ical data are scarce because of the challenging nature                                   coping in the face of socioeconomic and hydrocli-
of the terrain and, in places, political instability, both                               matic adversity so indigenous knowledge of coping
of which can restrict access to certain parts of the                                     strategies is also a very valuable, and often under-uti-
range, and modeled data can vary significantly even                                       lized, resource.13 Establishing the reasons behind the
when making short-term (20–30 years) projections.2                                       success or failure of previous actions is a good first
                                                                                         step toward developing future interventions, and
                           Winter                                     Summer             there may be design elements of traditional coping
                                                                                  +      strategies that can be employed in new approaches to
                                                      pp                                 water management. Here, we outline how natural

  Eastern himalaya

                                                                                         and social scientists as well as historians might work
                                                              tion                       together to tackle the issues of changing water
                                                  ci     pita
                       Glacier melt                                                      resources in South Asia, and the challenges that still
                                                                                  0      need to be addressed for future water management.
                                                              u re
                                                     p   er

                                                                                  –      THE RECENT FUNDING CONTEXT—A
                           Winter                                     Summer             PARADIGM SHIFT?
                                                                                         A longstanding obstacle to development in the moun-

                                                                                         tain areas of Asia is the disconnect that exists
 Western himalaya

                                           Pre                         Supply
                                                                                         between mountain-dwelling communities who pos-
                       Glacier melt
                                                                                         sess the indigenous knowledge and groups with rele-
                                                                                  0      vant academic expertise (e.g., engineers, scientists,
                                                                ur                       health experts, sociologists, and historians).14,15 Even
                                                 m                                       within the academic community, barriers often exist
                                                                                         between members of different research disciplines. In
                                                                                  –      recent years funding bodies have sought to address
F I G U R E 1 | Schematic approximation of the timing of                                 this disconnect by directly targeting Official Develop-
precipitation, temperature, and glacier melt maxima at opposite ends                     ment Assistance (ODA) countries in funding calls
of the Himalayan range, and their relationship with natural water                        and explicitly requiring research teams to evidence
supply and community demand.                                                             both interdisciplinary working and community

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The changing water cycle: the need for an integrated assessment of the resilience to changes in water supply in High-Mountain Asia - White Rose ...
WIREs Water                                                                                                   Changing water cycle

involvement at the application stage. Most major                 living downstream who rely on the water for,
research councils (e.g., US National Science Founda-             e.g., irrigation and sanitation, but also for the spe-
tion, Swiss National Science Foundation) already                 cialized ecosystems that have established themselves
have dedicated funding streams for interdisciplinary             in these often very cold and sediment-rich environ-
research, but few have previously had the opportu-               ments.22 Broadly speaking, glacier contributions to
nity to specifically target ODA countries. This refo-             flow are small in monsoon areas, but far more
cusing of research priorities marks an exciting                  important where mountains feed into dry regions
new era.                                                         such as the Indus and the Tien Shan.23 In the
       A recent example of how the funding context               monsoon-dominated Eastern Himalaya even those
has changed can be found in the UK, where in                     river systems that are in close proximity to glaciers
November 2015 the government launched a new                      and snowfields may receive as little as 2% of their
strategy for its overseas aid titled ‘Tackling global            annual runoff from melt at the sub-basin scale,
challenges in the national interest.’16 The strategy             although in other areas it may be as high as 30%.24
had its origins in the Government’s 2015 manifesto               Further, many communities exploit nonglacially fed
commitments, which included spending 0.7% of                     streams as their main water source rather than the
Gross National Income as ODA and continuing                      fast-flowing and silt-laden main rivers,12 so the
efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. The 0.7% com-              impact of ice and snow recession may actually be
mitment was made in the context of calls to reduce               small for some. Small hydroelectric schemes exist on
overseas aid led by a populist sector of the media               a village or catchment level, but most water use is for
(e.g., Ref 17), and followed by a large proportion of            domestic and agricultural purposes. Further west, the
the public,18 hence the inclusion of ‘national interest’         Indus receives around 40% of its annual discharge
in the report’s title. Transparency, value for money,            from glaciers,2 and snowmelt contributions in some
scrutiny, and improving partnerships between the                 Himalayan basins can account for up to 75% of run-
UK and other countries were key components of the                off25 so the picture is rather different. Here, runoff is
strategy. So too were the important elements of keep-            important for major hydroelectric and irrigation
ing aid untied and a poverty criterion to ensure that            schemes as well as for more traditional domestic
funds would be spent in the best interests of poor               use26 (Figure 2).
and marginalized communities suffering from con-                        On a local scale, the strongest control on dis-
flict, discrimination and the negative impacts of cli-            charge is undoubtedly orography,27 which largely
mate change.19                                                   determines precipitation distribution. In the transfer
       A large part of this funding has been dedicated           of that precipitation to the river, storage of water in
for bringing previously unconnected academic groups              groundwater reservoirs, soil and vegetation can all
together to tackle ‘global challenges’ and funding               modulate the river discharge cycle, although patterns
calls have demanded an interdisciplinary approach.               of reservoir recharge and purging appear to be spa-
It marks a step change in research funding by specifi-            tially uniform, at least in Nepal.28 During both win-
cally targeting ODA countries and has initiated a                ter (December–February) and summer (July–August)
broad range of cross-disciplinary and cross-                     it is known that the timing and magnitude of river
continental conversations that might previously not              discharge is well-correlated with the degree of catch-
have taken place. Undoubtedly, complex problems                  ment glacierization,28,29 but how the different
that involve a range of physical, human, cultural,               sources (ice and snow-melt, precipitation, groundwa-
and political interactions, such as adapting to                  ter) interact at lower elevations remains poorly
changes in water supply in South Asia, stand to bene-            understood.30 Perhaps most importantly, the relative
fit most from this unified approach.                               contributions of these sources through time,
                                                                 i.e., seasonally, are entirely unquantified in many
                                                                 parts of Asia, making the forecasting of flows a
RELATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS TO                                        challenging task.
                                                                        The use of stable isotope tracers provides some
                                                                 hope in this regard. Studies focused on catchments
At the natural science end of the interdisciplinary              both in the Himalaya31–34 and other areas35–37 have
spectrum lies researchers interested in how glacier              demonstrated that distinct chemical signatures can
and snowfield recession will alter the proportional               be identified that quantify the spatial and temporal
contribution of ice melt, snow melt, precipitation,              variation in the contribution of glacier, snow, rain-
and groundwater to proglacial mountain river                     fall, and groundwater to stream flow, although a pre-
systems.20,21 This is important not only for people              cise understanding of glaciohydrological response

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The changing water cycle: the need for an integrated assessment of the resilience to changes in water supply in High-Mountain Asia - White Rose ...

F I G U R E 2 | (a) Many Asian mountain-dwelling communities are located above the main river and rely on their water supply from springs and
snow-melt. (b) In some parts of the range, villagers may tap directly into glacial meltwater (here, on the Ghulkin Glacier, Hunza, Pakistan) to
maintain the local water supply.

through both space and time remains elusive. Natu-
rally occurring oxygen (18O) and hydrogen (2H) iso-                            effective in differentiating snowmelt, glacier
topes can be used to determine the percentage                                  melt, precipitation, and groundwater contribu-
contribution of each source water at high spatial and                          tions to stream flow. Isotopes are atoms of
temporal resolutions (e.g., Ref 38), and have been                             the same element which have different num-
shown to be particularly effective at distinguishing                           bers of neutrons, and hence differences in
glacial meltwater from precipitation and snowmelt.39                           mass, often termed ‘heavy’ or ‘light.’ The
Stable isotope analysis is relatively inexpensive                              unique isotopic composition or ‘signatures’ of
(around US$ 75 per sample for laboratory proces-                               different water sources (called end-members)
sing), requires little to no field equipment other than                         caused by various biological, physical, and
the sampling bottles, and a single sampling event can                          chemical reactions or processes result in
provide suitable spatial differentiation in determining                        changes to the ratio of heavy to light isotopes
a range of water sources.39 Where field data collec-                            [expressed as delta (d) values, in parts per
tion is a possibility, this approach therefore offers a                        thousands (‰), relative to a standard of
quantitative analysis of how important rain, snow,                             known composition40]. Knowledge of these
and ice fractions are to river flow at a given point,                           variations can be used in conjunction with
and with increasing distance from the catchment                                end member mixing analysis (EMMA) to iden-
                                                                               tify and quantify the contribution of various
headwaters. Combining such quantitative data with
                                                                               water sources to stream flow.
social and economic information about villages and
                                                                                  More recently, geochemical compounds have
villagers living in these downstream areas provides a
                                                                               been used to differentiate between ‘reacted’
simple metric for identifying those people who will
                                                                               and ‘unreacted’ source waters within glacier-
be most impacted by changes in water supply, and                               ized catchments.31 Reacted waters are those
therefore prioritizing where resilience-building efforts                       sources which flow at the bedrock interface,
should focus (Box 1).                                                          including moraines and glacial till which results
                                                                               in elevated solute levels in comparison to
                                                                               ‘unreacted’ waters which have much lower sol-
  BOX 1                                                                        ute levels. In practice, these differences in
                                                                               chemical composition and concentration can be
                                                                               used to differentiate between groundwater
                                                                               and subglacial flow (‘reacted’ source waters)
                                                                               and snow and glacial melt (‘unreacted’
                                                                               waters).31 If the geology of a location is com-
                                                                               plex, geochemical tracers may also be used to
  Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes (d18O                                    determine the contribution of different tribu-
  and d2H, respectively) have been shown to be                                 tary or groundwater spring sources.

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The changing water cycle: the need for an integrated assessment of the resilience to changes in water supply in High-Mountain Asia - White Rose ...
WIREs Water                                                                                                     Changing water cycle

PEOPLE AND CULTURE                                                 failure of a given strategy may depend on its adoption
                                                                   (or not) by the community.14 Gaining an understand-
In the mountains of Asia, the ability to absorb a                  ing of cultural beliefs and traditions is therefore a criti-
major environmental change, and therefore the resil-               cal step toward gaining credibility with key
ience of an individual or community, is undeniably                 stakeholders49 and ensuring the development is sus-
linked to poverty, since the availability of funds                 tainable. This trust may only be developed by commu-
determines the ability of a group to invest in the most            nicating with mountain-dwellers themselves, but often
effective solutions.41 The poorest communities are                 a wealth of supporting information can be found in
rural mountain-dwellers, marginalized both economi-                texts and pictures that portray historical scenes or
cally and politically,42 and without access to educa-              accounts of tradition, or report the formation of local
tion that would provide the skills for, and knowledge              management and political structures (Box 2).
of, adaptation practices. Without surplus resources,
the poor target their investment to respond to short-
term shock events rather than as planned                            BOX 2
initiatives,43 and in times of pressure, sell their assets
and withdraw their young from social groups and
educational provision to earn money as laborers.41                  SPIRITUAL, CULTURAL, AND SOCIAL
They report only being able to partially recover from               ASPECTS OF WATER
shocks due to limitations in health care, infrastruc-               In many parts of South Asia water has signifi-
ture, and livelihood opportunities, thus becoming                   cant spiritual and cultural meaning as well as
unable to break free from the poverty trap. Some                    being critical to sustaining life. Hot water
communities may migrate to escape environmental                     springs in Nepal (tato pani) are well known for
pressures, but even then it is only those people who                their healing powers although local villagers
are able to dispose sufficient financial and social capi-             believe many have lost their powers because of
tal rather than the poorest and least resilient.44                  the masses of people, frequently trekkers, who
       The motivation for a community to adopt a                    use and ‘pollute’ them. In Sikkim, and other
given adaptation measure is, to some degree, driven                 parts of the Eastern Himalaya, traditional belief
by people’s perceptions of the hazard rather than by                is that goddesses dwell at the sources of springs
scientific evidence,42 so an understanding of indige-                and they are therefore important places of
nous knowledge and belief is an important part of                   worship,46 and an important focal point for
                                                                    social arrangements. Water also plays an impor-
identifying adaptation solutions. In India and Nepal,
                                                                    tant role in the Hindu festival of Holi, which cel-
reports suggest that community perceptions of cli-
                                                                    ebrates the victory of good over evil by
mate and water supply are in line with scientific evi-
                                                                    recreating the sprinkling of colored water over
dence; warmer mean annual temperatures, reduction
                                                                    Prahlada, a follower of Hindu god Vishnu, dur-
in snow cover, an advance in the onset of the mon-                  ing Mahabharata times.
soon, and a reduction in water from groundwater                         Socially, water is very much the domain of
springs.45 There is a realization that traditional                  the woman. Its collection is a female duty, even
approaches to water use and conservancy may not be                  when the source is far from the home, and its
sufficient,42,46 but there also remains a disconnect                 primary domestic uses, in cooking and washing,
between the scientific and local communities, that                   are dominantly female tasks. These duties per-
represents a major barrier to research outputs becom-               sist even while the woman is in heavy labor,
ing adopted in policy.47 Going forward, there is a                  although often not during menstruation or if
need for researchers to provide clearly communicated                they have recently given birth, since they are
options for adaptation derived through collaboration                considered unclean at these times.50 Although
with the stakeholders themselves, and detailing asso-               much less prevalent than in recent decades, the
ciated uncertainties and costs.48                                   caste system still exists in parts of Nepal and
       The people of South Asia have been managing                  India, and higher caste groups may reject, or
and conserving natural resources for many centuries                 have to cleanse (by dipping gold), water that
and have lived through many previous environmental                  has come into contact with a lower caste per-
shocks. There therefore already exists a vast knowl-                son. Ritual contamination can only be remedied
edge base on which new interventions can be con-                    by bathing, isolated from those who are not
structed.46 Community participation has long been                   contaminated—so water is also seen to be
heralded as the ‘right way’ to conduct scientific                    vitally important as a substance to confer
research, but perhaps more importantly the success or

Volume 5, January/February 2018              © 2017 The Authors. WIREs Water published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.              5 of 10

HISTORY, POLITICS, AND WATER                                           and irrigation practices appropriate to different con-
MANAGEMENT                                                             ditions.58,59 These data can be used to constrain the
                                                                       potential need to adapt for communities living under
High-mountain Asia features an extreme topography                      a variety of analogous conditions today.
and climate, but the risk people experience from                             Archives also reveal the changing institutional
changing environments is a social as much as a ‘natu-                  context of water-management policies at national
ral’ construct. The resilience of a community to envi-                 and local scales, as historians have shown in other
ronmental change develops over time as humans                          parts of South Asia.59,60 In Nepal, for example, state-
interact with each other, pass on knowledge, and bet-                  built irrigation canals have historically characterized
ter understand the landscapes and hydroscapes in                       valleys and the southern lowlands,61 whereas less
which they have settled. Accounts of previous disas-                   formal but equally functional systems operate in the
ters, knowledge of traditional practices and establish-                mountains, although even remote upland communi-
ing the history of legislative and management                          ties can rarely fully escape engagement with state
structures are fundamental to the design of appropri-                  structures.62 Understanding state priorities in manag-
ate adaptation strategies because they define the                       ing water and pursuing development policies is there-
existing arrangements for water access.51                              fore critical to gauging the extent to which
       Knowledge of the environmental history of                       communities might be willing, and able, to adopt
most Asian countries is patchy, but work in other                      new resilience practices in the face of changing
regions suggests establishing historical perspectives is               conditions.
critical to understanding modern-day arrangements.
Sustained socioeconomic inequalities, for example,
explain why some groups have come to live on mar-
ginal land that is susceptible to flooding in the Indus                 CONCLUSION
Basin.52 On the other hand, traditional building tech-                 The issue of changing water supplies in mountain
niques in seismically active Kashmir have proved                       regions of the world is likely to become an increas-
more resistant to earthquakes than many 20th cen-                      ingly topical as the climate continues to warm and
tury concrete construction techniques. These strate-                   precipitation patterns become less predictable. Adap-
gies can also be embedded in regional cultures. In the                 tation is currently hampered by clear knowledge gaps
Philippines, for example, frequent exposure to earth-                  and particularly uncertainty,63 however, specifically
quakes and typhoons encouraged the development of                      in how the constituent components of river flow vary
informal mutual-aid societies, perhaps as early as the
mid-1600s53. The past, then, can yield valuable les-
sons for risk reduction in the present and future.                                                     Gender
       While ethnographies of societies that live with
                                                                                               Harvesting methods
hazard are well-established in the social sciences,54
                                                                                     Tradition                             Climate
archival history remains an underutilized resource                                                    Spatial change
for investigating how past societies have adapted to                                                    Environmental history
risky environments. For states with long histories,                                   Vulnerability
like Nepal, official archives represent a valuable                             Indigenous knowledge            Temporal change
repository of institutional memory (cf., Ref 55). State                                                                                 Class
                                                                                 Politics             Resilience
archives and historical literature typically contain                                                                           Seasonality
official reports, unofficial manuscript material,                                       Storage
images and maps. These data can reveal interactions                                                     Physical science          Culture
between social and environmental processes.56 Tax-                             Perceptions
                                                                                                      Hierarchy         Historical supply
collection requires a detailed official knowledge of
land tenure systems and population information,                                            Social science         Contemporary supply
which can be used to reconstruct past settlement pat-
terns.57 In combination with physical and geomorpo-                                                   Ethnicity
logical research into landscape change, such records
can demonstrate the effect that environmental insta-
                                                                       FI G URE 3 | Social science, physical science, and environmental
bility had on settlements over time. Historical
                                                                       history (in blue) are well-positioned to tackle the issue of changing
records, both written and pictorial, can also contain                  water supplies in mountain regions, sharing many common foci of
a wealth of qualitative data about regional variations                 study (in red) and being driven by many of the same controlling
in water-use practices and the types of agriculture                    factors (in green).

6 of 10             © 2017 The Authors. WIREs Water published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.                 Volume 5, January/February 2018
WIREs Water                                                                                                      Changing water cycle

as water travels from the mountains to the lowlands,                representing subjects for study or a useful source of
and how this variability changes between catchments                 data. Bidirectional capacity building then becomes an
and regions. Some data exist on mountain communi-                   inherent product of the research, which holds much
ties and their cultures, practices and political and                greater value for development acceleration in the
management structures, but some of the more remote                  long term than traditional North–South knowledge
and inaccessible areas of South Asia remain unstud-                 transfer. Equally, if knowledge, solutions and inter-
ied. Historical texts and pictures may provide valu-                ventions are coproduced, they are more likely to be
able contextual information that even in isolation                  adopted by those people facing environmental
helps understanding of modern-day arrangements,                     changes and therefore increase their resilience to cur-
but the location of these valuable datasets, and in                 rent and future disturbances.
some regions whether they exist at all, is often                          The factors that determine the resilience of a
unknown.                                                            person or population to environmental change are so
      The true value of each of these data sources can              intertwined that single disciplines are unable to tackle
only be realized once they are properly integrated.                 major development challenges in isolation (Figure 3).
Quantitative data on river and stream flows are only                 With an explicit requirement in recent major funding
partially useful if information about who uses the                  calls to demonstrate interdisciplinary working, it is
water, from which sources, and for what purposes,                   likely that a unified approach will become more the
does not exist. Social surveys with local people will               rule than the exception in future studies tackling
only bear fruit if researchers have credibility with                major global challenges. Success will most likely
their subjects, something that only a deep under-                   come to open-minded teams who accept that there
standing of the history and culture of a region can                 will be some heated discussion in the process of
provide. Designed solutions will not be effective if                realignment. The coincident focus on ODA countries
any of these components are missing, since they need                means that some of the most marginalized communi-
to be implemented in the most appropriate locations,                ties may ultimately benefit from this approach, but as
adopted by the local communities, and based on                      numerous studies have shown in recent years build-
local management and political structures that have                 ing projects from the bottom-up is likely to be more
developed over many centuries. Building resilience                  effective in terms of impact than anything that is
therefore requires people at its core. If future water              designed by academics in isolation. Charities and
management is to prove successful, indigenous                       nongovernmental organizations will therefore play
knowledge and people should thus form the founda-                   an increasingly critical role in bridging the gap
tion for the interdisciplinary approach, identifying                between academic and indigenous communities and
problems and designing solutions, rather than                       policy interface.

The authors would like to thank two anonymous reviewers and the Associate Editor for their comments. This
work was funded by a Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Building Resilience Grant administered by
the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/P016146/1).

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