BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize

Page created by Kent Carlson
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
                                           March 8, 2022
                                             4:00 P.M.
               Auburn Hills City Hall, City Council Conference Room ● 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, MI
                Minutes of the TIFA Board Meeting will be on file in the City Clerk’s Office ● 248-370-9402




   a) TIFA Regular Meeting Minutes – February 8, 2022


   a) FY 2022 Adopted Budget and YTD Summary – February 28, 2022


   a) Construction Staging Area Request for The Brunswick
   b) Budget Amendment for the Riverside Park Bank Stabilization Project
   c) Scope of Work and Budget Amendment for Scheduled Parking Structure Maintenance
   d) Downtown Decorative Streetlight Replacements




                          Next Meeting is Scheduled for April 12, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 21, 2022                                                                AGENDA ITEM NO. _____
                                                                             TAX INCREMENT FINANCE AUTHORITY
                                                     “Not Yet Approved”
                                       CITY OF AUBURN HILLS

                                                    February 8, 2022

  CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kneffel called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM.

          ROLL CALL:       Present:          Kneffel, Goodhall, Dolly, Moniz, Carrier, Dolly
                           Absent:           Klemanski, Waltenspiel
                           Also Present:     Brandon Skopek, Assistant City Manager, TIFA Executive Director; Andrew Hagge,
                                             Management Assistant
                           Guests:           None

  LOCATION: Auburn Hills City Hall, Administrative Conference Room, 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326




          A. TIFA Informational Meeting Minutes – December 14, 2021

  There was no discussion on the approval of the minutes.

  Moved by Mr. Moniz to approve the TIFA Informational Meeting Minutes from December 14, 2021 as presented.
  Seconded by Dr. Dolly

          Yes:     Kneffel, Goodhall, Dolly, Moniz, Carrier, Dolly
          No:      none

                                                                                                         Motion carried

          B. TIFA Regular Meeting Minutes – December 14, 2021

  There was no discussion on the approval of the minutes.

  Moved by Mr. Goodhall to approve the TIFA Meeting Minutes from December 14, 2021 as presented.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
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Seconded by Mr. Carrier

         Yes:       Kneffel, Goodhall, Dolly, Moniz, Carrier, Dolly
         No:        none

                                                                                                        Motion carried

         C.     TIFA Special Meeting Minutes – December 28, 2021

There was no discussion on the approval of the minutes.

Moved by Mr. Carrier to approve the TIFA Special Meeting Minutes from December 28, 2021 as presented.
Seconded by Mr. Moniz

         Yes:       Kneffel, Goodhall, Dolly, Moniz, Carrier, Dolly
         No:        none

                                                                                                        Motion carried


    A. 2021 TIFA Annual Report

Mr. Skopek presented the 2021 TIFA Annual Report to the Board. He noted that the Board does not need to take any action on
this item.

There was no discussion on the 2021 TIFA Annual Report.


    A. FY 2022 Adopted Budget and YTD Summary – January 31, 2022

Mr. Skopek presented the financial report for the period ending January 31, 2022.

Mr. Carrier asked for a refresher on the TIF District boundaries.

Mr. Skopek provided the Board with an overview of each district boundary.

There was no further discussion on the financial report.

Moved by Mr. Carrier to receive and file the financial report for the period ending January 31, 2022.
Seconded by Dr. Dolly

         Yes:       Kneffel, Goodhall, Dolly, Moniz, Carrier, Dolly
         No:        none
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
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                                                                                                             Motion carried




    A. Code Enforcement Staffing Support

Mr. Skopek presented a memo dated February 1, 2022. He noted that the City has been experiencing issues related to
building and maintenance code violations at a number of City hotels, a majority of which are located in TIF District B, which
has led to the City working diligently on hotel inspections utilizing Public Safety and Community Development staff. To
enhance that effort and to make certain that the focus placed in this area of the City is not at the expense of code
enforcement throughout the rest of the City, the City has made the decision to hire an additional code enforcement officer.
With the amount of staff time that has been dedicated to these hotels and with funding available in TIF District B, it would be
appropriate for the TIFA to assist with these new code enforcement staffing costs. He added that there are sufficient funds in
TIF-B, but there are no funds specifically allocated and, therefore, a budget amendment would be necessary. Staff is
recommending that the TIFA fund no more than half of a full-time code enforcement officer since there are other code
enforcement needs outside of TIF District B. Total costs would not exceed $52,000.

Chairman Kneffel asking if one additional Code Enforcement Officer would be enough.

Mr. Skopek stated that one additional Code Enforcement Officer should be sufficient to cover the additional work being
conducted. He added that staff will continue to evaluate the staffing needs.

The Board discussed the hotels within TIF District B and their need for code enforcement.

Moved by Mr. Moniz to authorize funding to support staffing costs related to code enforcement activities in TIF District B.
Furthermore, approve a budget amendment to increase the TIF District B budget by $52,000 in support of these staffing
Seconded by Mr. Goodhall

         Yes:     Kneffel, Goodhall, Dolly, Moniz, Carrier, Dolly
         No:      none

                                                                                                             Motion carried


Mr. Skopek provided an update on the sale of 3346-3350 Auburn Road. He noted that the developer is moving quickly through
their due diligence process, and he expects a site plan review before the Planning Commission and City Council early this spring.

Mr. Skopek updated the Board that DPW staff, Community Development staff, Police and Fire staff, and the City Manager’s
office have scheduled a brainstorming session in early March to develop a project plan for TIF District B. He hopes to bring
some new projects before the TIFA Board this year.
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Mr. Skopek provided an update on the Public Square. He noted that with the level of private investment in downtown, and
with more investment expected, staff is revisiting the plan for the Public Square. He noted that staff had been trying to design
a plan around a budget number, however, staff has now taken the position that we have one opportunity to make this Public
Square a great amenity for downtown, so we want to make sure that the Public Square will be constructed in a way that will
make it a true destination for visitors of downtown. He added that staff is exploring additional funding mechanisms for the
Public Square.


Secretary Goodhall made note that is important that the TIFA Board develop a plan to spend down the fund balances in each
TIF district before the TIFA sunsets in 2031. He added that the TIFA Board should explore adding additional EV chargers in the
proposed parking deck extension and elsewhere based on the large uptick in EV sales. He also added that it may be worthwhile
to explore hydrogen fueling stations.


The next regularly scheduled TIFA Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at Auburn
Hills City Hall Administrative Conference Room, 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326.


Moved by Mr. Moniz to adjourn the TIFA Board meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Carrier

         Yes:     Kneffel, Goodhall, Dolly, Moniz, Carrier, Dolly
         No:      none

                                                                                                            Motion carried

The TIFA Board of Directors meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Goodhall                                        Brandon Skopek
Secretary of the Board                                Assistant City Manager / TIFA Executive Director
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
TO:              Chairman Kneffel and Members of the TIFA Board of Directors

FROM:            Brandon Skopek, Assistant City Manager, TIFA Executive Director

DATE:            February 28, 2022

SUBJECT:         FY 2022 Amended Budget and YTD Summary – February 28, 2022

   • TIF-A Cash $1.9 million
   • $1.2 million invested TIF-A
          o $435,855 – Investment Pooling
          o $281,666 – Insight
          o $529,660 – MiClass
   • TIF-B Cash $5.4 million
   • $6.9 million invested TIF-B – Insight
   • TIF-D Cash $1.6 million
   • $1.3 million invested TIF-D – Insight

    • Approximately 19% of budgeted revenues have been received for TIF-A in fiscal year 2022.
            Property Taxes:                       $291,846
            Building Rental:                      $21,044
            Interest:                             ($42,676)
    • Approximately 2% of budgeted expenditures have been utilized for fiscal year 2022.

    • Approximately 21% of budgeted revenues for have been received for TIF-B in fiscal year 2021.
            Property Taxes:                         $599,888
            Interest:                               ($8,510)
    • 0% of budgeted expenditures have been utilized for fiscal year 2022.

    • 0% of budgeted revenues have been received for TIF-D in fiscal year 2022.
    • Approximately 6% of budgeted expenditures have been utilized for fiscal year 2022.

An appropriate motion is:

Move to receive and file the TIFA Financial Report for period ending February 28, 2022
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
                                                   Balance As Of 02/28/2022
                                                                                              YTD Balance

GL Number                      Description                                                    02/28/2022
Fund: 251 TIFA A
  *** Assets ***
251-000-001.000                CASH                                                      1,991,600.02
251-000-017.000                CASH - INVESTMENT POOLING                                   435,855.57
251-000-017.002                INVESTMENT MANAGER - CUTWATER                               281,666.52
251-000-017.004                CASH - MICLASS                                              529,650.74
251-000-040.000                ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                                          17,851.68
251-000-130.000                LAND                                                      6,120,355.86
251-000-132.000                LAND IMPROVEMENTS                                         4,242,347.95
251-000-133.000                ACCUM DEPREC-LAND & IMPROV                               (1,799,271.78)
251-000-136.000                BLDGS, BLDG ADDITIONS AND                                 7,379,087.93
251-000-137.000                ACCUM DEPREC-BLDGS & ADDS & IMPROVEMNTS                  (1,402,497.76)
251-000-146.000                OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND FURN                                   265,384.78
251-000-147.000                ACC. DEPR. - OFFICE EQUIP                                  (265,385.07)
251-000-158.000                CONSTRUCTION-IN-PROGRESS                                    169,220.89
251-000-159.000                MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT                                       163,402.38
251-000-160.000                ACCUM DEPREC-MACH & EQUIP                                   (54,483.30)
251-000-163.000                ROADS & INFRASTRUCTURE                                   17,713,486.23
251-000-164.000                ACCUM DEPREC-ROAD & INFRASTURE                           (8,285,838.79)
    Total Assets                                                                        27,502,433.85
  *** Liabilities ***
251-000-211.000                RETAINAGE PAYABLE                                                2,080.00
251-000-211.000-AMPHI/SPLASH   RETAINAGE PAYABLE                                               (5,000.00)
251-000-275.000                DUE TO TAXPAYERS                                                 2,855.66
    Total Liabilities                                                                             (64.34)
  *** Fund Equity ***
251-000-390.000                FUND BALANCE                                             26,656,173.74
    Total Fund Equity                                                                   26,656,173.74
Total Fund 251:
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                            27,502,433.85
BEG. FUND BALANCE - 2021                                                                26,656,173.74
+ NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - 2021                                                      617,708.56
+ NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES                                                           228,615.89
= ENDING FUND BALANCE                                                                   26,884,789.63
+ LIABILITIES                                                                                  (64.34)
= TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE                                                    26,884,725.29

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
                                                Balance As Of 02/28/2022
                                                                                             YTD Balance

GL Number                    Description                                                     02/28/2022
Fund: 252 TIFA B
  *** Assets ***
252-000-001.000              CASH                                                       5,477,057.80
252-000-017.002              INVESTMENT MANAGER - CUTWATER                              6,961,696.52
252-000-128.000              RESALE INVENTORIES - LAND                                        250.00
252-000-132.000              LAND IMPROVEMENTS                                          1,415,205.92
252-000-133.000              ACCUM DEPREC-LAND & IMPROV                                  (846,051.69)
252-000-163.000              ROADS & INFRASTRUCTURE                                     9,772,855.05
252-000-164.000              ACCUM DEPREC-ROAD & INFRASTURE                            (2,483,098.43)
252-000-193.248              ADVANCES TO DDA                                               82,364.01
    Total Assets                                                                       20,380,279.18
  *** Liabilities ***
252-000-275.000              DUE TO TAXPAYERS                                                  2,625.92
    Total Liabilities                                                                          2,625.92
  *** Fund Equity ***
252-000-390.000              FUND BALANCE                                              18,562,453.59
    Total Fund Equity                                                                  18,562,453.59
Total Fund 252:
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                           20,380,279.18
BEG. FUND BALANCE - 2021                                                               18,562,453.59
+ NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - 2021                                                   1,224,825.52
+ NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES                                                          590,374.15
= ENDING FUND BALANCE                                                                  19,152,827.74
+ LIABILITIES                                                                               2,625.92
= TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE                                                   19,155,453.66

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
                                                 Balance As Of 02/28/2022
                                                                                             YTD Balance

GL Number                    Description                                                     02/28/2022
Fund: 253 TIFA D
  *** Assets ***
253-000-001.000              CASH                                                       1,678,130.15
253-000-017.002              INVESTMENT MANAGER - CUTWATER                              1,366,395.83
253-000-130.000              LAND                                                       2,017,211.00
253-000-132.000              LAND IMPROVEMENTS                                          3,208,168.68
253-000-133.000              ACCUM DEPREC-LAND & IMPROV                                (1,070,879.22)
253-000-136.000              BLDGS, BLDG ADDITIONS AND                                 20,256,872.03
253-000-137.000              ACCUM DEPREC-BLDGS & ADDS & IMPROVEMNTS                   (8,389,856.53)
253-000-147.000              ACC. DEPR. - OFFICE EQUIP                                          0.68
253-000-158.000              CONSTRUCTION-IN-PROGRESS                                      71,357.80
253-000-159.000              MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT                                         32,836.29
253-000-160.000              ACCUM DEPREC-MACH & EQUIP                                    (26,269.04)
253-000-163.000              ROADS & INFRASTRUCTURE                                     8,984,067.60
253-000-164.000              ACCUM DEPREC-ROAD & INFRASTURE                            (2,085,017.33)
    Total Assets                                                                       26,043,017.94
  *** Liabilities ***
253-000-211.000              RETAINAGE PAYABLE                                                 9,054.97
253-000-275.000              DUE TO TAXPAYERS                                                 18,625.00
    Total Liabilities                                                                         27,679.97
  *** Fund Equity ***
253-000-390.000              FUND BALANCE                                              25,931,557.59
    Total Fund Equity                                                                  25,931,557.59
Total Fund 253:
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                           26,043,017.94
BEG. FUND BALANCE - 2021                                                               25,931,557.59
+ NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - 2021                                                     148,568.26
+ NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES                                                          (64,787.88)
= ENDING FUND BALANCE                                                                  25,866,769.71
+ LIABILITIES                                                                              27,679.97
= TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE                                                   25,894,449.68

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - March 8, 2022 - Revize
                                                                    Balance As Of 02/28/2022
                                                                                  2022         YTD Balance   Activity For           Available
                                                                               Amended                                                Balance   % Bdgt
GL Number                      Description                                     Budget          02/28/2022     02/28/2022                          Used
Fund: 251 TIFA A
Account Category: Revenues
Department: 735 TIFA A
251-735-402.000                AD VALOREM                                1,075,333.00          291,845.94    217,674.29        783,487.06        27.14
251-735-412.000                DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY                  3,400.00                0.00          0.00          3,400.00         0.00
251-735-573.000                LOCAL COMMUNITY STABILIZATION SHAR          252,189.00                0.00          0.00        252,189.00         0.00
251-735-582.000-CLINTNRVRTRL   LOCAL GRANTS                                 20,000.00                0.00          0.00         20,000.00         0.00
251-735-651.400                U&A FEES - ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGI              500.00                0.00          0.00            500.00         0.00
251-735-665.000                INTEREST REVENUE                              4,000.00              102.90          0.00          3,897.10         2.57
251-735-667.000-CHAMBEROFCOM   BUILDING RENTAL - EXTERNAL                   19,460.00            3,192.00      1,596.00         16,268.00        16.40
251-735-667.000-EDUCATIONCTR   BUILDING RENTAL - EXTERNAL                      500.00                0.00          0.00            500.00         0.00
251-735-667.000-PARKINGSTRUC   BUILDING RENTAL - EXTERNAL                   35,618.00           17,851.68     17,851.68         17,766.32        50.12
251-735-669.001                INTEREST REV EXT MANAGERS                         0.00          (42,779.00)         0.00         42,779.00       100.00
    Total Dept 735 - TIFA A                                              1,411,000.00          270,213.52     237,121.97     1,140,786.48       19.15
  Revenues                                                               1,411,000.00          270,213.52     237,121.97     1,140,786.48       19.15
Account Category: Expenditures
Department: 735 TIFA A
251-735-722.000               WORKERS COMPENSATION                               0.00              42.00            0.00           (42.00)      100.00
251-735-729.000               PRINTING                                       1,500.00               0.00            0.00         1,500.00         0.00
251-735-730.000               POSTAGE                                          250.00               0.00            0.00           250.00         0.00
251-735-757.000-THEDEN TIFAA OPERATING SUPPLIES                                500.00               0.00            0.00           500.00         0.00
251-735-800.001               BANK SERVICE FEES                              1,800.00               0.00            0.00         1,800.00         0.00
251-735-800.199               DECORATIONS/LANDSCAPE/GEN MAINT              175,500.00           1,188.00            0.00       174,312.00         0.68
251-735-802.000               CONTRACTED SERVICES                          156,300.00          18,718.81       10,128.81       137,581.19        11.98
251-735-802.000-CHAMBEROFCOM CONTRACTED SERVICES                             6,250.00               0.00            0.00         6,250.00         0.00
251-735-802.000-EDUCATIONCTR CONTRACTED SERVICES                             9,400.00               0.00            0.00         9,400.00         0.00
251-735-802.000-THEDEN TIFAA CONTRACTED SERVICES                             6,250.00               0.00            0.00         6,250.00         0.00
251-735-802.002-MUNIPRKNGLOT RUBBISH REMOVAL                                 1,400.00               0.00            0.00         1,400.00         0.00
251-735-802.002-PARKINGSTRUC RUBBISH REMOVAL                                   230.00               0.00            0.00           230.00         0.00
251-735-810.000               INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FEES                       400.00              13.59            0.00           386.41         3.40
251-735-817.000               CONSULTANT SERVICES                          255,000.00               0.00            0.00       255,000.00         0.00
251-735-851.000-EDUCATIONCTR TELEPHONE                                       1,273.00               0.00            0.00         1,273.00         0.00
251-735-851.000-PARKINGSTRUC TELEPHONE                                       1,137.00               0.00            0.00         1,137.00         0.00
251-735-885.000               COMMUNITY RELATIONS                           20,000.00               0.00            0.00        20,000.00         0.00
251-735-885.000-TREELIGHTING COMMUNITY RELATIONS                            10,000.00               0.00            0.00        10,000.00         0.00
251-735-901.000               ADVERTISING/MARKETING                          5,000.00               0.00            0.00         5,000.00         0.00
251-735-901.000-THEDEN TIFAA ADVERTISING/MARKETING                             500.00               0.00            0.00           500.00         0.00
251-735-921.000-3346AUBURNRD ELECTRIC                                        1,000.00             162.92          162.92           837.08        16.29
251-735-921.000-CHAMBEROFCOM ELECTRIC                                        2,025.00              92.94           92.94         1,932.06         4.59
251-735-921.000-EDUCATIONCTR ELECTRIC                                        6,753.00             659.77          659.77         6,093.23         9.77
251-735-921.000-PARKINGSTRUC ELECTRIC                                       25,000.00           3,571.47        3,571.47        21,428.53        14.29
251-735-921.000-THEDEN TIFAA ELECTRIC                                        2,160.00             108.76          108.76         2,051.24         5.04
251-735-922.000               STREET LIGHTING                               40,000.00           4,045.30        4,045.30        35,954.70        10.11
251-735-922.000-RIVERSIDEPRK STREET LIGHTING                                 5,250.00             820.31          820.31         4,429.69        15.62
251-735-922.000-SKATEPARKXXX STREET LIGHTING                                     0.00              21.38           21.38           (21.38)      100.00
251-735-923.000-3346AUBURNRD HEAT                                            2,500.00             981.96          539.55         1,518.04        39.28
251-735-923.000-CHAMBEROFCOM HEAT                                            1,600.00             521.95          293.45         1,078.05        32.62
251-735-923.000-EDUCATIONCTR HEAT                                            3,000.00           1,363.87          727.10         1,636.13        45.46
251-735-923.000-PARKINGSTRUC HEAT                                              250.00              33.89           15.00           216.11        13.56
251-735-923.000-THEDEN TIFAA HEAT                                            1,500.00             527.39          291.89           972.61        35.16
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                                                               Balance As Of 02/28/2022
                                                                             2022         YTD Balance   Activity For           Available
                                                                          Amended                                                Balance   % Bdgt
GL Number                     Description                                 Budget          02/28/2022     02/28/2022                          Used
Fund: 251 TIFA A
Account Category: Expenditures
Department: 735 TIFA A
251-735-924.000-CHAMBEROFCOM CABLE TV SERVICES                          1,427.00               0.00            0.00         1,427.00         0.00
251-735-924.000-THEDEN TIFAA CABLE TV SERVICES                          2,097.00               0.00            0.00         2,097.00         0.00
251-735-927.000-3346AUBURNRD WATER CONSUMPTION                            100.00               8.85            8.85            91.15         8.85
251-735-927.000-CHAMBEROFCOM WATER CONSUMPTION                          1,000.00               0.00            0.00         1,000.00         0.00
251-735-927.000-EDUCATIONCTR WATER CONSUMPTION                          1,400.00              50.68           50.68         1,349.32         3.62
251-735-927.000-FIRESTATION1 WATER CONSUMPTION                          3,200.00             122.17          122.17         3,077.83         3.82
251-735-927.000-PARKINGSTRUC WATER CONSUMPTION                            650.00              28.32           28.32           621.68         4.36
251-735-927.000-RIVERSIDEPRK WATER CONSUMPTION                         42,800.00               0.00            0.00        42,800.00         0.00
251-735-927.000-RIVERWOODPRK WATER CONSUMPTION                            900.00               0.00            0.00           900.00         0.00
251-735-927.000-THEDEN TIFAA WATER CONSUMPTION                            700.00              15.86           15.86           684.14         2.27
251-735-929.000               IRRIGATION WATER AND MAINT.              20,000.00              72.80           72.80        19,927.20         0.36
251-735-931.000               BLDG. MAINTENANCE                        10,000.00               0.00            0.00        10,000.00         0.00
251-735-931.000-3346AUBURNRD BLDG. MAINTENANCE                          2,000.00               0.00            0.00         2,000.00         0.00
251-735-931.000-CHAMBEROFCOM BLDG. MAINTENANCE                          6,253.00           3,752.64            0.00         2,500.36        60.01
251-735-931.000-EDUCATIONCTR BLDG. MAINTENANCE                          2,000.00               0.00            0.00         2,000.00         0.00
251-735-931.000-PARKINGSTRUC BLDG. MAINTENANCE                        505,000.00               0.00            0.00       505,000.00         0.00
251-735-931.000-THEDEN TIFAA BLDG. MAINTENANCE                          2,000.00               0.00            0.00         2,000.00         0.00
251-735-935.005               BRIDGE REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE            3,500.00               0.00            0.00         3,500.00         0.00
251-735-937.000               PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE                   2,500.00               0.00            0.00         2,500.00         0.00
251-735-937.001               PATHWAY MAINTENANCE                      10,000.00               0.00            0.00        10,000.00         0.00
251-735-937.001-CLINTNRVRTRL PATHWAY MAINTENANCE                       40,000.00               0.00            0.00        40,000.00         0.00
251-735-937.003               SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE                     10,000.00               0.00            0.00        10,000.00         0.00
251-735-957.000               MISC/CONTINGENCY                            100.00               0.00            0.00           100.00         0.00
251-735-957.002               LIABILITY INSURANCE                       4,531.00           4,672.00        4,672.00          (141.00)      103.11
251-735-959.000               PROPERTY TAXES                            5,500.00               0.00            0.00         5,500.00         0.00
251-735-967.100               SITE IMPROVEMENT GRANTS                 340,000.00               0.00            0.00       340,000.00         0.00
251-735-972.000               LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS                   200,000.00               0.00            0.00       200,000.00         0.00
251-735-972.000-PUBLIC_ARTXX LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS                     30,000.00               0.00            0.00        30,000.00         0.00
251-735-972.000-SKATEPARKXXX LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS                    300,000.00               0.00            0.00       300,000.00         0.00
251-735-995.004               ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES                   23,208.00               0.00            0.00        23,208.00         0.00
251-735-995.007               INTERFUND SERVICES                       60,405.00               0.00            0.00        60,405.00         0.00
    Total Dept 735 - TIFA A                                         2,374,999.00           41,597.63      26,449.33     2,333,401.37        1.75
  Expenditures                                                      2,374,999.00           41,597.63      26,449.33     2,333,401.37        1.75
Fund 251 - TIFA A:
TOTAL REVENUES                                                      1,411,000.00          270,213.52     237,121.97     1,140,786.48
TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                                  2,374,999.00           41,597.63      26,449.33     2,333,401.37
NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES:                                      (963,999.00)         228,615.89     210,672.64    (1,192,614.89)

02/28/2022 08:33 AM                                                                                                    Page:      2/4
                                                                Balance As Of 02/28/2022
                                                                              2022         YTD Balance   Activity For           Available
                                                                           Amended                                                Balance   % Bdgt
GL Number                     Description                                  Budget          02/28/2022     02/28/2022                          Used
Fund: 252 TIFA B
Account Category: Revenues
Department: 736 TIFA B
252-736-402.000               AD VALOREM                             1,470,888.00          599,887.88    278,057.58        871,000.12        40.78
252-736-412.000               DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY               3,000.00                0.00          0.00          3,000.00         0.00
252-736-665.000               INTEREST REVENUE                           2,471.00                0.00          0.00          2,471.00         0.00
252-736-669.001               INTEREST REV EXT MANAGERS                      0.00           (8,510.00)         0.00          8,510.00       100.00
252-736-676.001               REIMBURSED EXPENSES                       40,574.00                0.00          0.00         40,574.00         0.00
    Total Dept 736 - TIFA B                                          1,516,933.00          591,377.88     278,057.58       925,555.12       38.99
  Revenues                                                           1,516,933.00          591,377.88     278,057.58       925,555.12       38.99
Account Category: Expenditures
Department: 736 TIFA B
252-736-800.001               BANK SERVICE FEES                          2,800.00               0.00            0.00         2,800.00        0.00
252-736-800.199               DECORATIONS/LANDSCAPE/GEN MAINT          124,000.00               0.00            0.00       124,000.00        0.00
252-736-810.000               INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FEES                 4,850.00               0.00            0.00         4,850.00        0.00
252-736-885.000               COMMUNITY RELATIONS                       16,000.00               0.00            0.00        16,000.00        0.00
252-736-901.000               ADVERTISING/MARKETING                      1,000.00               0.00            0.00         1,000.00        0.00
252-736-922.000               STREET LIGHTING                            6,600.00             970.77          970.77         5,629.23       14.71
252-736-929.000               IRRIGATION WATER AND MAINT.               40,000.00              32.96           32.96        39,967.04        0.08
252-736-957.000               MISC/CONTINGENCY                             600.00               0.00            0.00           600.00        0.00
252-736-967.100               SITE IMPROVEMENT GRANTS                  100,000.00               0.00            0.00       100,000.00        0.00
252-736-972.000               LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS                  1,500,000.00               0.00            0.00     1,500,000.00        0.00
252-736-973.005               NON MOTORIZED PATHWAYS                    10,000.00               0.00            0.00        10,000.00        0.00
252-736-995.004               ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES                    14,196.00               0.00            0.00        14,196.00        0.00
252-736-995.007               INTERFUND SERVICES                        53,785.00               0.00            0.00        53,785.00        0.00
    Total Dept 736 - TIFA B                                          1,873,831.00            1,003.73       1,003.73     1,872,827.27        0.05
  Expenditures                                                       1,873,831.00            1,003.73       1,003.73     1,872,827.27        0.05
Fund 252 - TIFA B:
TOTAL REVENUES                                                       1,516,933.00          591,377.88     278,057.58       925,555.12
TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                                   1,873,831.00            1,003.73       1,003.73     1,872,827.27
NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES:                                       (356,898.00)         590,374.15     277,053.85      (947,272.15)

02/28/2022 08:33 AM                                                                                                     Page:      3/4
                                                                   Balance As Of 02/28/2022
                                                                                 2022         YTD Balance   Activity For           Available
                                                                              Amended                                                Balance   % Bdgt
GL Number                     Description                                     Budget          02/28/2022     02/28/2022                          Used
Fund: 253 TIFA D
Account Category: Revenues
Department: 737 TIFA D
253-737-573.000               LOCAL COMMUNITY STABILIZATION SHAR          875,228.00                0.00           0.00       875,228.00         0.00
253-737-651.400               U&A FEES - ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGI              750.00                0.00           0.00           750.00         0.00
253-737-669.001               INTEREST REV EXT MANAGERS                         0.00          (20,268.00)          0.00        20,268.00       100.00
    Total Dept 737 - TIFA D                                               875,978.00          (20,268.00)          0.00       896,246.00        2.31
  Revenues                                                                875,978.00          (20,268.00)          0.00       896,246.00        2.31
Account Category: Expenditures
Department: 737 TIFA D
253-737-800.001               BANK SERVICE FEES                               250.00               0.00            0.00           250.00        0.00
253-737-800.199               DECORATIONS/LANDSCAPE/GEN MAINT             173,000.00               0.00            0.00       173,000.00        0.00
253-737-810.000               INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FEES                    1,100.00               0.00            0.00         1,100.00        0.00
253-737-885.000               COMMUNITY RELATIONS                           1,250.00               0.00            0.00         1,250.00        0.00
253-737-922.000               STREET LIGHTING                              51,000.00           5,662.63        5,662.63        45,337.37       11.10
253-737-927.000               WATER CONSUMPTION                               100.00               0.00            0.00           100.00        0.00
253-737-927.000-2424SEYBURNX WATER CONSUMPTION                                400.00               0.00            0.00           400.00        0.00
253-737-927.000-ADMINBUILDNG WATER CONSUMPTION                              5,000.00             227.67          227.67         4,772.33        4.55
253-737-927.000-LIBRARYBLDGX WATER CONSUMPTION                              4,000.00             130.61          130.61         3,869.39        3.27
253-737-927.000-SPORTS FIELD WATER CONSUMPTION                             12,000.00               8.97            8.97        11,991.03        0.07
253-737-929.000               IRRIGATION WATER AND MAINT.                  75,000.00               0.00            0.00        75,000.00        0.00
253-737-935.000               ROAD MAINTENANCE                             25,000.00               0.00            0.00        25,000.00        0.00
253-737-937.000               PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE                      19,800.00               0.00            0.00        19,800.00        0.00
253-737-937.003               SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE                          5,000.00               0.00            0.00         5,000.00        0.00
253-737-957.000               MISC/CONTINGENCY                                100.00               0.00            0.00           100.00        0.00
253-737-972.000               LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS                       100,000.00          38,490.00       38,490.00        61,510.00       38.49
253-737-975.000               BLDG. ADDITIONS & IMPROVEMENTS              286,000.00               0.00            0.00       286,000.00        0.00
253-737-995.004               ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES                       16,585.00               0.00            0.00        16,585.00        0.00
253-737-995.007               INTERFUND SERVICES                           10,376.00               0.00            0.00        10,376.00        0.00
    Total Dept 737 - TIFA D                                               785,961.00           44,519.88      44,519.88       741,441.12        5.66
  Expenditures                                                            785,961.00           44,519.88      44,519.88       741,441.12        5.66
Fund 253 - TIFA D:
TOTAL REVENUES                                                            875,978.00          (20,268.00)          0.00       896,246.00
TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                                        785,961.00           44,519.88      44,519.88       741,441.12
NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES:                                            90,017.00          (64,787.88)    (44,519.88)      154,804.88
Report Totals:
TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS                                              3,803,911.00          841,323.40     515,179.55     2,962,587.60
TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALL FUNDS                                          5,034,791.00           87,121.24      71,972.94     4,947,669.76
NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES:                                        (1,230,880.00)         754,202.16     443,206.61    (1,985,082.16)

02/28/2022 08:33 AM                                                                                                        Page:      4/4
TO:               Chairman Kneffel and Members of the TIFA Board of Directors

FROM:             Brandon Skopek, Assistant City Manager, TIFA Executive Director

DATE:             March 1, 2022

SUBJECT:          Construction Staging Area Request for The Brunswick


In December 2020, the TIFA Board entered into a Purchase Agreement with Detroit Riverside Capital for the sale of
27 S. Squirrel Road for the construction of a new four-story mixed-use building in downtown Auburn Hills. In
March 2021, Detroit Riverside Capital received site plan approval for their proposed development and closed on
the property in October 2021 following the completion of their due diligence process. Detroit Riverside Capital
proposes to begin construction of this new development this spring.

Detroit Riverside Capital has requested approval from the TIFA Board to utilize a portion of the TIFA-owned surface
parking lot directly east of 27 S. Squirrel Road for staging of equipment and construction materials during
construction of The Brunswick. Detroit Riverside Capital is requesting to utilize two rows of parking to safely secure
materials and proposes to install a temporary 6’ chain link fence to secure the site. Detroit Riverside Capital is
proposing to utilize the property for a one-year period beginning on March 15, 2022, subject to the approval of a
Use Agreement that is to be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Upon the completion of the project,
Detroit Riverside Capital will remove the fencing and make any required repairs to the surface parking lot and
associated landscaped areas at their cost.

Staff will work with the City Attorney to draft an agreement for the use of the property that will require all the
required insurance, indemnification, and property restoration information. Attached for the Board’s review is the
request from Detroit Riverside Capital to utilize a portion of the TIFA-owned surface parking lot for construction


Staff recommends approval of the request by Detroit Riverside Capital to utilize a portion of the TIFA-owned
surface parking lot for construction staging, contingent upon the approval of a Use Agreement that is to be
reviewed and approved by the City Attorney.

An appropriate motion is:

Move to approve the request by Detroit Riverside Capital to utilize a portion of the Tax Increment Finance
Authority owned property located at Parcel Identification Number 14-36-126-027 for construction staging for
The Brunswick development to be located at 27 S. Squirrel Road. This approval is contingent upon the approval
of a Use Agreement that is to be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Furthermore, authorize the
Executive Director to sign all documents related to the use of the property by Detroit Riverside Capital.
3300 Auburn Rd. Auburn Hills, Mi 48326 Suite 300

March 1, 2022

Mr. Brandon Skopek
Asst. City Manager
1827 N. Squirrel Rd.
Auburn Hills, MI 48326

RE: The Brunswick Staging

Dear Mr. Skopek,

Detroit Riverside Capital is requesting use of the TIFA-owned parking lot adjacent to the site at 27 S. Squirrel Rd. for
staging of materials and equipment during the construction of The Brunswick. We anticipate that we would need
approximately two rows of parking, including the drive isle, for the full length of the 27 S. Squirrel site. We will have
an entrance approximately 16’ wide on the North side of the perimeter entered from the alley. The current estimated
use of the property would be from March 15th, 2022 and continue for a one year period. The property will be secured
with a 6’ high chain link fence. Upon completion of the project, the fence will be removed and any damages to the
parking lot caused by our project will be repaired.

Attached is a sketch of the site and what we are proposing. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact
me at (248) 953-4891.

Best regards,

Michael Wayne
Detroit Riverside Capital
       SCALE: 1" = 10'
                         Construction Staging Plan

                                                                                                                                                                                  3300 AUBURN RD. SUITE 300
                                               Constructon    The Brunswick                                                                                                       AUBURN HILLS, MI 48326



                                                              27 South Squirrel Road
                                                                                                        SPA Review

                                                                                                                                                                                  T:248.601.4422 F:248.453.5854

                                                              Auburn Hills, Michigan

                                               Staging Plan   ----                                                                                                                                                               1998

                                                                                                                                                                                  WWW.DESIGNHAUS.COM              ARCHITECTURE

TO:              Chairman Kneffel and Members of the TIFA Board of Directors

FROM:            Brandon Skopek, Asst. City Manager, TIFA Executive Director; Sage Hegdal, Recreation Director

DATE:            March 1, 2022

SUBJECT:         Budget Amendment for the Riverside Park Bank Stabilization Project


On November 10, 2020, a contract was awarded by the TIFA Board for Riverside Park Streambank Stabilization to
V.I.L. Construction, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $248,510, scope of construction services to OHM Advisors
in the not to exceed amount of $20,000, materials testing services to G2 Consulting Group in the not to exceed
amount of $5,000, for a total investment of $273,510. On November 16, 2020, City Council authorized the work to
be performed on City property.

Engineering work has started on the project, EGLE permits have been obtained, and a pre-construction meeting is
currently scheduled for the first week in March. The expectation is that this project will be completed by June 1,

The investment of $273,510 was included in the FY2021 budget, however, work did not begin in 2021 as originally
anticipated. To date, $2,400 has been spent on engineering services and $22,600 will be carried over into the
FY2022 budget as these funds have already been encumbered by purchase order; therefore, a budget amendment
in the amount of $248,510 will be required for the FY2022 budget.


Staff is recommending an amendment to the 2022 budget by the amount of $248,510 to complete the Riverside
Park Streambank Stabilization project in 2022. This is not a request to increase funding, but rather a request to
carry over what was already approved in 2021 into the 2022 budget to complete the project.

An appropriate motion is:

Move to amend the 2022 budget by increasing appropriations by $248,510 in account number 251-735-
972.000RIVERSIDEPRK to complete the Riverside Park Streambank Stabilization project.
                                 CITY OF AUBURN HILLS

                                            November 10, 2020
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kneffel called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM.

ROLL CALL:                 Present:          Kneffel, Klemanski, Goodhall, Thornton, Waltenspiel, Hawkins, Moniz
                           Absent:           Dolly, Price
                           Also Present:     Brandon Skopek, Director of Authorities; Aaron Stahly, DPW Deputy
                                             Director; Stan Torres, Manager of Municipal Properties; Shawn Keenan,
                                             City Planner; Eveonne Roberts, Downtown Engagement Specialist; Tim
                                             Juidici and Andrew Cousino, OHM Advisors
                           Guests:           None

LOCATION: Virtual Meeting


    A. Motion to Award Contract for Riverside Park Bank Stabilization, Scope of Construction Services, Materials
       Testing, and Amendment to the Budget

Mr. Skopek summarized a memo dated November 10, 2020 detailing the bid process for the project.

Mr. Stahly listed the three options each contractor included in their bid proposals: plantings alone; a combination of
plantings, timber and some stone; or predominately stone. He stated that City staff is recommending the
predominately stone option.

Mr. Cousino of OHM Advisors relayed the exact locations along the riverbank in need of stabilization and reviewed
each of the three suggested options.

Mr. Stahly stated city staff’s recommendation of the third option of predominately stone given its permanence.

Board questions and discussion ensued regarding various aspects of the project.

Moved by Mr. Moniz to award a contract for Riverside Park bank stabilization to V.I.L. Construction, Inc. in the
not to exceed amount of $248,510, scope of construction services to OHM Advisors in the not to exceed amount
of $20,000, materials testing services to G2 Consulting Group in the not to exceed amount of $5,000, and amend
the Tax Increment Finance Authority Budget, increasing funding in support of this capital investment by
$103,510, from $170,000 to $273,510.
Seconded by Mr. Hawkins.

         Yes:     Hawkins, Kneffel, Klemanski, Goodall, Thornton, Waltenspiel, Moniz
         No:      none
                                                                             Motion carried by roll call vote
TO:               Chairman Kneffel and Members of the TIFA Board of Directors

FROM:             Brandon Skopek, Assistant City Manager, TIFA Executive Director; Steve Baldante, Director of
                  Public Works

DATE:             February 1, 2022

SUBJECT:          Scope of Work and Budget Amendment for Scheduled Parking Structure Maintenance


The Auburn Hills Municipal Parking Structure is a 288-space prestressed concrete building structure located at
3381 Primary Street in the city’s Downtown District. The structure is attached to the Auburn Square Apartments
and provides parking to support the downtown merchants, city events and the residents of the attached complex.
The structure is 12 years old and has begun to show signs of aging.

As part of a routine inspection, the City and an outside vendor observed some concrete and seal deterioration and
determined that a full analysis of the structure would be beneficial. The City’s engineering firm OHM Advisors
partnered with Wiss, Janney, Elstner & Associates (WJE) to produce a comprehensive analysis of the structure
(Property Condition Assessment), which was delivered to the City on February 24, 2021, for review. The is included
as Attachment 1.

A virtual meeting was held on Monday, March 15, 2021, between City officials and the engineers from OHM and
WJE. The engineers report stated that the facility is structurally sound and in serviceable condition. Their analysis
did generate several findings which will need to be addressed; these findings were presented to the TIFA Board on
April 13, 2021. It was recommended that the TIFA Board budget for the identified maintenance work in the FY2022
budget. At this time, there is currently $500,000 budgeted for this maintenance work in TIF District A, however,
this budget number includes maintenance costs only and does not include engineering services. OHM and WJE will
provide professional services for the full design and implementation of maintenance work required for the parking
structure. In addition, OHM and WJE will also provide construction document development. The cost for these
services is not to exceed $75,000.

Funding for the project will require an amendment to the TIFA A Fund GL# 251-735-931.000PARKINGSTRUCT.


Staff recommends that the Tax Increment Finance Authority authorize the funding needed to proceed with the
work identified herein and in the not to exceed amount of $75,000.

An Appropriate motion is:

Move to authorize the funding needed to proceed with an additional conditional assessment of the Auburn Hills
Primary Street Parking Structure and approve the scope of services with OHM Advisors for the additional
investigation, design, and construction documents in the not to exceed amount of $75,000. Furthermore,
approve a budget amendment to account number 251-735-931.000PARKINGSTRUCT for the scope of the work.
January 26, 2022

Mr. Ronald Melchert
Director of Public Works
City of Auburn Hills
1500 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326

RE:     Downtown Parking Structure Additional Investigation, Design, & Construction Documents
        Scope of Engineering Services

Dear Mr. Melchert:

Thank you for this opportunity to provide professional engineering services for the above referenced project. We
have prepared the following project understanding and scope of services to be provided by the OHM Advisors team.
The team will be comprised of OHM and Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE).

It is our understanding that the City of Auburn Hills would like to proceed with recommended maintenance work
on the parking structure located on Primary Street within the Downtown. A condition assessment of the structure
was completed in late 2020 and summarized in the report submitted to the City in February 2021. The intent of
these services is to complete the recommended further investigation items as well as to design and develop
construction documents to address the full scope of recommended repairs outlined in the report.

The work will be done in two main phases. The first phase will involve additional investigation into the distress and
deteriorated conditions, in preparation for subsequent design efforts. The investigation will involve non-destructive
evaluation measures as well as physical construction to open and inspect distressed beam ends. An additional
element of the phase one efforts will involve a monitoring survey of the documented cracked double tee stems. The
second phase of work will include creation of construction drawings and project specifications for the repair work.

The scope of services that will be provided by the OHM team includes:

Phase 1 - Detailed Investigation, Structural Analysis and Design
        Obtain and review additional plans for the parking structure as provided by the City. This would include
        final construction drawings, structural shop drawings, and/or as-built drawings.
        Perform field verification of quantity and locations of proposed work items identified in previous
        assessment report.
        Investigate the west façade spandrel beams, including contractor access/inspection openings at two spalled
        beam locations to review as-built construction and concealed structural conditions. Based on findings,
        analyze the spandrel beams and specify appropriate repairs.
        Evaluate double-tee beams, determine embedded reinforcing steel layout, and provide repair options.
        Perform structural analysis for double-tee beam flange repairs and to determine shoring loads.

OHM Advisors®
2365 PONTIAC RD, SUITE 201          T 248.751.3100
AUBURN HILLS, MICHIGAN 48326        F 248.287.4201
Parking Structure Maintenance
January 26, 2022
Page 2 of 3

        Complete monitoring survey of double-tee stems to obtain baseline values for comparison to future survey
        results. Progression of cracking at the three previously documented significantly cracked stem locations will
        be noted.
        Review interior of mechanical space which was inaccessible during the initial condition assessment.
        Compute preliminary quantities and prepare a preliminary Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction
        Arrange and attend a meeting with City staff to review the preliminary plans, repair methods, and anticipated
Phase 2 - Construction Document Development
        Finalize design plans based on comments obtained.
        Complete construction details.
        Prepare construction drawings, specifications and bidding documents for repairs to the parking
        Prepare a bid sheet entailing all items of work and associated quantities.
        Prepare a final engineer’s opinion of probable cost.
        Prepare and place an advertisement for bid. The job will be advertised for three (3) weeks with MITN
        (BidNet) & CAM. An invoice for advertisement, if applicable, will be provided to the Clerk for payment.
        Prepare schedule for proposed work, including construction start, substantial completion, and final
        completion dates.
        Produce two (2) copies of contract documents for the DPW, if requested.
        Attend and plan one (1) meeting with the City to review contract documents prior to distribution for bid.
        Lead a pre-bid meeting on site to discuss scope and conduct a walkthrough with the bidding contractors
        Attend the bid opening and prepare/evaluate a project bid tab. The bid tab shall include bidding
        contractors’ total project bid and unit price breakdown.
        Check references for the three lowest bidding contractors and provide a recommendation of award.
        OHM will assist in executing the Contract books including the following
              i. Create and mail out a Notice of Award letter to the awarded Contractor.
             ii. Coordinate the execution of six (6) copies of contract book.
            iii. Produce two (2) executed copies of contract documents for the City. One copy will be delivered
                 to the City Clerk and one copy will be delivered to the DPW.
        If the City Council does not award the contract, then OHM will communicate that information to the
        appropriate Contractors.

The project will commence upon authorization to proceed. It is our understanding that the City desires the project to
be constructed in 2022. We anticipate that the phase 1 investigation and design work would occur within 4 weeks of
authorization and 90% construction plans and specifications would be complete within 10 weeks of authorization.
Bidding could occur for the project in late spring summer with construction commencing this summer.

The services outlined above will be performed on an hourly basis for the not-to-exceed amount of seventy-five
thousand dollars ($75,000.00). This amount is based on the assumptions listed below. The City will be invoiced for
services on a monthly basis. The estimated budget breakdown is as follows:

                                                                       OHM            WJE          Total
 Phase 1 - Detailed Investigation, Structural Analysis and Design     $ 1,500     $    25,500     $ 27,000
 Phase 2 - Construction Document Development                          $ 5,500     $    42,500     $ 48,000
                                                            Total     $ 7,000     $    68,000     $ 75,000

OHM Advisors®
2365 PONTIAC RD, SUITE 201          T 248.751.3100
AUBURN HILLS, MICHIGAN 48326        F 248.287.4201
Parking Structure Maintenance
January 26, 2022
Page 3 of 3

The above-listed scope of services was prepared with the following assumptions:
   • Presentations to the Planning Commission and City Council will not be required.
   • The condition assessment is limited to the structural components only and does not include evaluation of
       the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or elevator systems.
   • OHM will be pleased to provide any additional services for this project on an hourly basis. Services not
       included in this proposal:
            a. Construction phase services such as, but not limited to, construction management, construction
                engineering, construction administration, construction observation, and construction layout.
            b. Relocation design services for public utilities, if required.
            c. Environmental assessments or reports, drainage studies, or other environmental evaluations.
            d. Preparation of plans for landscaping and ornamental features.

Should you find this agreement acceptable, please provide us authorization to proceed by signing below and
returning a copy to us for our files. We look forward to providing professional services on this project. If you have
any questions, please contact us.

OHM Advisors

Timothy J. Juidici, PE

cc:      Brandon Skopek, Assistant City Manager/TIFA Director
         Steve Baldante, Manager of Facilities & Grounds
         Kim O’Rear, OHM
         Matt Lewis, WJE

                                             City of Auburn Hills
                                        Parking Structure Maintenance

         Accepted By:

         Printed Name:



OHM Advisors®
2365 PONTIAC RD, SUITE 201          T 248.751.3100
AUBURN HILLS, MICHIGAN 48326        F 248.287.4201
Auburn Hills Primary Street Parking Structure
Property Condition Assessment
Primary Street
Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326

February 24, 2021
WJE No. 2020.5452.0

Ms. Kim O'Rear
OHM Advisors, Inc.
3400 Plymouth Road
Livonia, MI 48150

Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
30700 Telegraph Road, Suite 3580
Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025
248.593.0900 tel
Auburn Hills Primary Street Parking Structure
Property Condition Assessment
Primary Street
Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326

Matthew E. Lewis, P.E.                   Sarah V. Rush, P.E.
Project Manager and Senior Associate     Senior Associate

February 24, 2021
WJE No. 2020.5452.0

Ms. Kim O'Rear
OHM Advisors, Inc.
3400 Plymouth Road
Livonia, MI 48150

Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
30700 Telegraph Road, Suite 3580
Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025
248.593.0900 tel
Auburn Hills Primary Street Parking Structure
                                                                                                                                         Property Condition Assessment


1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Structure Description and Background ................................................................................................. 1
2.1 Building History and Document Review ..............................................................................................................................1
3.0 Field Investigation ................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Waterproofing Components.....................................................................................................................................................2
         3.1.1 Traffic-Bearing Membrane and Skim Coat .............................................................................................................2
         3.1.2 Joint Sealants .....................................................................................................................................................................2
3.2 Concrete Structural Components ...........................................................................................................................................2
         3.2.1 Double-Tee Beams ...........................................................................................................................................................2
         3.2.2 Beams and Corbels ..........................................................................................................................................................4
         3.2.3 Columns and Precast Walls ..........................................................................................................................................5
3.3 Facade................................................................................................................................................................................................5
3.4 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................................................................5
4.0 Materials Testing...................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Concrete, Cracking, and Skim Coat ........................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Water-Soluble Chloride Testing ..............................................................................................................................................6
4.3 Carbonation Testing.....................................................................................................................................................................7
5.0 Discussion ................................................................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Waterproofing Components.....................................................................................................................................................7
         5.1.1 Joint Sealants .....................................................................................................................................................................7
         5.1.2 Traffic-Bearing Membrane and Silane Sealers ......................................................................................................8
5.2 Concrete Structural Components ...........................................................................................................................................8
         5.2.1 Concrete Deterioration ...................................................................................................................................................8
         5.2.2 Crazing Cracking ..............................................................................................................................................................9
         5.2.3 Stem Cracking ...................................................................................................................................................................9
         5.2.4 Flange Cracking ................................................................................................................................................................9
         5.2.5 Flange-to-flange Connections .................................................................................................................................. 10
         5.2.6 Spandrel Beams ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.3 Facade and Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.0 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 11
6.1 Near-Term Repair Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 11

FINAL REPORT | WJE No. 2020.5452.0 | February 24, 2021
Auburn Hills Primary Street Parking Structure
                                                                                                                                Property Condition Assessment

6.2 Long-Term Repair and Durability Recommendations ................................................................................................. 11
6.3 Maintenance Recommendations ......................................................................................................................................... 12
7.0 Opinion of Probable Costs .................................................................................................................... 13
7.1 Repair Project Cost .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.2 Expected Maintenance Costs ................................................................................................................................................ 13
8.0 Closing ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................................... 17

FINAL REPORT | WJE No. 2020.5452.0 | February 24, 2021
Auburn Hills Primary Street Parking Structure
                                                                          Property Condition Assessment


Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) has completed a condition assessment of the Primary Street
parking structure in downtown Auburn Hills, Michigan. The purpose of the condition assessment was to
understand the current condition of the structure, assist the City of Auburn Hills in identifying and
addressing immediate concerns, and develop general repair and long-term maintenance
recommendations based on the unique characteristics of the structure.


Constructed around 2012, the Primary Street parking garage has three elevated levels with open rooftop
parking and is rectangular in plan with approximate dimensions of 125 feet in the north-south direction
and 225 feet in the east-west direction. A multi-family residential building is located along the north and
east elevations of the parking garage. Refer to Figure 1 for an aerial view of the parking structure.

The elevated floor structures consist of two bays of precast, prestressed, untopped double-tee beams
spanning in the north-south direction. The double-tee beams are supported by precast concrete spandrel
beams at the south exterior wall, precast concrete walls at the north wall and at the center of the structure,
and precast inverted-tee beams and columns over the drive lanes. The double-tee beam ends are dapped
at some locations. The south and west exterior walls are comprised of precast concrete spandrel beams
supported on precast concrete columns. The exterior faces of the spandrel beams are smooth painted
concrete at some locations, and stamped concrete that is painted to emulate the appearance of brick,
stone, and cast stone at other locations. The north and east exterior walls of the parking structure are solid
precast concrete and are shared with the adjacent apartment building. There is no expansion joint within
the deck of the parking structure. Sloped, cast-in-place concrete washes are present near the drains and at
the centerline and perimeter of each supported level.

The entrance to the garage is located at the east end of the south elevation on Level 1. A slab-on-ground
is present at Level 1, Level 1B, and approximately half of Level 2A. A mechanical room is located west of
the garage entrance on Level 1 and is the point of transition between the slab-on-ground and elevated
floor system of Level 2A. The garage has two stair towers located at the northwest and southeast corners.
The southeast stair tower contains an elevator.

2.1 Building History and Document Review

Construction drawings dated November 15, 2011 were provided for WJE’s review. The construction
drawings are similar to, but do not represent exactly, the as-built conditions. Key differences represented
in the construction drawings include a second vehicle entrance located on the west elevation and an
additional supported floor level. Structural drawings from the precast supplier were not provided to WJE.

We understand the joint sealant on the roof levels was replaced in the last 2 to 3 years. At this time, WJE
does not know the timeline of the other previous repair efforts that were observed on-site.


Mr. Matthew Lewis and Ms. Sarah Rush of WJE visited the site to inspect the parking structure on
December 17, 2020. The assessment included visual inspection of the accessible and exposed portions of
the structure and facade, and a limited sounding survey of representative portions of the structural

FINAL REPORT | WJE No. 2020.5452.0 | February 24, 2021                                                  Page 1
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