Dendroecology and dendrochemistry in Trentino: the Grotta di Ernesto project - Museo ...

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Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 82 (2005): 101-107                                                         ISSN 0392-0534
© Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Trento 2007

Dendroecology and dendrochemistry in Trentino: the Grotta di Ernesto project

Jonathan G.A LAGEARD1, Nicola LA PORTA2, Peter A. THOMAS 3 & Neil J. LOADER4

  Department of Environmental & Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, John Dalton Building,
  Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD, UK
  Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige, Via E. Mach 1, 38010 San Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy
  School of Life Sciences, Keele University, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK
  Department of Geography, University of Wales, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK

       SUMMARY - Dendroecology and dendrochemistry in Trentino: the Grotta di Ernesto project- Sampling and analyses
       for dendroecological and dendrochemistry studies have been carried out in forests of Trentino, south-eastern Italian
       Alps, to complement the extensive speleothem database and recognize tools for cross-correlation of the two archives.
       Dendroecological data will be compared with the series of winter temperature and anthropogenic sulphate concentration
       trend obtained from three stalagmites sampled at the Grotta di Ernesto cave. The main objective of the investigation
       is to analyse different aspects of anthropogenic impacts recorded by the tree-ring series, such as variability in the
       load of pollutants and land use changes, and discriminate them from natural phenomena. We also aim at recognizing
       ecosystem storage of sulphur, which has been recognised in speleothem studies. Sampling was carried out for trees
       growing within 1000 m radius around the cave. We selected trees which had a minimum of 50 and 150 annual rings, a
       requirement for both computer assisted dendrochronology and isotope analysis. 85 trees belonging to the species Fagus
       sylvatica, Larix decidua, Picea abies and Abies alba were sampled through Pressler coring. Planned analyses included
       traditional dendrochronology, dendroclimatology (measuring carbon and oxygen isotopes and blue light reflectance)
       and dendrochemistry (extraction of sulphur). The dendroecological data obtained by the study will be compared and
       correlated with meteorological series from 5 permanent stations dating back to 1812. The tree-ring data will be also
       compared with isotope values extracted from growth annual laminae developed from the year 1900 to the year 2000
       AD in stalagmites from Grotta di Ernesto.

       RIASSUNTO - Dendroecologia e dendrochimica in Trentino: il progetto Grotta di Ernesto - Un campionamento a
       scopi dendroecologici e dendrochimici su anelli di accrescimento annuali degli alberi è stato effettuato in vicinanza
       della Grotta di Ernesto (Grigno, TN) per confronto con serie di temperature medie invernali e di concentrazione
       di solfato antropogenico ottenute da tre stalagmiti della grotta. Il principale obbiettivo dello studio era analizzare i
       diversi aspetti delle trasformazioni antropogeniche registrate nelle serie degli anelli degli alberi dovute a inquinamento
       ambientale o cambiamento dell’uso dei suoli, e distinguerle da fattori naturali. Di particolare interesse è riconoscere
       fenomeni di immagazzinamento nell’ecosistema di zolfo da emissioni antropogeniche. All’inizio furono identificati
       alberi che crescevano entro un raggio di 1000 m dalla Grotta di Ernesto. Tra questi furono selezionate piante con
       un minimo di 50 e 150 anelli annuali, richiesti rispettivamente per analisi dendrocronologiche computerizzate e
       per analisi isotopiche. Ottantacinque piante appartenenti alle specie Fagus sylvatica, Larix decidua, Picea abies e
       Abies alba furono campionate con una Trivella di Pressler. Le analisi programmate includevano dendrocronologia
       tradizionale, dendroclimatologia (misurando isotopi di carbonio e ossigeno) e dendrochimica (estrazione di zolfo).
       I dati dendroecologici ottenuti in questo studio saranno confrontati con archivi di dati da 5 stazioni meteorologiche
       permanenti, poste a diverse distanze dalla grotta. Gli anelli legnosi saranno in futuro confrontati con i valori isotopici
       ottenuti dalle lamine di crescita delle stalagmiti della Grotta di Ernesto dal 1900 al 2000.

       Key words: dendroecology, dendrochemistry, sulphur, Grotta di Ernesto
       Parole chiave: dendroecologia, dendrochimica, zolfo, Grotta di Ernesto
102   Lageard et al.                       Dendroecology and dendrochemistry in Trentino: the Grotta di Ernesto project

1.    AIMS OF THE DENDROECOLOGY                               for the isotope work envisaged here, as there is an age
      STUDIES NEAR GROTTA                                     effect clearly discernable in the isotopic records of
      DI ERNESTO SITE                                         tree-rings. A climate signal cannot be found in young
                                                              trees and therefore the isotopic records for the first 40
    The current palaeoclimate and environmental stud-         years growth of individual trees are discounted from
ies, in particular for the past few centuries, require        climatic reconstructions. In an ideal world, tree-ring
archives of proxy data with annual to sub-annual              records of at least 200 years are desirable for tracing
resolution. In the Trento Province both tree ring and         environmental impacts related to changing climate
speleothem proxy records have made substantial new            and to industrial development in northern Italy. Field
contribution to our understanding of natural climate          sampling took place between 11th and 20th July 2005
variability and the effects of anthropogenic forcing. In      from the excellent base of the Albergo San Marco in
particular, the Grotta di Ernesto cave is one of the key      Enego and with assistance of the Borgo Valsugana
sites for palaeoclimate and environmental research in         Forest District of the Forest Service of Provincia
the Alps (Frisia et al. 2003, 2005). Speleothems from         Autonoma of Trento (PAT).
this cave are temperature-sensitive in their growth rate,         An exploratory field investigation in 1997 had
and encode in their chemical properties information           identified a number of species that might be suitable
about atmospheric sulphur load. The forest trees near         for this project: Fagus sylvatica (Beech), Larix decid-
Grotta di Ernesto, therefore, would allow for multi-          ua (European Larch), Picea abies (Norway Spruce)
parameter comparison of tree rings and speleothem             and Abies alba (Silver Fir). In that pilot study, larch
proxy data at least over the past 150 years, which is         seemed to have a good response to temperature. A
the time interval that is better constrained in the an-       search was then undertaken for mature/old trees in
nually laminated speleothems (Frisia et al. 2003). In         the area above and adjacent to Grotta di Ernesto. As
particular, Frisia et al. (2003) not only found evidence      can be seen in figure 1, the entrance to the cave is
for correlation of speleothem growth rate and tem-            on the upper slope of Valsugana to the west of the
perature, but also identified the 11-year sunspot cycle,      village of Martincelli. Many dendroecological stud-
which was related to ecosystem response to solar forc-        ies have shown that the growth response of trees
ing. A dendroclimatological study has the potential           located on slopes can often mask meteorological
to cast better insight on the interannual variations of       signals (Urbinati et al. 1997; Oberhuber et al. 1998;
climate parameters and how modes of variability have          Oberhuber & Kofler 2000; Oberhuber 2004) and
changed through time. It is important, here, to remind        therefore another important consideration was to find
that while tree rings are an excellent proxy for the tem-     trees rooted on flat or only gently sloping ground.
perature in the growing season, speleothems, at Grotta        The circle drawn in figure 1 describes a 1 km radius
di Ernesto, preferentially record the cold season.            centred on the entrance to the Grotta di Ernesto and
    The present study builds its rationale from the           clearly illustrates why the search for suitable trees
premise that tree-ring samples collected from trees           focused to the west and south of the cave.
in the vicinity of Grotta di Ernesto could be used to             A further restriction on sampling is the extensive
monitor tree response to climatic variables and to            area of tree-less pastures. The word “malga” is a com-
anthropogenic pollution over the previous 150 years           mon prefix for mountains meaning cattle-shed and can
and provide data complementary to speleothem data.            be found in many localities on the plateau within circa
Planned analyses included traditional dendrochronolo-         6 km to the west/north-west of the cave (M. Aveati,
gy, dendroclimatology (measuring carbon and oxygen            M. Vacchetta, M. Val Capertadi Sotto, M. Campo di
isotopes and blue light reflectance as climatic proxies)      Sopra, M. Val d’Antenne), indicating areas that have
and dendrochemistry (extraction of sulphur).                  been pasture for some considerable time.
                                                                  The mixed forests in the area are predominantly
                                                              of Picea abies, with Abies alba, Larix decidua and
2.    SAMPLING                                                Fagus sylvatica. Mean stand density is typically 250
                                                              trees per ha and tree basal area is about 25-30 m per
    Sampling of tree-rings was governed by a num-             ha (Virgilietti 1998). Many stands over the last 40
ber of criteria in order to provide suitable samples          years have been managed under a silvicultural system,
for the analyses identified above. Initially, it was          “taglio di curazione”, which is similar to “naturalistic”
important to identify trees species growing in the            silviculture or a selection system (Ferrari 1984).
area immediately surrounding Grotta di Ernesto,                   This semi-natural conifer forest with beech under-
which would provide ring series suitable for basic            storey is characteristic of this zone of Trentino at 1000-
dendrochronology and, more importantly, ring series           1500 m a.s.l. in the Valsugana (Ferrai & Mazzucchi
of sufficient length to facilitate isotopic analyses. At      1974). Large old beech trees are present scattered in
least 50 annual rings are required for computer-as-           some parts of the forest, the remains of seed-producing
sisted dendrochronology, and 150 rings are needed             trees that were present in former beech coppices (Loss
Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 82 (2005): 101-107                                                                  103

Fig. 1 - Location of Grotta di Ernesto on the northern, upper
slopes of the Valsugana.
Fig. 1 - Ubicazione della Grotta di Ernesto, verso la sommità   Fig. 2 - Open pasture area with evidence of sparse re-
del fianco settentrionale della Valsugana.                      colonization. The whole plateau was once mostly exploited
                                                                as summer grazing pastures.
                                                                Fig. 2 - Pascolo aperto con segni di giovane ricolonizzazione
& Ferrai 1984), or some were possibly just isolated             da parte della foresta. L’altopiano era un tempo sfruttato
trees in the pasture. These beech growing together              principalmente come pascolo estivo.
with larch are mostly found in private forests. Public
forests are dominated by almost solely by Picea ab-
ies and Abies alba. This major distinction in the forest        World War. Ruins of trenches are still to be seen and
is the result of the intensive silvicultural management         it is not infrequent to find in tree stems with the pres-
that was practiced in the beech coppices and the inten-         ence of splinters of bursting shells (G. Messina pers.
sive grazing under larch trees on private lands. There          comm.).
are also the remnants of charcoal pits where charcoal               Today these areas, formerly kept open due to inten-
was made from beech wood and the waste wood from                sive summer grazing (Fig. 2), are still being re-colo-
conifers.                                                       nised by the forest, as it is generally the case in many
    This forest had been affected quite regularly by            mountain regions in the Alps (Piussi & Pettenella
disturbance and significant regeneration occurred               2000). As a result, large areas of the plateau are cov-
only after 1920 (Motta et al. 2002). Before the war             ered by forest younger than 100 years (Fig. 3).
the land had been exploited as pasture, as was quite
common in such regions (Backmeroff 1996; Piussi
2002), especially where the slope was not excessive.
A forest management plan from the ’20s (stored in the
Borgo Valsugana Forest District Archives) reveals that
people exerted a large influence on the forest. Forest
management plans for the Grigno area were useful in
the interpretation of the data obtained through earlier
dendroecological research, although events defined
in the tree-rings did not always correspond with data
from the management plans (yearly thinning, felling,
wind-throw damage) as stand-level details were al-
ways missing from the plans. These plans dealt with
areas of several hectares (Motta et al. 1999).
    Despite these limitations, the information included
in the management plans is of crucial importance in
studying stand history, and only by using all sources
of information it is possible to delineate and to identify
the most important natural and human features of the
history and disturbance that affected the origin and            Fig. 3 - Forest re-colonisation of the plateau near Colle Dei
subsequent growth of the forest stands.                         Meneghini.
    In addition to the culture impacts discussed above,         Fig. 3 - Ricolonizzazione forestale dell’altopiano vicino al
the area was also particularly affected by the First            Colle dei Meneghini.
104    Lageard et al.                          Dendroecology and dendrochemistry in Trentino: the Grotta di Ernesto project

Fig. 4 - Location of large larch trees. Sampling a larch using
a Pressler-type increment corer.
Fig. 4 - Ubicazione dei larici con diametro del tronco largo.     Fig. 6 - Location of wood piles sampled at 2 km (WP1) and
Campionamento di un larice con un carotiere tipo Pressler         4 km (WP2) from the Grotta di Ernesto.
a incrementi.                                                     Fig. 6 - Ubicazione delle cataste di legna campionate a 2 km
                                                                  (WP1) e 4 km (WP2) dalla Grotta di Ernesto.

    Due to topographic restrictions and the generally
youthful nature of the forest, detailed local knowledge
of surviving older trees was essential to the success of
the isotope part of the project.
    Foresters from the Forest Service of PAT took the
sampling team to areas where there were large larch
(Fig. 4) and beech trees (Fig. 5). Even the largest larch
trees, such as the one shown in figure 4, were gener-
ally only around 90 years old. Beech trees, such as the
one illustrated in figura 5, were either standing or dead
and fallen, all with central rot making them difficult
to core and even more difficult to measure. Although
there was strong beech regeneration in parts of the area
indicated in figure 5a, there was no scope for bridging
the dendrochronological gap between the living and
dead trees.                                                       Fig. 7a - The wood pile WP1. See figure 6 for its geographic
    Attention turned to Norway spruce and Silver fir.             location.
As with the larch, it proved very difficult to find any           Fig. 7a - La catasta di tronchi WP1. Si veda la figura 6 per
                                                                  la sua localizzazione geografica.
living individuals over 100 years old. The forest-
ers, however, knew of wood piles composed of trees
thought to be old, which had been felled in the winter

Fig. 5 - Location of old beech trees. Sampling a dead             Fig. 7b. - Inspecting trunk cross-sections at WP2 to check
beech.                                                            for century-old trees.
Fig. 5 - Ubicazione di vecchi faggi. Campionamento di un          Fig. 7b - Ispezione delle sezioni trasversali di tronchi nella
faggio morto.                                                     catasta WP2 per trovare tronchi centenari.
Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 82 (2005): 101-107                                                                   105

of 2004-2005. Two wood piles were inspected, one                impossibility of coring some trunks lodged within
less than 2 km from the cave (WP1) and the other 4              the centre of the wood pile. Another drawback was
km (WP2) (Fig. 6). Trees piled at each had not been             that bark was sometimes missing from the visible
transported far after felling and the wood piles also           portion of the trunk and species identification could
permitted easy viewing of stem cross sections (Fig.             only be confirmed later by microscope examination
7a). Quick ring counts helped to identify a number of           of the wood structure. In tangential sections, the rays
trees of around 150 years and older. Large diameter             of spruce are seen to be comparatively small – 10-
trees were not always the old ones (Cherubini et al.            15 (25) cells high – with included resin canals while
1996; Rozas 2003; Jimenez et al. 2003) so being able            the rays of fir are 15-25 (40) cells high without resin
to see the cross-sections saved much trial and error            canals.
coring. This sampling advantage was offset by the                   Increment cores, 5 mm and 12 mm diameter cyl-
                                                                inders of wood, were removed using hand-operated
                                                                Pressler-type corers (Figs 8a-d and Tab. 1). A few
                                                                replicate disks were also removed using a chainsaw
  a                                                             (Fig. 8e).


Fig. 8a - Peter Thomas removing 5 mm and 12 mm cores using
a Pressler-type increment borer at one of the wood piles.
Fig. 8a - Peter Thomas sta campionando con un carotiere
Pressler un tronco in una delle cataste.


Fig. 8b - Jonathan Lageard coring a conifer in life position.
The most critical part of the coring is hitting the centre of   Fig. 8c and d - Peter (8c) begins coring a large trunk from
the tree, which allows to obtain the age of the tree.           one of the woodpiles. Jonathan (8d) has reached the centre
Fig. 8b - Jonathan Lageard mentre carota una conifera in        of a smaller trunk.
posizione di vita. La parte più critica del campionamento       Fig. 8c e d - Peter (8c) inizia a carotare un tronco piuttosto
è centrare l’asse di crescita dell’albero per ottenere l’età    largo nella catasta. Jonathan (8d) ha raggiunto il centro di
dell’individuo.                                                 un tronco più piccolo.
106      Lageard et al.                      Dendroecology and dendrochemistry in Trentino: the Grotta di Ernesto project



Fig. 8e - Sampling with a chainsaw to obtain a whole section
of a tree.
Fig. 8e - Campionamento di una rotella di legno con una
sega elettrica per ottenere l’intera rotella di legno.
                                                                Fig. 9 - Site chronologies E1_35 from wood pile WP1 and
                                                                E1_4 from WP2. a. Raw ring-widths, b. detrended.
Tab. 1 - Increment cores collected in 1997 and 2005.            Fig. 9 - Cronologie E1-35 da campioni provenienti dalla
Tab. 1 - Carote campionate nel 1997 e nel 2005.                 catasta di tronchi WP1 e E1-4 costruita da campioni
                                                                provenienti dalla catasta WP2. In (a) i dati grezzi di spessore
                                                                degli anelli di accrescimento degli alberi. In (b) I dati dopo
     Species              No 5 mm cores No 12 mm cores
                                                                elaborazione (de-trending).
     Fagus sylvatica            5                 0
     Larix decidua             16                 0
     Picea abies               23                10
     Abies alba                24                 5             ly made for trees from both wood piles E1_35 (WP1
                                                                – 12 trees) and E1_4 (WP2 – 3 trees) – see details in
                                                                figure 9. A comparison of these chronologies with
                                                                records from living trees confirmed that the last ring
3.       LABORATORY ANALYSES                                    present in both chronologies was laid down in 2004.
                                                                    Twelve mm diameter samples and disks were
    Increment cores were taken to the Dendrochronology          kept for isotope analyses and are currently being
Laboratory at Manchester Metropolitan University                analysed at the University of Wales in Swansea, in the
(UK), where they were mounted on wooden channels                Dendrochronology Laboratory. These cores will also
and sanded using coarse through to fine grit sandpapers         be subject to blue light reflectance analysis which acts
to clearly reveal tree-ring wood structure and in par-          as a surrogate measurement of ring density, which
ticular the boundaries between rings. Tree ring-width           is known to correlate well with climate data. Other
measurements were then made for each sample using a             samples are undergoing trials for sulphur extrac-
measuring stage, binocular microscope and specialist            tion at the Geography Department of the University
computer software. Measurement started with the in-             of Birmingham. A successful application has been
nermost ring (ring closest to the centre of the tree/pith)      made to the European Synchrotron Facility (ESRF) in
and followed by a series of consecutive rings towards           Grenoble to analyse the molecular state of sulphur via
the bark edge.                                                  X-Ray near edge absorption spectroscopy (XANES)
                                                                technique at ID 21, which allow to discriminate sul-
                                                                phate and sulphide. Other elements will be also ana-
4.       INITIAL RESULTS                                        lysed at ID 21 and at very high resolution by means
                                                                of micro X-Ray fluorescence spectroscopy within
    A ring-width record was made for each core and in-          individual tree-rings and we expect to obtain also very
dividual records were crossmatched (that is compared            detailed maps. This technique has been commonly ap-
with others for similarity). Using t-value correlations         plied to archaeological wood, and will be here applied
it was possible to combine contemporaneous series to            for the first time for comparison with speleothem data
form site chronologies. Chronologies were successful-           obtained with the same method (Frisia et al. 2005).
Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Geol., 82 (2005): 101-107                                                                       107

    Data produced from all the afore-mentioned analy-            Cherubini P., Piussi, P., Schweingruber & F.H., 1996 -
ses will be compared to meteorological data (monthly                 Spatiotemporal growth dynamics and disturbances in a
and annual means) from meteorological stations listed                subalpine spruce forest in the Alps: a dendroecological re-
in table 2 and data obtained from analyses of the spe-               construction. Canadian J. Forest Res., 26 (6): 991-1001.
leothems from Grotta di Ernesto.                                 Ferrai S. & Mazzucchi M., 1974 - Improving the forests in
                                                                     Valsugana: improvement fellings in the coppice stands
                                                                     and high forest. Monti e Boschi, 25 (6): 11-19.
Tab. 2 - Meteorological data available for comparison with       Ferrari L., 1984 - Forests and forestry in Trento Province,
tree-ring data.                                                      Italy. Schweizer. Zeit. Forstwesen, 135 (7): 547-612.
Tab. 2 - Dati meteorologici disponibili per il confronto con i   Frisia S., Borsato A., Preto N. & McDermott F., 2003 - Late
dati degli anelli degli alberi.                                      Holocene annual growth in three Alpine stalagmites
                                                                     records the influence of solar activity and the North
     Meteorological Station     Data coverage (years AD)             Atlantic Oscillation on winter climate. Earth Plan. Sci.
                                                                     Lett., 216: 411-424
            Milan                       1812-2004                Frisia S., Borsato A., Fairchild I.J. & Susini, J., 2005 -
            Trento                      1875-2004                    Variations in atmospheric sulphate recorded in stalag-
            Bieno                       1924-2004                    mites by synchrotron micro-XRF and XANES analyses.
          Lavarone                      1921-2004                    Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 235: 729-740.
                                                                 Jimenez J., Kramer H. & Aguirre O., 2003 - Individual tree
         Pieve Tesino                   1963-2004
                                                                     growth in an uneven aged mixed coniferous stand based
                                                                     on stem analysis. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung,
                                                                     174 (9): 169-175.
5.      FUTURE OBJECTIVES                                        Loss A. & Ferrai S., 1984 - Coppice forests in Trentino:
                                                                     silvicultural and management aspects. Schweizer. Zeit.
                                                                     Forstwesen, 135 (7): 585-597.
     There is an exciting future for sulphur analyses in
                                                                 Motta R., Nola P. & Piussi P., 1999 - Structure and stand
tree-rings of specimens collected near a site for which
                                                                     development in three subalpine Norway spruce (Picea
increasing sulphur concentration trends have been de-
                                                                     abies (L.) Karst.) stands in Paneveggio (Trento, Italy).
tected for the past 100 years from the speleothem archive.
                                                                     Global Ecol. Biogeog., 8 (6): 455-471.
It is envisaged that ring-width chronologies already built
                                                                 Motta R., Nola P. & Piussi P., 2002 - Long-term investiga-
will be strengthened and it may also be possible to work
                                                                     tions in a strict forest reserve in the eastern Italian Alps:
up tree-ring chronologies for larch and for fir. The tree-           spatio-temporal origin and development in two multi-
ring team is looking forward to collating the results from           layered subalpine stands. J. Ecology, 90 (3): 495-507.
the range of analyses and to drawing conclusions about           Oberhuber W., 2004 - Influence of climate on radial growth
past climate in the hinterland of Grotta di Ernesto and              of Pinus cembra within the alpine timberline ecotone.
about the links Sulphur forges between natural and hu-               Tree Physiol., 24 (3): 291-301.
man modified systems above and below ground.                     Oberhuber W. & Kofler W., 2000 - Topographic influences
                                                                     on radial growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) at
                                                                     small spatial scales. Plant Ecology, 146 (2): 231-240.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                 Oberhuber W., Stumbock M. & Kofler W., 1998 - Climate
                                                                     tree-growth relationships of Scots pine stands (Pinus
    This work is a part of the project AQUAPAST                      sylvestris L.) exposed to soil dryness. Trees-Structure
financially supported by the Provincia Autonoma of                   and Function, 13 (1): 19-27.
Trento. The authors wish to thank Dr. Giorgio Messina            Piussi P., 2002 - Spontaneous reforestation and post-agricul-
and several other foresters of the Forest Service of the             tural development. Monti e Boschi, 53 (3/4): 31-37.
Provincia Autonoma di Trento for the very helpful as-            Piussi P. & Pettenella D., 2000 - Spontaneous afforestation
sistance in finding the trees and in collecting samples,             of fallows in Italy. Weber N. (ed.), EFI Proceedings, 35:
and Dr. Silvia Frisia, who coordinated the project and               151-163.
revised the manuscript.                                          Rozas V., 2003 - Tree age estimates in Fagus sylvatica and
    We thank the UK NERC for research support (NE/                   Quercus robur: testing previous and improved methods.
C511805/1 and NE/B501504/1).                                         Plant Ecology, 167 (2): 193-212
                                                                 Urbinati C., Carrer M. & Sudiro S., 1997 - Dendroclimatic
                                                                     response variability of Pinus cembra L. in upper timber-
REFERENCES                                                           line forests of Italian Eastern Alps. Dendrocronologia,
                                                                     15: 101-117.
Backmeroff C.E., 1996 - The last thousand years history          Virgilietti P., 1998 - Application of a matrix growth model
   of mountain larch in Comasine, Val di Pejo, Trentino.             to uneven-aged stands in Valsugana, Trento. Monti e
   Dendronatura, 17 (1): 61-76.                                      Boschi, 49 (2): 52-58 1998.
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