Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces - De Gruyter

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Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces - De Gruyter
Nanophotonics 2020; 9(10): 3263–3269

Research article

Xuan Liua, Junhong Denga, King Fai Li, Mingke Jin, Yutao Tang, Xuecai Zhang, Xing Cheng,
Hong Wang, Wei Liu and Guixin Li*

Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces
https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2020-0012                                 on his invention “looker,” which consisted of a converg-
Received January 9, 2020; revised March 13, 2020; accepted March         ing and a diverging lens to magnify distant objects. This
13, 2020                                                                 is the first telescope with written record [3]. Nowadays,
                                                                         various kinds of telescopes, including refractive and
Abstract: The Cassegrain telescope, made of a concave
                                                                         reflective types, have been developed [1–3]. Due to the
primary mirror and a convex secondary mirror, is widely
                                                                         advantages of chromatic aberration free and compact-
utilized for modern astronomical observation. However,
                                                                         ness, reflective telescopes are widely utilized. Among the
the existence of curved mirrors inevitably results in bulky
                                                                         designs of reflective telescopes, the Cassegrain telescope,
configurations. Here, we propose a new design of the min-
                                                                         which consists of a concave primary mirror and a convex
iaturized Cassegrain telescope by replacing the curved
                                                                         secondary mirror, is very popular, such as Hubble Space
mirrors with planar reflective metasurfaces. The focus-
                                                                         telescope, Keck Telescope, and Very Large Telescope [1,
ing and imaging properties of the Cassegrain metasur-
                                                                         4]. In these facilities, the incident light is firstly reflected
face telescopes are experimentally verified for circularly
                                                                         and converged by a primary mirror. Then it is deflected by
polarized incident light at near infrared wavelengths. The
                                                                         the secondary mirror and focused after passing through
concept of the metasurface telescopes can be employed
                                                                         the central aperture of the primary mirror. However, the
for applications in telescopes working at infrared, Tera-
                                                                         fabrication and integration of the curved mirrors are com-
hertz, and microwave and even radio frequencies.
                                                                         plicated; thus, telescopes with planar mirrors are highly
Keywords: metasurface; nanofabrication; metamaterials.                   desirable.
                                                                              Recently, the rapidly developing photonic metasur-
                                                                         faces composed of a two-dimensional spatially variant

1 Introduction                                                          subwavelength structures arrays can flexibly manipulate
                                                                         the amplitude, phase, and polarization of light wave and
                                                                         provide an attractive approach for achieving flat optical
Telescopes are designed to capture high-quality images of
                                                                         components [5–30]. It has been widely utilized for various
distant objects. Astronomical observation is certainly one
                                                                         applications, such as metalens [8–18], optical holography
of the most inspiring applications of telescope [1–3]. Five
                                                                         [19–24], optical spin-orbit interactions [25–28], and so on.
hundred years ago, Hans Lippershey applied for a patent
                                                                         Compared with conventional lenses, metalens has sub-
                                                                         wavelength thickness and can focus light without spheri-
                                                                         cal aberration. While most metalenses are designed for
 Xuan Liu and Junhong Deng: These authors contributed equally to
this work.
                                                                         microscopy applications [9, 13], much less attention has
*Corresponding author: Guixin Li, Department of Materials Science        been paid to the field of optical telescopes. While objec-
and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology,          tive lens with high numerical aperture (NA) are preferred
Shenzhen 518055, China, e-mail: ligx@sustech.edu.cn.                     to magnify the fine features of objects, telescopes with low
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9689-8705                                    NA can be used to improve the angular resolution when
Xuan Liu, Junhong Deng, King Fai Li, Mingke Jin, Yutao Tang,
                                                                         they are utilized to differentiate the objects far away from
Xuecai Zhang and Xing Cheng: Department of Materials Science
and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology,          the observers.
Shenzhen 518055, China                                                        Here, we investigate the widely employed Cassegrain
Hong Wang: Department of Materials Science and Engineering,              telescope configuration and realize a proof of concept
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055,          of planar Cassegrain telescope with photonic metasur-
China; and Shenzhen Engineering Research Center for Novel
                                                                         faces. From the conventional optics, we know that the
Electronic Information Materials and Devices, Southern University of
Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
                                                                         double-layer Cassegrain metasurface telescope will be
Wei Liu: College for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National        more compact compared to the single layer metalens with
University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China                 the same focal length [1, 4]. The concave primary mirror
  Open Access. © 2020 Guixin Li et al., published by De Gruyter.       This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Public License.
Published online April 10, 2020
Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces - De Gruyter
3264           X. Liu et al.: Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces

and convex secondary mirror in the conventional Cas-                            metasurface telescope is not just a simple extension of
segrain telescope are replaced by a pair of planar reflec-                      previous studies in metalenses [8–18], as it may provide
tive metasurfaces. The metasurface mirrors consisting of                        a unique and reliable choice for making large area tele-
gold meta-atoms are designed based on the geometric                             scopes at microwave and radio frequencies [1, 2], where
Pancharatnam-Berry (P-B) phase and perform converg-                             the curved surfaces inevitably involve the more compli-
ing and diverging optical functionalities, respectively [5,                     cated manufacturing and constructions than the planar
9, 14, 17]. The P-B phase ϕ(x, y) = 2σθ(x, y) depends on the                    version.
orientation angle θ(x, y) of the gold meta-atom at position
(x, y) and the circular polarization state σ of the incident
light, where σ = ±1 represents the left- and right-circular                     2 D
                                                                                   esign and fabrication of
polarizations (LCP and RCP), respectively [31, 32]. For the
meta-atoms based on P-B phase illuminated by a circu-
                                                                                  the Cassegrain metasurface
larly polarized incident light, the residual light with the                       telescopes
same circular polarization states as that of incident light
is unavoidable if the meta-atom is not an ideal half wave-                      The conventional Cassegrain telescopes shown in
plate. However, our designed planar Cassegrain telescope                        Figure 1A are composed of a concave primary mirror
composed of two reflective metasurfaces is intrinsically                        and a convex secondary mirror [1, 4]. Through design-
free of residual light and thus is less demanding for the                       ing suitable geometrical parameters of the mirrors, the
circular polarization states of the incident light [17]. Previ-                 Cassegrain telescopes can realize focusing and imaging
ously, we have studied the dual-layer Cassegrain metasur-                       functions with high quality [4]. The Cassegrain metasur-
face systems with similar configuration which was mainly                        face telescope is schematically shown in Figure 1B, where
used for microscopy applications [17]. From the point of                        two reflective metasurfaces with optical converging and
view of practical applications, the concept of Cassegrain                       diverging functions are used to replace the curved mirrors

                       A                                                        B                                                  f

                                                                                                                 R1           R2

                                                                        Focal                                                                     LCP/RCP

                             Secondary               Primary                                               Secondary Primary
                               mirror                 mirror                                               metamirror metamirror

                       C                         z                              D                        1.0
                                                       x                                                 0.8
                                                                                    Optical efficiency

                                             L                             h1                            0.6

                                                           Py                                            0.0
                                                                                                           400        600 800 1000 1200 1400
                                                                                                                       Wavelength (nm)

Figure 1: Schematic illustration of Cassegrain metasurface telescope and the design of meta-atom.
(A) The conventional Cassegrain telescope made of a concave primary mirror and a convex secondary mirror. (B) The Cassegrain metasurface
telescope. Conventional curved mirrors are replaced by planar metamirrors based on geometric P-B phase. The incident circularly polarized
light is reflected twice with the metamirros and then focused with the same circular polarization state as incident light. (C) The geometric
configuration of the meta-atom for the metamirrors: glass substrate is coved by a gold layer (h2 = 00 nm) and a SiO2 (h1 = 87 nm) layer; the
gold nanorod on top of the SiO2 layer with length L = 200 nm, width W = 85 nm, and height H = 30 nm; ϕ is the orientation angle of the gold
nanorods in the x-y plane. The periods along the x and y directions are Px = Py = 300 nm. (D) The numerically calculated cross-polarization
and co-polarization polarization conversion efficiency for circularly polarized incident light upon reflections by the meta-atoms array.
Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces - De Gruyter
X. Liu et al.: Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces   3265

in conventional telescope. The required phase profiles of                                 The required phase distributions of PM and SM
the metasurfaces can be calculated with geometrical para-                            with R1 = 240 μm, R2 = 250 μm, R3 = 500 μm, h = 800 μm,
meters of the designed Cassegrain metasurface telescope                              λ = 780 nm, and F = 6.25 are calculated using Eqs. (1) and
as shown in Figure 1B:                                                               (2) and shown in Figure 2A and B, which are realized based
           |rp |                                                                     on the geometric P-B phase. The left-/right-circularly
                   2 πn    r2 − r1                                                   polarized (LCP/RCP) incident light is converted to RCP/
Φ P (rp ) = ∫                        dr ,                      R2 ≤ | rp | ≤ R3
                     λ (r − r )2 + h2 1                                              LCP light during each reflection. Therefore, the transmit-
                         2    1

                                                                              (1)    ted light is of the same circular polarizations with incident

                                                                                     light after twice reflections by the metamirros (Figure 1B).
                                                                                          In order to obtain the designed phase profiles with
                2 πn                                
             |rs |
                          r2           r2 − r1                                       high optical efficiency, we employ a metal-dielectric-
ΦS (rs ) = − ∫                  +                    dr2 ,       0 ≤ | rs | ≤ R1
                  λ  r 2 + f 2   (r2 − r1 )2 + h2                                metal configuration as shown in Figure 1C [20, 33].

(2)                                                                                 The unit cell of the metasurface consists of a 100-nm-
                                                                                     thickness gold layer as a reflecting mirror and a 87-nm-­
where λ is the wavelength of light in free space and                                 thickness SiO2 dielectric spacer layer (see Supplementary
r2 = (R1R3 – R1r1)/(R1 –R3); h is the distance between the                           SI-1) and a top layer of gold nanorods (length L = 200 nm,
primary and secondary metasurfaces (PM and SM); R1 is                                width W = 85 nm, and height H = 30 nm) with in-plane
the radius of SM; and R2 and R3 are the inner and outer                              orientation angle ϕ. Figure 1D shows the calculated cross-­
radii of PM, respectively. The space between the focal spot                          polarization conversion efficiency of a meta-atom with
and SM is defined as focal length f; the focal ratio F of the                        normally incident circularly polarized light. The cross-
telescope equals to f/(2R1). n is the refractive index of the                        polarization reflectivity over 80% is obtained within a
background medium (n = 1 in this work).                                              broad spectral range between 700 nm and 1000 nm. The

             A                       φp (x,y)                         C                                   E
                        550                                    2π


              y (µm)



                       –550                                    –2π
                          –550          0              550
                                     x (µm)
             B          550
                                     φs (x,y)                         D                                   F


              y (µm)



                       –550                                    –2π
                          –550          0              550
                                     x (µm)

Figure 2: Design and fabrication of the Cassegrain metasurface telescope with F = 6.25 at a wavelength of 780 nm.
(A, B) The phase profiles of the primary and secondary metamirrors (PM and SM) with geometric parameters: R1 = 240 μm, R2 = 250 μm,
R3 = 500 μm, h = 800 μm. (C, D) The optical images of the fabricated PM and SM, respectively (scale bar: 200 μm). (E, F) SEM images of the
PM and SM over the regions marked by red boxes in (C) and (D), respectively (scale bar: 1 μm).
3266           X. Liu et al.: Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces

working spectral regimes also can be further broadened                                                       supercontinuum laser source (NKT) with tunable wave-
by choosing proper materials and geometries of the meta-                                                     length in the visible and near-infrared range is used. After
atoms. The PM and SM metasurfaces can be figured out                                                         passing through a linear polarizer and a quarter-wave
according to the corresponding phase distributions shown                                                     plate, the incident light with LCP state is then focused
in Figure 2A and B and fabricated through the standard                                                       by the Cassegrain metasurface telescope. An objective
electron beam lithography technique (see Supplementary                                                       (Olympus, ×4, N.A. = 0.1) and a tube lens with f = 300 mm
SI-2 and SI-3). Optical photos of fabricated PM and SM are                                                   are then used to magnify and image the focal point on a
shown in Figure 2C and D. Figure 2E and F show the scan-                                                     charge coupled device (CCD) camera (Thorlabs). In the
ning electron microscope (SEM) images of the meta-atoms                                                      experiment, the PM fixed at z = 0. The measured field
of the PM and SM, respectively.                                                                              profiles in the beam axis plane for incident light at wave-
                                                                                                             lengths ranging from 660 nm to 820 nm are shown in
                                                                                                             Figure 3A. The brightest spots (white dashed line) shown

3 C
   haracterizations of focusing                                                                             in Figure 3A are the positions of focal points. The meas-
                                                                                                             ured intensity profiles at corresponding focal planes of the
  properties                                                                                                 Cassegrain metasurface telescope are shown in Figure 3B.
                                                                                                             The cross-sections of the focal spots along the y-axis are
We characterize the focusing properties of the fabricated                                                    shown in Figure 3C. To further verify our design, we also
Cassegrain metamirrors shown by using the experi-                                                            fabricate a Cassegrain metasurface telescope with focal
mental setup shown in Supplementary Figure S5. A                                                             length f = 9.6 mm and F = 20 at wavelength of 780 nm (see

                      A                                λ = 660 nm          λ = 700 nm                     λ = 740 nm              λ = 780 nm                       λ = 820 nm


                                z (mm)

                                                         32 µm                 32 µm                         32 µm                               32 µm               32 µm


                      B                                z = 3.9 mm          z = 3.7 mm                     z = 3.5 mm             z = 3.3 mm                       z = 3.15 mm


                          Intensity (a.u.)



                                                  –16       0       16   –16      0              16    –16      0      16   –16                     0     16   –16      0       16
                                                         y (µm)                y (µm)                        y (µm)                              y (µm)              y (µm)

                      D                                                          E                                             F
                                              12                                                                                                 0.3
                          Focal length (mm)

                                                                                                                              Focal efficiency

                                                                                 FMHW (µm)

                                                         Exp. F = 20                         6
                                               8         Exp. F = 6.25                                                                           0.2
                                                                                                          F = 20
                                                         Sim. F = 20                         4            F = 6.25
                                                         Sim. F = 6.25                                                                                         F = 20
                                               4                                                                                                 0.1
                                                                                             2                                                                 F = 6.25
                                               0                                             0                                                   0.0
                                                        680 720 760 800                               680 720 760 800                                  650 750 850 950
                                                         Wavelength (nm)                               Wavelength (nm)                                    Wavelength (nm)

Figure 3: Focusing properties of the Cassegrain metasurface telescope with F = 6.25 at a wavelength of 780 nm.
(A) The measured intensity profiles along the propagating axial plane at various incident wavelengths. The white dashed lines indicate the
position of the focal points. (B) The measured intensity profiles at the focal plane (scale bar: 5 μm). (C) The corresponding cross-sections
of the focal spots along y direction. (D–F) The simulated and experimentally measured focal length (D), measured FWHW (E), and measured
focal efficiency (F) spectra with respect to the wavelength of incident light.
X. Liu et al.: Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces                                                     3267

Supplementary Figure S4) and experimentally character-                                                                                also found that the measured focusing efficiencies are
ize its focusing properties (see Supplementary Figure S6).                                                                            lower than the theoretical values predicted in Figure 1D,
     Figure 3D shows the simulated and experimental                                                                                   in which the normal incidence of light on a meta-atom is
focal lengths as a function of incident wavelength for                                                                                considered. Even for the oblique incidence on the second
the Cassegrain metasurface telescopes. It is clear that                                                                               mirror is taken into account, the optical efficiency of the
the measured focal points are all close to the designed                                                                               single meta-atom does not decrease too much (see Sup-
positions. The focal lengths decrease with the increasing                                                                             plementary Figure S7). Therefore, the imperfection of the
wavelengths due to the negative dispersion of the meta-                                                                               nanofabrication and the loss of the gold meta-atoms may
surface. As shown in Figure 3E, all the measured focal                                                                                play more important roles.
spots exceed ideal full-width half-maximum (FWHM)
values (Rayleigh limit [1.22λF]), which should be due
to the super oscillation effect [18, 34–36]. The focusing
efficiencies for the Cassegrain metasurface telescopes at                                                                             4 Imaging performance
various wavelength are measured and shown in Figure 3F
(see Supplementary SI-4). The efficiency is defined as the                                                                            We then characterize the imaging performance of the Cas-
ratio of the optical power of the focused LCP light beam to                                                                           segrain metasurface telescopes using the experimental
that of the incident beam with same circular polarization                                                                             setup shown in Figure 4A. The slits in a 100-nm-thick-
state. The efficiency is wavelength dependent and has a                                                                               ness gold film on glass substrate, which are fabricated
value up to 25% around the wavelength of 780 nm, which                                                                                using photo-lithography method, are used as the objects
is lower than the single layer dielectric metalenses [9] but                                                                          (Figure 4B). The center to center distances of the slits
higher than most of the plasmonic metalenses [10]. It is                                                                              are 200 μm, 150 μm, and 100 μm (with a filling factor of

 A                         Tungsten
                          Halogen light

                                         Bandpass filter             Image plane
                                                                                                      Tube lens
                                                  178 mm 3.46 mm 18.5 mm                λ/4    LP   (f = 300 mm)

                                     Object             Planar         Focal planar                   300 mm       camera
                                                  Cassegrain telescope
                                                       (F = 6.25)

 C                                                                                                                            D


 E                                                     0.6
                                                                                                                            F 0.9                                             0.6
 Intensity (a.u.)

                                                                                                                            Intensity (a.u.)

                    0.6                                0.4                                                                                     0.6                            0.4                          0.30
                                                       0.2                               0.1                                                   0.3                            0.2                          0.15

                    0.0                                0.0                               0.0                                                   0.0                            0.0                            0.0
                     –400 –200       0      200     400 –400 –200       0     200     400 –400 –200       0     200   400                       –400 –200     0      200   400 –400 –200     0      200   400 –400 –200     0      200   400
                                   x (µm)                            x (µm)                            x (µm)                                               x (µm)                         x (µm)                         x (µm)

Figure 4: Imaging with the Cassegrain metasurface telescopes.
(A) The experimental setup for charactering the imaging properties of the metasurface telescope with F = 6.25. A Tungsten-Halogen light
source is used as an illumination. A bandpass filter (Thorlabs, FB780-10, 780-nm center wavelength, 10-nm FWHM) is placed behind
the light source to reduce chromatic aberrations. Patterns milled in a 100-nm-thickness gold film on glass substrate are used as the
objects. The image collected by the Cassegrain metasurface telescope is magnified by the combination of the objective lens (Olympus, 4×
magnification, NA = 0.1) and the tube lens with focal length f = 300 mm and then projected onto the CCD camera. (B) The optical photographs
of the objects (scale bar: 100 μm). The center to center distance of the slit is 200 μm, 150 μm, and 100 μm from left to right. The dark areas
(slits) are transparent and their widths are respectively 100 μm, 75 μm, and 50 μm. (C, D) Images taken with the Cassegrain telescopes with
F = 6.25 and 20, respectively. (E, F) The corresponding cross-sections of the images in (C) and (D) along the x direction. The magnifying ratio
of the imaging systems are ~0.3 and ~1. Scale bar: 200 μm.
3268         X. Liu et al.: Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces

0.5), respectively. These objects are placed about 178 mm             the concept of metasurface telescope can be applied to
away from the secondary metamirror and illuminated by                 astronomical observations at infrared, Terahertz, micro-
a Tungsten-Halogen light source. In order to reduce the               wave, and radio frequencies; in that situation the planar
chromatic effects, a band-pass filter with 780-nm center              metasurface may play more important roles for easing the
wavelength and 10 nm bandwidth (Thorlabs, FB780-10) is                construction and providing more optical functionalities.
utilized. The image collected by the Cassegrain metasur-
face telescope is magnified by an objective (Olympus, ×4,             Acknowledgments: This research was supported by
NA = 0.1) and a tube lens with f = 300 mm and then cap-               the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no.
tured using a CCD camera (Thorlabs, DCC1545M). Figure                 11774145 and no. 11874426, Funder Id: http://dx.doi.
4C and D show the images observed with the Cassegrain                 org/10.13039/501100001809), Guangdong Provincial
metasurface telescope with F = 6.25 and F = 20. The meas-             Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project (2017ZT07C071),
ured magnifying ratios of the imaging systems with the                Applied Science and Technology Project of Guangdong
Cassegrain metasurface telescopes with F = 6.25 and 20                Science and Technology Department (2017B090918001),
are about 0.3 and 1, which are consistent with the theoret-           and the Natural Science Foundation of Shenzhen Innova-
ically calculated results (see Supplementary SI-5). It can            tion Committee (JCYJ20170412153113701).
find that the Cassegrain metasurface telescope with larger
F and longer focal length has larger magnification ratio.             Competing interests: The authors declare no competing
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