PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of

Page created by Cindy Bailey
PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of

    Surface Treatment of
PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of

    1. General Remarks.......................................................................................................3
    1.1 Physical Forms....................................................................................................................................... 3
    1.2 Properties and Conditions.......................................................................................................... 3
    1.3 Masking Film............................................................................................................................................4
    1.4 Scoring and Marking........................................................................................................................4
    1.5 Subsequent Surface Protection............................................................................................4

    2. Avoidance of Static Discharges........................................................................4
    3. Screen Printing..........................................................................................................5

    4. Coating.........................................................................................................................6
    4.1 Spray Painting.......................................................................................................................................6
    4.2 Dip Coating..............................................................................................................................................6
    4.3 Curtain Coating...................................................................................................................................6
    4.4 RoIler Coating........................................................................................................................................8

    5. Matting.........................................................................................................................8
    5.1 Mechanical Matting..........................................................................................................................8
    5.2 Matting by Thermoforming........................................................................................................9
    5.3 Chemical Matting...............................................................................................................................9

    6. Stamping and Inscription.................................................................................. 10
    7. Surface Dyeing........................................................................................................11
    8. Transfer Printing....................................................................................................12
    9. Laminating................................................................................................................12

    10. Metallizing..............................................................................................................13
    10.1 Sputtering in a High Vacuum..............................................................................................13
    10.2 Wet Vaporizing, Electroplating, Metal Spraying...............................................13

    11. Abrasion-Resistant Coating...........................................................................13
    12. Water-Dispersing Coating.............................................................................. 14

    13. Cleaning and Care.............................................................................................. 15
    13.1 Cleaning................................................................................................................................................. 15
    13.2 High-Pressure Cleaning.......................................................................................................... 15
    13.3 Removal of Spray Paints and Posters........................................................................ 15


In addition to this publication,                                                        You can find valuable do-it-yourself                                            These can be obtained from your
there are similar Guidelines for                                                        hints on PLEXIGLAS® in:                                                         local authorized distributor of
Workshop Practice for professional                                                                                                                                      PLEXIGLAS®.
PLEXIGLAS® fabricators on:                                                              Fabricating Tips for PLEXIGLAS®
                                                                                        (Kenn-Nr. 311-5)                                                                When using our products,
Machining PLEXIGLAS®                                                                                                                                                    please observe
(Kenn-Nr. 311-1)                                                                        Special leaflets are available on the
                                                                                        properties and fabricating behavior                                             • local building codes and
Forming PLEXIGLAS®                                                                      as well as the applications of several                                            emissions laws
(Kenn-Nr. 311-2)                                                                        of our products, for example                                                    • applicable standards
                                                                                                                                                                        • product liability imposed by law
Joining PLEXIGLAS®                                                                      •   multi-skin and corrugated sheets                                            • the guidelines of employers‘ liability
(Kenn-Nr. 311-3)                                                                        •   glazing with solid sheets                                                     insurance associations.
                                                                                        •   noise barriers
                                                                                        •   signage and lighting.

PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of
1. General Remarks
PLEXIGLAS®, the acrylic (polymethyl         • sheets with matte, satin surface on     Similarly to bonding, most methods
methacrylate, PMMA) manufactured              one side, as well as sheets, tubes      of surface treatment require items
by us, can be subjected to various            and rods with two matte satin           with no or only moderate internal
kinds of surface treatment during             surfaces (PLEXIGLAS® Satinice,          stress as a result of production tech-
fabrication. This is because of the fa-       ­PLEXIGLAS® Satin Ice,                  nique or machining. High stress levels
vorable properties of this plastic, e. g.      PLEXIGLAS® Crystal Ice).               must be eliminated by annealing (see
its perfectly smooth surface. Sur-                                                    Guidelines for Workshop Practice,
face treatment normally adds value          Combinations of these techniques          ‚Machining‘, chapter 8, or
to the finished article and opens up        are sometimes also possible.              ‚Joining‘, chapter 2.5).
applications for PLEXIGLAS® GS and
PLEXIGLAS® XT® that the untreated           1.1 Physical Forms                        Prior to surface treatment, the items
base material would be unable to sa-                                                  usually need to be cleaned. This can
tisfy. Treatment ranges from decora-        PLEXIGLAS® GS is manufactured in          be done by blowing down with ionized
tive screen printing to more sophisti-      the form of solid sheets, blocks, tubes   air or by rinsing with warm water to
cated techniques such as sputtering         and rods with smooth or matte, satin      which some dishwashing liquid has
in a high vacuum.                           surfaces (PLEXIGLAS® Satinice).           been added. For subsequent dry-
                                                                                      ing, an absorbent, non-linting cloth,
Unlike some other plastics, the             PLEXIGLAS® XT is available in stan-       e. g. glovelining fabric, should be
surface treatment of PLEXIGLAS®             dard and impact-modified grades           used. Wiping down with ANTISTATIC
poses very few problems.                    (PLEXIGLAS® Resist) as smooth, tex-       PLASTICS CLEANER may be use-
                                            tured or matte (PLEXIGLAS® Satinice)      ful, but this has to be established
PLEXlGLAS® GS is produced by                solid sheet, corrugated and multi-        from case to case. Certain types
casting, PLEXlGLAS® XT by                   skin sheet, mirrors, tubes and rods as    of surface treatment call for plas-
extrusion. Both types of material           well as (EUROPLEX®).                      tics surfaces that are immaculately
can be surface-treated in nearly the                                                  clean. This cannot be guaranteed
same manner. This also applies to           Colored PLEXIGLAS® grades are nor-        when antistatic cleaners have been
PLEXIGLAS® products for specific            mally homogeneously colored.              used. Suitable products for cleaning
applications, such as SOUNDSTOP                                                       and degreasing prior to surface
(for transparent noise barriers),           Whether in standard or special sizes,     treatment are THINNER AND CLEA-
or grades with special surfaces.            all material packaged on pallets is       NER 30/ACRIFIX® TC0030, petroleum
These can have an abrasion-                 labeled with information for correct      ether as well as uncolored absorbent
resistant or mirror coating, or special     storage and in-house transport.           paper or cloth (washed glove-lining
surfaces such as SATINICE (matte),          Generally speaking, PLEXIGLAS® is         fabric) soaked with isopropyl alcohol.
HEATSTOP (reflecting solar heat),           best stored indoors. All our sheets       All agents mentioned are suitable for
or NO DROP (water dispersing).              are masked with polyethylene film,        short-term use on PLEXIGLAS® GS
                                            which can be disposed of without          and PLEXIGLAS® XT.
Differences in machining behavior           any problem. In the case of outdoor
are noted in the respective section.        storage, effective additional protec-     For certain types of surface treat-
                                            tion is required.                         ment it makes sense to order the
It is the aim of this brochure to help                                                material from your local authorized
you achieve optimal forming results.        1.2 Properties and Conditions             distributor with a corresponding note,
If you have any questions about our                                                   so that he can perhaps select a spe-
information or the practical work           The material behavior of PLEXIGLAS®       cial grade which makes the desired
based on it, contact your local au-         permits many different types of sur-      kind of surface treatment particular-
thorized distributor or our Technical       face treatment that are not always        ly easy (see chapter 11‚ Abrasion-Re-
Service department. We ourselves            possible with other plastics. Owing to    sistant Coating‘).
will be grateful for any suggestions        its high resistance to chemicals, it is
based on your experience in the field.      very versatile in use and, at the same
                                            time, enables partial solvent action
Apart from the techniques discussed         in a way that favors a wide variety of
here, which are to be performed by          coating techniques.
the fabricators, we ourselves offer
material with upgraded surfaces, e. g.      Our leaflets entitled ‚Chemical Resis-
                                            tance of PLEXIGLAS®‘ (Ref. No. 211-
• PLEXIGLAS® and EUROPLEX® PC               2) and ‚Resistance to Stress Cracking
  film with abrasion-resistant              and Chemical Influences‘ (Ref. No.
  coatings,                                 211-4) provide information on the
• PLEXIGLAS® multi-skin sheets              general behavior of PLEXIGLAS® GS
  with water-dispersing coatings,           and XT towards chemicals.

PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of
1.3 Masking Film                            properly removed, and the sheets are        in a subsequent operation. Otherwi-
                                            likely to be damaged.                       se, all materials mentioned – even
Depending on material grade and                                                         impact-modified PLEXIGLAS® Resist
thickness, the surfaces of our sheets       1.4 Scoring and Marking                     – may crack or break under load.
are masked with environmentally
friendly self-adhesive or cling film        The environmentally friendly PE             1.5 Subsequent Surface Protection
made from polyethylene. Normally,           masking film is intended to protect
the surface masking should remain           PLEXIGLAS® sheets during trans-             When machined sheets, semifinished
on the sheet until it is in its final       port and storage. This protective film      or finished parts – but also installed
place.                                      should remain on the heet during all        elements – made of PLEXIGLAS®
                                            machining operations, and is best           need to be protected against soiling,
If the film must be removed before          left on until the finished part is in its   chemical or other influences during
surface treatment: hold the sheet           final place.                                further treatment or storage –
firmly down on one side and strip off                                                   e. g. for renovation purposes –
the film with one quick movement of         Marking out of drill holes, contours or     the following measures can be
the hand.                                   edges to be cut off is therefore done       recommended:
                                            on the masking film. If the latter has
When sheets are exposed to the              already been removed, use special           • coatings applied in liquid form;
weather, the masking films must be          pencils (e. g. soft lead or grease pen-       which can later be stripped off as
removed within four weeks, regard-          cils) for marking out directly on the         films (such as 30 % aqueous solu-
less of their adhesive properties,          sheet surface.                                tions of PVAL) or protective films
since polyethylene may become                                                           • compatible adhesive crêpe tapes
brittle after this period of time or        Scribers or prick punches should not          adhesive polyethylene films or
adhere even more strongly. In eit-          be used unless it is ensured that the         polyethylene bags, which are then
her case the films can no longer be         notches they cause are eliminated             closed or heat-sealed.

2. Avoidance of
Static Charges
Owing to their excellent insulating         hundred volts high and cannot be            Very often, however, it is better to
properties, most plastics, including        dissipated unless the surface comes         use an antistatic cleaner (see ‚13
PLEXIGLAS® GS and XT, show high             into contact with another conductive        Cleaning and Care‘).
surface and volume resistivity. As a        or reversely charged material, whe-
result, they may become statically          reupon flashover occurs.                    The effectiveness of antistatic treat-
charged with the associated nega-                                                       ment is inversely proportional to the
tive effects of dust attraction and         The ability to become statically            volatility of the active substances
(rarely) flashover. Static charges may      charged can be eliminated by ap-            contained in the product: the lower
build up due to:                            plying surface layers that contain          the friction, the higher the atmos-
                                            moisture-binding electrolytes or by         pheric humidity, the lower the room
• m
   echanical friction in contact           adding electrolytes to the polymer          temperature and the less dust there
  with solid objects, cloths or             formulation. The latter is not recom-       is around, the longer the antistatic
  polishing agents;                         mended for acrylics, though, since          effect will last.
• friction produced by dry air              the doses required to produce an an-
  currents, for example;                    tistatic effect change the properties       Another very economical method is
• removal of the masking film               of these polymers, e. g. their optical      blowing the sheet or parts of it down
  from the sheet.                           appearance, so very noticeably that         with ionized air. The effect, however,
                                            the final product becomes unsuitable        is of fairly short duration, e. g. just
Static charging upon removal of the         for most applications.                      long enough for the next work step to
masking film, for example, causes an                                                    be performed.
electron surplus on one sheet surface       As mentioned further above, it is
and electron deficiency on the other.       common practice to treat the sur-
The charge may, however, vary on the        faces of PLEXIGLAS® GS and XT
same surface of a sheet or finished         with antistatic substances as a pre-
item. In the case of electrically insu-     ventive measure, or else to eliminate
lating plastics, this difference will not   the charges once they have built up.
balance itself. The charges - nega-         Rinsing with water is the simplest
tive or positive - are up to several        form of external antistatic treatment.

PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of
3. Screen Printing
Screen printing is the best-known          vered with a light-sensitive layer and    contours are drawn on a formed part,
method for decorating large runs of        exposed to light through a positive.      preferably made of PLEXIGLAS® GS,
PLEXIGLAS®. It permits reproduction        The exposed areas cure, the unexpo-       which is then heated and restored to
of the most intricate details of com-      sed ones can be washed out.               its original flat state. The distorted
plex motifs.                                                                         image corresponds to the stencil to
                                           For multi-color printing, one mesh        be made (distortion printing).
Screen-printed sheets can be               stencil is needed for each color. Lay
thermoformed at the appropriate            marks at their edges ensure that the      For screen-printing PLEXIGLAS®, use
temperatures without damaging the          differently colored areas are clearly     inks that do not cause stress cra-
print. That enables raised patterns        defined. Before the next printing step    cking in acrylics, but adhere well
or three-dimensional moldings to be        is performed, the previously applied      enough for the application. The
produced from screen-printed flat          ink has to be sufficiently dry.           instructions of the ink manufactur-
sheets.                                                                              ers should be observed, as they offer
                                           Subsequent spray coating with a clear     different products for different types
Most important in this context is          protective varnish improves the wea-      of plastics.
the heating method: Whereas oven           ther resistance of the print. Alterna-
heating normally ensures a uniform         tively, the print may be applied to the   The solvents contained in the inks
degree of stretching, IR radiators         back of cut-to-size sections of trans-    are likely to have an adverse influ-
involve the risk of irregular heating of   parent, UV-absorbing PLEXIGLAS®           ence on the plastics surface. There-
multi-colored parts, thereby distur-       grades, where it is protected against     fore it may be advisable in some
bing the thermoforming process.            climatic influences and mechanical        cases to anneal the parts prior to
                                           stress (see also Chapter 4.1).            screen printing (see Guidelines for
In order to avoid distortion of the                                                  Workshop Practice, ‚Machining‘,
printed pattern, certain areas may be      After the printing process, stencil and   chapter 8, or ‚Joining‘, chapter 2.5).
covered while heating the remainder        squeegee should be carefully cleaned
of the sheet with IR radiators.            with cleaning agents or paint thin-       If screen-printed parts are to be
                                           ners recommended by the ink ma-           area-bonded with polymerizati-
Screen printing may be performed by        nufacturers. Depending on the type        on adhesives such as ACRIFIX®
hand or screen printing machin e for       of ink used, the printed items are left   190/2R0190, for example, special
larger runs (see Fig. 1).                  to dry at room temperature or above       crosslinked color lakes are to be used
                                           (approx. 60 °C).                          that withstand the solvents con-
The sheet to be printed is placed on                                                 tained in this adhesive. Area bonds
a table, fastened with clamps or by        Screen-printed parts that are to          are described in our Guidelines for
means of a suction plate. A squeegee       be thermoformed require a stencil         Workshop Practice ‚Joining‘, chapter
is used to press the ink through a         that allows for the distortion caused     2.7 Bonding Techniques.
porous screen made of fabric tightly       by forming. To this end, the desired
stretched in a frame and a mesh
stencil with the photochemically ap-
plied negative of the printing pattern.
The distance between the underside
of the stencil and the sheet surface
must be such that the image area
touches the screen only at those
points across which the squeegee
is drawn. This distance is usually bet-                                              Figure 1: Principle of screen printing
ween 5 and 10 mm, depending on the                                                   1 = stencil, 2 = screen, 3 = frame,
                                                                                     4 = PLEXIGLAS®, 5 = worktop, 6 = squeegee
size of the stencil.

The mesh stencil consists of a frame
holding a stretched polyamide or po-
lyester fabric with 80 to 140 threads
per cm and the stencil proper. For
coarse substrates or rich multi-color
printing a coarse mesh is used, and
a fine mesh for sharp contours and
intricate details.                                                                   Figure 2: Screen printing frame
                                                                                     a = Sections of different frames,
                                                                                     b = Size of screen printing frame (1)
The stencil proper is normally prepa-
                                                                                     as compared with surface to be printed (2)
red photochemically: the mesh is co-

PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of
4. Color Coating
Coating is the second most widely                Constant temperatures between 18         When treating clear-transparent
used method of surface treatment                 and 25 °C are an essential prerequi-     PLEXIGLAS® sheets – the second
and many of the details to be borne              site for maintaining the viscosity of    option – the coating can be ap-
in mind have already been mentioned              the coating systems at the same          plied on the back of the sheet for
in connection with screen printing.              level for all processes and for avoi-    improved weather resistance. This
Thus, the workpieces to be coated                ding condensate formation. While the     requires an additional paint coat, e. g.
need to be carefully cleaned and                 relative humidity should not be high-    to provide logos or symbols with a
treated with an antistatic where ne-             er than 60 %, an adequate supply of      (colored) background or base coat
cessary (see chapter 1.2). Annealing             fresh air is to be ensured.              (see Fig. 7).
to relieve internal stress may also be
required (see Guidelines for Work-               The paint and the clean workpiece        4.2 Dip Coating
shop Practice ‚Machining‘, chapter 8,            should be taken to the workroom in
or ‚Joining‘, chapter 2.5).                      good time so as to acquire the same      Dip coating is often the method of
                                                 temperature before painting              choice for priming or for applying
4.1 Spray Painting                               is started.                              protective coatings. Thus, PLEXIGLAS®
                                                                                          can be coated with masking lacquers
Spray painting is equally suitable for           Just as there are special inks for       prior to spray painting or metallized
individual items and large runs. The             screen printing, there are special       surfaces can be protected with clear-
paint loss is usually higher than in             paints for spray painting. The major     transparent or transparent colored
screen printing, but can be limited              requirement is that they adhere well     coatings. For dip coating, the workpiece
by the choice of nozzle and spraying             to PLEXIGLAS® GS and XT, are easy        is completely or partially immersed in
technique. The spray gun atomizes                to process, compatible with PMMA,        the paint bath. This enables all-round
the paint and deposits it on the sur-            weather-resistant and formable           coating in one step (see Fig. 8).
face to be painted (See Figs. 3 and              along with the substrate.
4). Using stencils or masking lac-                                                        The layer thickness usually varies
quers, it is possible to paint certain           Areas not to be painted or to be         according to the consistency of the
areas only or to apply symbols and               painted in different colors are co-      coating system or its solids content.
lettering.                                       vered with stencils, adhesive film or    Moreover, the jig required for all-round
                                                 removable masking lacquers. The          coating causes some flaws. In order to
                                                 latter are applied by brush or spray     increase the layer thickness it may be
                                                 gun. When they are dry, the contours     necessary to dip the workpiece several
                                                 are marked on them, or the film, by      times and let it dry in between.
                                                 means of a fine scoring knife, and
                                                 the areas to be painted are laid open.   Drying is performed with IR radiators or
                                                 Please bear in mind that scoring may     by means of warm air. It should be as
                                                 have a notch effect. Stencils must be    forceful as possible in order to prevent
                                                 firmly secured and should be cleaned     the paint from running down too quickly
                                                 at regular intervals. Once painting      on vertical surfaces, thereby forming
                                                 and drying are completed, remove         socalled sags.
                                                 the remaining bits of lacquer or film.
                                                                                          4.3 Flow Coating
Figure 3:                                        In some cases, the masking film
Position of spray gun in relation to workpiece   applied to our sheets for protection     Flow coating is best suited for coa-
1 = spray gun, 2 = PLEXIGLAS®
                                                 during transport may replace the         ting large, even surfaces of PLEXI-
                                                 stencil or adhesive film, provided it    GLAS®. Very uniform layer thicknes-
The walls and floors of the workroom             still adheres well enough. There are     ses are achieved by this process,
must be solvent-resistant and easy               two alternative ways to build up a       which is necessary to get a uniform
to clean. The spray booth (see Fig.              paint coat:                              color impression with large, trans-
5) should be provided with a water                                                        parent colored or translucent items.
curtain and an extractor that at least           In the majority of cases, paint coats    Flow coating is thus mainly used for
complies with environmental regula-              are applied to translucent or opaque     applying base and top coats to illu-
tions.                                           colored sheets of PLEXIGLAS®. The        minated advertising signs and for the
                                                 coated side is normally the one ex-      manufacture of projection screens.
Explosion-proof electrical instal-               posed to the weather and mechani-
lations and luminaires are a must.               cal stress. A clear varnish              The flow coating machines available
Otherwise the guidelines of the                  offers additional protection.            in the market operate more or less by
employers’ liability insurance associ-                                                    the same principle (see Fig. 9). The
ation are to be observed.                                                                 differences are mainly in design and
                                                                                          in the accessory equipment offered.

PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of
Because of the high coating speeds,
this technique is particularly suitable                                                                     a) = from
for large production runs.                                                                                  the front:
                                                                                                            1 = 1st spray pass,
                                                                                                            2 = 2nd spray pass
Generally speaking, the coating
systems are the same as for spray                                                                           b) = from the side:
painting, but the required viscosities                                                                      overlapping of
are normally different. It is important                                                                     zigzag movements

to choose systems that are compa-
tible with PLEXIGLAS® and satisfy
the special requirements of the envi-            Figure 4: Guiding the spray gun in crisscross fashion
saged application.

Processing and post-treatment are
to be performed according to the
manufacturers’ recommendations.
The general advice given in the pre-                                                                        1 = work table,
vious chapters also applies here.                                                                           2 = water curtain,
                                                                                                            3 = extractor

                                                 Figure 5: Schematic of a spray booth

Figure 6:
Buildup of a paint coat on the front
1 = PLEXIGLAS®, e. g. homogeneously
    colored in yellow
2 = symbol (K), e. g. red paint
3 = clear protective varnish                     1 = PLEXIGLAS® part, 2 = paint trough,
4 = weather side                                 3 = conveyor unit, 4 = drying section

                                                 Figure 8: Schematic of a semi-automatic dip coating line

                                                 1 = PLEXIGLAS® section,
                                                 2 = paint feeder,
                                                 3 = paint,
                                                 4 = adjustable gate,
                                                 5 = coating layer,
                                                 6 = overflow trough,
                                                 7 = conveyor belt,
Figure 7:                                        8 = from pump,
Buildup of a paint coat on the back              9 = to pump
1 = PLEXIGLAS®, Clear
2 = symbol (K), e.  g. red paint
3 = base coat (background), e. g. yellow paint
4 = clear protective varnish
5 = weather side                                 Figure 9: Principle of flow coating

PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of
Figure 10:
                                                                                           Principle of roller coating

                                                        1 = roll,
                                                        2 = coating film,
                                                        3 = PLEXIGLAS® advertising sign,
                                                        4 = spacer rail

4.4 Roller Coating                       cess, the workpiece must be cleaned,              The roller has an elastic, wettable
                                         degreased and dried.                              cover - usually made of finegrained
Roller coating is widely used for                                                          rubber - whose hardness (approx.
workpieces made of PLEXIGLAS® with       For roller coating, the paint is first            Shore A 45) should be adjusted to that
raised or sunken designs, e. g. adver-   spread evenly on a smooth and level               of the surfaces to be coated. The more
tising signs with logos or emblems. It   surface and is then taken up by the               clearly defined the contours and the
is also suitable for applying opaque     roller. The paint-soaked or moistened             smoother the surfaces, the harder the
base coats or clear protective coa-      roller - guided by spacer rails on both           rubber may be.
tings, for the manufacture of liquid     sides - is carefully passed over the
film maskings and lettering applied by   workpiece. In the case of raised pat-             Important for perfect coating is the
template. Small production runs can be   terns (reliefs) this ensures that only the        right viscosity of the paint and ade-
roller-coated manually with satisfac-    projecting surfaces are coated (see               quate drying time.
tory results. Before starting the pro-   Fig. 10).

5. Matting
PLEXIGLAS® is available in a number      gloss and textured. Mechanical                    Another feasible matting technique
of clear, white and colored grades       treatment, in particular of dark-colo-            is sanding with emery paper or eme-
with smooth, textured or matte           red material, may produce a grayish               ry cloth. We recommend wet sanding
surfaces. The latter family of grades,   tinge, which is least noticeable with             in order to generate a minimum of
PLEXIGLAS® Satinice, offer highly        white material.                                   stress within the sheet or formed
attractive options all from one sour-                                                      article. The textures produced show
ce to designers and fabricators: cast    5.1 Mechanical Matting                            the preferred direction of sanding.
Satinice SC with one satin surface                                                         Since they are never perfectly regu-
and DC with two satin surfaces,          In sandblasting, a stream of – usually            lar, sanding is usually only performed
extruded PLEXIGLAS® Gallery AR           – quartz sand, corundum or alumi-                 on surfaces of minor importance or,
with an antireflective effect on one     num oxide strikes the surfaces to be              on the contrary, where precisely this
side, and the PLEXIGLAS® Satin Ice       matted at high speed. The degree of               kind of texture is desired.
grade with two matte surfaces and        abrasion or matting depends on the
the highest light diffusion. Apart       impact velocity as well as the particle           For further details on sanding, ab-
from sheet material, tubes are also      size and shape of the material used.              rasives and grits to be used, see our
available in PLEXIGLAS® Satin Ice.                                                         Guidelines for Workshop Practice,
Since these grades offer a very          Large areas are best treated by                   ‘Machining’, chapter 7.1.
uniform matte effect that is suitab-     machine, since matting by hand is
le for many applications, this range     often irregular. Partial matting is also          Matte surfaces can also be produced
dispenses with processing costs for      possible if the areas to remain glossy            on PLEXIGLAS® by means of rotating
subsequent matting.                      are covered with stencils or self-                brushes. Their bristles are made of
                                         adhesive film.                                    steel or brass, or else of plastics such
Subsequent matting of PLEXIGLAS®                                                           as polyamide fibers. Round brushes
surfaces is, of course, also possible.   While sandblasting produces good                  fitted with strips of emery cloth, so-
Several mechanical, thermal and          matte effects, the surfaces thus tre-             called flap wheels, are also widely used.
chemical processes are known that        ated are sensitive to touch, i. e. may
allow you to achieve any desired         change in appearance as a result of
degree of matteness between high         fingerprints or dirt pickup.

PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of
Figure 11: Mechanical matting with an orbital sander

                                                                           1 = PLEXIGLAS®,
                                                                           2 = foam,
                                                                           3 = rubber blanket,
                                                                           4 = compressed air

Figure 12: Schematic of blow molding of a light dome with matte interior surface

5.2 Matting by Thermoforming                        If the above-mentioned materials             not recommended. The matte effect
                                                    are heated, or at least conditioned,         is mostly irregular, stress cracking
PLEXIGLAS® XT and to a limited                      this normally enhances the matte             may occur and handling in general
extent also PLEXIGLAS® GS can be                    effect. Especially heatconducting            involves certain risks.
matted by thermoforming. To this                    materials such as aluminum and
end, the sheets are heated to for-                  steel should therefore be heated to          Solvents should only be used for pro-
ming temperature and placed over                    the thermoforming temperature of             ducing a satin finish after sanding. To
molds with matte surfaces which are                 the material to be matted, i. e. to a        this end, the surface is first treated
reproduced on the sheets.                           minimum of 80 °C for PLEXIGLAS®.             with coarse-grit paper, by hand or
                                                                                                 on the belt sander and is then wiped
The following techniques are possi-                 PLEXIGLAS® can also be partially             down with a cloth (rolled into a ball)
ble (mentioned in order of increasing               matted in this way, in which case            soaked in methylene chloride (di-
technical outlay):                                  a pattern, logo or part cut out of a         chloromethane).
                                                    sheet is placed on the mold.
• forming on soft foam, e. g. polyether                                                          Care must be taken to wipe in the
  or polyurethane;                                  Compared with mechanical matting,            direction of sanding. In the case of
• forming on ROHACELL® rigid foam,                  matting by thermoforming provides            PLEXIGLAS® GS Black 811/9H01,
• forming on dull material surfaces,                surfaces that are less sensitive to          for example, this produces an ebony
  e. g. sandpaper, textile fabrics, non-            touch. Moreover, even free-blown             sheen (see Fig. 13).
  wovens, glassfiber mats, wood or                  items can be matted in this way (see
  matted plastics; (a PLEXIGLAS SA-                 Fig. 12), provided the degree of stret-
  TINICE® SC or DC surface can, for                 ching is not too high.
  example, be reproduced on (briefly)
  thermoformed PLEXIGLAS® XT                        5.3 Chemical Matting
• forming on metal surfaces, i. e.                  Matting with chemical substances
  sandblasted, etched or ground sur-                such as solvents and acids, which
  faces of steel or aluminum.                       work on or attack acrylic surfaces, is

PLEXIGLAS Surface Treatment of
6. Stamping and Inscription
The techniques employed for inscri-       characters or motifs. Apart from         ble contours. Approx. 2 to 3 seconds
bing plastics surfaces are so diverse     special laser inscription units, the     at 150 °C are normally sufficient.
and so well-known that they do not        CO2 lasers employed for cutting
need to be described in further detail    PLEXIGLAS® sheets can also be used       We recommend you to determine the
here. Only a brief presentation of the    for this purpose to a limited extent     required stamping time by preliminary
techniques relevant to PLEXIGLAS®         (and with reduced performance.           tests under actual conditions and to
is therefore given.                                                                look out for a possible notch effect.
                                          The advantages of this type of
Apart from the most simple direct         inscription similar to engraving are     The process can be performed
(usually manual) means of inscri-         that it is rapid, abrasion-resistant     manually with the aid of brass dies
bing PLEXIGLAS® with pencils (see         and dispenses with paints or printing    inserted in soldering irons (see Fig.
Chapter 1.4), the best-known indirect     inks. However, it also means that no     14), or else in a press. The die tempe-
method is to apply stickers (labels       colored laser inscriptions are possi-    rature should be adjustable and be
etc.) to the material. These are nor-     ble, only light/dark contrasts of the    controlled by temperature sensors, if
mally printed or inscribed, or are left   given grade of PLEXIGLAS®.               necessary.
blank for subsequent information to
be included on the PLEXIGLAS® part.       Photochemical etching offers a spe-      The principle of color embossing is
                                          cial kind of inscription or the trans-   the same as that of blind embossing,
                                          fer of photographic motifs to the        with the additional feature that the
                                          surface of films rather than sheets of   impressed symbols are lined with
                                          PLEXIGLAS®.                              colored foil or metal leaf. The latter
                                                                                   consists of a carrier and a paint or
                                          No further details of this copying       metal coat with adhesion promoter.
                                          technique for plastics films are given   Die heat and pressure cause the
                                          here because the processing inst-        color to be transferred to the work-
                                          ructions of the manufacturers of the     piece (see Fig. 15). The die tempera-
                                          required chemicals must be closely       ture depends on the type of foil or
                                          followed.                                leaf but is generally between 70 and
                                                                                   100 °C for PLEXIGLAS®. These rather
Figure 13: Chemical treatment of a        The embossing of PLEXIGLAS®              low temperatures limit the penetrati-
previously sanded surface                 means the impression of scripts,         on depth of the die.
                                          symbols etc. by means of a heated
Lettering and motifs are often            die. A distinction is made between       For large runs, stamping presses with
applied to large runs of cut-to-size      blind embossing (hot stamping) and       automatic roller feed are used. They
sheets and moldings with round or         color embossing. Both techniques         consume a minimum of foil and ope-
slightly spherical surfaces by tampon     mainly serve for marking, lettering or   rate at high speeds. Moreover, several
printing. The parts pass through the      decoration.                              colors can be produced at the same
printing machine, where an elas-                                                   time.
tic ball of textile or plastic material   For blind embossing, the die is
(tampon) picks up a pre-printed           heated to forming temperature and        To help fabricators to select the ap-
inscription from the printing unit and    pressed into the cool material. The      propriate inscription method, the ta-
transfers it individually to the parts    shape of the die is reproduced in the    ble in Figure 16 provides an overview
in question.                              workpiece as a sunken ‘engraving.’       of the pros and cons of the various
For large series of mainly flat parts     Stamping should not take too long in
(or endless films), ink jet printing      order to achieve the sharpest possi-
offers the advantage of being able
to change texts fairly quickly by
means of digital programming. This        a) = manually performed
technique is used less for decorati-      stamping
ve or advertising purposes, more for      1 = soldering iron shaft, hot;
technical statements (see marking of      2 = brass die with raised types;
                                          3 = PLEXIGLAS®
PLEXIGLAS® grades on the protecti-
ve masking film).                         b) = stamped relief
Laser printing operates in a similar
way, but allows much more individual
inscription via PC control and with
resolutions up to the most minute         Figure 14: Hot stamping on PLEXIGLAS®

7. Surface Dyeing
Aqueous dye solutions are used for
coloring the surfaces of – predomi-
nantly – transparent parts made of
PLEXIGLAS® GS and XT. The swelling
agents they contain, e. g. acetone, act
at high temperatures. The process is
suitable for small finished items of
cut-to-size sheets of up to approx.
200 x 100 mm, which are immersed
in the heated dye bath. Transparent
colors show only limited resistance to
light and weathering.

Machining and polishing of the items
to be colored must be completed
beforehand. They are placed in a
warm aqueous bath to which a mild
cleaning agent has been added,
are thoroughly cleaned, degrea-
sed, rinsed with distilled water and
dried. Annealing prior to dyeing is
recommended (see our Guidelines                   Figure 15: Color embossing of PLEXIGLAS®
for Workshop Practice ‘Machining’,
chapter 8, or ‘Joining’, chapter 2.5).

 Inscription                                                                                 Special surface dyes and formulati-
                                          Laser     Inkjet     Tampon     Stam-      Label
                                                                                             ons are to be used, depending on the
                                                                          ping               given technique.

 Capital expenditure                      •         +          -          +          +
                                                                                             Shades may vary from pale to rich,
 Operating costs                          +         •          •          +          +       depending on how long the items are
 Quality of inscription                   +         +          +          +          +
                                                                                             immersed in the dye solution. Uni-
                                                                                             form coloring is achieved by with-
 Abrasion resistance                      +         •          •          +          •       drawing the item slowly and carefully
 Permanent resistance                     +         •          -          +          -       from a thoroughly stirred bath in
                                                                                             which it was totally submersed.
 Micro-inscription                        +         •          •          •          -

 Inscription rate                         +         +          •          •          +       Moreover, the temperature of the
 Inscription of curved/matte surfaces     +         +          •          +          -
                                                                                             paint bath must be carefully moni-
                                                                                             tored. Tests with smaller pieces are
 Inscription of “contaminated” surfaces   +         -          -          +          -
                                                                                             recommended. After the dyeing pro-
 Accuracy of position                     +         +          •          •          •       cess, the workpiece is rinsed briefly
                                                                                             with warm water, dried and placed in
 Reliability/availability of system       +         •          •          +          +
                                                                                             the oven for several hours at 70 °C to
 Insensitivity to touch                   +         +          -          -          -       eliminate solvent and water residues.
 Integration into CIM environments        +         +          -          -          •

 Freedom from paints/solvents             +         •          •          +          +

 Flexibility (“batch size 1”)             +         +          •          •          •

 Choice of printing colors                -         •          +          +          +

Figure 16: Comparison of Inscription Techniques
+ = highly suitable • = suitable - = limited suitability or unsuitable
(Source: A. Schulman GmbH, Kerpen, in PLASTVERARBEITER, 51st year, 2000, No. 12)

8. Transfer Printing
Transfer printing is the method by         After placing the paper on the sheet,      period, the more pronounced the loss
which a single- or multi-colored           the press is closed and its heated         of brilliance. The thickness tolerance
pattern is transferred from a carri-       platens are brought into close contact     of the sheet and the accuracy of the
er – usually transfer paper – to a flat    with the paper-covered sheet. The          press also play a part in this context.
item to be decorated. Printing occurs      printed paper quickly reaches tempe-
at high temperatures, so that the          ratures between 150 and 250 °C, the        Against this background a process
dyestuff migrates from the carri-          inks change from solid to gaseous and      variant* was developed that permits
er to the item to be decorated and         penetrate deep into the sheet to be        printing of developable surfaces, i. e.
penetrates into it. The advantages         printed. The penetration depth de-         surfaces that can be rolled out flat
of the process are the great variety       pends on the temperature, the type of      without distortion, such as cylinders
of possible printing patterns and the      ink used and the transfer period.          or cones. Moreover, curved plastic sur-
extremely precise reproduction of even                                                faces of any desired configuration can
the finest details. This is particularly   With PLEXIGLAS®, transfer may take         be partially printed and, finally, distor-
so if gravure-printed paper is used,       up to 10 minutes. The pressure need        ted prints for subsequent thermofor-
but offset- and screen-printed paper       not be very high, i. e. just high enough   ming are also possible.
also produces good results. Transfer       to ensure good contact between
printing is a fairly simple process but    transfer paper and PLEXIGLAS® sheet        The newly developed “digital trans-
nevertheless requires some experience      without distorting the latter.             fer printing” offers the PLEXIGLAS®
and technical know-how.                                                               fabricator a more economic access
                                           This printing technique does have a        to this printing technique: quickly on
In the process, a sheet of PLEXIGLAS®      disadvantage, however: even if all due     PC generated designs can be printed
GS or XT is placed in a heatable press.    care is taken, residues of paper or        directly onto transfer paper and thus
The printed paper – colored side           release agent usually remain on the        transferred to PLEXIGLAS® parts in a
facing the material – is placed on the     sheet surface or leave imprints.           cost-saving manner.
sheet, carefully avoiding any creases.
If necessary, a heatresistant release      This impairs the otherwise outstan-        *) European Patent EP-B 1102 20
agent can be applied between the           ding surface gloss of PLEXIGLAS®. The      of Röhm GmbH
paper and the sheet to ensure neat         higher the transfer temperature and
separation after printing.                 pressure and the longer the transfer

9. Laminating
The term laminating denotes the            cause partial detachment of the            For laminating large areas, use a
application of, mainly, films for de-      laminating film.                           roller stack in order to avoid air ent-
coration, lettering, identification, re-                                              rapment and to achieve the neces-
inforcement (e. g. protection against      Where large areas are to be laminated      sary contact pressure for optically
splinters) or subsequent tinting (pro-     durably and aesthetically, it is there-    flawless application.
tection against sunlight) to workpi-       fore recommended that the cut-to-
eces of PLEXIGLAS® GS and XT.              size sheets or workpieces be dried for     Laminating with non-adhesive film is
                                           several hours in an airflow oven at 70     slightly more difficult. Depending on
Films can only be applied to flat,         to 80 °C prior to laminating.              the material used, special pretreat-
cylindrical or slightly curved surfaces.                                              ment may be required. Thus, for exa-
They can normally not be thermofor-        Pointwise or partial detachment of the     mple, certain films are activated with
med together with PLEXIGLAS®.              film may, however, also be caused by       water on their laminating surface
                                           dust particles from the air which settle   and can then be applied by means of
When selecting the films, adhesive         between the sheet and the film.            a blade.
labels or decals, it must be ensured
that they do not cause stress cra-         Self-adhesive films should be rolled       Decals for labelling, lettering or de-
cking in acrylics. This may be the         on without entrapping air bubbles or       corating are often used in combinati-
result of plasticizers migrating from      else applied to the sheet by means of      on with screen printing or protective
plastics films or attack by solvents       a soft cloth. When laminating by hand,     spray
contained in adhesives.                    stripping off the masking paper and
                                           applying the film should be performed
Since acrylics are gas-permeable,          gradually, because otherwise the film
exhalation from the substrate may          would be very difficult to handle.

10. Metallizing
The smooth glossy surfaces of            surface quality of the workpiece.        however, be curved cylindrically while
PLEXIGLAS® readily accept immacu-        Therefore, care must be taken to         cold, and to a limited extent even
late metal coats. Metallizing is above   choose injection molds with well-po-     spherically if they are mounted in a
all used for providing optical devices   lished walls. Sheets or molded items     round frame.
with mirror coats or barrier layers,     must not be cracked or damaged.
but also for decorative purposes.        Depending on the intended use, the       10.2 Wet Metallizing, Electroplating,
Since PLEXIGLAS® is electrically         metal layer thickness is between 0.1     Metal Spraying
insulating, electrodeposition is nor-    und 0.5 µm; in special cases up to
mally not possible.                      1 µm. A coherent metal coat forms        Two methods are available for wet
                                         at approx. 0.2 µm, below this value      metallizing: chemical metallizing and
10.1 Sputtering in a High Vacuum         so-called semipermeable mirrors are      silver-spray technique. Since chemi-
                                         obtained.                                cal metallizing is not yet fully explo-
Sputtering requires some experience                                               red, it should not be used. The silver-
and should only be performed by          The essential prerequisite for suc-      spray technique can also be ignored,
specialists who also own the ne-         cessful sputtering is an immaculate-     since it requires a considerable
cessary equipment. Only the basic        ly clean substrate surface. This has     technical outlay and the adhesion of
principles of this type of surface       to be borne in mind when ordering        the metal coat is usually very poor.
treatment will be discussed here.        the sheets or when pretreating
                                         formed parts. In order to protect the    Generally speaking, PLEXIGLAS® is
As long as it is not finished work-      vapor-deposited layer from mecha-        suitable for electroplating. Apart
pieces that have to be metallized,       nical damage, an additional coating      from requiring extensive knowledge
PLEXIGLAS® XT Mirror sheets can be       is usually applied: clear-transparent    and experience, however, this tech-
used instead.                            on the front of the PLEXIGLAS®           nique is of minor importance for
                                         workpiece and possibly opaque on its     electrically insulating materials such
In a special vacuum chamber, the         back. Suitable application methods       as PMMA. It should only be perfor-
metal to be applied - usually lowmel-    are spraying, dipping or flow coating.   med by specialists.
ting aluminum - is heated to evapo-
ration temperature. The condensing       Subsequent forming of sputtered          Although metal spraying (also
vapors cause the desired metal           sheets of PLEXIGLAS® or PLEXI-           known as plasma or arc spraying)
deposition on the PLEXIGLAS® parts.      GLAS® XT MIRROR by conventional          is performed in the plastics indus-
                                         techniques is impossible since the       try, it has only rarely been used for
The gloss and smoothness of the          metal coat cracks when exposed           PLEXIGLAS®.
sputtered part depend on the original    to heat. The metallized parts can,

11. Abrasion-Resistant
We offer abrasion resistant-coated       The parts to be coated should lend       The high demands placed on surface
PLEXIGLAS® and EUROPLEX® sheets          themselves easily to the process:        quality are easiest to satisfy with
and films in varying quantities,         changes in cross-section should be       flat or only slightly formed parts, (e. g.
depending on demand. Specialized         smooth; there should be no sharp         automobile side windows made from
companies exist that have expe-          contours, drill holes or recesses in     PLEXIGLAS RESIST®) that are clea-
rience in providing sheets, blocks,      order to avoid paint runs or paint       ned automatically and then dip- or
tubes etc. as well as finished parts     buildup and other optical flaws.         flowcoated.
made from our products with abrasi-
on-resistant coatings.                   Ejector lugs, sprues and manifolds on    The prerequisites for perfect surface
                                         molded items may be used as means        coating are filtered coating systems,
Optimum results can be guaranteed        of suspension. This aspect should be     carefully cleaned substrates and
if the coating systems are specially     taken into account when designing        performance of the coating process
adjusted to the particular product.      the mold or molding.                     under cleanroom conditions in the
This should be clarified in talks with                                            appropriate climate. Such strin-
the fabricator who will perform the      Suitable coating techniques are dip,     gent requirements make sense if we
abrasion-resistant coating process.      flow or spray coating.                   consider that the final thickness of

the coating is approximately 8 µm,          thickness exceeds 10 µm and the            and impact stress. What is deter-
so that even minor impurities or dust       substrate is impact-modified. Coa-         mined is the increase in haze of the
particles will inevitably cause flaws.      tings based on melamine resin with         coated parts after treatment accor-
                                            a strain at break of 7 % do not show       ding to these test methods:
It takes several hours of stoving at        this effect.
around 80 °C for the coatings to be                                                    (a) Taber Abraser test to ISO 9352
fully cured. The higher the tempe-          Both abrasion-resistant coating                for frictional stress (e. g. during
ratures that can be adjusted (which         systems improve the resistance to              cleaning)
naturally depends on the softening          chemicals, particularly to short-term
temperature of the substrate and the        exposure to acids, alkalis and organic     (b) 	Falling Abrasive test to
degree of shaping of moldings), the         solvents.                                        DIN 52348 for impact stress
shorter the required curing times.                                                           (e. g. sand entrained in head wind
                                            Parts with a polysiloxane coating                impinging on helmet visor).
The mechanical and thermal proper-          cannot be thermoformed, but cold
ties of parts with abrasionresistant        curving is possible. The bending           The machining behavior of abrasion-
coatings are more or less the same          radius is 330 x sheet thickness. The       resistant coated PLEXIGLAS® ele-
as those of the uncoated substra-           surfaces can be printed under certain      ments is slightly different to that of
tes. Given certain types of stress,         conditions, but coloring is not pos-       uncoated material. Whereas sawing,
however, the influence of the coating       sible.                                     drilling, milling and edge polishing of
becomes very noticeable.                                                               sheets and formed parts are per-
                                            The flexible melamine top coat can         formed as usual, the surface with
Coatings based on polysiloxane have         be cold-curved with subsequent hot         its hard crosslinked top coat cannot
a strain at break of 1.2 %. Strains         relaxation (application: visors for        be polished; but this should not be
beyond this value cause cracking in         crash helmets). This coat can also be      necessary anyway. Nor can it be
the coating. Abrupt flexural stress         printed and embossed/cut.                  bonded using the normal adhesives
results in crack propagation into the                                                  for acrylics.
substrate. Particular attention has         In assessing abrasion resistance, a
to be paid to this effect if the layer      distinction is made between friction

12. Water-Dispersing
Water that settles or condenses on          positive material properties. In fact,     surface of PLEXIGLAS® SP always
acrylics is likely to form droplets. Whe-   it enhances the transparency and           faces inwards. In patio/conservatory
reas this is no disadvantage for the        speeds up drying.                          roofs, on the other hand, it should face
majority of applications, in others a                                                  outwards (upwards). Rainwater then
clear view must be preserved indepen-       As opposed to subsequent application       runs off as a film and the surface dries
dently of the weather (e. g. transparent    of a water-dispersing agent, the           more quickly. Stains and water marks
noise barriers made with PLEXIGLAS          NO DROP coating applied to                 are largely avoided and the pleasant
SOUNDSTOP®), or droplet formation           PLEXIGLAS® products at our factory         appearance and transparency are
on the interior surfaces of heat-           – or the all-round Alltop coating on       maintained. In order to safely prevent
nsulating multi-skin sheets of              some PLEXIGLAS® multi-skin sheets          steaming up of crash helmet visors
PLEXIGLAS® is undesirable (e. g. under      – offers the additional benefit of being   made of EUROPLEX® or PLEXIGLAS
patio/conservatory roofs and green-         weather-resistant and insoluble in         RESIST®, for example, an antifogging
houses) as it reduces the light trans-      water and therefore not having to be       agent can be subsequently applied.
mission and involves the risk of water      renewed from time to time.
dripping down and damaging the
crops.                                      The water-dispersing effect is achie-
                                            ved by increasing the solid-state
A water-dispersing coating, i. e. one       surface tension over that of water.
which forms a water film, eliminates        As a result, care must be taken in
this drawback without affecting the         greenhouses that the NO DROP

13. Cleaning and Care
Plastics normally become statically          Should there ever be scratches on a       For PLEXIGLAS® parts with an abrasi-
charged and attract dust as a result.        sheet of PLEXIGLAS®, these can be         on-resistant polysiloxane coating, you
Out of doors this is usually prevented       eliminated from the smooth surface        may use VANDAL-EX. Pretreatment
by air and moisture, whereas in closed       without any problem. Treat the scrat-     with paint-repellent substances is not
rooms this phenomenon is promoted            ched area first with wet sandpaper of,    recommended for acrylics.
by mechanical friction at the plastics       say, grit 240, and then go over it with
surfaces, air currents and dry air.          400- to 600-grit paper. Finally polish    Posters should be thoroughly soaked
                                             the sheet with a soft cloth and           with water and some dishwashing
For this reason, slightly soiled mate-       ACRYLIC POLISHING PASTE or com-           agent for about 10 minutes, whereu-
rial should be treated immediately           mercially available car polish, or else   pon they can be removed with ease.
(heavily soiled material after thorough      use a buffing wheel and polishing wax.    We advise against pretreatment with
cleaning) with an antistatic agent,                                                    poster-repellent products as these
e. g. Burnus ANTISTATIC PLASTICS             13.2 High-Pressure Cleaning               impair the appearance of the PLEXI-
CLEANER, which should be sprayed                                                       GLAS® surface.
on and distributed with a soft cloth         Large glazed areas or facades are
without wiping the surface dry. The          often cleaned mechanically, using
dust-repellent effect is then retained       rotating brushes, squeegees and the
for a prolonged period of time.              like. No such methods are suitable for
                                             PLEXIGLAS®: Even if brushes are used
Subsequent polishing of stressed sur-        with copious amounts of water, there
faces (especially of PLEXIGLAS®) can         is no way to exclude scratching of the
be performed easily and effectively          sheet surfaces.
using the right cleaning and polishing
agents. Windows and other exposed            On the other hand, outward-facing
glazing areas may be cleaned by me-          PLEXIGLAS® surfaces can convenient-
ans of a highpressure spray-cleaning         ly be cleaned with high-pressure/hot-
unit, possibly with some dishwashing         water cleaning units. The recommen-
liquid in the water.                         ded pressure is 50 to 100 bar and the
                                             water temperature should be between
13.1 Cleaning                                50 and 80 °C. Via the integrated do-
                                             sing unit, approx. 1 to 3 % of a mode-
Dirt can hardly cling to the smooth          rately foaming cleaning concentrate
surfaces of PLEXIGLAS®. Dust is remo-        should be added to the washwater, e. g.
ved with water and some dishwashing          BURLANA® by Burnus.
liquid, using a soft, non-linting cloth or
sponge. Never wipe the sheets dry and        Going over the surface once more with
use only non-scouring agents for more        a squeegee is then neither necessary
intensive cleaning, e. g. ANTISTATIC         nor advisable. The sheets may, how-
PLASTICS CLEANER. A Vileda® Mi-              ever, be wiped with a clean cloth to
croclean cloth slightly dampened with        speed up air drying.
water only has a good, largely streak-
free cleaning effect. To remove more         13.3 Removal of Graffiti and Posters
obstinate and especially greasy stains
from PLEXIGLAS®, petroleum ether or          Spray paints on PLEXIGLAS® GS and
benzine may be used.                         XT can be removed with water-soluble
                                             brush cleaner.
‘Post-treatment’ of the smooth and
glossy PLEXIGLAS® plastic surfaces           To this end, cover the paint with a
is very simply done – even by hand –         soaked cloth for up to 20 minutes,
using polishing liquid or paste. These       depending on type and layer thickness
agents can also be applied by means          and then wash it off with plenty of
of an orbital sander, provided it is co-     water.
vered with a soft cloth, or a lambswool
polishing wheel.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), adopted
by the United Nations in 2016, all have one goal:
By 2030, all inhabitants of planet Earth should be
able to live in dignity.

To this end, the United Nations has formulated 17 goals
to support global sustainability efforts. The SDGs are our
compass in aligning our sustainability-strategy, creating
innovations and identifying new business opportunities
and take advantage of them.

Products and solutions from Röhm make a measurable
contribution to achieving these goals. This is how we
assume responsibility.

Röhm GmbH                        ® = registered trademark
Acrylic Products
                                 PLEXIGLAS, EUROPLEX und ACRIFIX are registered trademarks of Röhm GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany.

Riedbahnstraße 70
                                 Certified to DIN EN ISO 9001 (Quality) and DIN EN ISO 14001 (Environment)
64331 Weiterstadt
Germany                          This information and all further technical advice is based on our present knowledge and experience. However,
                                 it implies no liability or other legal responsibility on our part, including with regard to existing third party                 intellectual property rights, especially patent rights. In particular, no warranty, whether express or implied, or
                                 guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is intended or implied. We reserve the right to make any
                                 changes according to technological progress or further developments. The customer is not released from
                                 the obligation to conduct careful inspection and testing of incoming goods. Performance of the product
                                 described herein should be verified by testing, which should be carried out only by qualified experts in the sole
                                 responsibility of a customer. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation,
                                 nor does it imply that similar products could not be used.

                                 Ref. no. 311-4 02/2 00/0408/09572 (en)
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