Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -

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Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -

Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -
Mintel Consulting provides custom deliverables
to meet our clients’ sustainability briefs.

LANDSCAPING                            FORESIGHT                                  CREATIVITY                              SOCIALISATION                          VALIDATION

Objective: Know your                   Objective: Future-proof                    Objective: a list of what               Objective: Achieve a                   Objective: Maximise
customers and competition              your business                              you offer/provide and                   sustainable culture                    impact and investment
                                                                                  clients receive
What we will do:                       What we will do:                                                                   What we will do:                       What we will do:
Run consumer research segmentation     Leverage our framework of macro            What we will do:                        Deliver inspirational C-suite,         Test your product and service
studies to reveal purchasing drivers   drivers, consumer trends, 100 weekly       Facilitate co-creation workshop         conference key note kick-off           ideas with qualitative concept
and use our GNPD database to track     innovation observations, consumer data     sessions structured around a            presentations and panel discussions    groups. Build, conduct and analyse
product launches and claims. Conduct   trackers and patent analyses to quantify   framework designed to cover all         in person —or virtually— with our      bespoke consumer research surveys
social media listening surveys to      the world of 2030 and beyond.              consumer needs. Render design           expert speakers and analysts.          to spec. Use survey benchmarking
measure consumer conversations.                                                   prototypes. Concept debrief                                                    against your consumer panels to
                                       What you will get:                         presentations evaluating potential in   What you will get:                     track product launches
What you will get:                     A trends framework quanitified with        the context of the current consumer     Sustainable thinking activated,        and performance.
Reports, presentations and databooks   data-driven projections to help you        and product market.                     communicated and cascaded
revealing white spaces in product      navigate the risks and opportunities                                               internally to ensure it runs through   What you will get:
markets, new consumer groups to        ahead and ensure that you remain           What you will get:                      every part of your business.           Initiatives and launches
target and the best strategies for     relevant. Inspirational, early signal      Propositions quanitified by data,                                              pre-validated by consumer analysis
reaching them.                         showcases of the products and services     forged to meet consumer needs and                                              and evaluated by ongoing market
                                       that will mainstream in future.            evaluated against the competition.                                             product tracking thereafter.

  Find out more:
Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -

    ‘We’re trying to sell peace, like a
    product, you know, and sell it like
    people sell soap or soft drinks.’
    - John Lennon, 14th June 1969
Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -
Welcome to the Mintel                                                              Content
Sustainability Barometer 2021
Simply ‘doing good’ wasn’t enough to     actionable consumer insights and
get people to buy sustainable goods      expert recommendations that—when
and services fifty years ago, and        combined with other credible market,          PART ONE
that’s still the case today.             environmental and policy data—help
                                         companies and brands make better,             Consumer beliefs
The truth is that while consumer         sustainability-driven decisions about         and behaviours
choices are integral to reducing         the future of their business and its
inequalities and emissions (being        impact on society.
linked to 55% of the cumulative
reductions needed by 2050                You’ve taken the first step by reading
according to the IEA, for instance),     this introduction, but the real lessons
they’re driven by much more than         begin in the pages that follow:
altruism alone. We need data to          namely, how to better appeal to
help us figure out how else to get our   consumers and sell sustainability
policies and products to resonate with   to align with their understanding,
people if they are to accelerate us      expectations and sense of self.               PART TWO
towards a better and more
equitable world.                         Mintel is here to help you—your
                                         policies, products and services—be            for companies
As the experts in what consumers         credibly and profitably sustainable
want and why, Mintel has launched        as quickly as possible. We hope this
a new Sustainability Barometer to        report gives you some new ideas.
track consumer behaviours, purchase      If you’d like to build on those and/or
preferences and attitudes regarding      create new ones, please get in touch
sustainability and to offer lessons      with your Account Manager
to be learned from best-in-class         or contact Mintel Consulting.
innovations, communications and
campaigns. It provides valuable and      Best wishes,
                                                                                       PART THREE
                                                            Richard Cope               for success
                                                            Senior Trends
Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -
PART ONE                                                                                                                                                   PART TWO                                                                                                                                           PART THREE
      Consumer beliefs and behaviours                                                                                                                            Challenges for companies                                                                                                                           Approaches for success

Consumers seek protection from climate change                                                                                                              Consumers’ environmental concerns                                                                                                                 nderstand consumers’ characterisation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and touchpoints
Figure 1:1          Ownership of and interest in air conditioning ................................................ 8                                       Figure 2:1           Consumers’ top enviromental concerns ............................................................ 30
Figure 1:2          Current and potential share of homes with air conditioning .............. 9                                                            Figure 2:2           Share of annual GHG emissions by sector ...................................................... 31                            Figure 3:1             How all vs sustainable consumers describe themselves ...................... 50

Figure 1:3          Ownership of and interest in air purifiers ......................................................... 10                                Figure 2:3           Movement of carbon between land,                                                                                             Figure 3:2             The differences in how sustainable consumers
                                                                                                                                                           		                   atmosphere and oceans ............................................................................................. 32       		                     describe themselves ......................................................................................................... 51
Figure 1:4          Current and potential share of homes with air purifiers ........................ 11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Figure 3:3             What European sustainable consumers are driven by .......................... 52
                                                                                                                                                           How consumers’ concerns match up with emissions
There’s still time to make a difference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Educate on impact
                                                                                                                                                           Figure 2:4 	Consumers selecting air quality (e.g. exhaust fumes, industrial
Figure 1:5          Consumers’ sense of optimism and impact ..................................................... 13                                                    emissions) as a top three environmental concern .................................... 34                                              Figure 3:4 Consumers’ sense of climate change by country
                                                                                                                                                           Figure 2:5           Consumers selecting deforestation, loss of biodiversity or                                                                              and total GHGs ...................................................................................................................... 55

Sustainable purchasing now and in future                                                                                                                                        chemicals entering the environment (e.g. pesticides) as a
                                                                                                                                                                                top three environmental concern ......................................................................... 36
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sell in the science
Figure 1:6 	 Most important factors for consumers when choosing                                                                                           Figure 2:6           Consumers selecting plastic pollution (e.g. ocean plastic)
              to buy one product over another ........................................................................... 15                               		                   as a top-three environmental concern’ ............................................................ 37                        Figure 3:5             Consumers agreeing that ‘science can provide
Figure 1:7          Most important factors when choosing one at-home                                                                                       Figure 2:7           Consumers’ attitudes to climate change ......................................................... 38                          		                     solutions to the climate crisis’ ................................................................................... 57
                    coffee product to buy over another .................................................................... 16
Figure 1:8          EV ownership and potential ....................................................................................... 17
                                                                                                                                                           Solutions consumers think will save the planet                                                                                                    Use clear metrics and language
Figure 1:9	EVs’ share of all cars owned and car
                                                                                                                                                           Figure 2:8           Environmental solutions perceived by consumers                                                                               Figure 3:6             Factors that would encourage consumers to buy products
            penetration level, 2021 Europe ................................................................................ 18
                                                                                                                                                           		                   as having ‘high to moderate impact’ .................................................................. 41                    		                     or services that claim to benefit/protect the environment ............... 59
Figure 1:10         EVs’ share of new purchases considered
                                                                                                                                                           Figure 2:9           Consumers selecting deforestation as a top three                                                                             Figure 3:7             What encourages consumers to buy products or services
		                  in the next 1–3 years in Europe ................................................................................. 18
                                                                                                                                                           		                   environmental concern ................................................................................................. 42   		                     that claim to benefit/protect the environment ......................................... 60
Figure 1:11         Home solar panel ownership and potential .................................................. 19
                                                                                                                                                           Figure 2:10 Consumers perceiving planting new forests as having ‘high to
Figure 1:12         Current and potential share of homes with solar panels .................... 20                                                         		          moderate impact’ and percentage of land covered by forests,
                                                                                                                                                           		          Europe, by country, 2021 .............................................................................................. 43

Sustainable behaviours and their drivers
Figure 1:13         Sustainable behaviours in the past 12 months .............................................. 22

Figure 1:14         Transport behaviours in the past 12 months ................................................... 23

Consumers hold companies responsible
Figure 1:15         Who consumers think is most responsible for
		                  sustainability issues ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 1:16        Types of companies ranked ‘most responsible’
 		                 for protecting the environment ............................................................................... 26
Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -
Consumer beliefs
and behaviours
   Consumers seek protection   04	
                                  Sustainable behaviours
    from climate change            and their drivers

   There’s still time to       05	
                                  Consumers hold
    make a difference              companies responsible

   Sustainable purchasing      06	
                                  Key takeaways
    now and in future
Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -
01   Consumers seek protection
     from climate change
Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Consumers seek protection from climate change                                                                                                                                           CONSULTING

Beyond any concerns voiced,                   FIGURE 1:1
a clear indication of just how
seriously consumers are taking
climate change and pollution                                                                         Ownership of and interest in air conditioning
is the proportion of them
expressing an interest in buying air
conditioning units and air purifiers
in the future.                                             5%
                                                                    11%                      11%
In this context, global warming                                                  9%
creates a vicious circle by                                                                                         26%
                                                                                                        20%                              29%
increasing demand for air                                                                                                     19%
conditioning, which then uses
more energy. Aspiring to have                                                                                                                       23%
air conditioning is a practical
reaction to—and recognition                                                                                                                                                 53%
of—climate change, as well as                              93%
an indication of how protection,                                    82%         81%          81%
comfort and a desire for higher                                                                                                                                                                           44%
                                                                                                        66%         66%       63%                                                      23%
                                                                                                                                         62%                                                    29%
living standards are major drivers
                                                                                                                                                    52%         51%                                                          30%
that cannot be disregarded in                                                                                                                                                                                       21%
positioning sustainable products.
                                                                                                                                                                            26%        23%
                                                                                                                                                                                                          13%       12%      11%
                                                           China   S Korea       USA         Japan     Australia   Thailand   Canada     India       Italy      Spain      Brazil      France   Ireland   Poland   Germany    UK

                                                                                                            Currently have             Do not have but interested in purchasing in the future

                                               Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
                                               Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021
Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Consumers seek protection from climate change                                                                                                                                                        CONSULTING

  FIGURE 1:2

                                                                     Current and potential share of homes with air conditioning

                                                                         30%                                                 100%
                                                                                                                                                  Air con penetration 2021 %


                                         82%             63%                         Ireland
                                                                                     47%       18%                                                Poland
                                                                                                             42%          11%                                                        China                                    Japan
                                                                                                                                Germany           58%            13%
                                                                                                                                                                                     98%     93%                              92%     81%
                                                                                                                                33%       12%
                                                                                                                                                                                                              S Korea
                                                  U.S.                                                                                                            India

                                                  91%          81%
                                                                                                                    France                                                                                    93%        82%
                                                                                                                                                                  91%          62%
                                                                                                                    46%         23%
                                                                                                                                          Italy                                              Thailand
                                           91%                                                                                            71%              51%                               93%        66%


                                                                                                     71%            51%

                                                                            Brazil                                                                                                                        Australia

                                                                            79%         26%                                                                                                               86%           66%

     Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
     Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021
Mintel Sustainability Barometer 2021 - CONSULTING -

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Consumers seek protection from climate change                                                                                                                          CONSULTING

  FIGURE 1:3
                                                                                                                                                                                  Demand for air purifiers
                                                                                                                                                                                  illustrates how seriously people
                                                                                                                                                                                  are taking pollution as a threat
                                                           Ownership of and interest in air purifiers                                                                             to health. Again, it underlines
                                                                                                                                                                                  the general importance of
                                                                                                                                                                                  self-preservation and health as
                                                                                                                                                                                  key drivers for the future uptake
                                                                                                                                                                                  of environmentally beneficial
           22%                                                                                                                                                                    products, not just those
                                                                                                                                                                                  designed to counter threats.


           70%                                                                                                                                        32%
                                                                                         35%        52%
                                                                                                               42%         47%        47%

                                   48%                                                                                                          69%
                                                 46%                                                                                                           30%
                                                          40%                                                                                                            28%
                                                                     39%      31%
                                                                                         26%        21%        21%
                                                                                                                           18%        16%       16%   13%      10%       8%
           China      S Korea        India       Japan   Thailand    USA      Canada   Australia    Poland     Ireland     Spain       Italy    UK    Brazil   Germany   France

                                                             Currently have            Do not have but interested in purchasing in the future

   Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Consumers seek protection from climate change                                                                                                                                                      CONSULTING

  FIGURE 1:4

                                                                      Current and potential share of homes with air purifiers

                                                                        30%                                                 100%
                                                                                                                                                 Air purifier penetration 2021 %


                                          67%             31%                       Ireland
                                                                                    62%       21%                                                Poland
                                                                                                            48%          16%                                                       China                                    Japan
                                                                                                                               Germany           73%            21%
                                                                                                                                                                                   92%     70%                              72%     46%
                                                                                                                               40%       10%
                                                                                                                                                                                                            S Korea
                                                   U.S.                                                                                                          India

                                                   68%          39%
                                                                                                                   France                                                                                   88%        62%
                                                                                                                                                                 86%       48%
                                                                                                                   34%         8%
                                                                                                                                         Italy                                             Thailand
                                            91%                                                                                          63%              16%                              86%        40%


                                                                                                    65%            18%

                                                                           Brazil                                                                                                                       Australia

                                                                           82%         13%                                                                                                              61%           26%

      Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
      Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021
02   There’s still time to
     make a difference

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | There’s still time to make a difference                                                                                                                                                       CONSULTING

In most countries, a small majority still believe that we                          We’re talking to the wrong people
have time for redemption, and that optimism is closely
related to a sense that consumer behaviours can make                               Marketers are fixated and focused on Millennials as the core                      That hasn’t yet translated into strong ownership of big-ticket,
the difference. For brands, the opportunity here is to                             sustainability target market, but almost without exception the                    high-impact products like solar panels for the home or electric
become the chosen partners of those consumers looking                              55+ segments agree most strongly that their behaviour ‘can                        vehicles (both of which are accented towards 25–34s), but
to make a difference. The challenge thereafter is for                              make a positive difference to the environment’. Over 55s’                         potential interest in both—while slightly below average—
brands to maintain those relationships by proving what                             scores are at least six percentage points higher than                             presents an opportunity, especially when we consider the
difference they’ve made and reporting back on                                      average across all markets.                                                       superior spending power of over 55s generally across our
that impact.                                                                                                                                                         featured countries.

  FIGURE 1:5

                                                                                      Consumers’ sense of optimism and impact

           64%             63%             63%            63% 64%   62%             62%
                                  59%                                                                                                                                                                        59%
                                                                           56%                      56% 55%         54% 56%                          55%                           55%
                  54%                                                                                                           53%
                                                                                                                                              51%            51% 52%        51%            50%                                  35%
                                                                                                                                      47%                                                        47%   49%                            15%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   42% 44%

               Brazil          Spain          Canada        Italy       China          Thailand        Poland             UK       France        Ireland        S Korea         India           USA    Germany      Australia    Japan

                                                                    If we act now we still have time to save the planet        My behaviour can make a positive difference to the environment

      Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
      Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021
03   Sustainable purchasing
     now and in future

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Sustainable purchasing now and in future                                                                                                                    CONSULTING

Now: FMCG staples                             FIGURE 1:6

When purchasing fast-moving
consumer goods (FMCG)                                                                                 Most important factors for consumers when
staples, consumers do consider                                                                        choosing to buy one product over another
sustainability factors. When
asked to choose their top five
considerations when making
FMCG purchases, consumers
typically select two or more
related to sustainability when
purchasing coffee, soap or socks.
These priorities often lean towards                                          Coffee                                             Soap                                             Socks
packaging considerations, as do
consumers’ concerns (Figure 2:1),
when in reality resource impact
might be greater.

                                                           31%                               30%                43%                      35%                       33%                   31%

                                                    It comes in minimal or           It was produced in      It does not contain      It comes in minimal       They don’t contain        They come
                                                     recyclable packaging            an environmentally   ingredients/chemicals           or recyclable     materials that are harmful    in minimal
                                                                                         friendly way       that are harmful to            packaging         to the environment (e.g.    or recyclable
                                                                                                           the environment (e.g.                               synthetic microfibres      packaging
                                                                                                          microplastics or glitter)                           or dyes that might be
                                                                                                                                                            released during washing)

                                               Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
                                               Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Sustainable purchasing now and in future                                                                                             CONSULTING

Now: Red lines                                FIGURE 1:7

consumers won’t cross
This data is equally useful in showing
                                                                                             Most important factors when choosing one at-home
that consumers won’t compromise                                                                     coffee product to buy over another
on quality or brand familiarity in the
name of sustainability. A product’s
positioning should never discount the                              It is made from high quality ingredients
‘pleasure principle’. Looking at the
example of coffee, we should never                                                                                                                               36%
forget that a sustainable coffee is
first and foremost a coffee. It must
deliver pleasure, taste and quality                                It is from a brand that I have bought before
before anything else. Likewise,
sustainability is important when
it comes to packaging, but the
practical, fundamental elements
are just as crucial. The cardinal
                                                                   It comes in minimal packaging or packaging that can be recycled
rule of packaging should be that it
protects the product and secures
its shelf life so that the energy and                                                                                                                     31%
other resources that went into its
production aren’t wasted.
                                                                   It was produced in an environmentally friendly way (e.g. without causing deforestation)


                                                                   The packaging makes it easy to keep the product fresh (e.g. is air tight/resealable)


                                               Note: Coffee is defined as ground beans, pods or instant granules.
                                               Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+
                                               Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel, March 2021

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Sustainable purchasing now and in future                                                                                                                                            CONSULTING

Future:                                       FIGURE 1:8

Electric vehicles
                                                                                                                     EV ownership and potential
Ownership of hybrid and fully electric
vehicles (EVs) remains weak outside
northern Asia, but the proportions
of people who are ‘realistically
interested in buying in the near future
(i.e. in the next 1–3 years)’ are huge.
Entry-level costs and the rate of
technological change are current
obstacles, but the potential market
share of EVs in Europe is significant
(Figures 1:8 to 1:10).                                     70%

                                                                                   47%                 53%                                                                                          61%
                                                                                                                                      52%                               53%
                                                                       24%                                                                       44%
                                                                                                                             38%                                                   41%
                                                                                                                  30%                                        39%                           35%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             27%         27%
                                                                       19%         15%       15%       12%        11%        10%       9%         8%                                                         3%          2%
                                                                                                                                                             7%          7%         6%      6%      6%
                                                           China       Japan       India     Ireland   S Korea   Australia   USA     Thailand    Canada      Brazil     Spain       UK     France   Italy   Germany     Poland

                                                                                                             Owns EV now           Do not own but interested in purchasing in the future

                                               Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
                                               Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Sustainable purchasing now and in future                                                                                                                      CONSULTING

  FIGURE 1:9                                                                                                 FIGURE 1:10

                          EVs’ share of all cars owned and car                                                                EVs’ share of new purchases considered in
                            penetration level, 2021 Europe                                                                           the next 1–3 years in Europe

            30%                                                 100%
                                                                              Car penetration 2021 %

        Ireland                                                                                                                                             66%
                                            U.K.                                                                           69%                                                         Poland
        19%             78%                                                         Poland
                                            9%            69%                                                                                                        Germany
                                                                 Germany            3%                 65%
                                                                 4%        67%

                                                    8%           78%
                                                                           7%                89%

                                    Spain                                                                                                     73%           18%
                                    8%              84%

      Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;                                                                   Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
      Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021                                                             Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Sustainable purchasing now and in future                                                                                                                                                CONSULTING

Future: Home solar panels                          FIGURE 1:11

Ownership or usage of solar panels in                                                               Home solar panel ownership and potential
consumers’ main homes is also low, but
again the potential is strong. In all but a
couple of Northern European countries,                                   India                              43%                                                                50%                                  7%
the proportion of people expressing an
interest in purchasing solar panels in the                           Australia                          38%                                                 35%                                      27%
future exceeds those with no interest in
doing so.                                                               China                 24%                                                     56%                                                 20%

What factors can help solar                                           Thailand                24%                                                           61%                                                 15%
power grow?
                                                                       Ireland              18%                                                    58%                                                   24%
The aspiration to own or use solar panels
is driven in part by climate change                                       USA           16%                                      46%                                                           38%
feeling tangible and local. Those who
believe that the country they live in is                                  Italy        15%                                                   58%                                                      27%
suffering from climate change are more
likely (by five percentage points on                                    Japan         12%                                 31%                                                            57%
average) to be interested in purchasing
solar panels in the future.                                           S Korea         12%                                             56%                                                           32%

In terms of touchpoints, interest in owning                          Germany          12%                                38%                                                          50%
solar panels also increases (by four
percentage points) among those who                                           UK       11%                                 48%                                                               41%
‘like to be among the first to try new
technologies’ and to a lesser degree                                   Poland         11%                                          54%                                                         35%
(by two percentage points) among those
who ‘have a budget that I try to stick to                              France         9%                             32%                                                              59%
as much as possible’.
                                                                        Spain     7%                                               67%                                                                27%
As with EVs, brands need to appeal more
to these sentiments if aspiration is to be                             Canada     6%                                     53%                                                                 41%
converted into ownership.
                                                                        Brazil    5%                                                        80%                                                               15%

Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;                                 Currently own               Do not have but interested in purchasing in the future          Do not have and not interested in purchasing in the future
Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Sustainable purchasing now and in future                                                                                                                                                     CONSULTING

  FIGURE 1:12

                                                                  Current and potential share of homes with solar panels

                                                                     40%                                                100%
                                                                                                                                            Solar penetration 2021 %


                                       59%             6%                       Ireland
                                                                                76%       18%                                               Poland
                                                                                                                                                                             China                                    Japan
                                                                                                        59%         11%
                                                                                                                          Germany           65%            11%
                                                                                                                                                                             80%     24%                              43%     12%
                                                                                                                          50%       12%
                                                                                                                                                                                                      S Korea
                                                U.S.                                                                                                        India

                                                62%         16%
                                                                                                               France                                                                                 68%        12%
                                                                                                                                                            93%        43%
                                                                                                               41%        9%
                                                                                                                                    Italy                                            Thailand
                                         91%                                                                                        73%              15%                             85%        24%


                                                                                                74%            7%

                                                                       Brazil                                                                                                                     Australia

                                                                       85%         5%                                                                                                             73%           38%

   Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021
04   Sustainable behaviours
     and their drivers

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Sustainable behaviours and their drivers                                                                                                CONSULTING

Simplicity and frugality                                                     FIGURE 1:13

The most popular behaviours are       Frugality also informs attitudes to
those that are simple and frugal,     food waste, with meal planning                                         Sustainable behaviours in the past 12 months
in other words, where consumers       increasing significantly amongst
can have a positive impact            those consumers who also state ‘I
by following straightforward          have a budget that I try to stick
                                                                                    Recycled packaging
processes or by cutting back on       to as much as possible’. Growing
spending. Where they do spend         food, however, is a behaviour
their money or time, there is a       based on experience as much                                                                                                   60%
clear bias towards initiatives with   as economics. What’s more,
a strong human—and not just           Mintel’s characterisation studies
environmental—component               (see Figure 3:1) confirm that
                                                                                    Returned packaging (e.g. retailer bags) to a store to be recycled
or benefit.                           sustainable consumer groups are
                                      more likely than average to agree
Recycling (at kerbside) is the        that they’re ‘actively seeking                                                                                          55%
most commonplace sustainable          ways to reduce stress’ and that
behaviour, closely followed           ‘experiences are more important
by returning packaging to             to me than material possessions’.
stores. There is a stark cultural                                                   Bought fewer new clothes
contrast between Asia-Pacific         Abstinence costs nothing, and
and European markets in rates         reducing consumption is one                                                                                       52%
of ‘returning’ versus ‘recycling’     way for people to reduce their
packaging, but the relationship       emissions and conserve resources.
with the retailer is key. Accepting   The success of fashion resellers
returned packaging is the clearest    like Depop (18 million users and              Planned meals at home to avoid wasting food
and most popular example              counting) is built on their appeal
of companies partnering with          to a combination of consumers’                                                                                    52%
consumers on an issue they feel       sense of individuality, authenticity
concerned about and fulfilling        and sustainability, and Mintel’s
consumers’ desire to make             characterisation studies (see
a difference with their               Figure 3:1) confirm that a key tenet
behaviour (Figure 1:5).               of sustainable consumer groups is       Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
                                      that they ‘like to stand out from       Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

                                      the crowd’.

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Sustainable behaviours and their drivers                                                                                                                             CONSULTING

Health                                                     FIGURE 1:14

Despite reports that people are turning once
again to cars and taxis, the biggest shift in                                                               Transport behaviours in the past 12 months
transport behaviours has been towards
micro-mobility and zero-emission modes of
transport. Consumers who agree that ‘it’s
important for me to lead an active lifestyle’                             42%
are more likely to have adopted more
environmentally friendly transport behaviours
in the past 12 months, thus reinforcing the
observation that many sustainable behaviours
are driven by self-preservation and the urge to                                                                            24%
protect oneself. This ethos of ‘good for me, good                                                                                                  20%                  19%
for the planet’ suggests that sustainable products
and services should appeal to people’s desire to
feel—and look—in good health.                                                                                                                                                                8%

                                                                    Walked more often           Cycled more often    Travelled by public   Used my/my household’s   Started cycling   Used taxis more often
                                                                instead of taking transport                         transport more often       car more often

                                                            Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
                                                            Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021
05   Consumers hold
     companies responsible

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Consumers hold companies responsible                                                                                                         CONSULTING

Issues                                      FIGURE 1:15

Consumers hold companies most                                                      Who consumers think is most responsible for sustainability issues
responsible—i.e. more responsible
than governments or themselves—for
a host of environmental and social                                                                                                             Reducing the of use of fossil
targets and standards. A big majority                                                                                                          fuels for energy (e.g. coal,
of consumers hold companies most
responsible for increasing recycling A                                                                                                         Reducing emissions from
slight majority hold them responsible                                                                                 60%                      vehicles (e.g. exhaust fumes)
for ensuring fair conditions and pay
for workers and for reducing emissions                                                                                                         Increasing use of
from road and air transport. Even on                                                                                  40%                      renewable energy

issues where a minority of consumers                                                                                  30%
hold companies most responsible,                                                                                                               Reducing emissions
                                                                                                                      20%                      from aircraft/flying
they still amount to almost a fifth
of respondents.                                                                                                       10%
                                                                                                                                               Increasing forestation
                                                                                                                                               (e.g. planting more trees)

                                                                                                                                               Stopping pollution entering
                                                                                                                                               rivers and seas

                                                                                                                                               Conserving clean
                                                                                                                                               water supplies

                                                                                                                                               Increasing the amount of
                                                                                                                                               packaging that is recycled

                                                                                                                                               Reducing investments in
                                                                                                                                               companies/industries that
                                                                                                                                               rely on fossil fuels

                                                                                                                                               Ensuring fair conditions
                                                                                                                                               and fair pay for workers
                                                                                         Companies                    Consumers   Government
                                                                                                                                               Promoting equality (i.e. in
                                                                                                                                               relation to gender, race and/
                                                                                                                                               or sexual orientation)

                                             Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+; Note: social questions not asked in China
                                             Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

CONSUMER BELIEFS AND BEHAVIOURS | Consumers hold companies responsible                                                                                                CONSULTING

  FIGURE 1:16                                                                                                                                Sectors
                                                                                                                                             Companies—especially those in
                                                                      Types of companies ranked ‘most                                        certain sectors such as transport
                                                                                                                                             and household—are being held
                                                                  responsible’ for protecting the environment                                accountable for their action.
                                                                                                                                             Failure to react to this reality will
                                                                                                                                             ultimately hit their bottom lines.
                        Passenger transport companies (e.g. airlines, taxi, rail companies)                                            44%

                   Household product manufacturers (e.g. cleaning products, toilet paper)                                        39%

                                         Packaged meat, poultry and/or fish manufacturers                                  35%

                                                              Packaged drink manufacturers                           28%

                                                     Other packed food/drink manufacturers                     25%

                                               Retailers (e.g. supermarkets, online retailers)               23%

                                               Skincare and haircare product manufacturers             18%

                                                             Make-up product manufacturers         17%

                                               Dining venues (e.g. restaurants, coffee shops)    15%

   Note: Figures for ‘any rank’ for question Please rank 1-3, where 1 has the most
   responsibility; Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

     Key Takeaways

     01                            02                              03                             04
     The huge proportions of       Consumers still feel they can   Are we talking to the wrong    Consumers buy staple
     consumers aspiring to buy     ‘be the change’—but only        people? Marketers are          products sustainably, but they
     air conditioners and air      just. The opportunity here is   fixated and focused on         have ‘red lines’ and won’t
     purifiers confirms their      for brands to become the        Millennials, but consumers’    compromise on quality or
     belief in climate change      chosen partners for those       sense of personal impact       brand familiarity in the name
     and pollution, but it also    consumers looking to make       increases with age.            of sustainability.
     demonstrates the importance   a difference.
     of ‘non-sustainable’
     considerations, like
     well-being, as key
     purchasing drivers.

     05                            06                              07                             08
     Consumers are gearing up      The most popular sustainable    Consumers hold companies       Some companies are
     to invest in bigger-ticket    behaviours are simple, frugal   most responsible for           deemed more accountable
     sustainable home and          or healthy.                     increasing recycling and       than others, especially
     transport purchases.                                          at least as responsible as     passenger transport
                                                                   governments for ensuring       companies, household
                                                                   fair conditions and pay for    product manufacturers and
                                                                   workers and for reducing       packaged meat, poultry or
                                                                   emissions from air transport   fish manufacturers.
                                                                   and vehicles.

     for companies
         environmental concerns

        How consumers’ concerns
         match up with emissions

        Solutions consumers think
         will save the planet

        Key Takeaways
01   Consumers’
     environmental concerns

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | Consumers’ environmental concerns                                                                                                                  CONSULTING

When consumers are asked to                  FIGURE 2:1

select up to three environmental
concerns, it’s unsurprising that
                                                                                                                               Consumers’ top enviromental concerns
the concerns that are the most
tangible (climate change),
threatening to one’s health (air
quality) and visible (plastic                                                                        Climate change/global warming                                              53%
pollution) are out in front by
some distance. Consumers
                                                                                 Air quality (eg exhaust fumes, industrial emissions)
aren’t environmental scientists,                                                                                                                                              52%
and, with their current levels of
understanding, these factors will
                                                                                                   Plastic pollution (eg ocean plastic)                                       52%
always precede considerations
around GHG emissions when it
comes to ranking their concerns.                                                                                         Deforestation                                  40%

                                                                                                         Waste pollution (eg landfills)                                 40%

                                                                                                                      Water shortages                                   40%

                                                                                Chemicals entering the environment (eg pesticides)                                    38%

                                                          Loss of biodiversity on land (eg species extinction, loss of wildlife habitat)                       30%

                                                   Loss of biodiversity in the oceans (eg species extinction, loss of wildlife habitat)                        30%

                                                                                       Food shortages due to drought or crop failure                         28%

                                              Note: Consumers were asked to choose up to three concerns. Results show ‘any ranking’.
                                              Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+
                                              Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel, March 2021

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | Consumers’ environmental concerns                                                                                                                                             CONSULTING

Considering                                  FIGURE 2:2

carbon emissions
The negative impact of
                                                                                                            Share of annual GHG emissions by sector
consumer-facing products and
services can be gauged in terms
of their contribution to the share of
GHG emissions by sector shown
in Figure 2:2.
                                                                73.2%                                                                                          18.4%                       5.2%          3.2%
                                                                                                                                                               Agriculture, forestry
                                                                Energy                                                                                                                     Industry      Waste
In this regard, waste (including                                                                                                                               & land Use
ocean plastic) and deforestation
have a relatively low emissions
footprints compared with that of
agriculture as a whole or indeed                                      Energy use                                              Energy use                Agricultural
                                                          24.2%                               16.2%       Transport   17.5%                      4.1%                      3%     Cement          1.9%   Landfill
energy use in consumer-facing                                         in industry                                             in buildings              soils
areas such as transport.                                                                                  Road                Residential               Livestock
                                                          10.6%       Other industry          11.9%                   10.9%                      5.8%                     2.2%    Chemicals       1.3%   Waste water
                                                                                                          transport           buildings                 & manure

                                                           7.2%       Iron and steel           1.9%       Aviation    6.6%    Commercial         3.5%   Crop burning

                                                           0.7%       metals
                                                                                               1.7%       Shipping                               2.2%   Deforestation

                                                                      Chemical &                                              Unallocated fuel
                                                           3.6%                                0.4%       Rail        7.8%    combustion
                                                                                                                                                 1.4%   Cropland

                                                                      Food &                                                                            Rice
                                                            1%                                 0.3%       Pipeline            Fugitive           1.3%
                                                                      Tobacco                                         5.8%    emissions                 cultivation
                                                                                                                              from energy
                                                           0.6%       Paper & pulp                                            production         0.1%   Grassland

                                                                                                                              Energy in
                                                           0.5%       Machinery                                       1.7%    agriculture
                                                                                                                              & fishing

                                              Note: Annual total estimated at 51 billion gigatonnes (Gts).
                                              Sources: Adapedted from Climate Watch; World Resources Institute

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | Consumers’ environmental concerns                                                                                                                                                                                     CONSULTING

Considering carbon storage                                                        FIGURE 2:3

Emissions related to                    By comparison, the ocean is a
consumer-facing products and            giant: it holds 37,000 billion tonnes                  Movement of carbon between land, atmosphere and oceans (Gts)
services (covered in Figure 2:2),       of carbon, but only 1,000 billion
and environmental solutions, can        tonnes of that is close to the surface,
also be evaluated by how they           where it’s used by phytoplankton                         Atmosphere
affect the amount of carbon stored      for photosynthesis, transferred to                                                                                                                       Carbon Net Annual
in the sea, soil, plants and animals.   fish and other animals up the food                                                                                                                            Increase
                                        chain, then back down to the deep                                                                                                                                 4
The Earth holds 65,500 billion metric   ocean when they die. Carbon is also                                                  60
tonnes of carbon, most of which         stored (very efficiently) in mangrove                     120+3
is stored in rocks. The remainder       forests, seaweeds, seagrasses                                                         Plant
flows between the ‘reservoirs’ of       and corals.                                                                        respiration
                                                                                                                                                                                         Fossil fuels,
the ocean, atmosphere, plants and                                                                                                                                                       cement, and
soil. The human-generated activities    The implications in the ocean are                                                  Plant                                                      land-use change
covered in Figure 2:2 remove            the same as those on land: changes                                                biomass
carbon from the reservoirs of fossil    to habitat and biodiversity—                                                       (550)
                                                                                          Net terrestrial                                                                                                      90+2
fuels, soil and biomass, adding it      through activities like overfishing                  uptake                                                                                                                                90
to the atmosphere and raising           and fertiliser run-off (where the                       3
the temperature.                        excess can cause bacteria and
                                        algae growth and toxify water                                              il c                        60                                                                                            Surface ocean
                                                                                                                           on                                                                                                                (1,000)
Earth’s plant biomass holds 500         ecosystems)—transfer this stored                                                             Mi                                                                       Air-sea gas
billion tonnes of carbon and the soil   carbon into the atmosphere and                                                             res robi                                                                    exchange
                                                                                                                                      p      a
                                                                                                                                  de irat l
2,300 billion tonnes. These figures     raise the temperature.                                                                      co     ion                                                                                           d
                                                                                                                                       mp                                                                                             an
demonstrate how agricultural                                                                                                              osi and                                                                                 i on ion
                                                                                                                                             tio                                                                                t
                                                                                                                                                 n                                                                           ira osit
cultivation and deforestation                                                                                                                                                                                            sp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Re       mp              Deep ocean
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          e co
practices can potentially release                                                                                                                   So                                                                  d                      (37,00)
                                                                                                                                                      il (                                                  n
carbon into the atmosphere.                                                                                                                               2,3                                        n kto is
                                                                                                                                                              00                                pla es
                                                                                                                                                                                           h yto synth
                                                                                                                                                                                         P                               2
                                                                                                                                                                                               oto                   ke                 0)
                                                                                   GtC/y: Gigatonnes of                                                                                    ph                   p ta                ,00
                                                                                                                                                             Fo                                               u                 ( 6
                                                                                                                                                                ssi                                     an                en
                                                                                   carbon/year                                                                     lp                             o ce                i m
                                                                                                                                                                      oo                        t                  ed
                                                                                   Numbers in parentheses                                                               l (1                Ne                es
                                                                                                                                                                            0,0                          t i v
                                                                                   refer to stored carbon                                                                      00                    ac
                                                                                                                                                                                  )               Re
                                                                                   pools. Red indicates carbon
                                                                                   from human emissions.

                                                                                   Note: Annual total estimated at 51 billion gigatonnes (Gts).
                                                                                   Sources: Adapted from Climate Watch; World Resources Institute

     02   How consumers’ concerns
          match up with emissions

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | How consumers’ concerns match up with emissions                                                                                                                                                             CONSULTING

After climate change,             FIGURE 2:4
air quality is the second
most likely issue to be a
top-three concern for                                                               Consumers selecting air quality (e.g. exhaust fumes, industrial
consumers. There is a                                                                    emissions) as a top three environmental concern
good reason for that since
emissions from energy
usage alone in industry and
road transport generated                 70%
36.1% of global GHG
                                                       64%           64%
emissions in 2016.                                                                 62%           61%

                                                                                                               53%           53%         53%          52%         52%
                                                                                                                                                                                                      40%         39%


36.1% of                                                     15%           16%
                                                                                                       15%           16%                                    15%

global GHG                                                                                                                         12%         11%                      11%         11%         11%         11%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9%         8%          7%
come from                                      China      Poland        S Korea      Thailand        Italy        Brazil       India      Canada        USA        Spain       France     Ireland     Australia     UK         Japan      Germany

industry and
road transport
                                                                                                                                           Any rank         1

                                   Note: Consumers were asked to choose up to three concerns. The figure shows air quality
                                   selected first and ‘any ranking’. Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+
                                   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel, March 2021; Climate Watch; World Resources Institute.

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | How consumers’ concerns match up with emissions   CONSULTING

18.4% of global
GHG emissions
come from
forestry and
land use.

Agriculture, forestry and land use
all release carbon stored in soil and
biomass, and together they generate
18.4% of annual GHG emissions. If
we combine consumers’ concerns
related to this sector, then 72%
select at least one of these factors
(deforestation, loss of biodiversity or
chemicals entering the environment)
as a top-three concern. High
proportions of consumers select two
of these concerns in their top three,
underlining how seriously consumers
take these issues, particularly in
relation to food and drink.

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | How consumers’ concerns match up with emissions                                                                                                                                                                                                             CONSULTING

  FIGURE 2:5

                                                           Consumers selecting deforestation, loss of biodiversity or chemicals entering
                                                             the environment (e.g. pesticides) as a top three environmental concern

       84%               84%
                                          81%                81%
                                                                              78%                77%                 76%              76%
                                                                                                                                                        73%                73%              72%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             67%              66%


                                                                                                        35%                                 36%                                                   35%
                               34%                                                  34%                                    33%                                33%
                                                                                                                                                                                 28%                               28%

                  9%                                  9%
                                                                         6%                                                                       7%
                                                                                          5%                                     5%                                  4%                                 3%
                                     3%                                                                         3%                                                                     3%                                3%                3%               2%             2%               1%

          Germany           Italy            France            Spain              India              Thailand         Brazil             UK                Ireland            Poland          Canada           USA             Australia          China            Japan          S Korea

                                                                                                                       Any one concern            Two concerns            Three concerns

   Note: Consumers were asked to choose up to three concerns. The figure shows ‘any ranking’
   for deforestation, loss of biodiversity or chemicals entering the environment (e.g. pesticides)
   Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+
   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel, March 2021; Climate Watch; World Resources Institute.

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | How consumers’ concerns match up with emissions                                                                                                                                                                                       CONSULTING

The most generous estimate for emissions                               in reality, these are overlapping concerns.
from plastic (even accounting for its                                  Sea Shepherd’s revelation that 46% of
production using fossil fuels, its incineration                        plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch                                                 3.6% of global GHG                               90% of excess heat
and disposal) is a tenth of that of industry and
road transport energy emissions, yet ocean
                                                                       is actually fishing nets, confirms that fishing
                                                                       and food have a far greater impact than
                                                                                                                                                                  emissions came from                              from GHGs since 1971
plastic is a priority for many consumers.                              packaging when it comes to damaging the                                                    the production and                               has been absorbed by
Understandably, people don’t think in terms
of GHGs, but more consumers prioritise
                                                                       ocean and the role of its biomass in
                                                                       storing carbon.
                                                                                                                                                                  incineration of plastic                          the ocean.
ocean plastic than a loss of biodiversity in                                                                                                                      in 2015.                                         Source: Intergovernmental Panel on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Climate Change (IPCC)
the oceans when,

  FIGURE 2:6

                                                                              Consumers selecting plastic pollution (e.g. ocean plastic)
                                                                                     as a top-three environmental concern’
                                59%             59%              58%             58%             58%             57%                 57%

                                                                                                                                                      51%          50%         49%
                                                                                                                                                                                                       43%         42%

                      18%             19%
                                                       13%              15%            13%                              13%                13%              13%                                  13%
                                                                                                        12%                                                                                                               12%
                                                                                                                                                                         10%         10%                     10%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          8%                7%

                    UK             Ireland         S Korea           India         Germany          Poland          Canada             Italy           France        China      Spain      Australia     USA           Japan         Thailand           Brazil

                                                                                                                                           Any rank         1

   Note: Consumers were asked to choose up to three concerns. The figure shows plastic pollution selected first and ‘any ranking’.
   Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+
   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel, March 2021; UC Santa Barbara; Climate Watch; World Resources Institute; Sea Shepherd.

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | How consumers’ concerns match up with emissions                                                                                                                                                         CONSULTING

Seeing is believing
National levels of concern around climate                       delivering solutions or sustainable products, as                    Protocol encouraged an international approach
change appear grounded in what consumers                        is confirmed in our characterisation studies in                     with emission-reduction projects in developing
experience in their own countries. Tangibility is               Chapter 3 (see Figure 3:1), where sustainable                       countries counted as part of a ‘donor’ country’s
key to why consumers buy into or engage with                    consumers are distinguished by the high                             targets, the 2015 Paris Agreement promotes
some issues more than others.                                   emphasis they place on values like ‘community’                      doing things in one’s own backyard to avoid any
                                                                and ‘localism’.                                                     ‘double counting’ (i.e. where countries can allow
That may hardly seem an earth-shattering                                                                                            an emission reduction to be claimed by another
insight, but it signifies the importance of                     This theme of localism also has historic and                        party and also count it as part of the reduction
tangibility and localism when it comes to                       political significance. While the 2005 Kyoto                        towards its own target).

  FIGURE 2:7

                                                                                    Consumers’ attitudes to climate change

                                                   61%                     59%
                                                                                 54%               54% 54%
                                                                     52%                                      52%
                                                                                                                            51%         49% 48%       49% 51%      48%          48%
                                             47%                                                                                                                         45%                 45%           45%
                                                         41%                                                                      42%                                                                42%               43%
                                38%                                                                                                                                                   37%                                    37%
                                                                                                                    34%                                                                                          33%

                            S Korea        Italy    Japan        Spain      China       Canada      Germany    Ireland         UK         Thailand      Brazil       India        France       USA          Poland     Australia

                                                                Concerned about climate change (any rank)                 I believe that the country where I live is suffering from climate change

   Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | How consumers’ concerns match up with emissions                       CONSULTING

Concerns: Loss of biodiversity in the oceans
Consumers are more concerned about               In Kenya, Mikoko Pamoja is a
ocean plastic than a loss of biodiversity        community-led, Plan Vivo-certified
in the oceans (see Figure 2:1), yet the          mangrove conservation and restoration
destruction of marine habitats is more           project that provides long-term incentives
worrying, especially as it diminishes            for mangrove protection and restoration
the planet’s power to store carbon and           through community involvement.
decelerate climate change.
                                                 In the UK, the four-year ReMEDIES project
The good news is that marine conservation        has begun to plant eight hectares of
can boost carbon sequestration. Mangroves        seagrass meadows in Plymouth Sound
cover 2% of marine environments but account      and the Solent Maritime Special Area
for 10–15% of the carbon stored, while           of Conservation. The project is aimed at
seagrasses cover just 0.2% of the seafloor       starting to redress the loss of an estimated
yet absorb 10% of the carbon dioxide stored      92% of the UK’s seagrass, caused by pollution
by the ocean. To put things into context, a      and physical disturbance from boats.
typical square kilometre of territorial forest   The project is supported by the Marine
stores 30,000 metric tonnes of carbon. The       Conservation Society.
figure for seagrass is 83,000.
03   Solutions consumers think
     will save the planet

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | Solutions consumers think will save the planet                                                                                      CONSULTING

Environmental innovations                        FIGURE 2:8

perceived as having a ‘high to
moderate impact’ can be quick
wins for companies looking to
                                                                 Environmental solutions perceived by consumers as having ‘high to moderate impact’
roll out a consumer-friendly
strategy that doesn’t require
explanation or sales skills.
                                                                                                     Planting new forests                                    88%
However, as with consumers’
priorities, the real question
is what is most impactful—or
                                                                                                Protecting existing forests                                  87%
relevant—for a business’s sector.
The results in Figure 2:8 help to
identify laudable, high-impact
                                                                                        Investments in renewable energy                                82%
solutions that require greater
education and better positioning
by businesses if they’re to resonate                                                                                                             78%
                                                              Projects for developing countries to use clean fuels at home
and succeed with consumers.

                                                                Preferential loans to invest in energy efficiency upgrades                  73%

                                                                         Bans or limitations on diesel/petrol/gas vehicles                 72%

                                                                       A carbon tax on companies, services and products                   71%

                                                                                 Food produced from leftover ingredients             66%

                                                                            GMO crops to withstand pests/climate change             64%

                                                                                                       Food grown in labs     48%

                                                  Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
                                                  Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | Solutions consumers think will save the planet                                                                                                                                                                           CONSULTING

Planting trees is the cornerstone of            FIGURE 2:9
many businesses’ efforts to offset
emissions, and it understandably
resonates with the high proportions of                                                                                Consumers selecting deforestation as a
consumers citing deforestation as a                                                                                     top three environmental concern
top-three concern (Figure 2:1).
This is laudable and much needed, but                  59%
protecting existing forests is an even                              52%
more impactful solution, since saplings                                          48%          48%
won’t absorb as much carbon dioxide                                                                                     46%
as cut-down mature forests would’ve                                                                                                                42%
released. In storage terms, the older                                                                                                                           38%              38%        37%
the forest, the greater the impact. For                                                                                                                                                                           33%          33%
example, a one-hectare commercial
conifer plantation grown over 50 years
will store between 50 and 100 tonnes                         14%
of carbon, but that rises to 250 tonnes                                   10%          10%           9%                          10%         10%         10%           10%
for a plantation that is 300 years old.*                                                                                                                                               7%         7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7%         6%

                                                        Germany        Brazil      France        Spain        Italy         UK          Thailand     India          Poland        Ireland    Japan      Canada     Australia     USA        China       S Korea

                                                                                                                                                         Any rank            1

                                                 Note: One tonne of carbon is equivalent to 3.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
                                                 Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+
                                                 Sources: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel, March 2021; Eurostat; *Forestry Commission

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | Solutions consumers think will save the planet                                                                       CONSULTING

  FIGURE 2:10

                                                                                                                            Planting new forests
             Consumers perceiving planting new forests as having ‘high to moderate
           impact’ and percentage of land covered by forests, Europe, by country, 2021                                      With trees and carbon
                                                                                                                            sequestration, it’s about
                                     0%                                      100%                                           species too.
                                                                                          Land area covered by forest (%)

                           88%            11%
                                                         88%           13%
                                                                             Germany           90%               31%

                                                                             87%       33%


                                                              89%            31%

                                                                                       94%              32%


                                                 91%           37%

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | Solutions consumers think will save the planet                                                                                 CONSULTING

                                                                            Solutions: Investments in
                                                                            renewable energy
World Tree’s programmes use the                                             After forest planting and conservation,
fastest-growing hardwood tree in the world, the                             ‘investments in renewable energy’ are most
Empress Splendor. It can grow 10 to 20 feet tall in                         likely to be perceived by consumers as
its first year and reach maturity in 10 years, with an                      having a ‘high to moderate’ positive impact
acre typically capturing 103 metric tonnes of carbon                        on the environment. However, many of
dioxide. That compares very favourably with 9.5 for                         these schemes are based on ‘offsetting’—as
most species. What’s more, if an Empress is cut down, it                    opposed to actually reducing—a company’s
regrows from the stump and will regenerate up to seven                      carbon emissions footprint.
times, continuing to absorb carbon for over 50 years.
                                                                            The NGO RE100 shows how things can be
                                                                            different by helping companies along a
                                                                            stringent, direct route to taking responsibility
                                                                            for zero emissions across their entire
                                                                            supply chain.

                                                                            By pledging to transition to 100% renewable
                                                                            electricity within their operations and their
                                                                            global supply chains by 2050, brands can’t
                                                                            simply offset their operations by investing
                                                                                                                               Sources: RE100; Burberry
                                                                            in someone else’s renewable project on the
                                                                            other side of the world.

                                                                            Instead, they must invest in putting solar
                                                                            panels on the roofs of their offices and
                                                                            those of their third-party factory suppliers.

                                                                            RE100 partner Burberry demonstrates just
                                                                            how far companies need to go. It already
                                                                            sources 90% of its electricity from renewable
                                                                            sources, but a lower proportion, 41%, of
Source: World Tree                                                          its products are manufactured in facilities
                                                                            ‘where a significant portion of the
                                                                            energy used is renewable, either
                                                                            on-site or procured’.

CHALLENGES FOR COMPANIES | Solutions consumers think will save the planet                    CONSULTING

Solutions: Food
grown in labs
Consumers favour supposedly more
‘natural’ solutions over lab-grown
foods, which tend to focus on
realistic-looking meat alternatives.

But Solein from Solar Foods is
lab-grown food with a difference,
and it aims to deliver on a huge
scale. In a twist on traditional
fermentation techniques,
water is taken from the air for
microorganisms to live in. They’re
then fed bubbles of carbon dioxide,
nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and
potassium so that they grow and
multiply. This process generates 1kg
of nutrient-rich powder from two
ingredients: water and renewably
sourced electricity.

                                              Source: Solar Foods (

     Key Takeaways

     01                                          02                                        03
     Consumers are most concerned by             Companies must address these              ‘Seeing is believing’: national levels
     the environmental issues that are           concerns but still engage on the issues   of concern around climate change
     the most tangible (climate change),         that are most impactful and relevant      are closely linked to what consumers
     threatening to one’s health (air quality)   to their business.                        experience in their own countries,
     and visible (plastic pollution).                                                      making tangibility—and locality
                                                                                           —key to which issues and solutions
                                                                                           consumers buy into.

     04                                          05
     Consumers perceive planting new             These solutions, along with lab-grown
     forests, protecting existing forests, and   foods, present opportunities for
     investments in renewable energy as          tangible, local solutions.
     the highest-impact solutions.
for success
   Understand consumers’
    characterisation and touchpoints

   Educate on impact

   Sell in the science

   Use clear metrics and language

   Key Takeaways
01   Understand consumers’
     and touchpoints

APPROACHES FOR SUCCESS | Understand consumers’ characterisation and touchpoints   CONSULTING

Who are the ‘sustainable’ consumers?
Mintel’s driver statements—where       Potential ownership is also stronger
consumers answer whether               (by four percentage points)
characteristics do or don’t describe   amongst those who identify with
them—can answer this question          the statement ‘I think that it’s worth
and suggest touchpoints for how to     paying more for products of a
engage with them.                      higher quality’.

For instance, EV/hybrid vehicle        The key opportunity here is for
ownership increases (by an             financial services companies to
average of four percentage             explain and quantify the short-term
points) amongst consumers who          benefits of EVs to budget-minded
identify with the statement ‘I like    drivers, then align themselves with
to be amongst the first to try new     products that promote the leasing
technologies’, but it only increases   or purchasing of cleaner vehicles.
amongst those who agree with the
statement ‘I have a budget that I      What is the characterisation of,
try to stick to as much as possible’   and what is most important to, a
in the more developed markets          sustainably minded consumer?
of China and Japan. Progressive        By building a sustainably-minded
tech-savviness defines the EV          consumer group and comparing it
owner, but a focus on the superior     against the average, we can see
return on investment resulting from    that this group identifies especially
ownership is yet to appear in the      strongly with commonplace
‘developing’ markets of Europe and     factors like sticking to budgets and
the Americas.                          convenience (‘I am always on the
                                       lookout for things that make my
The same characteristics hold          life easier’). Sustainable products
true for those aspiring to own         and services should ignore these
EVs. Aspiration levels are even        essential qualities at their peril
stronger (by an average of eight       in the same way that they should
percentage points) amongst             heed consumers’ red lines about
consumers who identify with the        what they won’t sacrifice for
statement ‘I like to be among          sustainability (Figure 1:7).
the first to try new technologies’.

APPROACHES FOR SUCCESS | Understand consumers’ characterisation and touchpoints                                                                                                               CONSULTING

  FIGURE 3:1

                                                                               How all vs sustainable consumers describe themselves

                                            It is important for me to feel part of a community

                          Experiences are more important to me than material possessions

                                     I have a budget that I try to stick to as much as possible

                                            I try to buy from local companies where possible

                               I am always on the lookout for things that make my life easier

                                                  I am activley seeking ways to reduce stress

                                              It is important for me to lead an active lifestyle

                      Being able to express my individuality is a top priority for me in my life

                                         I like to be amongst the first to try new technologies                                                  48%

                                                             I like to stand out from the crowd

                                                                                                   All   Sustainability-minded consumers
   Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

APPROACHES FOR SUCCESS | Understand consumers’ characterisation and touchpoints                                                                                     CONSULTING

When it comes to what most                     FIGURE 3:2
distinguishes a sustainably-minded
consumer from an average
consumer, we see: the importance of                                                           The differences in how sustainable consumers describe
human elements around ‘community’
and ‘localism’; a reaffirmation
                                                                                           themselves (percentage points change versus all consumers)
that healthy, active lifestyles also
resonate; and that there are other
touchpoints to explore around                                                     It is important for me to feel part of a community                                   18
reassurance (reducing stress),
individuality, early adoption and                                                 I try to buy from local companies where possible                             13
egotism (‘I like to stand out from
the crowd’). Appealing to these
                                                                Experiences are more important to me than material possessions                            11
touchpoints is crucial if we’re to
position sustainable products and
services successfully and ‘sell them                                                It is important for me to lead an active lifestyle               10
like soap or soft drinks’.
                                                                     I am always on the lookout for things that make my life easier              8

                                                                                        I am activley seeking ways to reduce stress              8

                                                            Being able to express my individuality is a top priority for me in my life           8

                                                                           I have a budget that I try to stick to as much as possible        7

                                                                               I like to be amongst the first to try new technologies    6

                                                                                                   I like to stand out from the crowd    6

                                                Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
                                                Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

APPROACHES FOR SUCCESS | Understand consumers’ characterisation and touchpoints                                                                                                                              CONSULTING

  FIGURE 3:3                                                                                                                                                           Applying this approach to western European
                                                                                                                                                                       consumers, we can see that Italians might
                                                                                                                                                                       react best to playful or moral positioning that
                                     What European sustainable consumers are driven by                                                                                 emphasises community benefits while also
                                                                                                                                                                       appealing to the progressive tech-savviness of
                                                                                          Morals                                                                       ‘early adopters’.
                                                                              Image                   Ethics
                                     Identity                 Individuality                                         Equality                                           Germans show standard levels of pragmatism
                                                                                          80%                                                         Surroundings
                                                                                                                                                                       but are more disposed to the human rather
                                                    Community                                                                  Sustainability                          than environmental element of messaging and
                                                                                                                                                                       identify less with technological or
                                                                                                                                                                       experiential drivers.
                                                                                          30%                                                                          UK consumers are least inclined towards early
                                                 Media                                    20%                                           Adventure                      adoption and focus on premium qualities
                                                                                          10%                                                                          and those that boost their sense of image
                                                                                           0%                                                                          and individuality.
                                     Early Adopters                                                                                     Playfulness

                                         Psycological                                                                                 Experiences

                                                  Nutrition                                                                       Nostalgia

                                                          Physical                                                        Quality

                                                                       Premium                                 Budget

                                                                              Germany         Italy            UK
   Base: 500 internet users aged 16/18+;
   Source: Dynata/Lightspeed/Mintel March 2021

APPROACHES FOR SUCCESS | Understand consumers’ characterisation and touchpoints                          CONSULTING

Characterisation: Standing
out from the crowd on
a budget
We began with the premise that simply
‘doing good’ isn’t enough for goods
and services to sell and succeed. The
sustainably-minded consumers we’ve
identified are notably characterised
by being more budget conscious and
keener to express their individuality than
the average consumer. They also have
stronger peacock tendencies (‘I like to
stand out from the crowd’).                                                       Source: Back Market,
                                                                                  ‘Freedom’ campaign

Refurbished tech reseller Back Market
appeals strongly to these values with a
compelling proposition that addresses
the growing problem of e-waste while
promising a ‘fairer, more sustainable future
by allowing very high-tech products to be
sold at up to 70% cheaper than new ones’.

Its ‘Freedom’ campaign extols the virtues
of democratically priced devices and
being ‘different’, while trolling
Apple—and those who line up for its
devices en masse—in the process.
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