2018 Canadian Urological Association guideline for Peyronie's disease and congenital penile curvature

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CUA guideline

2018 Canadian Urological Association guideline for Peyronie’s
disease and congenital penile curvature
Anthony J. Bella, MD1; Jay C. Lee, MD2; Ethan D. Grober, MD3; Serge Carrier, MD4; Francois Benard, MD5;
Gerald B. Brock, MD6
 Ottawa Urology and Men’s Health and Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa ON; 2Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB; 3Division of Urology, Department
of Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; 4Division of Urology, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC; 5Department of Surgery, Université de Montreal, Montreal, QC; 6Department of Surgery,
Division of Urology Western University, London, ON; Canada

Cite as: Can Urol Assoc J 2018;12(5):E197-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.5489/cuaj.5255                      followup. Patients’ baseline pain improved in all men, with
                                                                                                        complete pain resolution documented in 89% of patients. In
                                                                                                        contrast, penile curvature was only reported to improve in
Published online February 22, 2018                                                                      12% of untreated men with the condition. Penile curvature
                                                                                                        worsened for 48% and remained stable in 40% of men. More
                                                                                                        recently, in a smaller series of 176 patients, Berookhim et
Introduction                                                                                            al reported curvature improvement in 12%, worsening in
                                                                                                        21%, and unchanged curvature in 76% of untreated patients
Peyronie’s disease (PD) is a highly prevalent condition that                                            followed for at least 12 months.6 Natural history studies are
affects the physical and psychosocial well-being and quality                                            influenced by the duration of followup. Over the longest
of life (QoL) for thousands of Canadian men. The specific                                               reported observation period, Grasso et al studied 110 men
etiology of PD remains poorly understood and there remains                                              followed for at least five years (mean follow up 6.4 years).7
a paucity of randomized placebo-controlled trials evaluating                                            In contrast to reports of shorter followup durations, disease
treatment interventions.1-3 PD can be found in up to 8.9% of                                            progression was more common with 68% of men 50
utable to growing awareness (as historical data suggested a                                             years of age opting for surgical treatment.
rate of less than 1%); the burden of disease is significant,                                               Collectively, the natural history studies related to PD
and PD is often present in otherwise healthy men. The fol-                                              suggest that plaque-related pain improves and/or resolves
lowing guidelines were crafted by the committee with a full                                             in the majority of patients with time even in the absence
awareness of the limitations of the literature, and sought to                                           of treatment.1,3-7 Conversely, spontaneous resolution or sig-
provide actionable recommendations to guide PD care in                                                  nificant improvement of penile deformity is rare, and pre-
the Canadian health system.                                                                             dictors of disease progression/resolution are inconsistent
                                                                                                        or absent.6,7As such, patients with penile deformities that
Natural history                                                                                         result in sexual dysfunction or distress should be counselled
                                                                                                        regarding treatment options that may influence the natural
PD is an acquired penile disorder characterized by benign                                               history of the condition and restore functionality.
fibrotic changes primarily to the tunica albuginea (TA),
resulting in a constellation of signs and symptoms occurring                                            PD and QoL impact
alone or in combination, including penile deformity (curva-
ture, narrowing, indentation, hinging), erectile dysfunction                                            The relationship between PD and ED due to resultant physi-
(ED), penile pain, shortening, and plaque formation.4 The                                               cal penile deformity is clear, as are most diagnoses of PD.
presence and severity of these symptoms, as well as the                                                 In the clinical practice setting, a diagnosis of ED or failed
timing of the presentation for medical evaluation is variable,                                          first- and second-line ED treatments warrants ruling out PD.
as is the degree of morbidity and impact on sexual function.                                            Many cases of PD are initially treated unsuccessfully as ED
The natural history of PD is not that of improvement/and or                                             without identifying and addressing the penile deformity.8A
resolution of the features of the condition. The largest series                                         careful history may identify the impact of deformity on erec-
(Mulhall et al5) to report on the natural history of untreated                                          tile function or the presence of a flail segment (satisfactory
patients with PD included 246 patients with at least one year                                           rigidity present in the penis proximal to the plaque(s)). The

                                                                                  CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5                                                                              E197
                                                                                  © 2018 Canadian Urological Association
Bella et al

presence of penile pain, especially with erection, increases                      studies, as well as review studies providing data for
the likelihood of a penile septal scar, an atypical form of PD,                   the natural history, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and/or
which may be characterized by symptoms including penile                           management of PD and separately, congenital penile
shortening, pain, and ED, even in the absence of deformity                        curvature (CPC), were included; preclinical studies
or palpable disease.9,10                                                          were excluded. As performed for other contemporary
    Awareness of psychosocial distress has been classi-                           CUA guidelines, such as those for cystic renal lesions
cally under-represented in the literature and in practice.11                      in 2017,22 the International Consultation for Urologic
Numerous studies have now demonstrated significant dis-                           Disease (ICUD)/World Health Organization (WHO)
tress in patients suffering with PD, as well as their partners                    modified Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
(both heterosexual and same-sex partnerships).12-14 Other                         grading system was used to grade each topic assessed,
studies have demonstrated significant findings on depres-                         and the level of evidence summarized as follows:
sion scales, with Nelson et al reporting that 47% of men                     - Level 1: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
with PD reported clinically meaningful depression.15,16 Men                       (RCTs) or good quality RCT;
with PD report embarrassment and shame, and may avoid                        - Level 2: Low-quality RCT or meta-analysis of good
sexual relationships; this may take a tremendous toll on                          quality prospective cohort studies;
their QoL.11 Severity of the PD, as well as inability to have                - Level 3: Good-quality retrospective case-control stud-
sex, can increase the distress experienced by the patient.17,18                   ies or case series; and
Clinicians should be aware and identify the degree of both-                  - Level 4: Expert opinion.
er and distress experienced by the patient and his partner.                  Dahm and colleagues have eloquently critiqued the 2015
Patients should be offered psychological support.19 Rosen                 ICUD methodology used by Chung et al, and the AUA PD
et al identified six main areas of concern among men with                 guidelines have used “linking type to evidence stength” with
PD: physical appearance, sexual self-image, loss of sexual                resultant Strong, Moderate, and Conditional (non-directive)
self-confidence and attractiveness, sexual function and per-              recommendations.1-3 The committee has performed an expert
formance, performance anxiety, and social stigmatization.11               review of the literature and this document represents a con-
Many of the men with PD expressed a sense of social isola-                sensus of all co-authors of these guidelines, basing recom-
tion and found it difficult to communicate with healthcare                mendations as:
professionals or sexual partners; the clinician’s awareness                  - Grade A: Consistent with Level 1 evidence;
of this may help elucidate a more detailed patient history                   - Grade B: Consistent with Level 2 or 3 evidence;
and QoL impact. Use of PD questionnaires help to iden-                       - Grade C: Majority proportion of evidence from Level
tify the psychosocial distress and have demonstrated that                         2 or 3 studies or level 4 evidence; and
successful improvement in PD can improve psychosocial                        - Grade D: No recommendation possible based on
outcomes. 20,21Smith et al reported that 81% of 245 PD                            incomplete evidence or consensus expert opinion.
patients reported emotional difficulties and 54% reported                    The low quality of evidence in the PD literature made it
relationship problems as a result of PD.14 On multivariate                difficult to make Grade A or B recommendations, and the
analysis, the presence of relationship problems and loss of               committee did its best to summarize the current literature
penile length were independent predictors of emotional                    and provide usable guidance for the management of PD
problems due to PD.                                                       and CPC. It is the hope of the group that data published
                                                                          after the literature search cutoff is of rigor that will allow
Methods                                                                   for incorporation into the next version of these guidelines.

The Canadian Urological Association (CUA) Guidelines                      Diagnosis
Committee sought to provide guidelines for the management
of PD and congenital penile curvature (CPC) at the point of
care using a Canadian perspective. Suggestions for manage-                Overview
ment were based on the peer-reviewed literature, the 4th
International Consultation on Sexual Medicine (ICSM) (June                The CUA supports the view that the general framework for
2015), International Society for Sexual Medicine Guidelines,              the evaluation of patients with any type of sexual dysfunc-
American Urological Association (AUA) Guidelines, and                     tion should follow the accepted basic principles.8 The sexual
Sexual Medicine Society of North America PD management                    history should ascertain the severity, onset, and duration of
recommendations.                                                          the problem, concurrent or contributory medical or psy-
   - A comprehensive literature search was performed                      chosocial factors, and bother to the patient and partner (if
       using Pubmed, Cochrane, and EMBASE, with data                      applicable). The in-person interview is often supplemented
       cutoff at June 30, 2017. Prospective or retrospective              with disease- or problem-specific questionnaires outlined in

E198                                                 CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5
Guideline: Peyronie’s disease

this section. Given the emotional and psychological impact                  Physical examination
of PD and sexual dysfunction, the tone of the sexual inquiry
is important and should reflect a high level of sensitivity                 The penis should be examined on the stretch. Palpation
and regard for each individual’s unique ethnic, cultural, and               should be performed to identify the location, size, num-
personal background.                                                        ber and tenderness of the plaque. Stretched penile length
                                                                            can also be determined, as penile length loss is a primary
Patient evaluation                                                          concern and contributor to distress for PD patients; this is
                                                                            measured from the penopubic skin junction to the coronal
There are no randomized trials evaluating the diagnosis or                  sulcus or the tip of the penis.1,3 The presence of multiple
assessment of PD. All recommendations for diagnosis and                     plaques on both sides of the penis, or plaques within the
assessment are based on clinical principles and expert opin-                intracavernosal septum can result in penile shortening with
ion, and provide clinicians and patients with a framework for               or without deformity.9,25
determining the diagnosis of PD (Level 4 evidence, Grade C                     Patient self-reporting of curvature vs. objective examina-
recommendation).1,3,22,23 Diagnosis is based on patient his-                tion supports the clinical principal that prior to non-invasive
tory and physical examination, including patient-provided                   or invasive treatments (intralesional injection therapy or sur-
images of the penis at best possible erection. Penile colour                gery) and to monitor treatment effect, it is recommended to
duplex ultrasonography, if available, provides a safe, low-cost             examine the erection to determine penile length, degree of
means of objective characterization of PD. Intracavernous                   curvature, hourglass deformities, and rigidity of erection.1-3
injection (ICI) of vasoactive agent is the gold standard prior              Digital photographs at full erection are measured via pro-
to invasive interventions; if the patient cannot provide digital            tractor to determine angle(s) of uni- and multiplanar disease.
images at full rigidity (i.e., attain an erection sufficient to             Examination after injection of penile injection after vasoac-
characterize the extent of deformity on his own or with the                 tive injection in the office remains the gold standard, espe-
aid of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors), ICI is recommended.                 cially for the patient reporting complex deformity (hourglass
    PD specific evaluation should include:                                  or bidirectional curvature) or ED.
    History. Data includes onset, duration, history of trau-
matic event if applicable, deformity and erectile changes                   Investigations
over time, acquired vs. lifelong (to differentiate PD vs.
CPC), and medical history inclusive of family presence of                   An accurate appraisal of the deformity includes identifying
PD, Dupuytren’s contracture,24 and other related conditions                 the type(s) of deformity, assessing the magnitude or severity,
that may impact erectile and sexual function. Prior PD and                  and evaluating penile stability/buckling. The most reliable
ED treatments should be documented.                                         means of assessing deformity and accomplishing all three
    Penile characteristics. It is critical to determine the extent          goals of assessment is the use of intracavernosal injections,
of penile deformity, direction of curvature, presence of hour-              with or without colour duplex ultrasonography (CDU).
glass deformity, palpable plaque(s), interference with inter-                   CDU may be offered (Level 4 evidence, Grade C recom-
course, penile pain with and without erection, shortening,                  mendation). This may not be readily available, nor frequently
quality of penile rigidity, and presence of hinging. Penile                 performed in some centres. Doppler may identify tunical
sensation, ejaculatory function, and length/girth concerns                  thickening and/or calcification and septal plaques;26 in a
should be documented. Digital home photographic docu-                       series of 95 patients, Bekos et al reported that the natural
mentation may aid in objectively determining treatment                      history of PD could be predicted based on baseline ultraso-
effects, especially when non-surgical options are used.                     nographic plaque characteristics. Solitary, less calcified and
    Sexual function. Erectile rigidity, ability to penetrate,               dense plaques were predictors of future disease stability as
ability to complete intercourse, and partner complaints and                 compared to multiple, dense calcified plaques, which por-
support should be documented. The use of the International                  tend a poorer prognosis.27 Combination of ultrasound with
Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) may of use, as may                    ICI may also identify arterial insufficiency or veno-occlusive
the Disease Questionnaire Peyronie’s (PDQ), which is a                      dysfunction, influencing choice of PD management.3
newer, 15-item, validated instrument specific to PD. 20,21                      High-resolution T2 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
The PDQ is responsive to changes in symptoms and disease                    without fat suppression has been shown to be an excellent
progression, measuring severity in the three domains of                     imaging modality for penile pathology, including PD, but its
physical/psychological symptoms, penile pain, and symp-                     routine use in clinical practice is not supported;4 similarly
tom bother (Level 3 evidence, Grade C recommendation).                      computed tomography (CT) and plain radiography do not
Should bother/psychologic impact warrant, consideration                     have a role routine PD evaluation. Given the lack of spe-
may be made for referral to a mental health professional                    cific findings related to PD, routine laboratory testing is not
with expertise in sexuality.                                                recommended; rather, targeted bloodwork may be obtained

                                                       CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5                                            E199
Bella et al

in response to specific findings on history or physical exami-              procarbazine, and vitamin E/L-carnitine are not used in the
nation (for example, signs/symptoms of hypogonadism).1,3                    treatment of PD. Vitamin E, in particular, does not have any
                                                                            evidence for efficacy. The oral agents potassium para-amino-
Non-surgical management of PD                                               benzoate, colchicine, co-enzyme Q10, and/or pentoxifylline
                                                                            may be considered for clinical use, alone or as a part of
It is essential to recognize that PD is a symptom complex                   multimodal care (oral, intralesional, and traction therapies),
that may compromise sexual function and QoL, may affect                     but there are clear limitations to the evidence; the AUA has
men from early decades of life through their later years, and               identified these agents as possibly promising, but with insuf-
does not have a clearly defined management pathway due                      ficient evidence to support even a conditional recommenda-
to the heterogeneity of the disease itself.                                 tion for use until a larger or more rigorous evidence base
    The patient should be aware that not all urologists have the            is avaialable.1,3 It is the consensus of this panel that these
training, experience, and resources to conduct full evaluation,             oral agents may be offered as part of PD care, recognizing
counsel on various treatment options, and offer care oriented               limitations to efficacy data, alone or as part of multimodal
to patient PD and goals. It is entirely appropriate for urologist-          care. Care should be taken not to unnecessarily postpone
to-urologist referral, as within the Canadian healthcare context            other PD therapies, and limitations to evidence and added
not all regions will maintain PD expertise and a goal such as               patient-borne costs of treatment should be clearly commu-
this is elusive, given systemic demands and constraints.                    nicated (Level 3 evidence, Grade C recommendation). The
                                                                            use of PDE-5 inhibitors, specifically tadalafil 5 mg OD to
Clinical principle                                                          modify Peyronie’s plaque progression appears promising, but
                                                                            to date, data is limited to a single published study.25
Clinicians should discuss the various aspects of a potential                    Current medical literature is replete with several further
treatment plan, including careful weighing of potential ben-                agents proposed solely on their efficacy in animal models of
efit to the patient vs. adverse events. As PD does not impact               PD, when in fact, there is valid concern that such models are
survival, for some men, thoughtful review and counselling                   not representative of human PD. Use in a study setting with
regarding their PD, impact on QoL, disease course, and man-                 full patient consent or in special situations may be justified
agement options may constitute their “treatment,.” As there is              on an ad hoc basis, but clearly the evidence is simply not
no minimum criteria for deformity necessary for management,                 in place for general use.
a patient may decide to seek treatment based on distress over                   Oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication may be
symptoms, penile appearance, and penile function, which                     used to control the pain associated with the inflammation dur-
for another would constitute end-of-treatment success or PD                 ing the active phase of the disease. Penile pain may confer sig-
not requiring any intervention. For most men, deformity less                nificant distress and may compromise sexual function; the ideal
than 30 degrees does not impair function; the Committee                     agent, duration, and re-assessment has not been elucidated.1,3
supports a clear discussion with the patient of their PD after                  The treatment of ED concomitant with PD follows CUA
evaluation and integration of treatment choices into their care             guidelines for the management of erectile dysfunction.8 Oral
plan, which is consistent with patient symptom status, current              PDE-5 inhibitors are used in patients for whom there are
health, and treatment goals.1,3,23                                          no medication-specific contraindications; if the degree of
                                                                            deformity makes penetrative intercourse difficult due to PD
Oral and topical therapies                                                  angulation, the patient (and partner) should minimize pain
                                                                            and potential injury by limiting positions to those allowing
                                                                            comfortable penetration.
Oral therapy
                                                                            Topical electromotive therapy (iontophoresis) with verapamil or dexamethasone
There is currently no approved oral treatment of PD in
Canada. The few available trials have not enrolled enough                   The use of iontophoresis is not recommended. There remains
patients to attain sufficient power, and meta-analysis is dif-              an absence of convincing efficacy and a substantial burden
ficult because of the heterogeneity of treatments and duration              of administration. The CUA position is consistent with both
of followup, as well as inconsistencies across study endpoints.             the recent evaluations by the AUA and the ICSM (Level 4
    The following medications have either been shown in                     evidence, Grade 3 recommendation).1,3,28,29
studies with low/moderate level of evidence to be without
proven efficacy/limited potential efficacy and may have del-                3. Topical therapy – verapamil gel
eterious side effects.
    None of the following oral agents are recommended                       Uncertain and only potential efficacy is seen with the use
for standard care of PD in Canada: Vitamin E, tamoxifen,                    of verapamil gel and its use cannot be supported by the

E200                                                   CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5
Guideline: Peyronie’s disease

Committee with the current levels of evidence, as only a                    Health Canada (HC) have now approved Xiaflex (collagenase
single small study exists (less than 20 patients) (Level 4 evi-             clostridium histolyticum) for use in PD. Use of collagenase
dence, Grade 3 recommendation). Martin et al demonstrated                   for PD was first described by Gelbard in 1982, in which
that topical verapamil fails to infiltrate the TA given the TA’s            collagenase was injected into PD plaques removed from
physical properties.30 Interestingly, in an earlier double-blind-           patients and studied in vitro.33 In 1985, Gelbard performed
ed study by Fitch et al, 18 men with PD were randomized                     the first human trials.34 Intralesional collagenase injection of
to topical verapamil vs. placebo and at three months, 61%                   clostridial collagenase has demonstrated true efficacy, with
reported a decrease in penile curvature and 88% reported                    a significant decrease in penile curvature, plaque size, and
resolution of penile pain. Despite reported improvements                    an improvement in PD symptom bother scores in multiple
in curvature, objective pre-treatment and post-treatment                    trials. Two large, multicentre, placebo-controlled, prospec-
curvature measurements were not performed, which limits                     tive, randomized trials (IMPRESS I & II)35,36 have identified
these findings;31 a better quality randomized design of suf-                optimal patients for this technique of intralesional collagenase
ficient size executed to contemporary objective endpoints                   with modelling to be: stable disease with a curvature greater
is required before a recommendation for verapamil gel as a                  than 30° and less than 90°; no isolated hourglass deformity
PD treatment can be made.3                                                  or calcified plaque; and normal erectile function (with or
                                                                            without the use of medications) (Level 2 evidence, Grade
Intralesional therapies                                                     B recommendation). In both trials, men in the CCh group
                                                                            were shown to exhibit a 34% (-17.0±14.8°) improvement
Intralesional verapamil (ILV) is a widely used local agent                  in penile curvature, compared to 18% (-9.3±13.6°) in the
for PD treatment in Canada. It is the opinion of this panel                 placebo group, as well as a significantly decreased PD bother
that select intralesional therapies can be offered as treat-                score. While uncommon, reported adverse events included
ment options for PD; local therapeutic approaches for PD                    significant penile hematomas, injection site pain, and penile
is an appealing prospect, potentially obviating the need and                swelling. Corporal rupture, while possible, was extremely
risk of surgical management. Intralesional injection has the                rare, but often will necessitate surgical repair.37-39 Use of this
advantage of rapid and direct local delivery of the active                  technique in men with hinge defects, ventral curvature, hour-
agent into the target tissue, theoretically without the risk of             glass deformities, curvature less than 30° and greater than 90°
systemic side effects, and the potential for achieving high                 has not been evaluated.35,36 Modifications and optimization
local concentrations. A thorough review of the existing world               of treatment protocols continue, as do studies for patients
literature on this approach unfortunately yields disappoint-                outside of the initial inclusion criteria, as they are key for
ing results.1,3,32 While regulatory approval has been granted               determining efficacy across wider PD populations.1,40,41
to purified clostridial collagenase (XiaflexTM) in some mar-
kets, including Canada (Grade B evidence), most injectable                  Verapamil
agents used for PD are off-label. A wealth of single-centre
reports with relatively small numbers of subjects and vari-                 In Canada at present, ILV for local treatment of PD is a com-
able outcome measures are the norm for intralesional therapy                monly used agent, with more than two decades of experi-
in PD, making comparison and assessment of true efficacy,                   ence. The technique and first reports were published in the
best approach, and realistic likelihood of positive outcomes                mid-1990s,42 and demonstrated reduction or stabilization of
difficult to determine. Among the greatest challenges to the                plaque size and improved penile deformity using an every
reader of this literature is the lack of standardized outcome               two-week series of injections, with several modifications
measurements, choice of and dose of agent, frequency of                     to treatment regimens since.43 While acknowledging that
delivery, and patient selection criteria to optimize results.               there currently exists no perfect animal model of PD, ILV
    The Committee believes the use of intralesional therapy                 injection in PD models has shown histological evidence of
is supported in the literature and clinical experience, and                 cellular changes of decreased collagen and elastin fibers and
recommends clostridial collagenase as first-line therapy with               functional erectile improvement;43 ILV has been evaluated
use of verapamil or interferon as a second-line option in                   in 11 randomized designs, including two RCTs and nine
cases where cost or concern related to adverse events limits                observational studies.1,3,44,45
use of collagenase for the management of PD in Canada                          Despite great strides having been achieved in our under-
(Level 2 evidence, Grade B recommendation).                                 standing of the mechanism of PD development and defining
                                                                            the ideal local treatment regimen, many unanswered ques-
Collagenase (XiaflexTM)                                                     tions remain. It appears that the injected volume, frequency,
                                                                            concentration, and duration of the ILV injection protocol
Collagenases are enzymes able to degrade interstitial colla-                affects outcome results, with longer treatment periods of con-
gens. Both the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and                   centrated ILV in younger men with small plaques but large

                                                       CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5                                               E201
Bella et al

curvature being optimal.46 Common reported adverse events                         rigidity.52-54 Botulinum toxin has been shown to reduce fibro-
include penile bruising, swelling, and pain at the injection                      sis and scarring. A single study evaluated botulinum toxin
site, with excellent systemic safety. Discussion of ILV vs. other                 A as a treatment for PD and has shown a positive response
treatments and the relative efficacies is difficult at best, as                   for safety and improvement in penile curvature, while data
ILV data is predominantly focussed on patients in the earlier                     from further investigations is pending.55It is far too early to
stages with active and evolving symptoms, varied protocols                        make any recommendations on the use of these medications
and endpoints, the lack of confirmation of delivery into tar-                     until more safety and efficacy data are available, and use
get plaques (imaging-guided), and the conflicting findings                        should be limited to study populations with fully informed
reported.3 Predictors of efficacy include higher dilutions of                     patient consent.
verapamil, younger age, and greater baseline curvature.1,45,46
                                                                                  Platelet-derived growth factors (platelet-rich plasma)/Priapius ShotTM pro-
Interferon alpha-2b                                                               tocols and stem cell therapy

Intralesional interferon injection for PD is rarely used in                       There is no Level 1–4 or Grade A–C evidence for platelet-rich
Canada owing to cost and incidence of adverse events, but                         plasma (PRP) treatment of PD. Patients should be counselled
has been well-studied with a large, multicentre, placebo-                         regarding the lack of efficacy data. It is challenging, at times,
controlled, prospective trial47 and eight observational studies                   to clearly communicate the difference between commercial
(inclusion criteria and dosing regimens varied considerably).3                    communications (which are not HC- or FDA-evaluated) vs.
It demonstrated significant improvement in penile curvature                       either HC/FDA-approved treatments vs. off-label therapies
and decreased plaque size compared to placebo. Perhaps                            with supportive peer-reviewed literature. PRP and commer-
most importantly, a recent trial evaluated interferon alpha-2b                    cial versions of such, although having an inherent appeal,
(IFN α2β) and demonstrated that it reduced curvature with-                        are not recommended as treatments for PD.
out affecting penile vascular parameters, and outcome was                            Stem cell treatments for sexual disorders are steadily being
independent of pre-treatment PD curvature or duration.48                          introduced into clinical trials and are particularly attractive
Common adverse events include sinusitis in 40–100% of                             for PD, as cellular therapy offers a treatment modality that
patients; flulike symptoms of arthralgia, fever and chills; and                   might reverse disease progression and cure the underlying
local effects of the injection, such as bruising and swelling.                    pathophysiology.56 Studies are currently being published
In most cases, symptoms were effectively treated with over-                       demonstrating the safety of intrapenile injection of autolo-
the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and oral                       gous bone marrow- and adipose tissue-derived stem cells;
hydration.1,3 Intralesional IFN α2β can be used in men with                       the clinical applications (safety and efficacy) of this approach
curvature of at least 30° without calcified plaques with mod-                     are yet to be determined and patients may be made aware of
est efficacy (Level 2 evidence, Grade B recommendation).                          accruing trials at www.clinicaltrials.gov if they are interested
                                                                                  in this approach. A recently reported study of 11 men with
Corticosteroids                                                                   combination of autologous stromal vascular fraction (SVF)
                                                                                  and penile ultrasound shockwave treatments illustrates the
Corticosteroids are not recommended for intralesional treat-                      care that must be taken when interpreting study design and
ment of PD (Grade C recommendation). Among the first                              subsequent interpretation, as contemporary primary out-
intralesional agents used,49 marginal objective improve-                          come measures were not used and data extrapolation to
ment was reported with unacceptable side effect profiles.                         clinical practice is limited.57
Interestingly, the placebo group in some reports demonstrat-
ed similar efficacy, indicating the potential role for plaque                     Mechanical therapy – penile traction
disruption as the true therapeutic agent.50 The risks associ-
ated with steroid use, (wound infection, local bruising/bleed-                    Mechanical traction and tissue expansion therapy is com-
ing) coupled with limited efficacy do not support its use.51                      monly used across many disciplines in medicine. It is known
                                                                                  to result in the alteration of connective tissue by cellular pro-
Hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin A (onabotulinumtoxinA)                        liferation and expansion of the extracellular matrix and has
                                                                                  gained rapid integration into the multimodal management
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan that has been                         of PD.1 Traction impact on PD cells in a mechanical strained
shown to regulate the immune system by decreasing inflam-                         environment results in alteration of connective tissue, dem-
matory cytokines and, thus, has been used to reduce inflam-                       onstrating measurable changes in collagen and tissue metal-
mation and scar formation. Two retrospective studies and a                        loproteinase expression, which are two key factors in deter-
more recent prospective study have shown a reduction in                           mining plaque integrity.58,59 The current treatment paradigm
penile plaque size and curvature, as well as improved penile                      for PD relies on tissue remodelling for optimal outcomes

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Guideline: Peyronie’s disease

following both minimally invasive treatment approaches and                Radiation therapy
post-surgical results. The use of a traction device to reduce
plaque/wound contracture, enhance plaque elasticity, and                  The use of radiation therapy (RT) for PD is not supported,
reduce plaque size is appealing, given its low cost and gen-              as evidenced by eight observational studies, a clear lack of
eral freedom from adverse effects.                                        demonstrable efficacy, and the potential risks of exposing
    Penile traction is recommended as part of PD manage-                  patients to RT (potential moderate health risk in the setting
ment (Level 4 evidence, Grade C recommendation). While                    of uncertain benefit).3
there exists a dearth of well-designed randomized and
controlled published studies on penile traction therapy,                  Surgical management of PD
the existing literature does show some clear benefits.1,3,60
It appears to have some activity in correcting penile pain,
curvature, and maintenance of penile length, with recent                  Overview
reports highlighting a potential synergy with intralesional
or oral agents. Hellstrom’s group has recently reported that              The overarching goal of all PD treatments is to correct penile
routine penile traction therapy during intralesional injec-               deformity while preserving penile length and the ability to
tion with IFN α-2b for PD may result in a small but subjec-               attain and maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory
tively meaningful improvement in stretched penile length,                 sexual intercourse. Surgical management is no exception,
without affecting curvature, if used for at least three hours             with reconstructive procedures allowing for potentially the
a day.61 It must be noted that all studies vary in the time               most rapid, reliable, and sustained outcomes for correc-
the devices are applied and the manner in which this is                   tion of penile deformities. A single universal procedure
performed. For many patients, there is no defined teaching                that defines surgical standard of care or optimal approach
and followup protocol, and use is self-reported; as with any              does not exist; procedures for PD include penile plication,
physiotherapy, a “perfect” stretch may be more useful than a              plaque incision/excision with grafting, and penile prosthesis
prolonged traction session with the device improperly used                implantation.1,3,66-73 Penile reconstructive procedures do not
or incomplete traction. Additional studies defining the type              fall into the domain of all urologic surgeons and it is entirely
of device, optimal approach, duration, and tension applied                appropriate to use subspecialty colleagues for PD surgical
to the penis, remain as yet undefined. Given the low risk                 management in order to optimize patient outcomes, given
of adverse events, despite its reportedly modest therapeutic              the fact that expertise with all three surgical approaches
effect based on currently available literature, this appears to           portends greatest chance of satisfactory result.
be a treatment approach that has potential for many men
with PD.                                                                  Patient assessment, consent, and treatment planning

Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy                                      PD should be stable when surgical intervention is being
                                                                          considered. General criteria include a minimum of 6–12
The role of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) for                   months after disease onset, plaque stability for 3–6 months,
PD has not been without controversy, as proponents for this               and deformity precluding or making intercourse difficult.
modality have advocated for dual purposes — resolution or                 Moreover, there are further situations that play a part in a
improvement of penile pain (evidence-based) and reduction                 patient’s decision-making process, including factors such as
of plaque size/reduction of penile curvature (not evidence-               failed conservative or medical therapies, extensive penile
based at this time).                                                      plaque(s) from the outset, or patient preference for rapid
   Contemporary guidelines have clearly demarcated ESWT’s                 results when disease is stable.66-73 It is not incorrect to bypass
role in PD management and the Committee concurs with                      medical management and proceed straight to surgery; how-
this approach, supporting ESWT for potential penile pain                  ever, the patient must clearly be aware and have consented
improvement (Level 2 evidence, Grade C recommendation)                    to the potential treatment side-effects of surgery. Although
based on three RCTs.1,3,62-65 The Committee does not sup-                 pain is associated with acute phase, if persistent penile pain
port the use of ESWT for the reduction of penile curvature                during erection is related to penile deformity, surgery may
or plaque size (Level 2 evidence, Grade C recommenda-                     be considered even in the presence of said symptom.73
tion) based three RCTs and one randomized study design                       Evaluation of the patient should establish location,
(as well as 15 observational studies).3,62-65 Outcomes are                degree, and direction of curvature(s), and presence of hinge
interpreted with caution due to methodological flaws, and                 or hourglass deformities as outlined in the Diagnosis subsec-
there is anticipation of future studies clarifying ESWTs role             tion. It is critical to establish the PD disease parameters, as
in PD curvature resolution more clearly.                                  well as the presence or absence of ED, as this will dictate
                                                                          the surgical approaches considered and will also serve to

                                                     CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5                                               E203
Bella et al

set realistic expectations for the patient as related to the                   b) Grafting techniques: Preferred for men with intact
intervention.1,3,66-73 Combination of CDU with intracaverno-                         erectile function with severe curvature, indentation,
sal injection is the gold standard and recommended by the                            hourglass or complex deformities, and concern or
Committee as an integral part of preoperative evaluation                             functional compromise attributable to further length
(Level 4 evidence, Grade C recommendation); CDU-ICI may                              loss with plication approaches.
not be required in cases where normal rigidity is present and                  c) IPP: Preferred for men with complex penile deformi-
digital photographs at full erection delineate both extent of                        ties not amenable to the above techniques, presence
disease and intact erectile function. In this way, operative                         of refractory ED, or patient preference.
planning is optimized and counselling specific to surgical                     It is beyond the scope of this guideline to present a full
approach possible. For example, given that a significant pro-               survey of contemporary published surgical PD literature;
portion of men with PD will have concurrent ED, and owing                   the interested reader is guided to Nehra et al for this type
to operative risk of decreased rigidity with most approaches,               of analysis.3 All surgical PD recommendations are consid-
grafting procedures may be avoided when erectile function                   ered (Level 3 evidence, Grade C recommendation) based on
is compromised and the patient counselled toward inflatable                 over 200 observational studies cumulatively published for
penile prosthesis (IPP) surgery.                                            plication, grafting, and IPP procedures. There are no RCTs
    Managing expectations for PD patients considering sur-                  for PD surgery, and interpretation is complicated by design
gery is paramount. Given the psychological impact of PD on                  differences, range of inclusion criteria, variance in types of
the patient, and often his partner, many men have depres-                   surgery performed and specific outcomes measured, and
sion or depressive symptoms, decreased self-esteem, and,                    range of followup durations.3,66-77
at times, unattainable expectations in light of factors such
as loss of penile length, ED, and sensory changes.15 Sensory                Plication surgery
alteration (decreased penile sensation) is infrequently report-
ed and usually transient in nature, rarely effecting ejacula-               Plication procedures represent the most common type of
tion and orgasm function.15 Patients must be made aware                     surgical approach for PD and are attractive due to a high
of the concept of “functionally straight” (penetrative intro-               degree of curvature correction and the relatively low risk of
mission not compromised, in most cases this corresponds                     adverse events.3 There have been no head-to-head studies
to residual curvature less than 20º) vs. completely straight                of the primary types of plication surgery, named Nesbit and
(comparing to pre-PD anatomy), additional loss of length                    variants (elliptical excision of the TA contralateral to the area
with tunical shortening approaches, and decreased sexual                    of maximal curvature), Yachia (vertical tunical incision closed
function (i.e., ED, sensory) with any surgical procedures.66-76             transversely in a Heineke-Miculicz fashion without TA tis-
    Components of informed consent should include dis-                      sue removal), the 16-dot or pure plications (no incision into
cussion of all treatment options, with the patient under-                   TA, but plicated with permanent sutures using an extended
standing the potential for treatment complications; it is not               Lembert-type suture), and tunica albuginea plication (TAP)
reasonable to expect the surgeon to convey all potential                    procedures.78-84 For TAP, the incisions through the external
risks, but rather common potential side effects, including                  longitudinal TA fibers without violation of internal circular
persistent (failed straightening) or recurrent deformity, penile            fibers are separated by 0.5–1.0 cm and longitudinal fibers
length loss (flaccid and erect), ED specifically calling out to             between the two transverse incisions are removed to reduce
attention-decreased rigidity, sensory changes, and orgasm/                  the bulk of the plication.85 For plication surgery, a circumcis-
ejaculation changes. In addition to this, specific advantages               ing incision may permit better exposure, but carries the risk
and drawback for treatments shortening the convex side                      of preputial edema postoperatively; alternatively, a midline
(plication), lengthening the concave side (incision, partial                incision may be preferred to access the TA for men who are
excision, or excision of plaque(s)) with grafting, and IPP                  uncircumcised and do not wish to undergo circumcision.
with adjunct procedures (such as remodelling, plication or                     The success and satisfaction of plication varies depending
grafting) are required.1,3,66-77 Finally, the patient should have           on technique, but to be clear, these differences do not reflect
an understanding of contemporary PD surgery algorithms                      superiority of one technique over another, as direct com-
and how they are applied to his particular case:                            parisons across the observational studies cannot be made.2
    a) Plication surgery: Preferred for men with adequate                   Complete curvature correction rates range from 42–100%
        penile length, intact erectile function with or with-               and overall satisfaction ranges from 68–100%, with primary
        out pharmacotherapy, curvature that is reasonably                   satisfaction determinants being straightening and improved
        correctable with this approach, and minimal/absent                  sexual performance; conversely, dissatisfaction correlates
        hourglass deformity causing hinging. By default,                    to postoperative penile shortening (all tunical shortening
        these men will have penile length loss with the repair.             procedures invariably decrease expansion of the TA contra-

E204                                                   CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5
Guideline: Peyronie’s disease

lateral to inelastic plaque segments), ED, pain and change                fibrosis, graft contractures, and possibility of allergic reac-
of penile shape (worsening curvature 2–28%), and sensation                tions (Level 3 evidence, Grade C recommendation).76,87
(wide range across studies, 24% reported with elevation of                    Grafting follows incision, partial excision, or excision of
neurovascular bundle with Nesbit and Yachia).1,3,78,83-85                 plaque. There are three broad categories of TA plaque inci-
   Regarding penile length loss, Hudak reported 84% of men                sion (double-Y, H-shaped, and Egydio geometric) that are
had no measureable decrease in stretched flaccid length                   made at the point/relative to the maximum curvature on the
(SPL), but 78% reported perceived length reduction, while                 convex side of the penis, followed by placement of a graft
Taylor and Levine reported post-surgery length loss vs. objec-            material (autologous, allografts, xenografts, and synthetic) to
tive length loss documented in 18% of these patients. 83,85               repair the defect and potentially lengthen the shorter side of
Following plication, penile length should be similar to pre-              the penis.1,3,69-72,76,78,86-102 There is a strong trend towards mini-
operative SPL; preoperatively, it is often useful to illustrate           mal TA disruption, therefore, favouring incision or partial
the estimated length loss on the long side of the penis to                excision techniques; partial plaque excision vs. total plaque
the patient, as measured during erection at CDU/ICI test-                 excision offers the advantage of decreasing risk of irrevers-
ing by measuring the difference in length between the long                ible erectile tissue damage with resultant veno-occlusive
and short side of the penis.78 There has been widening use                permanent postoperative ED.76-78,103 Curvature correction
of penile traction physiotherapy device in the postoperative              reliably occurs and is the most commonly reported endpoint;
period; given the low risk of adverse events balanced against             in a review of 88 observational study arms, improvement
limited supportive literature for therapeutic benefits, it may            rates were >80% in 64 and >90% in 57.3 Complete deformity
be reasonable to consider adding traction to these patients’              correction rates range from 50–98% and the satisfaction rates
postoperative routines while awaiting definitive studies.86               are highly variable from 35–51%.78 Penile shortening was
   PD plication procedures are minimally invasive, tend to                observed in seven of 11 studies, ranging from 15.4–63% of
preserve potency, and offer satisfactory rates of curvature               subjects; grafting does not guarantee length return or length
correction. Drawbacks include length loss, and plication                  preservation.3 Postoperative care pathways are not uniform.
does not address and, in fact, may worsen existing hinge or               Early return to erection is thought to be of benefit and some
hourglass deformities; complications may include persistent               experts advocate for application of external penile traction
pain, persistence or recurrence of penile curvature (>30º,                therapy to minimize loss of length once the skin incision is
8–11%), penile hematoma (0–9%), urethral injury(0–1.4%),                  healed and patient can tolerate the modality.78 A retrospec-
palpable suture knots, and sensation loss (neurovascular                  tive study determined perception of length loss is minimal
bundle injury during dorsal plication).78 The type of plica-              when traction therapy was used, although dissatisfaction
tion used is dependent on surgeon and patient factors, as                 with penile length postoperatively remained high at almost
no procedure has proven superior to its counterparts (Level               half of surveyed patients.88
3 evidence, Grade C recommendation).                                          There is no universally accepted optimal graft material;
                                                                          the search remains for an inexpensive, readily available
Grafting procedures                                                       graft that mimics the TAs strength and elastic characteris-
                                                                          tics, has minimal morbidity (including harvest) and tissue
Grafting technique are appropriate for the surgeon facile                 reaction, is pliable and easy to suture, resists infection, and
with the techniques and treating the PD patient with severe               preserves erectile capacity.76,78 Tissue-engineered grafts may
penile length loss, significant/severe or complex curvatures,             represent the future, but in the meantime, currently avail-
simple curvature >60º, large plaques, and/or hourglass defor-             able grafts are associated with potential complications com-
mities in the setting of maintained erectile function (Level              monly linked to significant patient dissatisfaction, the most
3 evidence, Grade C recommendation). Although classi-                     important of which is ED, which can occur in upwards of
cally regarded as “lengthening procedures,” grafting does                 25% of patients.104 Determinants of ED risk include age,
not ensure length preservation or return of lost length due               site and severity of curvature, type of incision used, medical
to PD plaque inelasticity. Similar to plication studies, there            comorbidities, and pre-existing erectile function.105,106 When
is a vast experience of observational data encompassing                   choosing autologous graft material (saphenous vein, tempo-
more than 2500 patients in total, yet comparisons across                  ralis fascia, fascia lata, tunica vaginalis), complications at
grafting techniques and materials cannot be made to deter-                the donor tissue site and extra surgical times to harvest the
mine a superior approach.2,3 Surgeon experience, patient                  grafts should be discussed with patients prior to the surgery.78
preference, and type of penile deformity affect the choice of                 Penile sensation changes are related to freeing of the
graft and surgical approach used.76 The Committee strongly                dorsal neurovascular bundle (NVB), extent of dissection
recommends against the use of synthetic grafts, including                 required to completely dissect the area of the plaque, and
polyester and polytetrafluoroethylene, due to increased risks             postoperative inflammation and fibrosis at the graft sites;
of infection, secondary graft inflammation causing tissue                 although the majority of surgeons approach the NVD later-

                                                     CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5                                                  E205
Bella et al

ally in contemporary practice, a medial approach may be                                  IPP
warranted based on surgeon preference and experience, as
well as patient factors. The decrease or loss of sensation is                            IPP remains the gold standard treatment for PD requiring
reported to be 5% or less by most studies, although rates                                surgery and occurring concurrently with refractory ED, and
range up to 25%.3                                                                        is appropriate for severe deformity refractory to non-surgical
   Patient satisfaction rates were reported in 12/88 studies,                            management or failed plication/grafting, and with profound
and ranged from 40.9–93.3%, with eight of these above                                    penile instability (buckling or hinge).77,78 The use of inflat-
80%; partner satisfaction was only captured by four groups                               able devices for PD is advised (Level 3 evidence, Grade C
and ranged from 72–100%.1,3 Complex penile reconstruc-                                   recommendation) and the surgeon must be able to, and have
tion for PD, with grafting or IPP, is a demanding surgery and                            resources available for, placement of the IPP and additional
is most likely to offer best outcomes when performed by                                  procedures that are frequently required to ensure a satisfac-
experienced reconstructive and prosthetic surgeons facile                                tory surgical outcome, including manual modelling, plication,
with multiple techniques and availability of surgery-specific                            plaque-releasing incision(s), and grafting if TA defect size con-
resources needed to address the PD.1                                                     fers risk of herniation (commonly used cutoff is 2 cm).1,3,77,78
                                                                                             PD deformity correction rates with penile prosthesis
                                                                                         implantation range from 84-100%.78 Review of 43 observa-
                                                                                         tional studies yields curvature data for 26 datasets; all report
                                                                                         curvature improvement of greater than 80%.3 Satisfaction rates

                                                 Patients with Peyronie’s

                                                  History and physical                         No sexual issues
                                                 Counselling of patient                                                      No treatment
                                               (and partner if applicable)

                                                                                                                                    Supportive measures
                                                       Patient with
                                                                                                                                    (Treat ED, i.e., PDE5I)
                                                     sexual concerns

                             Stable deformity                                                                                        Pain control (NSAID)
                                                                         Active disease
                       (patient desires treatment)

                                                                                                                                        Traction device
                          Determine deformity
                                                                      Small discrete                         Non-surgical
                       (Colour Doppler ultrasound,                                                                                               +/-
                                                                          plaque                           management (may
                intracavernous injection test, or photos)
                                                                      No hinge defect                       be multimodal)           Intralesional therapy
                                                                                                                                     1st line - collagenase
                              Large plaque                                                                                            Alternative agents
                                 Surgery                                                                                             interferon, verapamil

                      Normal erectile
                                                                                                                                Oral agents – see guidelines
                   function (penetration
                                                                                                                                 document (Not vitamin E)
                       rigidity with or                           Poor erectile
                      without medical                               function
                         assistance)                                                                                           No
         Good penile
       length—simple            Short penile length or                                                                                           Yes
          deformity              complex deformity

                                    Graft or penile                  Penile implant                         No treatment                   End treatment
       Plication surgery
                                    implant surgery                     surgery

Fig. 1. Treatment algorithm. ED: erectile dysfunction; NSAID: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PDE5I: phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor.

E206                                                                CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5
Guideline: Peyronie’s disease

                                                                                                         has attended advisory boards for Boston Scientific, Eli Lilly, and Paladin; has been a speaker for
for general etiologies range from 91–100%, while men with
                                                                                                         Astellas, Eli Lilly, Ferring, and Pfizer; hold investments in Eli Lilly and Pfizer; and has participated in
PD are somewhat lower that non-PD patients (79%), although
                                                                                                         clinical trials supported by Astellas and Ferring.
this is based on older data and prospective study results are
due shortly.77,78 Consent for PD patients receiving a penile
implant includes discussing the risk of prosthesis infection,                                            Acknowledgement: Dr. Bella held the Greta and John Hansen Chair in Men’s Health Research,
persistent penile shortening or curvature, diminished sensitiv-                                          Department of Surgery, University of Ottawa.
ity, and mechanical device failure or difficulties.
    See Fig. 1 for the recommended treatment algorithm.
                                                                                                         This paper has been peer-reviewed.
CPC is a uniquely different condition from PD, with distinct
evaluation and treatment approaches. CPC results from dis-                                               References
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Competing interests: Dr. Bella has been a consultant for Paladin Labs; an investigator for Boston        17. Davis S, Ferrar S, Sadikaj G, et al. Shame, catastrophizing, and negative partner responses are associated
Scientific; and co-founded and was co-principal investigator for the PROPPER Registry Study                  with lower sexual and relationship satisfaction and more negative affect in men with Peyronie’s disease.
(PROPPER Prospective Registry of Outcomes With Penile Prosthesis) (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:            J Sex Marital Ther 2016:1-13.
NCT01383018). Dr. Lee has attended advisory board for Acerus and Paladin; is a speaker for               18. Walsh TJ, Hotaling JM, Lue TF, et al. How curved is too curved? The severity of penile deformity
                                                                                                             may predict sexual disability among men with Peyronie’s disease. Int J Impot Res 2013;25:109-12.
Acerus, Astellas, and Paladin; has received honoraria from Acerus, Astellas, Paladin, and Pfizer;
and has participated in clinical trials supported by Acerus. Dr. Grober has attended advisory boards     19. Goldstein I, Hartzell R, Shabsigh R. The impact of Peyronie’s disease on the patient: Gaps in our
for Paladin; has been a consultant for Acerus, Apotex, and Mylan; has been a speaker for Acerus              current understanding. J Sex Marital Ther 2016;42:178-90. https://doi.org/10.1080/009262
and Mylan; and holds shares in MHB Labs. Dr. Carrier has attended advisory boards for Acerus,                3X.2014.985351
Astellas, Boston Scientific, Paladin/Endo, Pfizer, Repros Medical, and Sanofi; has been a speaker        20. Coyne KS, Currie BM, Thompson CL, et al. Responsiveness of the Peyronie’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ).
for Duchesnay and Janssen; and has participated in clinical trials supported by Astellas. Dr. Brock          J Sex Med 2015;12:1072-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsm.12838

                                                                                    CUAJ • May 2018 • Volume 12, Issue 5                                                                                           E207
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