Lithium inhibits morphogenesis of the nervous system but not neuronal differentiation in Xenopus laevis

Page created by Wanda Zimmerman
Development 99, 353-370 (1987)                                                                                         353
Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1987

Lithium inhibits morphogenesis of the nervous system but not neuronal
differentiation in Xenopus laevis

^Department of Anatomy and Embryology, University College London, Cower Street, London WC1N 6BT, UK
^Department of Nuclear Medicine, The Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London Wl, UK

* Present address: Department of Physiology and Biophysics, SJ-40, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98102, USA


Xenopus embryos treated with 100 mM-lithium from                    increased. Sodium, potassium and lithium were
the 2- to 4-cell stage to the early blastula stage (4h)             equally able to increase the permeability of the
failed to neurulate and developed without a discernible             embryo. However, sodium ions enhanced, while pot-
anteroposterior axis. The internal structure of                     assium ions interfered with, the uptake of lithium.
defective embryos was grossly disorganized, but                     Treatment with lithium at progressively later stages
immunohistochemical staining with cell-type-specific                reduced the developmental defects and neural differ-
antibodies revealed differentiated nerve and muscle                 entiation returned to normal levels. The uptake of
cells. Quantitative assay in tissue cultures from con-              lithium did not decline concomitantly. We conclude
trol and acutely abnormal lithium-treated embryos                   that lithium does not inhibit neural induction, but
showed that neural differentiation was enhanced and                 interferes with dorsal patterning. The sensitivity of
muscle differentiation unaffected. The embryos took                 the embryo to lithium is determined by developmental
up about 0 5 mM-lithium at threshold, maximal effects               stage. The very low, effective intracellular concen-
resulted at 2-3 mM. Most of the lithium was extruded                trations may be important in understanding the mech-
from the cells into the blastocoel fluid, where lithium             anism of lithium-generated defects.
reached 17 mM. The threshold intracellular concen-
tration was about 150 uM. Lithium uptake rose steeply               Key words: lithium, Xenopus laevis, neural development,
as the osmotic/ionic strength of the bathing medium                 neurulation.

Introduction                                                        Pasteels, 1945; Hall, 1942; Backstrom, 1954). By
                                                                    gastrulation, exposure of the embryos to lithium
The teratogenic consequences of exposure of early                   generates less-marked defects and once gastrulation is
sea urchin and amphibian embryos to lithium ions                    complete lithium treatment has little effect. Attempts
have been recognized for many years. In the sea                     to clarify the consequences of lithium treatment by
urchin, lithium treatment of the early embryo leads to              exposing isolated ectoderm stripped from the am-
the over production of structures derived from the                  phibian embryo to lithium have demonstrated a
vegetal pole, at the expense of structures derived                  confusingly wide range of effects. These include the
from the animal pole (Herbst, 1892). In the am-                     induction of derivatives characteristic of all three
phibian embryo, lithium treatment affects the devel-                germ layers (Englander & Johnen, 1967), the forma-
opment of the notochord and causes a reduction in                   tion of mesodermal structures (Ogi, 1961; Masui,
neural structures such as the optic rudiments (Mor-                 1961; Grunz, 1968; Johnen, 1970) and the induction
gan, 1903). Backstrom (1954) obtained similar results               of neural differentiation (Barth & Barth, 1962,1974).
and further suggested that neural differentiation was                  In this paper we examine the consequences of
reduced. Consequently he proposed that lithium                      treatment of early amphibian embryos with lithium
'ventralized' the embryo.                                           ions in order to test whether previous suggestions that
   Both sea urchin and amphibian embryos are most                   the lithium ion might interfere with neural induction
sensitive to lithium treatment during the early cleav-              are correct. We have used the appearance of differen-
age stages (sea urchin: Lallier, 1964; amphibian:                   tiated neurones as one criterion of successful neural
354     L. J. Breckenridge, R. L. Warren and A. E. Warner

induction. Phenotypically differentiated neurones are           Assessment of abnormalities
identified in intact embryos using cell-type-specific           The embryos were assessed for salt-induced abnormalities
antibodies and quantitative assessment of the extent            and batch viability when the control embryos had reached
of neural differentiation is made using an in vitro             stage 20-22. For each group the number of dead and/or
assay (Messenger & Warner, 1979; Breckenridge &                 abnormal embryos was determined. The number of em-
Warner, 1982). We conclude that neural differen-                bryos that died in the control group gave the spontaneous
tiation is not prevented by lithium treatment, despite          death within the batch. The percentage of embryos that
the gross disturbance of morphogenesis and pattern-             died spontaneously was subtracted from the percentage
                                                                that died after each experimental regime, to give the death
ing. This conclusion parallels that drawn in a very
                                                                rate for each condition tested. In individual experiments
recent paper by Kao, Masui & Elinson (1986), who                the effects of the different treatments were compared on
examined pattern formation in Xenopus laevis after              sibling embryos from the same batch. Salt-treated embryos
treatment of cleavage-stage embryos with lithium.               were scored for abnormalities as described in the Results
These authors suggest that lithium enhances the                 section.
development of dorsoanterior structures and that
this respecification of the pattern-forming system is           Histology
responsible for the morphological appearance of the             Control embryos at stage 25-28 and lithium-treated siblings
treated embryos.                                                of an equivalent age were fixed overnight in Bouin's fluid,
   The mechanism by which lithium ions generate                 washed in buffer, dehydrated in alcohols and embedded in
                                                                butoxyethanol-glycol methacrylate (Dupont Ltd). 7 fim
these effects on development is not known. Surpris-
                                                                serial sections were cut on a Dupont-Sorval JB4 microtome
ingly, there are no estimates of the intracellular              and stained with haematoxylin and eosin.
concentration of lithium that is necessary to generate
the developmental defects. We have therefore                    Immunohistochemistry
measured the concentration of lithium within am-                Unfixed embryos at stage 25-28 were embedded in Tissue-
phibian embryos after treatment, for comparison                 Tek, frozen in isopentane and 5-7 /an sections cut on a
with the teratogenic effects.                                   Bright 5030 cryostat. Sections were incubated for 1 h at
   Some of these results were included in a thesis              room temperature with: (i) a monoclonal antibody raised
submitted to the University of London in part                   against rat neurofilament protein (Wood & Anderton,
fulfilment of the requirements for the Ph.D                     1981); (ii) a monoclonal antibody (12/101) raised against
                                                                adult newt muscle (Kintner & Brockes, 1984). The sections
(Breckenridge, 1985).
                                                                were then washed three times with Ringer solution and
                                                                incubated with FITC-labelled goat anti-mouse antibodies
                                                                (Nordic Immunological Laboratories, Maidenhead). After
Materials and methods                                           further washing to remove unbound antibodies, the sec-
                                                                tions were mounted in 'anti-fade' mountant (Chemistry
Xenopus laevis embryos were obtained from adult frogs           Department, City University, London) and viewed on a
induced to mate and lay by injection of chorionic gonado-       Zeiss epifluorescence microscope equipped with appropri-
trophin (Pregnyl, Organon Ltd). Embryos were reared in          ate filters. Photomicrographs were taken on Kodak Tri-X
tap water until they reached the required developmental         Pan film.
stage; staging follows the normal table of Xenopus laevis
(Nieuwkoop & Faber, 1956).                                      Tissue culture
                                                                Neural tube, notochord, somitic mesoderm and some
                                                                overlying ectoderm were dissected from embryos at stage
Treatment with lithium and other salts                          19-20, when the neural tube had just closed. The dorsal
For each batch of eggs at least 10, more usually 20, embryos    surface and immediately underlying mesoderm were dis-
of the required stage were soaked in a 100 HIM solution of      sected from embryos of the same age, which had previously
the appropriate salt for the required length of time. When      been treated with lithium. The dissected portions were
some embryos were to be removed for ion analysis (see           soaked for 3-5 min in calcium-free Ringer solution
below) the number of embryos was increased. The jelly           (120mM-NaCl, 2-5mM-KCl, 2 mM-Tris-hydroxymethyl-
coat was deliberately left intact, even though it could         aminomethane, lmM-EGTA) at pH8-0 and then dis-
provide a variable barrier to the uptake of lithium, because    sociated into single cells by mechanical trituration. Material
chemical removal of the jelly coat with cysteine can disturb    from three embryos was dispensed into each 35 mm culture
the distribution of small ions within the embryo (A. Stotter,   dish (Falcon Ltd) and cultured at 22 °C in modified
R. L. Warren & A. E. Warner, unpublished results). An           Ringer solution (100mM-NaCl, 2-5mM-KCl, 20mM-CaCl2,
equivalent number of sibling embryos were placed into tap       2-0mM-MgCl2, 5-0mM-NaHCO3) with 10% fetal calf
water. At the end of exposure to salt solution, the exper-      serum (Gibco-Biocult) and 300i.u. penicillin/streptomycin
imental embryos were washed, returned to tap water and          (Gibco) at pH7-4. Three culture dishes were set up from
left for 20-24 h, by which time the control embryos had         both control and lithium-treated embryos. The cultures
reached stage 20-22. All experiments were carried out at        were scored 18-24h after plating, when a monolayer of
room temperature (18-22 °C).                                    60000 to 70000 differentiated cells had formed. Neurones,
Lithium and neural development in Xenopus embryos           355
muscle cells and the total number of cells were counted in     Results
20-30 microscope fields selected at random from the three
Petri dishes. Further details of the culture method can be     Observations on the abnormalities generated by
found in Messenger & Warner (1979).                            lithium treatment
                                                                  The majority of embryos treated with 100 ITIM-
                                                               lithium from the 2- to 4-cell stage to the early blastula
Ion analysis
                                                               stage (4h) developed normally until neurulation be-
At the end of the treatment period, when the embryos had       gan. In a few, very severe cases the embryo exogas-
reached stage 7, four to six embryos were removed, washed      trulated; this was followed by cytolysis and death.
thoroughly in three changes of double-distilled deionized      Fig. 1 shows a normal tadpole at stage 26 that had
water and all the jelly removed with clean, flamed forceps.
                                                               been exposed to 100mM-NaCl (A) and examples of
The embryos were divided between two Eppendorf tubes
                                                               the range of abnormalities seen in lithium-treated
each containing 1 ml of double-distilled, deionized water
                                                               embryos (B-F). The defects ranged in severity from
and broken up by repeated freezing and thawing. The
                                                               slight inhibition of elongation (B), severe inhibition
lithium concentration was measured in 1 fA aliquots of each
                                                               of elongation with an apparent enlargement of the
sample and the final wash solution by flame emission
                                                               belly (C), complete absence of elongation, with the
spectroscopy (Warren, 1980). For calculation of lithium
concentration, the volume of the embryo at stage 7 was
                                                               neural folds failing to close (D) to complete absence
taken as 1-33^1 (Slack, Warner & Warren, 1973). Since the
                                                               of neural folds, which was sometimes accompanied by
diameter of Xenopus laevis embryos can vary from batch to      a long proboscis (E). The most abnormal embryos
batch, this assumption introduces some error. The range of     often died shortly after the controls had reached stage
volumes within all the measurements of Slack et al. (1973)     20-22. A similar range of defects was observed by
was 1-02-1-5^1.                                                Backstrom (1954), using the same treatment sched-
                                                               ule. Kao et al. (1986) treated embryos with higher
                                                               concentrations of lithium (0-2 and 0-3 M in 20%
Microinjection                                                 Steinberg's solution) for a few minutes only and
The jelly coat was mechanically stripped from 2-cell em-
                                                               noted equivalent defects.
bryos and approximately 1 nl of 1 M-LiCl or 1 M-NaCl              To determine the teratogenic effect of lithium
injected into each cell, giving an intracellular lithium       under different experimental conditions, the embryos
concentration of about 2 mM. Injection pipettes were pulled    were scored for the percentage that died within each
from Corning 7740 omega dot glass capillary, backfilled        batch and the percentage showing any of the ab-
with the injection solution and connected to a Picospritzer    normal features characteristic of lithium treatment,
(General Valve Corporation). The tip of the pipette was        illustrated in Fig. 1. The relative severity of the
broken back to approx. 5/im. Each injection pipette was        abnormalities was not determined systematically, but
calibrated by measuring the volume of a drop expelled from     when the percentage of embryos showing abnor-
the tip for a given pulse pressure (138-276 kNm" 2 ) and       malities was low, the abnormalities were less severe.
width.                                                         Conversely, a high proportion of dead embryos was
                                                               accompanied by more severely abnormal embryos. A
                                                               proportion of the untreated embryos in each batch
Samples of blastocoel fluid                                    died also, reflecting differing degrees of viability. All
Micropipettes were pulled from lmm external diameter,          experiments included in this paper were made on
0-33 mm internal diameter glass capillary and the tip broken   batches of high viability (greater than 80 %, average
back to 2-5/im. The volume of the pipette tip was              90%). The consequences of lithium treatment
measured up to the shoulder. The pipette was inserted          showed considerable variability from batch to batch,
between the cells of the animal pole into the blastocoel       as seen by Stanistreet (1974). However, occasional
cavity of embryos at stage 7-8. Blastocoel fluid was rapidly   batches showing extremely poor viability (20-40 %)
drawn into the tip by capillarity. The pipette was removed     were no more sensitive to lithium than the rest. The
from the embryo and placed in a clean tube containing          teratogenic consequence of lithium treatment was
double-distilled, deionized water. Each sample was             defined as the sum of dead and abnormal embryos,
analysed for potassium and lithium by flame emission           after correction for the viability of each batch.
spectroscopy (Warren, 1980). Cell damage during insertion
or withdrawal of the pipette produced yolky samples and        The uptake of lithium
potassium levels well above that normally found in blasto-     In order to resist the net loss of ions during develop-
coel fluid (l-4mM: Slack et al. 1973; Gillespie, 1983);        ment the membranes of external facing cells of the
contaminated samples were discarded. As observed pre-          amphibian embryo are relatively impermeable to ions
viously (Slack et al. 1973) cytoplasmic contamination was      and water (Slack & Warner, 1973; Slack etal. 1973). It
rare.                                                          is, therefore, difficult to predict how much lithium
356    L. J. Breckenridge, R. L. Warren and A. E. Warner

enters the embryo even from high-salt solution.              taken from 25 batches gave a mean of 2-54 ±0-18 ITIM-
Measurements of lithium concentration made at the            lithium (mean ± 1 standard error; 47 samples each
end of a 4h exposure to lOOmM-LiCl in embryos                containing two or three embryos), calculated using an

Fig. 1. The external appearance of abnormal embryos generated by lithium treatment from the 2- to 4-cell stage to
stage 7 (4h). (A) Normal embryo at stage 26 previously treated with NaCl. (B-F) The range of abnormalities seen in
embryos of the same age that had been previously treated with LiCl. For detailed description see text.
Lithium and neural development in Xenopus embryos             357

embryo volume of 1-33 fA (see Methods section). The       describe a linear regression curve fitted to the data
large standard error reflects considerable variability    with a correlation coefficient of 0-82 (P < 0-01, Mest).
in lithium content from embryo to embryo (range:          The results suggest that the threshold concentration
0-5-5 mid); part of this variability undoubtedly arises   of lithium required to generate developmental abnor-
because of differences in embryo volume. Thus very        malities is close to 0-5 mM- and 2-5 mM-lithium is
little lithium enters the embryos, despite the high       sufficient to produce a maximal effect. Similar defects
external concentration. Equivalent variability was        were produced by the microinjection of lithium, into
noted in the teratogenic consequences of lithium          both cells of embryos at the 2-cell stage, to give a final
treatment of embryos from these batches (abnormal:        intracellular lithium concentration of about 2mM.
54-9 ± 7 % ; dead: 32-3 ±7-5%; range (abnormal            Injection of sodium had no effect.
+ dead) 5-100%, 349 embryos; spontaneous death:
13-5 ±3-5%).                                              The concentration of lithium in the blastocoel fluid
   Fig. 2A plots the relationship between extra-          To determine the way in which lithium taken up by
embryonic lithium and teratogenic effect (solid line),    the embryo is distributed between the cells and the
along with the concentration of lithium within some       intercellular fluid, samples of intercellular fluid were
embryos of each batch (dotted line) for four batches      withdrawn from the blastocoel cavity of embryos that
of eggs. The developmental effect of lithium is scored    had been soaked in 100mM-LiCl for 4h. Seven
as the sum of the abnormal and dead embryos from          samples that were uncontaminated by cell damage
each batch (60-65 embryos per point), after taking        gave a lithium concentration of 17±6-3mM. In all
account of spontaneous death in untreated controls        cases the concentration of lithium in the blastocoel
(8 ± 2 % ; four batches, 60 embryos). An external         fluid was substantially greater than the average con-
lithium concentration up to 50 HIM had no significant     centration within the whole embryo after 4h in
teratogenic effect and the embryo lithium concen-         lOOmM-LiCl (average: 2-5mM). This suggests that a
tration was less than 0-5 mM (average of 20-24 em-        substantial proportion of the lithium taken up by the
bryos). 100 mM-lithium generated the usual substan-       embryo is extruded from the cells into the intercellu-
tial teratogenic effect with an average lithium uptake    lar fluid. A rough estimate of the intracellular lithium
of 2-5 mM, close to the overall average given above.      concentration can be made using the values for
   Lithium uptake and teratogenic effect were simi-       blastocoel volume and protein content of the stage-7
larly related when the time of exposure to 100 mM-        embryo given in Slack et al. (1973). This calculation
lithium was varied (Fig. 2B). The spontaneous death       suggests that the intracellular concentration of lith-
in the batches used for these experiments was again       ium that produces the maximum teratogenic effect
close to 10%. A significant teratogenic effect was        may be as low as O-Smmolesl"1 cell water.
seen after l h in lOOmM-LiCl (seven batches, 100
embryos) by which time the embryos contained, on          The sensitivity to lithium depends on developmental
average, 0-5 mM-lithium (eight batches, 16 samples        stage
each containing two or three embryos). Both the           Fig. 3A shows the developmental consequences of
teratogenic effect and the lithium uptake increased       exposure of Xenopus embryos to 100 mM-lithium for
linearly with time of exposure, suggesting a high         4 h, initiated at progressively later times during devel-
correlation between the intraembryonic concen-            opment. At least three time points were tested on
tration of lithium and the developmental defects. The     every batch. The spontaneous death within the
proportion of severely affected embryos and the           batches used for this series of experiments was 19 %.
proportion that died as a result of lithium treatment     Each column gives the sum of the abnormal and dead
increased together. Fig. 2C combines the results          embryos; the hatched portion indicates the pro-
given in A and B with data obtained in a number of        portion that died as a result of treatment, taking into
other experiments (see later) and plots the concen-       account the batch viability. A 4 h exposure to lithium
tration of lithium within the embryos against the         became progressively less effective as the embryos
percentage lithium effect, taken as the sum of the        proceeded through development. Lithium treatment
abnormal and dead embryos for each batch, after           beginning at the 32- to 64-cell stage was significantly
correction for spontaneous death (average 12%).           less teratogenic than treatment starting at the 2- to 4-
The figures at the foot of each column give the           cell stage (2- to 4-cell versus 32- to 64-cell P
358    L. J. Breckenridge, R. L. Warren and A. E. Warner

stage onwards. At stage 10?, when lithium treatment                         completely lacked the notochord. Embryo C had no
no longer produced any developmental defects, the                           recognizable anterior-posterior axis and the internal
embryos nevertheless contained 1-5 mM-lithium at the                        structures were again disorganized. Patches of appar-
end of the 4h exposure. Since this concentration                            ently differentiated, but unidentifiable tissue, are
would have been sufficient to generate a 60 % lithium                       scattered throughout.
effect in embryos treated from the 2- to 4-cell stage,                         However, when tissue-specific antibodies were ap-
Xenopus embryos must become less susceptible to the                         plied to frozen sections of such disorganized embryos
teratogenic effects of lithium with increasing age.                         both differentiated nerve cells and muscle cells could
                                                                            be recognized. Fig. 5 shows horizontal sections
Internal structure of lithium-treated embryos                               through the head of a control embryo (A) at stage 28
The most characteristic external feature of embryos                         and the dorsal region of an abnormal sibling of the
that have been treated with lithium is the inhibition of                    same age that had been treated with lithium (C), each
the elevation of the neural folds. The internal organ-                      labelled with an anti-neurofilament monoclonal anti-
ization of structures within such embryos also proved                       body (Wood & Anderton, 1971). In the control
to be grossly disorganized. Fig. 4 shows the external                       embryo, neurites emerging from the developing
appearance of a normal embryo (A) at stage 26 and                           brain, and particularly the otic nerve, are clearly
the dorsal view of two sibling embryos of the same                          labelled. The pattern of staining in the lithium-
age that had previously been treated with lithium                           treated embryo was quite different, with labelled cells
(B,C). Transverse sections through the head (Al, Bl,                        scattered throughout the internal structures. In both
Cl) and trunk (A2, B2, C2) of these embryos are                             control and lithium-treated embryos the antibody
shown below. By comparison with the control, both                           also stained epidermal cells. However, incubation of
lithium-treated embryos showed gross disorgan-                              similar sections with an antibody that is specific for
ization of normal patterning. No recognizable organ-                        epidermal cells (2f7.c7: Jones, 1985) showed staining
ized structures could be found in embryo B, which                           of the epithelium only, confirming that the scattered

               100 -1 A                                                       100 T B

                                                                                                                     - 3


                                                                               40-                                          3

                                                                                                                     - 1


                             20        40        60        80         100                1   2         3     4
                                  Cone, of lithium (rain)                                        Time (h)
              3-1 C
                                                                            Fig. 2. The effect of increasing lithium concentration (A)
                                                                            and time of exposure to 100 mM-LiCl (B) on lithium
                                                                            effect (solid line and solid circles) and lithium uptake
                                                                            (dotted line and crosses). Left-hand ordinates: lithium
              2-\                                                           effect (%). Right-hand ordinates: lithium uptake (HIM).
                                                                            Abscissae: lithium concentration in bathing medium (A)
                                                                            and time of exposure (B). Each point gives the mean and

         •5   1 -
                                                  i                         the bars ±1S.E. of results from four batches of embryos.
                                                                            The lithium effect is taken as the sum of the percentage
                                                                            abnormal and percentage dead embryos after taking
                                                                            account of spontaneous death (8 ± 2 %) in controls.
                                                                            (C) Histogram giving the relation between lithium uptake
                    30 6 21 10 12 10 4 12 13 68                             and percentage lithium effect defined as in A and B. Bars
                                                                            give ±1S.E.M. Regression line (broken line) calculated
                        20        40        60        80        100         from the means. The number of batches for each point is
                             Lithium effect (%)                             given at the bottom of each column.
Lithium and neural development in Xenopus embryos           359

 staining observed in the lithium-treated embryo with                       shows the pattern of muscle cell differentiation recog-
 the anti-neurofilament antibody arose from neurones                        nized with an anti-muscle monoclonal antibody
 (unpublished observations of S. Rowe). Fig. 5B,D                           (12/101: Kintner & Brockes, 1984) in the trunk
                                                                            region of a control (B) and a lithium-treated embryo
     100 n       Lithium effect                                             (D). In the control embryo, myotomal muscle cells
                                                                            flank the notochord (see also Gurdon, Mohun,
                                                                            Brennan & Cascio, 1985). By contrast, the lithium-
                                                                            treated embryo contained groups of disorganized
               (34)                                                         axial muscle cells. Six lithium- treated embryos,
                                                                            showing varying degrees of internal disorganization,
tr 60-                                                                      all gave positive staining with both antibodies. These
                                                                            results show that both neurones and muscle cells
 E                                                                          differentiate in lithium-treated embryos, despite the
•3    40 H                         (24)
                                             (V)                            gross disruption of pattern formation.

                                                                            Quantitative assessment of neuronal differentiation
                                                                            Although differentiated neurones can still be recog-
                         V9                                       (3)       nized in embryos treated with lithium, it is possible
                                                                            that the amount of neural differentiation is reduced as
                                           128 cell
                                            -st. 7
                                                      st. 8-9   st. lOi
                                                                            compared with controls. If the hypothesis that lithium
                                                                            inhibits neural induction is correct, then absolute
                                                                            levels of neural differentiation ought to be reduced in
       3-i B     Lithium uptake                                             embryos previously treated with lithium. To test this
                                                                            possibility we compared neural differentiation in
                                                                            monolayer cultures prepared from the neural tube
                                                                            and somitic mesoderm of control embryos at stage 20,
                                                                            just before outgrowth from the neural tube begins,
               (23)                                                         and from the dorsal surfaces of abnormal, lithium-
                                                                            treated embryos of the same age. 18 h after plating,
                                                                            control cultures have formed a monolayer of differen-
                                                                            tiated cells in which neurones and muscle cells are
      1-                                                                    readily identified using morphological criteria (see
                                                                            Messenger & Warner, 1979; Breckenridge & Warner,
                                                                            1982). Cells identified morphologically as neurones
                                                                            generate action potentials, drive contractile activity
                                                                            in innervated muscle cells and are specifically recog-
             2-4 cells             64-128 cells                 st.         nized by the anti-neurofilament antibody. Morpho-
                                                                            logically identified muscle cells generate end-plate
 Fig. 3. The sensitivity to lithium declines with stage of                  potentials and contract when innervated, develop
 development. (A) The teratogenic effect of 4 h exposure                    striations and stain with the anti-muscle antibody
 to lithium initiated at progressively later stages of                      (Breckenridge, unpublished observations, see also
 development. Ordinate: lithium effect (%). Abscissa:
                                                                            Warner, 1985). The cultures also contain pigment
 stage at which treatment was initiated. The hatched area
 within each bar gives the proportion of embryos that died                  cells, fibroblastic and epithelial cells.
 as a result of treatment, the clear area the proportion of                    The number of nerve and muscle cells, together
 abnormal embryos. Bars give ± 1 S . E . , the numbers in                   with the total number of cells (100-500 cells/field),
 parentheses the number of batches for each point (14                       was counted in each of 20-30 microscope fields taken
 embryos per batch). Treatment initiated at the 32- to 64-                  at random from three cultures prepared from control
 cell state and later was significantly less effective than                 embryos or from sibling embryos previously treated
 treatment beginning at the 2- to 4-cell stage. *P
L. J. Breckenridge, R. L. Warren and A. E. Warner

Fig. 4. Lithium treatment generates gross internal disorder. (A-C) Photographs of control embryo at stage 26 and two
severely abnormal lithium-treated siblings of the same age. Bar, 1 mm. (Al, Bl, Cl) Sections taken through the head at
the level of the optic cups in the control and the best estimate of the equivalent level in the lithium-treated embryos.
(A2, B2, C2) Sections through the midtrunk region. Bar, 10;um. Note extreme internal disorder.

differentiated from lithium-treated embryos was sig-          field in eight experiments in which both total cell
nificantly (F
Lithium and neural development in Xenopus embryos                  361

Fig. 5. Cell-type-specific antibodies recognize nerve and muscle cells even in severely disorganized, lithium-treated
embryos. Sagittal frozen sections through control embryo at stage 28 (A,B) and lithium-treated embryos of same age
(C, D). A and C stained with antibody directed against neurofilament protein. Note labelling of white matter at
periphery of developing brain and the otic nerve in the control. Neural staining is widely scattered and disorganized in
the lithium-treated embryo. B and D stained with antibody that recognizes axial muscle. Note clear staining of
myotomal muscle in the control and the scattered patches of labelled muscle cells in the lithium-treated embryo. (E)
Section through control embryo treated with second layer antibody alone. There is no background staining. Bar,
100 fim.
362       L. J. Breckenridge, R. L. Warren and A. E. Warner

                                             D       Control                        P>0-01). There was no effect on either total cell
                                                                                    number or the proportion of differentiated muscle
                                                                                    cells. These results suggest that the increase in
                                        6-                                          neuronal differentiation observed in embryos treated
                                                                                    with lithium from the 2-cell stage is linked with the
                                                                                    severity of the abnormalities.

                                                                                    Factors determining the uptake of lithium
              2     4   6   8   10 12            2        4   6         8   10 12   In the course of experiments to examine the mechan-
                                                                                    ism of lithium uptake by the amphibian embryo we
          B 2-4 cells Li                     E 32 cells Li                          made a number of observations on the conditions that
                                                                                    determine the ease of entry of lithium ions. Although
                                                                                    these experiments were not able to shed any light on
                                                                                    the mechanisms underlying the teratogenic effects of
                                                                                    lithium, they nevertheless provide information that
                                                                                    may be useful for those who wish to design future
                                                                                    experiments and are therefore described briefly be-
              2    4 6 8 10 12                   2       4 6 8 10 12
                   % Neurones                            % Neurones
                                                                                       The effect of ionic strength
          C       % Neurones                 F % Neurones
                                                                                    The lithium uptake by treated embryos increased
2    8                                                                              fivefold for a doubling of the external concentration
                                        6                                           of lithium from 50 to 100 mM. This implies that the
                                                                  T *
§    4-                                 4            j
                                                                                    entry of lithium is not simply determined by the sum
                                                                                    of the electrical (the membrane potential) and chemi-

1 2-                                    2-
                                                                                    cal (the concentration gradient) inward driving forces
           Control Lithium                    Control Lithium                       and that the permeability to lithium must have risen.
               2 cells                           >32 cells                          To determine whether this increase in lithium per-
                                                                                    meability was induced by lithium itself or by the rise
    Fig. 6. Neuronal differentiation after lithium treatment                        in ionic and osmptic strength of the bathing medium,
    assayed quantitatively in tissue culture. (A) Frequency                         we examined the uptake of lithium from 50 mM-LiCl
    distribution of the percentage of neurones in each field in                     when the ionic or osmotic strength of the external
    cultures prepared from control embryos. (B) Similar
                                                                                    solution had been increased to that of 100 mM-salt by
    distribution for neuronal differentiation from embryos
    treated for 4 h with 100 mM-lithium from the 2- to 4-cell                       the addition of other compounds. Fig. 7 shows the
    stage. Ordinates: number of observations. Abscissae: %                          teratogenic effect of 50mM-LiCl (A) and the corre-
    neurones per field. (C) Pooled data from eight similar                          sponding lithium uptake (B) under these conditions.
    experiments. Ordinate: % neurones/field. Arrows at the                          As in all previous figures the numbers in parentheses
    median of each distribution. Bars give mean ± ls.E.                             give the number of batches used for each set of
    Total number of fields counted given in parentheses.                            measurements and the values in panel A take account
    (D-F) A similar set of plots for an experiment where                            of spontaneous death (19 % for this series). Columns
    lithium treatment for 4h began at the 32-cell stage.                             1 and 2 in each panel show the effect of 100 mM- and
    *P0-l;                                 lithium. The permeability of the embryo to lithium
    Mann-Whitney test). The pooled data from eight                                  must, therefore, depend on the osmotic strength of
    experiments in which treatment with lithium began                                the medium bathing the embryo. The increase in
    between the 32-cell stage and stage 11 is shown in                               permeability induced by raising osmotic strength may
    Fig. 6F. The proportion of neurones differentiating                              extend to all ions and small molecules. Loeffler &
    from lithium-treated embryos is slightly higher than                            Johnston (1964) found that the uptake of tritiated
    found in controls but is barely significant (002>                                thymidine by urodele embryos could be increased by
Lithium and neural development in Xenopus embryos           363

                                                                               link the apical edges of each cell and are of very high
                                                                               resistance (Slack & Warner, 1973; see also Regen &
                                                                               Steinhardt, 1986), so allowing direct access to the
                                                            (9)                internal, more permeable and potassium-selective
                                                                               cell membranes (Woodland, 1968; Slack & Warner,
                   (10)                  (11)                                  1973; de Laat, Buwalda & Habets, 1974). This would
r         60                                                                   explain the increased potassium sensitivity of the
                                                   (9)                         membrane potential of cells in embryos at high ionic
                                                                     (10)      strength (see below and Appendix). Electrophysio-
•2        40

                   r                     11          I
                                                                               logical tests to distinguish between these two possi-
                                                                               bilities are described in the Appendix. They make it
                                                                               most likely that high ionic or osmotic strength acts

          20-                                                                  directly on the properties of the cell membranes,
                                                                               rather than the integrity of the tight junction. How-
                                                                               ever, this conclusion may not be valid when the
                  100 Li   50 Li         50 Li   50 Li     50 Li    50 Li      embryo is subjected to solutions of very high ionic
                                                                               strength, such as those used by Kao etal. (1986). If we
                                         50 Na   50 Tris   50 Ch 100 sucrose   assume that about 2-5 mM intraembryonic lithium is
                                                                               responsible for their finding that 6min exposure to
                                                                               0-3 M-LiCl generates similar defects to those reported
                                                                               here, then the permeability to lithium must have been
           3-                                                                  40 times greater than that in 50mM-LiCl. Such a
                                                                               massive increase in lithium uptake could well reflect
                                                                               transient disruption of the properties of tight junc-
           2-                                                                  tions, in addition to effects on cellular membranes.
                                                                                  The cation composition of the bathing solution
                                                                               influences lithium uptake
                             T"     "'
                                                                               The properties of the channels opened by an increase
                   (8)       (8)          (8)      (6)      (6)      (4)       in osmotic or ionic strength may be quite complex
                  100 Li    50 Li        50 Li    50 Li    50 Li    50 Li      since the increase in lithium uptake was strongly
                                                                               influenced by the identity of the added ion. Fig. 8
                                         50 Na   50 Tris   50 Ch 100 sucrose
                                                                               shows the effect of adding the chlorides of potassium,
                                                                               caesium, rubidium or magnesium to 50mM-LiCl
         Fig. 7. Raising the osmotic or ionic strength increases the           compared with that of NaCl. The presence of 50 mM-
         defects generated by lithium (A) and the lithium uptake               potassium had little influence on either the terato-
         (B). (A) Each column gives the sum of the percentage
                                                                               genic effect (A, column 4) or uptake of lithium (B,
         abnormal embryos (clear) and the percentage of embryos
         that died as a result of treatment (hatched). Bars ± 1 S . E .
                                                                               column 4) from 50 mM-lithium^ Caesium, rubidium
         The treatment schedule is given at the bottom of each                 and magnesium all increased the abnormalities and
         column. Number of batches used given in parentheses.                  lithium uptake in 50mM-lithium, but were signifi-
         Treatment with 50 mM-lithium alone is significantly less              cantly less effective than sodium. Thus some cations
         effective (**P< 0-001) than all solutions at double the               may protect the embryo from the consequences of
         ionic/osmotic strength. All the cations and sucrose                   increasing the ionic strength.
         increase the effect of lithium equivalently. (B) The                     This protection could be the consequence of com-
         lithium uptake in some embryos from a number of                       petition between lithium and other cations for the
         batches (given in parentheses). Uptake from 50mM-                     sites that mediate the transfer of lithium across the
         lithium alone significantly lower than in other conditions            outermost membranes. Alternatively sodium and
                                                                               lithium ions may bring about a larger increase in
                                                                               permeability to lithium than the other salts used to
         the addition of salt to the solution bathing the                      raise the ionic strength. Experiments designed to test
         embryo.                                                               this point directly using electrophysiological tech-
           The increase in overall permeability induced by                     niques are described in the Appendix. They show
         100 mM-salt could reflect a change in the properties of               clearly that the overall permeability of the amphibian
         the outermost cell membranes. An equivalent effect                    embryo is closely similar in a 100 mM solution of all
         would be produced if high osmotic strength solutions                  the monovalent cations. The increase in permeability
         interfered with the integrity of the tight junctions that             is, however, greatly reduced when the ionic strength
364           L. J. Breckenridge, R. L. Warren and A. E. Warner

                                                                            lithium achieves a small, but not significant, protec-
                                    3        4       5       6       7      tion of the embryos against the teratogenic effects of
                                                                            lithium. However, the most striking finding was that
                                                                            soaking the embryo in NaCl from the 2- to 4-cell stage
      80-                                                                   to the 32- to 64- cell stage and then transferring the
                                                                            embryos to lithium potentiated both the teratogenic
tT 60                                                                       effects (B) and the uptake of lithium (C).
                                                                               These findings imply that the ionic composition of
                                                                            the solution initially used to raise the ionic strength
.2 40                                                        13)    (6)
                                            (13)     13)                    influences the properties of the channels which then

      20 -         I                                                        become available for the movement of small mol-
                                                                            ecules across the outer membranes of the embryo.

                  100 Li

                           50 Li    50 Li
                                            50 Li
                                                     50 Li 50 Li 50 Li
                                                     +     +     +
                                                                            We were unable to identify the nature of this influ-
                                                                            ence. The only difference between the membrane
                                                                            properties of embryos exposed to NaCl and KCl was
              B                    50 Na    50 K    50 Cs 50 Rb 33 M g      in the membrane potential: cells of embryos in
       4 -i
                                                                            100 mM-lithium or in 50 mM-lithium together with
                                                                            sodium had resting potentials that were about 10 mV
       3-                                                                   more negative than those of embryos in 100 mM-
                                                                            potassium or in 50 mM-lithium together with potass-
                   (4)              (4)                                     ium. The membrane potential was also depolarized in
                                                                            the presence of rubidium and caesium, but to a lesser
                                                                            extent. However, the difference in membrane poten-
.•§    1 -
                                                     (4)                    tial did not persist beyond the period of exposure to
                            (2)              (4)                            potassium ions. Embryos that had been exposed to
                                                                            100 mM-potassium for 2 h promptly hyperpolarized on
                  100 Li   50 Li   50 Li    50 Li   50 Li   50 Li   50 Li   transfer to 100 mM-lithium.
                                   50 Na    50 K    50 Cs   50 Rb 33 Mg
Fig. 8. Comparison of the ability of different cations to
increase the teratogenicity (A) and uptake (B) of lithium.
                                                                            Lithium ions generate teratogenic effects in the
(A) Sodium and lithium added to 50 mM-lithium are
equivalent^ effective. K + , Cs + , Rb + and Mg2+ all
                                                                            amphibian embryo at very low internal concen-
generate a lower lithium effect than Na + . *F
Lithium and neural development in Xenopus embryos                     365

              A Post-treatment                          B Pretreatment
                   1      2                     lOO-i       1        2
                                                                                                         C    Pretreatment
                                                                                                  4 -i

      60-                                       60-                                               3-           1
•g     40-
                                                 40-                                     **       2-
                                  (9)                                                                                          (8)
       20                                       20-                                               1-                                    (8)
                                 Li 2h
                                 Na 2h
                                                          Li4h     Water
                                                                                                             Li4h    Water
                                                                                                                     Li 2 h
                                                                                                                              Li 2 h

     Fig. 9. The consequence of treating embryos with 100 mM-NaCl or 100 mM-KCl either after a 2 h exposure to 100 mM-
     lithium beginning at the 2- to 4-cell stage (A) or before a 2h exposure to lithium (B). Treatment schedule given below
     each column. (A) There is no difference between exposure to Na + , K+ or water after LiCl. (B) Sodium potentiates the
     teratogenic effect of a subsequent exposure to lithium. (C). Lithium uptake in embryos treated with water, NaCl or KC1
     for 2 h before treatment with lithium. Sodium significantly increases the subsequent uptake of lithium. **P < 0-001.

     would be even higher. The free ion concentration,                     of the lithium permeability in 100 mM-lithium using
     which may be most relevant for the teratogenic                        the Goldman equation (see Hodgkin & Horowicz,
     effects, could be five times lower than the estimates                 1959), with the influx taken from the net uptake
     given above. There are no measurements of the                         of lithium and the membrane potential set at
     lithium taken up by embryos in previously published                   -30 mV, suggests that even in 100 mM-lithium the
     experiments although the treatment schedules of Hall                  permeability coefficient is probably not much greater
     (1942) and Backstrom (1954) suggest very similar                      than 0-04xl0" 6 cms~ 1 . The sensitivity of the mem-
     final lithium concentrations to those found here.                     brane permeability to increased ionic strength almost
        The intracellular concentration of lithium that is                 certainly explains why Kao et al. (1986) were able to
     sufficient to generate a substantial teratogenic effect               generate substantial teratogenic effects by a few
     is comparable to the therapeutic dose of lithium                      minutes' exposure to 0-2-0-3 M-LiCl. If the effects
     used to treat patients with manic depressive illness                  observed in those experiments were achieved by
     (0-7-1-5 meq I"1 plasma). There is full equilibration                 intraembryonic lithium concentrations similar to
     of lithium across the placental membrane (Schou &                     those measured here, then their results imply a
     Amdeson, 1975) and lithium may also enter the                         lithium uptake at a rate at least 40 times greater than
     uterine fluid, an ultrafiltrate of plasma. Studies on the             in lOOmM-LiCl, making the lithium permeability
     amphibian embryo could therefore be more relevant
                                                                           coefficient in the region of 2x 10~ 6 cms" 1 . This would
     to possible teratogenic effects in human embryos than
                                                                           suggest that the outer membrane of the Xenopus
     has hitherto been realized.
                                                                           embryo becomes at least as permeable to small ions
        The absolute permeability to lithium of the outer                  as frog muscle under conditions of very high ionic
     membranes of the amphibian embryo is normally                         strength.
     very low, as for all other small ions (Slack et al. 1973;
     de Laat etal. 1974). However, the lithium uptake, and                    The external defects generated by lithium treat-
     therefore the permeability, was strongly dependent                    ment in the present experiments were closely similar
     on both the osmotic/ionic strength of the bathing                     to those seen by others (e.g. Hall, 1942; Backstrom,
     medium. A rise in osmotic strength to that equivalent                 1954; Kao et al. 1986). They were accompanied by
     to lOOmM-salt substantially increased the uptake of                   gross internal disorganization of all the structures of
     lithium, probably because of a general increase in the                the embryonic axis, showing that pattern formation
     permeability of the outer membranes of the embryo                     had been severely disrupted. Nevertheless differen-
     to all ions and small molecules. However, calculation                 tiated neurones and differentiated muscle cells could
366    L. J. Breckenridge, R. L. Warren and A. E. Warner

be identified with cell-type-specific antibodies, con-       experiments would be in the region of 2mM, close to
tradicting former suggestions that lithium ventralizes       the concentration found by us to be maximally
(e.g. Backstrom, 1954) or mesodermalizes (Ogi, 1961;         effective. If lithium were rapidly redistributed
Masui, 1961) the amphibian embryo. This conclusion           throughout the embryo after injection into one cell
is strongly supported by the observation that after          then one would expect injections into the animal or
lithium treatment, neuronal differentiation, assayed         vegetal pole or into ventral or dorsal vegetal cells to
in tissue culture, was substantial even from acutely         be equally effective. This is not observed experimen-
abnormal lithium-treated embryos. Muscle differen-           tally, suggesting that movement of lithium within the
tiation was unaffected. A further, important con-            embryo is relatively slow.
clusion is that lithium has separate effects on the             An additional complication arises from the marked
elements of neural induction that lead to the differen-     stage dependence of the sensitivity of the Xenopus
tiation of nerve cells and those that lead to the           embryo to lithium treatment. In the present exper-
patterning of neural and other axial structures.            iments the teratogenic consequences of exposure of
   The finding that the differentiation of neurones was     the embryos to lithium declined steadily as develop-
significantly enhanced in lithium-treated embryos was       ment proceeded. The lithium uptake did not decline
unexpected. Although lithium has been shown to              equivalently, suggesting that some relatively early
induce the differentiation of neurones from com-            event is sensitive to the intracellular lithium concen-
petent Rana ectoderm (Barth & Barth, 1974), it does         tration. The increase in neural differentiation seen in
not appear to do so in Xenopus (Messenger, 1979).           embryos exposed to lithium from the 2- to 4-cell stage
One possibility is that the failure of the neural tube to   also no longer took place, or was greatly reduced,
close allows an inducing factor to spread further           when lithium treatment began at times beyond the 32-
within the ectoderm (Warner, 1979). Alternatively,          cell stage. This observation provides further evidence
the suggestion of Kao et al. (1986) that lithium            that the quantitative increase in the number of
enhances dorsoanterior development could mean               neurones that differentiate is directly linked to the
that the amount of neural tissue is increased. If this      teratogenic effects of lithium. Kao et al. (1986) also
enhancement were extensive then it might mechan-            observed that the effects of lithium were stage depen-
ically impede closure of the neural tube. In that case      dent. Brief treatment with 0-2 or 0-3M-LiCl was most
the inhibition of neurulation movements would be a          successful in rescuing embryos from the consequence
casual rather than a causal consequence of lithium          of u.v. irradiation when applied at the 32- to 64-cell
treatment.                                                  stages. If the teratogenic effect of lithium is mainly
   The finding that both lithium treatment and micro-       determined by the intracellular concentration of lith-
injection of lithium into vegetal cells can restore the     ium at the 32- to 64-cell stage, then the effective
development of dorsal structures in radially sym-           concentration must be even lower than indicated
metric, ventral embryos generated by u.v. irradiation       above, since total lithium was little more than 1 mM
prior to first cleavage (Kao et al. 1986) provides strong   by the time embryos initially exposed to lithium
support for the view that lithium enhances the devel-       chloride at the 2- to 4-cell stage had progressed
opment of dorsal. structures rather than inhibiting         through the requisite number of cleavage cycles.
neural induction. This is strengthened by Kao et a/.'s      However, Kao et a/.'s (1986) finding that exposure to
(1986) finding that microinjection of lithium into          lithium up to the 32-cell stage was substantially less
ventral vegetal cells of normal embryos at the 32-cell      effective than at the 32-cell stage makes interpret-
stage generated a high proportion of embryos lacking        ation of the stage dependence difficult. Our exper-
posterior development, but possessing two heads. To         iments suggest that the outer membranes of the
achieve substantial rescue, or duplication of dorsal        amphibian embryo return to the low permeability
structures, Kao et al. (1986) microinjected 4nl of          state promptly (within less than lmin) on lowering
O3M-lithium in 200% Steinberg's solution into a             the ionic strength (see Appendix). Lithium that
single vegetal pole cell. If the lithium remains within     entered during earlier stages in Kao et a/.'s (1986)
the injected cell then the intracellular concentration      experiments ought therefore to be present at the 32-
would be in the region of 40 mM, about 10 times             to 64-cell stage and available to influence the puta-
higher than a lethal dose. Some of the injected             tive, stage- and lithium-dependent event. However, if
lithium must be distributed throughout the embryo,          the increase in permeability produced by a 0-2 or
since our results show that most of it is destined to be    0-3 M bathing solution persists beyond the exposure,
extruded into the blastocoel fluid, which has access to     much of the lithium that enters the embryo would be
all cells. The rate at which this redistribution of         immediately lost. We found that microinjection of
lithium takes place is not known and is difficult to        lithium at the 2-cell stage was able to induce abnor-
estimate. At complete redistribution, the intra-            malities. Acute stage dependence would aid the
embryonic lithium concentration in Kao et a/.'s (1986)      identification of the sensitive cells by microinjection
Lithium and neural development in Xenopus embryos           367

because the distribution of lithium within the embryo       and potassium in the putative lithium-sensitive, stage-
may be too slow for lithium ions in the appropriate         dependent event. Until this event, which appears to
cell(s) to reach threshold within the sensitive period,     control the fundamental process of patterning in the
ii .""ay be possible to resolve some of these issues with   amphibian embryo, is identified, the effects of lithium
lithium-sensitive microelectrodes.                          are unlikely to be understood.
   The uptake of lithium was markedly affected by the
identity of the cation used to raise the ionic strength.      This work was supported by the Medical Research
Most notable was the interaction between lithium and        Council. We thank Dr J. I. Gillespie for collaborating in
potassium, so that lithium uptake was substantially         some preliminary experiments. B. Anderton, J. Brockes,
impeded when potassium ions, and to a lesser extent         C. Kintner and E. Jones kindly donated samples of anti-
rubidium and caesium, were also present in the
bathing medium. Lallier (1960) and Wolcott (1981)
found that the teratogenic effect of lithium on sea         Appendix
urchin development was reduced in the presence of
potassium suggesting that potassium may impede              The experiments comparing the uptake of lithium
lithium entry also in the sea urchin embryo. The            when the ionic strength had been raised to 100 mM by
evidence suggests that potassium ions compete with          the addition of various cations suggested that the
lithium at the sites made available by the rise in          permeability of the embryo might be much less in the
osmotic strength. Whether interactions between lith-        presence of potassium than in sodium-containing
ium and the other monovalent cations also take place        solutions. Direct information on this problem can be
at intracellular sites is difficult to ascertain. The       obtained by measuring the electrical resistance of the
finding that exposing the embryo to NaCl up to the          embryo under the appropriate experimental con-
32-cell stage increased the subsequent uptake of            ditions. This Appendix briefly describes electro-
lithium suggests that the intracellular environment         physiological experiments which address this issue.
may be important. The sodium and potassium con-             Some experiments that show that the alterations in
centrations in the embryo did not change significantly      permeability probably occur in the outermost cell
in high external sodium (unpublished observations),         membranes, rather than by disruption of the tight
although the naturally high concentrations and the          junctions that link the apical edges of the cells, are
substantial variations- from embryo to embryo and           also included. The major conclusions drawn from the
batch to batch (Slack et al. 1973; Gillespie, 1983)         results are indicated at the appropriate positions in
could easily have obscured relatively small, yet im-        the main text.
portant alterations in individuals. The internal levels        Standard electrophysiological techniques were
of other monovalent cations may also have influenced        used. Low resistance (5-10 megohm) microelec-
the experiments of Kao et al. (1986). If in their           trodes filled with 3 M-KC1 with insignificant tip poten-
experiments the high permeability state persisted           tials recorded the membrane potential or injected
much beyond the exposure period, then significant           current pulses. After removing the jelly coat (either
net loss of other small ions, which experience a much       manually or by brief exposure to 2 % cysteine in
greater outward driving force than lithium, may have        Holtfreter's solution at pH8-0) the embryo was
occurred. An additional factor would be the shrink-         transferred to a 3 ml volume recording bath. Solution
age on exposure to hypertonic solution and sub-             changes were effected by injecting 10 ml of sol-
sequent swelling on return to low ionic strength            ution into the bath and removing the excess with
media.                                                      constant suction. To measure the input resistance two
   The mechanism underlying the profound pertur-            electrodes were inserted into the same cell, one to
bations of development initiated by treatment of            inject rectangular hyperpolarizing current pulses
early embryos with lithium is not known. In the             (50-300 nA, 400-1200 ms in length, one every 2-9 s)
amphibian embryo the threshold concentration is             while the other recorded the membrane potential and
very low, in the 100-500//M range, which restricts the      the resultant electrotonic potentials. The ratio of the
range of possible mechanisms. In the appropriate            electrotonic potential to the injected current gives the
concentration range, lithium has been reported to           input resistance of the embryo. The vitelline mem-
inhibit adenyl cyclase (Thams & Geisler, 1981) and          brane offers a negligible resistance to the flow of
microtubule-mediated movement of sperm flagellae            current.
(Gibbons & Gibbons, 1984). Additionally it is known
that lithium interferes with a wide range of other          The ionic permeability at different ionic strength
cellular processes. The complicated interactions be-        The input resistance of the cleavage-stage embryo is
tween lithium and the other monovalent cations focus        determined by both the properties of the low resist-
attention on a possible physiological role of sodium        ance, relatively potassium-permeable membranes
368    L. J. Breckenridge, R. L. Warren and A. E. Warner

generated at each cell division and the high resist-      affect the overall conductance of cleavage-stage am-
ance, outermost membrane derived from the egg.            phibian embryos equivalently. Comparison of the
Nevertheless, measurements of input resistance            input resistances recorded in 100iriM-NaCl, 100 mM-
should reveal major differences in the ability of the     LiCl and 100 mM-KCl showed the input resistance in
various cations used in experiments on lithium up-
                                                             (A) Intact embryo
take (Fig. 7) to increase the overall permeability.
                                                             100 Na   100 K 100 Na
Fig. 10A,B shows measurements of input resistance
of one cell of a 16-cell embryo in 50 and 100 mM-NaCl
(A) and KC1 (B). In both cases the measurement
begins in 100 mM salt solution and the input resistance                                mV
doubles within a minute of the reduction in ionic
strength to 50 mM. Similar results were obtained in 14                               -J - 3 0
other experiments. Thus both sodium and potassium

              100 Na               50 Na
                                                           (B) Internal membranes exposed
                                                           100 Na       100 K        100 Na

                        3-6 min                                                                              -40

               22 s                    28 s

                                                          Fig. 11. The effect on the resting potential of changing
                                                          from 100 min-sodium (100 Na) to lOOmM-potassium
               100 K        50 K                          (100 K). (A) Intact embryo. 100mM-potassium produces
                                                          an 8mV depolarization, which is reversed on return to
                                                          lOOmM-sodium. Electrode withdrawn from the cell at end
                                                          of trace and the trace returns to the OmV baseline. (B)
                                                          Vitelline membrane removed and two cells pulled apart
                                                          to reveal internal membranes. 100 mM-potassium
                                                          produces 30mV depolarization. Electrode withdrawn
                                                          before repolarization in 100 mM-sodium is complete.
                                                          Fig. 10. The input resistance of the embryo is the same
                                                          in NaCl and KC1. Pen records of the membrane potential
                        2-9 min                           (continuous trace) and the electrotonic potential
                                                          generated by injection of constant, hyperpolarizing
               28s                   36 s                 current pulses (vertical deflections) in (A) 100 inM-NaCl
                                                          (100 Na) and (B) 100 mM-KCl (100 K). For measurement
      100 K            66 Mg           100K               of the electrotonic potential the chart speed was
                                                          increased. The solution was changed to 50mM-salt (50Na,
                                                  -15     50 K) as indicated and a further set of electronic
                                                          potentials recorded. Right-hand calibration gives the
                                                          resting potential of the cell. The increase in input
                                                  -35     resistance seen on halving the ionic strength is fully
                                                    mV    established within 1 min of the solution change. Na + and
              II                              -   -55
                                                          K+ are equivalently effective. (C) Continuous record of
                                                          membrane potential and the electrotonic potential in
                                                          100 mM-KCl. 66mM-MgCl2 (66 Mg) replaced KC1 during
                                                          part of the record. The input resistance doubles in
                                                          magnesium, even though the ionic strength of the two
                                                          solutions is the same.
Lithium and neural development in Xenopus embryos              369

KC1 to be about 10 % less than in either NaCl or LiCl.      References
The findings illustrated in Fig. 7 require the ionic
resistance of the embryo to be much higher (by at           BACKSTROM, S. (1954). Morphogenetic effects of Li on the
least a factor of 2) in potassium than in sodium.             embryonic development of Xenopus. Arkiv. fur.
                                                              Zoolog. 6, 527-536.
Fig. IOC shows how the input resistance altered in          BARTH, L. G. & BARTH, L. J. (1962). Further
one of seven experiments in which the bathing                 investigations of the differentiation in vitro of
medium was switched from 100 HIM-KG to 66 mM-                 presumptive epidermal cells of the Rana pipiens
MgCl2 (the equivalent ionic strength). The input              gastrula. /. Morph. 110, 347-367.
resistance doubles in the presence of divalent mag-         BARTH, L. G. & BARTH, L. J. (1974). Ionic regulation of
nesium ions; the overall ionic permeability is there-         embryonic induction and cell differentiation in Rana
                                                              pipiens. Devi Biol. 39, 1-22.
fore very similar to that found in 50 mM salts of the
                                                            BRECKENRIDGE, L. J. (1985). The role of small ions in
monovalent cations. In these circumstances the up-            nerve and muscle cell differentiation in Xenopus laevis.
take of lithium from 50 mM-LiCl would be expected to          Ph.D. Thesis. University of London.
be little different in the presence and absence of          BRECKENRIDGE, L. J. & WARNER, A. E. (1982).
magnesium, as observed experimentally (Fig. 7).               Intracellular sodium and the differentiation of
                                                              amphibian embryonic neurones. J. Physiol., Lond. 322,
Is the increase in permeability the result of disruption    DE LAAT, S. W., BUWALDA, R. J. A. & HABETS, A. M.
of tight junctions?                                           M. C. (1974). Intracellular ionic distribution, cell
                                                              membrane permeability and membrane potential of the
Although there was little difference in the input             Xenopus egg during first cleavage. Expl Cell Res. 89,
resistance of embryos in 100mM-NaCl, LiCl and KC1,            1-14.
the membrane potential always depolarized by about          ENGLANDER, H. & JOHNEN, A. G. (1967). Die
10 mV when potassium ions were present. An                    morphogenetische wirkung von Li-ionen auf gastrula-
example is shown in Fig. 11A. The membrane poten-             Ektoderm von Ambystoma und Triturus. Wilhelm Roux
tial recorded from intact embryos is not usually              Arch. EntwMech. Org. 159, 346-356.
                                                            GIBBONS, B. H. & GIBBONS, I. R. (1984). Lithium
influenced by external potassium, except during
                                                              reversibly inhibits micro tubule based motility in sperm
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