Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19

Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19

                                                                                                                Cite as: L. Kuri-Cervantes et al., Sci. Immunol.
                                                                                                                          10.1126/sciimmunol.abd7114 (2020).


Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations
associated with severe COVID-19
Leticia Kuri-Cervantes1,2†, M. Betina Pampena1,2†, Wenzhao Meng3, Aaron M. Rosenfeld3, Caroline A.G. Ittner4,
Ariel R. Weisman4, Roseline S. Agyekum4, Divij Mathew1,5, Amy E. Baxter1,5, Laura A. Vella2,6, Oliva Kuthuru2,5,
Sokratis A. Apostolidis2,5,7, Luanne Bershaw2,5, Jeanette Dougherty2,5, Allison R. Greenplate2,5, Ajinkya
Pattekar2,8, Justin Kim2,5, Nicholas Han2,5, Sigrid Gouma1,2, Madison E. Weirick1,2, Claudia P. Arevalo1,2, Marcus

                                                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2021
J. Bolton1,2, Eileen C. Goodwin1,2, Elizabeth M. Anderson1,2, Scott E. Hensley1,2, Tiffanie K. Jones4, Nilam S.
Mangalmurti2, 4, Eline T. Luning Prak3, E. John Wherry*2,5,9, Nuala J. Meyer*4, Michael R. Betts*1,2
1Department of  Microbiology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 2Institute for Immunology, Perelman School of
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 3Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia,
PA19104, USA. 4Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care, Center for Translational Lung Biology, Lung Biology Institute, Department of Medicine, Perelman School of
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA. 5Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics, Perelman School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA. 6Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 19104, USA. 7Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, USA. 8Division
of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, USA. 9Parker Institute for Cancer
Immunotherapy at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, USA.
†These authors contributed equally.

*Corresponding author. Email:;;

Although critical illness has been associated with SARS-CoV-2-induced hyperinflammation, the immune
correlates of severe COVID-19 remain unclear. Here, we comprehensively analyzed peripheral blood
immune perturbations in 42 SARS-CoV-2 infected and recovered individuals. We identified extensive
induction and activation of multiple immune lineages, including T cell activation, oligoclonal plasmablast
expansion, and Fc and trafficking receptor modulation on innate lymphocytes and granulocytes, that
distinguished severe COVID-19 cases from healthy donors or SARS-CoV-2-recovered or moderate severity
patients. We found the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio to be a prognostic biomarker of disease severity and
organ failure. Our findings demonstrate broad innate and adaptive leukocyte perturbations that distinguish
dysregulated host responses in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection and warrant therapeutic investigation.

INTRODUCTION                                                                            recovered COVID-19 with limited numbers of individuals (10–
    The coronavirus-19-disease (COVID-19) pandemic caused                               14), and have not necessarily reflected the range of comorbid-
by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2                                  ities globally associated with severe COVID-19. Studies of pe-
(SARS-CoV-2) has surpassed 11 million cases world-wide,                                 ripheral blood mononuclear cells by mass cytometry or single
causing more than 500,000 deaths in 216 countries (1). While                            cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) have provided valuable in-
asymptomatic in some, SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause viral                              sights into possible immune perturbations in COVID-19 but
pneumonia that progresses to acute respiratory distress syn-                            have not assessed the contributions of granulocytic popula-
drome (ARDS), and even multi-organ failure, in severe cases                             tions, or, in the case of scRNAseq, defined expression or mod-
(2, 3). It is unclear whether disease severity is caused by the                         ulation of cellular proteins (11). In particular, modulation of
viral infection, the host response, or both, emphasizing the                            granulocytic populations is suggested to be relevant during
urgent need to understand the immune perturbations in-                                  COVID-19 infection (15).
duced by SARS-CoV-2 (3). Knowledge of the immunological                                     To address these issues, we conducted a comprehensive
signatures of severe COVID-19 is continually evolving. Alt-                             analysis of the overall immunologic state of 42 individuals
hough lymphopenia has been linked to disease severity, the                              with different trajectories of SARS-CoV-2 infection and
majority of published studies are based on retrospective anal-                          COVID-19 (moderate, severe, and recovered), compared with
yses of clinical data (3–9).                                                            12 healthy donors (HD) using whole blood to capture the full
    Immune profiling studies to date have been conducted as                             breadth of immunological perturbations and activation oc-
single case reports or focused only on moderate, severe or                              curring in circulating lymphocytes and major granulocyte

First release: 15 July 2020                                (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 1
Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19
populations. We further explored modulation of the B cell         organ failure as clinically determined. Thromboembolic com-
repertoire, its associations with the establishment of a SARS-    plications, metabolic, vascular and pulmonary disease were
CoV-2-specific humoral response, and activation of T cells rel-   also observed more frequently among those with severe dis-
ative to disease severity. Together our results reveal a poten-   ease (Table 1, Fig. S1D). As part of clinical care, D-dimer, pro-
tial platform for assessing disease trajectory and identify       calcitonin, ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase, and C-reactive
distinct immune perturbation patterns in severe COVID-19          protein levels were measured in moderate and severe COVID-
that merit consideration for therapeutic immunomodulation         19+ individuals (Fig. S1H-I). Median levels of D-dimer at the
strategies to ameliorate disease severity and organ failure.      time of blood draw were 3.99 μg/ml in severe, and 0.62 μg/ml
RESULTS                                                           in moderate COVID-19 donors (p=0.0022). We found higher
Demographics and clinical characteristics of moderate             levels of ferritin in the severe group compared to the moder-
and severe COVID-19+ individuals                                  ate group (p=0.007). Consistent with previous findings (8),
    We recruited 35 inpatients with active COVID-19, seven of     median procalcitonin values were relatively low, though

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whom had moderate disease and 28 with severe disease,             higher in severe donors than in those with moderate disease
seven recovered COVID-19+ donors, and 12 HD. We defined           (p=0.0014). Levels of lactate dehydrogenase and human se-
severe disease as requiring oxygen at a flow rate higher than     rum C-reactive protein (hsCRP) were similar across groups.
6 L per minute or by an advanced oxygen delivery device in-       Bacterial co-infection was present in nine individuals with se-
cluding invasive mechanical ventilation, non-invasive venti-      vere COVID-19, and in only one moderate donor. An extended
lation, or high flow nasal cannula since greater than 6 L is      list of clinical information of the analyzed individuals is
considered high flow oxygen (16). All recovered donors re-        shown in Table S1 and summarized in Fig. S1A.
ported mild disease and did not receive inpatient care or         Immune perturbation in severe COVID-19
COVID-19 directed therapy during the course of their illness.         To assess the general landscape of immune responses and
For inpatients, median follow up after enrollment was 27          their perturbation during severe COVID-19, we performed ex-
days (range 20 – 43) since blood draw. General demographics       tensive immunophenotyping to characterize the frequencies
and clinical characteristics are shown in Table 1 and Fig. S1A-   of circulating immune subsets in moderate, severe and recov-
C. The median ages in the moderate and severe COVID-19+           ered COVID-19+ individuals compared to HD (Fig. 1, Fig. S2).
groups were 59 and 68 years old, respectively, concordant         As previously reported (7), the numbers of white blood cells
with previous reports (5), and were not significantly different   (WBC) and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) were ele-
(p=0.51). Both the HD and recovered groups were signifi-          vated above normal in all COVID-19+ individuals, and were
cantly younger than individuals with severe COVID-19+             significantly higher in donors with severe over moderate dis-
Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19
recovered individuals. This decrease was observed in both          adjustment for age and vascular disease (odds ratio 2.12, 95%
conventional (CD11c+ CD123lo/-) and plasmacytoid (CD11c-           confidence interval 0.94–4.78, p=0.07). Altogether, these data
CD123+) DC subsets (Fig. S3F).                                     reveal multiple immunophenotypic abnormalities in severe
    Consistent with previous reports (4, 5, 21, 22), we observed   COVID-19 that are not found in donors with moderate or re-
a relative decrease in the percentages of all lymphocyte sub-      covered disease, and confirm the prognostic utility of
sets (Fig. 1A, B, D and Fig. S1I-J for lymphocyte absolute         NLR/NTR.
count). Severe COVID-19+ individuals had significantly lower       Elevated frequency of plasmablasts, changes in B cell
proportions of T cells (p
Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19
significantly higher in the severe and recovered COVID-19+         HD were unmutated. To determine if antibodies from
individuals (Fig. 2D). While the frequency of plasmablasts did     COVID-19+ individuals exhibited convergent sequence fea-
not correlate with the levels of spike RBD-specific IgM or IgG,    tures, we analyzed VH gene usage in all clones of each donor
there was a positive association between the levels of spike       (Fig. S7A). As this analysis did not reveal any consistent in-
RBD-specific IgM and IgG and time since onset of symptoms          creased usage of a specific VH gene in the moderate or severe
(Fig. 2E) in the moderate and severe groups. Together these        COVID-19+ individuals compared to controls, we reanalyzed
data indicate an exacerbated plasmablast response in severe        the data focusing on the top 200 most frequent clones in each
COVID-19, as well as the development of a strong SARS-CoV-         individual (Fig. S7B). Focusing on these, VH genes from dif-
2-specific humoral response.                                       ferent families were used more often in severe COVID-19+
Profound oligoclonal expansion of B cells in severe                donors compared to HD, including VH6-1 (7-fold), VH3-48
COVID-19                                                           and VH3-15 (~6-fold) and several others (Fig. S7C). We also
    Having observed the expansion of plasmablasts in severe        looked for skewing in VH family usage, which revealed a

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COVID-19+ donors, we sought to determine whether this ex-          modest relative increase in the proportion of VH3 family
pansion in severe COVID-19 resulted from non-specific stim-        members among COVID-19+ individuals compared to HD
ulation. Therefore, we sequenced the antibody repertoire           (Fig. S7D). However, there was considerable inter-individual
(variable (VH) gene sequence and entire third complementa-         variation in the usage of VH3 vs. other family members, with
rity determining region (CDR3) from genomic DNA) of ran-           some individuals (such as S25) exhibiting substantial skewing
domly selected HD (n=3), moderate COVID-19+ (n=3) and              toward particular VH families.
severe COVID-19+ (n=7) individuals. After quality control and          Given the absence of obvious or uniform VH restriction
filtering, the processed antibody heavy chain rearrangements       among COVID-19+ individuals, we next analyzed the CDR3
were grouped together into a data set comprising 76 sequenc-       sequences for shared characteristics in the COVID-19+ do-
ing libraries and 109,590 clones across all 13 individuals (Ta-    nors. In individuals with severe disease, CDR3 sequences ex-
ble S2 and GenBank/SRA PRJNA630455).                               hibited greater variation in length (Fig. 3G), and were
    To evaluate the clonal landscape, we ranked the propor-        significantly longer among the top copy sequences (Fig. 3H).
tion of clones within the top ten (1-10), next 90 (11-100), next   To determine if the antibody heavy chain sequences from
900 (100-1,000), and most diverse clones with ranks above          COVID-19+ individuals are generated commonly or infre-
1,000 (1,000+) (Fig. 3A). Donors with severe COVID-19 had          quently, we searched the Adaptive Biotechnologies public da-
an unusually high proportion of large clones comprising the        tabase, which consists of 37 million antibody heavy chain
majority of their circulating antibody repertoire, with the        sequences (28), revealing 3995 matches to the CDR3 amino
fraction occupied by the top 20 ranked clones (D20 measure)        acid sequences in our dataset. Among the 50 most frequent
the highest compared to the HD and moderate SARS-CoV-2             clones in the COVID-19+ individuals, the CDR3 lengths of the
infected patients (Fig. 3B, Fig. S6) The D20 rank measure in       matching or “public” clones were shorter than the CDR3
moderate and severe disease also correlated positively with        lengths of the non-shared or “private” clones (Fig. 3I), indi-
the plasmablast fraction (Fig. 3C). In many severe COVID-19+       cating that the top copy clones in COVID-19 with long CDR3
individuals we observed very large top copy clones, exceeding      sequences are mostly private. Finally, to determine if there
the diagnostic thresholds for clinically significant monoclo-      were any collections of clones that harbored similar CDR3
nal B cell lymphocytosis (26). These large clones were readily     amino acid sequences, we computed the edit distances of all
sampled across multiple independently amplified and se-            of the amino acid sequences in the top 50 clones of each of
quenced libraries (Fig. 3D). Donors M7 and S21 had 91 and 55       the individuals. If there were sequence convergence, we
clones present in 4 or more sequencing libraries, respectively,    would have expected to find clusters of sequences separated
in contrast to H4, who had 3 clones in 4 or more libraries         by three or fewer amino acids. We found no evidence of co-
(Fig. 3E). Only one HD (H8), an older individual, had large        clustering of CDR3 sequences; rather, over 99% of the edit
and readily resampled clones, likely reflecting age-dependent      distances for the severe COVID-19+ individuals’ top copy
narrowing and expansion of the memory B cell repertoire            clone pairs were more than three amino acids apart (Fig. 3J).
(27).                                                              Consistent with this finding, alignment of top copy clone
    To determine if the antibody heavy chain sequences har-        CDR3 amino acid sequences from severe COVID-19+ individ-
bored any evidence of extensive somatic hypermutation              uals revealed highly variable amino acid sequences (Fig. S7E).
(SHM), selective VH gene usage, or defining CDR3 character-        Taken together, these data show that severe COVID-19 is as-
istics, we assessed these properties in the top copy clonotypes    sociated with large, oligoclonal B cell expansions with anti-
of each individual. A subset of individuals with severe            bodies enriched for long and divergent CDR3 sequences.
COVID-19 exhibited higher levels of SHM (Fig. 3F), but other       Innate immune dysregulation in severe COVID-19
top copy clones in severe COVID-19, moderate COVID-19 and              Acknowledging the characteristic differences in innate

First release: 15 July 2020                  (Page numbers not final at time of first release)   4
Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19
cell subset frequencies in individuals with severe COVID-19     is consequence or contributing factor toward COVID-19 se-
(Fig. 2), we further assessed the phenotype of innate immune    verity remains to be defined.
cells. CD161 has been reported to be a marker of inflamma-      Heterogeneous T cell activation in severe COVID-19
tory monocytes and NK cells (29, 30). Despite having ob-            T cell activation has been reported in acute respiratory
served a decreased frequency of CD8+ MAIT cells (Fig. 2A,       and non-respiratory viral infections (33, 34). Consistent with
D), the frequencies of CD161+ monocytes and CD38+CD161+         recent case reports (10), we observed increased activation of
NK cells were similar across study groups (Fig. S3H). We next   both memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in severe COVID-19+
assessed the frequency and expression of CD16 by neutro-        individuals compared to other study groups (Fig. 5A and B).
phils, monocytes, NK cells and immature granulocytes. While     However, unlike the plasmablast response, heightened T cell
the proportions of CD16+ monocytes and immature granulo-        activation was not observed in every severe COVID-19+ indi-
cytes were consistent between groups, severe COVID-19+ in-      vidual and instead demonstrated significant heterogeneity.
dividuals had significantly lower circulating CD16+ NK cells    Overall the frequencies of CD38+ and HLA-DR+CD38+

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in compared with HDs (p=0.0023; Fig. 4A; also observed          memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in severe COVID-19 were el-
when analyzing NK cell subsets in Fig. S3G). Furthermore,       evated compared to HD (p
Comprehensive mapping of immune perturbations associated with severe COVID-19
a cohort. However, consistent with total memory CD4+ and            individuals, studies with small patient numbers of varying
CD8+ T cells, CD8+ MAIT cells in some severe COVID-19+              disease stages, or focused analyses on limited immune phe-
individuals displayed greatly elevated expression of the vari-      notypes have generated valuable information, but have fallen
ous activation markers measured.                                    short of providing a comprehensive immunophenotypic atlas
    We further quantified the proportion of cytotoxic CD8+ T        of severe COVID-19. Here, we sought to define immune per-
cells (defined as perforin+ granzyme B+ memory CD8+ T               turbations of COVID-19 in moderate and severe disease using
cells, Fig. 5E) in a subset of HD and severe COVID-19+ indi-        an unbiased approach, finding profound changes in multiple
viduals. Due to limited samples, we did not include the mod-        leukocyte populations selectively in severe disease. Together,
erate or recovered COVID-19+ groups for this analysis. We           these data provide both insights into the immunopathogene-
found a significantly higher proportion of cytotoxic CD8+ T         sis of severe COVID-19, including pronounced effects on neu-
cells in severe COVID-19 than in HD (p=0.048). The frequen-         trophils, monocytes, NK cells, and B and T lymphocytes.
cies of T-bet+ cells, as well as the levels of expression of per-       Retrospective clinical metadata studies (23) have identi-

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forin+ and granzyme B+ cells within the cytotoxic memory            fied an elevated NLR in severe COVID-19. We identified a
CD8+ T cell subset were similar between groups (Fig. S4I-J).        similar association here, with both NLR and NTRs being
Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells from severe COVID-19+ donors also            highly elevated in patients with severe COVID-19 patients.
had an increased proportion of cells expressing CD38 or co-         These ratios also correlated directly with the APACHE III
expressing PD-1 and CD38 compared to HD (p=0.0082; Fig.             score, an independent metric of morbidity used in clinical tri-
5F and Fig. S4K). These data indicate a heightened status of        als as an assessment of predicted mortality at ICU admission
immune activation and frequency of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells           (19). In our cohort, donors with higher APACHE III score pre-
during severe COVID-19.                                             sented with hematologic or metastatic malignancy, immuno-
Distinctive severe COVID-19 immunophenotype                         compromised cirrhosis, hepatic failure with encephalopathy,
    Finally, we performed an unbiased analysis to determine         and the high scores were driven primarily by organ failure
if the immune cells in the severe COVID-19+ disease cohort          data. The strong correlation of NLR, validated by clinical data
could be differentiated from the HD, moderate, and recov-           and flow cytometric analysis, with APACHE III suggests that
ered cohorts. We included all analyzed immune phenotype             NLR could be used as a biomarker of risk for multi-organ fail-
parameters described thus far. We scaled all flow cytometry         ure or death.
generated data using z-score, and performed hierarchical                Modulation of innate immune cells in severe COVID-19
clustering (Fig. 6A). From this analysis, the data from 21/28       manifested in a number of ways, including broad changes in
of the severe COVID-19+ patients co-localized to a distinct         the frequency and phenotype of circulating neutrophils, mon-
cluster within the hierarchical tree. We further analyzed           ocytes and NK cells typified by down-regulation of CD15 and
these data by principal component analysis, where we again          CD16 on neutrophils, and CD16 on NK cells, immature gran-
found selective clustering of individuals with severe COVID-        ulocytes and monocytes. It is unclear whether CD15 and CD16
19 (Fig. 6B). The top parameters driving the clustering of the      down-regulation in these cell types marks an activated or re-
severe COVID-19 were associated with T cell activation in           fractory state. CD16 expression has been suggested to have
CD4+ and CD8+ T cell memory subsets, frequency of plas-             diagnostic value in neutrophil left shift, inflammatory and in-
mablasts and frequency of neutrophils (Table S3), also evi-         fectious diseases (37). Furthermore, neutrophilia observed in
denced in the heat map shown in Fig. 6A. Independent                COVID-19 may be a source of excess neutrophil extracellular
analyses of the severe COVID-19+ group did not produce sep-         traps (NETs), markers for which are elevated in the sera of
arate sub-clustering, likely due to reduced sample number.          COVID-19+ individuals (38). The frequency of neutrophils
Deceased individuals did not cluster separately either. How-        was one of the main drivers of independent clustering of in-
ever, it is clear from the heatmap analysis that distinct pat-      dividuals with severe COVID-19 in our unbiased analysis.
terns within the severe COVID-19+ cohort may be present             How the phenotypic changes observed here impact the neu-
that further subdivide these individuals into different sub-        trophil ability to produce NETs and the association with dis-
groups. Taken as a whole, our analysis reveals a characteristic     ease severity remain to be determined. CD16 down-regulation
immune phenotype in severe COVID-19, distinct not only              has been associated with NK cell maturation and develop-
from HD but also from other COVID-19+ individuals with              ment (39), as well as with activation and target cell engage-
moderate or recovered disease.                                      ment, resulting in antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity
DISCUSSION                                                          (ADCC) and TNF-alpha secretion. Down-regulation of CD16
    Devising therapeutic strategies to treat SARS-CoV-2 infec-      after interaction with IgG-immune complexes also may pre-
tion remains challenging, due to both the complexity of the         vent excessive immune responses after influenza vaccination
clinical manifestations and an overall lack of understanding        (31, 40). As such, the marked CD16 down-regulation we ob-
of severe COVID-19 immunopathogenesis. Reports on single            served on NK cells in severe COVID-19 patients suggests

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substantial mobilization of these cells. The implications of       of inflammation (53–56). Multireactive antibodies may, in
the observed changes in the expression of CD15 in neutro-          turn, form damaging immune complexes that promote the
phils, as well as CD16 across subsets during severe COVID-19       release of additional autoantigens from injured or dying cells,
and their potential role as indicators of redistribution to the    amplifying tissue injury. CDR3 sequences from individuals
lungs, link with function and response, as well as diagnostic      with severe COVID-19 had higher edit distances than individ-
and prognostic significance (41, 42), requires additional ex-      uals with mild disease or HD. While their size, somatic muta-
ploration.                                                         tion status and association with the plasmablast fraction are
    One of our most striking findings was a profound expan-        suggestive of active participation in the immune response to
sion of plasmablasts during severe COVID-19, in some pa-           SARS-CoV-2, it is unknown if these clones can recognize the
tients rivaling or exceeding that observed in acute hantavirus,    virus, confer protection, or contribute to immunopathology.
dengue and Ebola infections or chronic inflammatory condi-             Individuals infected with coronavirus mount neutralizing
tions such as systemic lupus erythematosus (33, 43, 44). One       antibody responses, and this has been recently confirmed for

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recent study suggested that COVID-19+ individuals in critical      SARS-CoV-2 (57–60). Levels of SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD-
condition show extrafollicular B cell activation (45). The in-     specific antibodies are directly associated with neutralizing
crease in plasmablast frequency we observed directly corre-        antibodies from day 9 onwards (61). Furthermore, a recent
lated with an oligoclonal expansion of antibody clones within      case report showed that extensive maturation is not neces-
the overall B cell repertoire, suggesting that many of these       sary for neutralization (60). Together with our data, these re-
large clonal expansions reside within the plasmablast pool.        ports suggest that the elevated levels of RBD-specific IgG and
Remarkably, in some severe COVID-19+ individuals a single          IgM associate directly with days since onset of symptoms. Fu-
clone could account numerically for the entire plasmablast         ture comparisons of our data to antibodies of known specific-
population. Although oligoclonality is known to increase in        ity, together with the confirmation of viral neutralization in
older individuals, the levels of oligoclonality we observed ex-    larger cohorts, may provide important insights into the dy-
ceeded that in our older control, and those commonly used          namics of antibody responses in different phases of the ill-
in a clinical setting to define monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis    ness and reveal important differences between antibodies
(46–48). Furthermore, the heavy chain CDR3 length is not           produced in the context of moderate vs. severe disease.
substantially increased in the elderly (47, 48) unlike the hos-        In the memory B cell population, we observed an in-
pitalized patients with COVID-19 that we studied. The anti-        creased proportion of CD21-CD27- cells in moderate and se-
body sequences of the largest B cell clones in the severe          vere disease, with a parallel decrease in CD21+ CD27+ B cells.
COVID-19+ individuals were surprisingly variable in terms of       CD21-CD27- B cell expansion has been described in other vi-
SHM levels and VH gene usage. In line with a recent report         ral infections (62–64). CD21 (complement receptor type 2,
(49), we did not observe clear sequence convergence of VH          CR2), a co-receptor of the BCR (65, 66), was also significantly
genes amongst all the severe COVID-19+ individuals, but VH3        down-regulated in severe COVID-19 patients. Activation,
family members were enriched in some. Variable VH gene us-         binding of complement or TLR stimulation are known to de-
age and varying levels of SHM could indicate a polyclonal re-      crease cell surface expression of CD21, and could lead to im-
sponse that is arising via an extrafollicular pathway in           paired B cell responses (67–72). Further studies will be
COVID-19, consistent with recently reported findings of Sanz       necessary to understand the potential contributions of these
and colleagues (45). Extrafollicular B cell activation has also    CD21 phenotypic and subset alterations to COVID-19 patho-
been observed in other inflammatory conditions including           genesis.
systemic lupus erythematosus and in the setting of infection,          T cell activation is typically observed during acute viral
and may result in low-affinity or multireactive antibodies (50,    infections (73–75), and as expected (10, 13) we observed in-
51). One consistent feature of many of the large clones was        creased activation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in severe
the presence of elongated CDR3 sequences compared to               COVID-19. Remarkably, 18/20 of the top phenotypic parame-
clones in donors with moderate COVID-19 and HD. Long               ters distinctive of severe COVID-19 were related to T cell ac-
CDR3 sequences are infrequent in the primary repertoire be-        tivation. However, T cell activation was very heterogeneous
cause they are difficult to generate and they are often multi-     across the severe COVID-19 patients, being equivalent to
reactive and counter-selected during B cell development (52).      baseline in some while reaching up to ~25% of memory CD8+
Individuals with reduced diversity in their primary repertoire     T cells in others. This heterogeneity is relatively unusual com-
(including the elderly and immunocompromised) might be at          pared to the symptomatic phase in other acute infections in
increased risk for severe disease if there is a bottleneck to      humans, such as HIV, EBV, HCMV, HBV, and Ebola, where
their production. It is also possible that antibodies with long    activation is uniformly detectable but to varying, and some-
CDR3 sequences could be harmful and are either multireac-          times much higher, degrees (76–79). However, given the de-
tive or arise as a result of bystander activation in the setting   gree of lymphopenia observed in the severe COVID-19+

First release: 15 July 2020                  (Page numbers not final at time of first release)   7
patients, it is possible that activated T cells are migrating to,   based on availability of biological samples rather than a pre-
or sequestered in, the lung in response to the virus (22, 80–       specified effect size. Investigators were not blinded to
83), making it unclear if T cell activation is found in other       COVID-19 status for safety, but were blinded to disease sever-
sites as suggested by case study reports (84, 85). We also ob-      ity (moderate or severe) while performing experiments. Ex-
served a marked reduction in the frequency of CD161++ CD8+          tended details of cohorts and recruitment are shown in
T cells in donors with severe COVID-19 that was directly as-        Supplementary Materials and Methods.
sociated with APACHE III scores. This subset is composed
primarily of mucosal-associated invariant T cells (MAIT) cells      SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
(< 95%) (86) and a small subset of IL-17 secreting cells (Tc17)
(87). During viral infections, both MAIT and Tc17 cells can         Materials and Methods
become activated and migrate to infection sites (87, 88). Crit-     Fig. S1. Demographic and clinical information.
                                                                    Fig. S2. Gating strategy used for flow cytometric analyses of immune cell subsets.
ically ill COVID-19 individuals were recently shown to have a       Fig. S3. Extended innate immune subset characterization and phenotype during

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profound decrease in circulating MAIT cells paralleled with         COVID-19 infection.
their presence in airways (36). As such, the reduction of           Fig. S4. Extended T cell phenotype and activation during COVID-19 infection.
CD161++/MAIT CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood could be in-          Fig. S5. Extended B cell phenotype and total IgG measurements in COVID-19.
                                                                    Fig. S6. Abundance of the top 20 clones in each donor.
dicative of sequestration in the lungs, potentially exacerbat-      Fig. S7. Heavy chain variable (VH) gene and CDR3 usage.
ing tissue inflammation.                                            Fig. S8. Extracellular and intracellular expression of CD16 on NK cells during COVID-
    Many of the immunological characteristics of severe             19.
COVID-19 share features of sepsis-associated immune dysreg-         Fig. S9. Expression of activation markers in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells subsets.
                                                                    Tables S1. Detailed clinical characteristics of individuals with moderate and severe
ulation, yet others are more specific for an acute viral infec-     COVID-19.
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